Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, November 03, 1966, Page 8, Image 8

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! occasion honored Clifford and
! Bill Looney Sr. and Mrs. Bill
I Looney Jr. on their birthday an­
niversaries of recent or near­
future dates. Nancy Timmerman,
By Mrs. G. E. Mackey
who had been an overnight guest
Recent visitors at the home of of Mary Looney, was also a din­
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ausman were ner guest.
her uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Ovey
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunter and
Brows of Bend; her parents. Mr. Jeff Kiesow of Reedsport spent
and Mrs. Festus Adams; her sis­ a recent weekend hunting in this
ters. Messrs, and Mmes. Larry I area. They were house guests of
Dominee and Calvin Mangum, all the G. E. Mackeys.
of Portland.
Mrs. Marvin Bowers and chil­
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mackey i dren were weekend guests of her
returned last Thursday evening | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mutt Ham­
from Klamath Falls where they , mon. while their husband and
spent 10 days with their daugh- I father was elk hunting.
ter. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil J. Helton
Mmes. Billy Willis and Danny
and Joy. They also visited friends ; Richardson of Payette spent the
in Tule Lake, Calif.
weekend at the home of Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gober of Mrs. Bill Willis Sr.
Oakridge left Monday morning
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Winn of
after spending a week with Mr. ! Boise were Sunday dinner guests
and Mrs. George DeHaven.
; of their son. Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Mrs. Larry DeHaven and fam­ Winn and family.
ily left Monday morning by train
for Hood River to join her hus­ Guests in Harrison Home
I Albert Harrison of North Pow- I
band. who is employed there.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Mackey en­ der and Larry Harrison of Arling­
tertained with a recent dinner ton, father and brother of Veryl
for her cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, spent last weekend at
Martin Kiesow of Reedsport, Mr. the Harrison home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan
and Mrs. Oliver Freel and family.
The Kiesows left Saturday for and family visited Sunday after­
noon with her grandmother. Mrs.
their home.
M. A. Campbell of Middleton: and
Celebrate Anniversaries
her father. Mr. and Mrs. A. Camp­
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Looney bell at Caldwell.
of Vale, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Loo­
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bailey and
ney of Ontario were Sunday daughter of Midvale visited Mon­
dinner guests of their parents, day with his niece. Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Looney Sr. The Robert Duncan.
Mrs. LJoyd (Ethel) Kadel and
family of Paul, Idaho, recently
visited her sister. Mr. and Mrs.
Junior Matthews and family.
Jean Matthews was hostess at*
a recent slumber party. Guests
Sewing Machine
were Lynn Hall. Gwen Robb. Ra­
mona Freel. Juanita Martinez.
• Popular U. S. Make
Nancy Skogan and Pam Thomp-
• Huge Working Surface
son of Wilder.
• Three Roomv Drawers
Mrs. Bill Wilson of Roswell and
Mrs. Mary Wood of Boise visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mel­
$4.95 Down
$5 Monthly vin Sessions.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lovitt and
“We Service All Makes”
sons were Sunday dinner guests
of her mother. Mrs. G. E. Mackey.
Mr. and Mrs E. M. Mackey were
afternoon visitors.
369 South Oregon Street
Phone 889-6167
Journal Classiiieds
Adrian Area
. 1 warded . 1 rnuj Mviltil
By Mrs. Dyre Roberts
BIG BEND—Mrs. Bonnie Stei­
ner Leavitt is showing some im­
provement, according to the latest
reports from Caldwell Memorial
hospital where she is a patient.
She was badly injured in a car
accident several weeks ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mausling
of Adrian were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Erie Maus­
ling in observance of their 59th
wedding anniversary.
Miss Nancy Blades of Nampa
was a recent Monday overnight
guest of her aunt, Mrs. Dyre Rob­
erts. They visited Mr. and Mrs.
David Krause in Nyssa Monday
evening, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Car-;
roll and family of Vale on Tues-
Leonard Wood of Seattle is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Wood.
Mrs. Dyre Roberts and Mrs.
George DeHaven of Adrian at­
tended a 4-H rally last Thursday
evening at Moore hotel in On­
Attend Committee Meeting
Mrs. Verl Bishop attended a
county committee meeting of
Home Extension service held on
Monday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Klaas Laan.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Richard­
son of Vallejo, Calif., was a Fri­
day visitor in the home of her
brother. Elmer Wood. Mrs. Mary
Wood of Parma also visited in the
Wood residence.
Mrs. Phil Church. Chris and
Desk Model
the SINGER co.
Brina Results!
Recent Hospital
Report Reveals
Patient Improved
A BRONZE STAR MEDAL for meritorious service while on duty
in Vietnam is awarded to Lt. Col. Ralph E. Maze, deputy inspector
general at Fort Carson, Colo. Brig. Gen. Charles T. Horner Jr„
acting commander of the Fifth Infantry (Meeh.) Division and Fori
Carson, presents the award. Lt. Col. Maze and his wife, who wit­
nessed the presentation, reside at 53 Monk street. Widefield, Colo.
The honoree is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Maze of 515 Eighth
street. Nyssa.—U.S. Army Photo.
