THURSDAY, OCTOBEB J X OCTO THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON—= Nyssa Births . • • Clerk Reports Qa Of Election ScS Oct io—To Mr. and Mrs. Ru- tilio Rivas of Parma, a 5-pound, 13-ounce girl, Debra. Oct 19—To Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ win Nelson of Parma, a 7-pound, 9-ounce girl, Laura Lynn. Oct. 23_ To Mr. and Mrs. Mike Castro of Adrian, a 7-pound, 3- ounce boy. Martin Nicholas. Oct. 24—To Mr. and Mrs. Ern­ est Rodríguez of Nyssa, an 8- oound, 8-ounce boy, Ernest Allen Malheur County^; Mor com announced w- that schools for el ** officials will be held week. * ThL8 °’clock cvenm. will be Oct. 31 at the«! in Vale; Nov. 1, VaC and Supply, jordan 2, Nyssa high school uJ ter; Nov. 3, Ontario hi* band room. a The county official . Oct 25—To Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ nounced that a list „< ence Pugh of Vale, a 6-pound, 10- places will be furnished ( I nal publication next wJ ounce girl. e N WINTERIZE All Your Cars and Trucks! Others L2ustine Lrnoon *h€ Le pole aftel Er The a Eh street & L was ’ p H'ear and ' M Lfd; Lken by a L Memoji Lhospitalized’ L three-year Ld. »as IP Ltment and r ported. Lice Chief J Lears collie Lie of the L driven bj rn to hit ti Ece chief re • Change to Winter Oil • Have Enough Anti-Freeze • Get a Motor Tune-Up THE 85-STUDENT NYSSA HIGH SCHOOL BAND will represent the University of Oregon "Ducks" at the University of Idaho - U of O football game Saturday in Boise. It is also one of two Oregon bands participating in the Idaho third district marching festival this afternoon (Thursday) at Weiser. Routine includes full pre­ cision drill, a pageant show with three-ring circus concept and a formation performance using letters or outlines of concepts. Tunes being featured are the NHS school song, "Give My Regards to Broadway," "Circus Music" and "Hello, Dolly."—Schoen Photo. SKIN BE AUTIFIERS -REVLON SPECIALS- AQUAMARINE LOTION Hand & Body (Reg. $2.20) * I 10 $8'° ETERNA Regular $13.25 (The Most Fabulous Facial Cream on the Market . .. Try for Only Two Weeks and See the Difference!) -DOROTHY GRAY- Hormone Hand Cream C Regular Price, $2.50 . . .▼ 1 50 JL DRY SKIN LOTION Regularly $2.00 . . « (Formerly Spring Bouquet) Nyssa Rexall Parmacy 129 Main Street Phone 372-3551 NYSSA . . . OREGON — Or Better Yet, Get Our— Private Eniernrise Developers Put Many Acres of Land Into Production Idaho Power company reported Wednesday that private­ enterprise developers in its service area transformed an addi­ tional 61,435 acres of desert into high productive crop land by electric-pump irrigation during the 1966 season. , Company President T. E. Roach, describing the area s rec­ lamation growth as a “remarkable pattern making ever- greater and beneficial use of* our vital water resources,” i ing 10,650 horsepower next sea- said 1966 was the second con­ ' son to lift water from both the secutive year that additional Snake and Malheur rivers and land put under cultivation in sprinkle potatoes on land located the Snake River Valley totaled more than 60,000 acres. In 1965, he recalled, a total of 64,038 acres were developed by high-lift pumping from rivers and deep wells to set a new area rec­ ord. The utility president noted that the additional land brought into production this year boosted the total under electric-pump irriga­ tion in the Snake River Valley to more than 1.1 million acres. Government Releases Land “Orderly continuation of the remarkable development pattern maintained up to now by the area’s enterprising irrigators — with the energetic cooperation of lending institutions and the utili­ ties — depends largely on how rapidly the federal government releases land that is being held in a sort of ‘deep freeze’,” Roach asserted. He said that despite the un­ availability of government-owned land, preparation of additional acres not subject to the freeze already is “off to a flying start” for the 1967 season. Among the projects being readied is a 9,400-acre undertak­ ing by Ore-Ida Foods, Inc., that will rank as the largest single electric - pump development ever brought into production in Idaho Power’s service area. Future Expansion Planned The project, known as Skyline Farms, will operate pumps total- VOTE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 northwest of Ontario. Additional pumps totaling about 3,100 horse­ power are expected to be in­ stalled for future expansion. Roach said one of the most im­ portant— but least recognized — benefits of the area’s “tremen­ dous” growth by irrigation pump­ ing is the safeguarding of Idaho water. “Private land development is helping to quickly put our water 1 to beneficial use right here in our own area, which means it can’t be diverted elsewhere,” he stated. Protects Against Diversion “Obviously, the release of land now being withheld by the federal government would put still more water to use in the Snake River Valley, thus protecting it against diversion.” Other irrigation pumping bene­ fits cited by the utility president are new jobs, new crop income, new and expanding processing plants, new taxes — all accomp­ lished without need for govern­ ment subsidies. He said that since an estimated three new jobs are created by the development of every 100 acres of land, the nearly 61,500 acres put into production in the 1966 season opened up employ­ ment opportunities for more than 1,800 persons. Total 40,000 Horsepower The new pumps installed in Idaho Power’s area this year to­ taled nearly 40.000 horsepower and use enough electricity to sup­ ply some 10,000 homes, accord'na to Roach. He said that in extending ser- ! vice to the new pumps, the com­ pany invested about $1.5 million in additional facilities, including some 200 miles of new distribu-! tion lines. Nyssa Weather • • • Date Oct. 19 Oct. 20 Oct. 21 -. Oct. 22 .. Oct. 23 .. Oct. 24 Oct. 25 .... Oct. 26 Owyhee Reservoir Storage Oct. 24, 1966 257,980 Acre Ft. Oct. 24, 1965 506,870 Acre Ft. for MALHEUR COUNTY CLERK • • I (Watch for My Letter in Next Week's Issue) (Pol. Adv. Paid for by Marie Van Horn Committee, Box 2«. Vale. Oregon) PATRIOTS LEAGUE Oct. 17 Standings Paulus Jewelry 19 9 White Satin ... 18 10 Malheur Hospital 16 12 Merc Dept. Store 15 13 Dessert Seed 15 13 Sugar Bowl 14 14 Nyssa Welding 14 14 B & M Equipment 14 14 Regal Rides________ 12 1« Bracken’s 11% 15% Golden Slipper 10% 17% Wilson’s Market 9 19 High scratch games, Celle Hay­ den. 218; Lois Page. 203; Gladys Cooper. 190. High series. C. Hay­ den. 530; L. Page. 523; Earlene Jennings. 505. $9.75 Special and Your FREE BLANKET! shell ) 7/z/ Ward’s Shell Serv WARD LUNDY. Own« 101 North Main St. COURAGE, MARK? Reprinted from Oct. 6 Ore. Journal The Dove Still Ducks THE "NEWHOUSE" BALE CHOPI . . . turns baled hay and straw into instant fa silently and swiftly! Simple patented design requires little hi power. Use old baler motor of 7 ^-horsepower,! trie or power-takeoff. Take your time! Check price, the features, the cut, time per bale, con ience and the competition — THEN YOU'LL BUY THE ''NEWHOUSE!' See it in operation at the Donald Sword pl north of Vale, past Willow Creek store, then mile west on 11th avenue. OR — For more information and a free den stration at your place (without obligation)—Wi Paid by the Committee for an Informed Electorate, Thomas R. Mahoney, Oregon Bank Bldg., Portland R. E. JOHNSON, Area Distribute Box 253— Vale, Oregon 'hurs Item For Fall Planting YOU CAN'T BEAT OUR Gaines (Certified) Wheat ... and Bowling Standings • • • ELEC jula [. $1£ IES [. $1( • • • Alpine Barley IEi I. $11 IE; $1 FARMERS Feed & Seed Co 117 Good Avenue NYSSA. OREGON o-Pie (R Phone 372-2201 J H| RE-ELECT ROBERT F. SMITH ' OUR REPRESENTATIVE” Responsibility and Results ..W W I 'Po,“'’r~Pud'otbyC^^ • Robert F, Smith Committee) S). S RI If