Kathy of Wilder. Mrs. Lyle Hol- arrive from cauh
verson and children of Roswell
Mr. and Mrs. Harolj
visited Saturday with Mr. and Lakewood. Calif., arrn^
Mrs. Dyre Roberts. Mrs. Jim Car­ ! to spend some time
roll and children of Vale spent parents, the Ferdinand!
the weekend in the Roberts home Payette and the Theo |
while her husband was elk hunt­ of the Arcadia area,
I Nyssa. Mrs. Baer, the fg
Miss Kathy Steadley of Fruit­ Ann Matherly, is al» (
land was a recent two-day guest some time with he
law and sister, Mr. and]
of Eleanor English.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hains, Mrs. Schoen and family. ju
Barbara Shelby and children of ly couple, Mrs. Bae
Ontario visited Saturday after­ Schoen family dined S®
noon with Mrs. Darrell English.
i ning at East Side eh
Mr. and Mrs. Delno Brock and tar*°- __________
Carol of Sunset Valley visited
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
To Buy, Sell « 1
Try the
Mrs. Dyre Roberts.
When you can’t
hug him, you can
wrap your heart
around his voice
with a Long Distance
Go ahead.
Call now.
Ellis A. Whit
use your
First National
Ellis White Is a Candidate for Re-election to the Position
of Malheur County Judge by Reason of His Interest in
the Well-Being, Growth and Progress of This County.
He has no interest in any other position or job, except that of serving
the people on a non partisan basis. It is true that in the present year he
has been honored by being chosen president of the Oregon Association of
County Officials, a position he did not seek; however, a position, through
which by associations made, he has been able to secure benefits for Mal­
heur County which could not have otherwise been obtained.
Roads Are Important to the Economy and Future
Of Malheur County.
Ellis \\ hite. as chairman and member of the County Court for six years,
has had responsibility for the 1,300 miles in the County Road District No. 1,
on which are located 90 percent of the major county bridges.
Comparison of the County Road District No. 1 and the Ontario
Road Assessment District No. 3 —
County Consolidated District No. 1
Supervised by the County Court
Miles of Roads. 1.300: Major Bridges. 34
1966 Income Per Mile______ >119 00
Average Income Past 5 Years $110.00
Miles Improved and Oiled
____ 37 5»
?aX M’H386- 1961 -
01.0 Mills
Road Tax Millage. 1966 ----- 01.0 Mills
Money Raised by Tax. 1961 . .$23,236 00*
Money Raised by Tax. 1966__ $25.107.00*
Increase. 5-Year Period____ $ 1,769.00
Thousands of modem stores now welcome your
BankAmericard for hundreds of kinds of goods and
services — from appliances to apparel, from fine
restaurants to furniture. You can even charge air line
travel and lodging. BankAmericard is accepted
throughout Oregon, the West and from coast to coast.
There is no service charge on accounts paid within
25 days of billing, but you may extend your payments
if you wish for a reasonable senice fee. And if you need
money, simply present your BankAmericard at any
First National branch for an immediate cash advance.
Ontario Assessment Road District
Supervised by Three Road Direct««
Miles of Roads, 135; Major Bridges. 1
1966 Income Per Mile.
Average Income Past 5 Years. ..
Miles Improved and Oiled
..... ",
Road Tax Millage. 1961__________ Zou
Road Tax Millage. 1966------ ----- _1M
Money Raised by Tax, 1961 $50.983w
Money Raised by Tax. 1966 $112,81®®^
Increase in 5-Year Period. $62.726. W
Comparison of Road Taxes Paid in County District
and Ontario District, Past 5 Years —
01 0
$60.000 Farm, 1961 © 06.9 Mil... 41®®.M
560.000 Farm.
Farm. 1961
1966 6 ■> 01
ft Mil
"! !
$60.000 Farm. 1966 9 14.0 Mi!.....
w 50rne' 1961 ® 01 0 -'W
$ 5 00
$20.000 Home. 1961 6 6.9 Mil----- J®*£
$-0.000 Home. 1966 ® 01.0 Mil
i s nn
$20.000 Home, 1966 9 14.0 Mil. a'®"1
•Note_ Doe« not in
State Grant. Millage^-Countv ^???rtlon,T’ent money, made possible with FAS and
■ ** 0 Inventory Millage Certififed Assessor's Report-
cumulated experience "a r^kn5 ait^am with each member contributing ac-
county districPdo n"
‘Ldge to the end that road taxes in the
court, all road assessmemriXiSJrden^°me Ellis White believes that the
of road crews are striving •
IPemhers, road supervisors and members
quality roads in the mos? wonSS^m^^6 r°adS and bridgeS'
Use your
First National
wherever you
see this symbol.
durirPgPXlDite six“ie^e^ab? h^
ment Quality oiled 'roads’
« Uhing
or a magic formula to crade ha one\
rhan the county or anv other r
engmgeenng. grading and in
built to Bureau of Public Roads
been drastically reduced.
been oiled in Malheur County
an, all-tlfne high in road mnprove-
ar?d no one man has the know-ho*
01 roa^s at substantially lower
7116 court has found that 5
Placmg the base on FAS
state specifications that costs hate
Important as roads ar® tun
• !
Area of County Govern* Yeare
Experience in Ever!
County. S p2f?en'- «? Relieves in Malheur
He Will ApprLZ y Ple®d 1,8 F“*ure ...
GENERAL ELECTION°Ur ■miE£orl and Vote in the—
12“™' ” "* *■
A„. Onun. «.•