a Y. OCTOBER 27J966 League Standings 0 0 0 O 0 O O 0 O babes LEAGUE 10 11 Feed. Seed 21 nitation------ 20 * 11% 12 20 •¡Corner 14 18 16 —16 17 __ 15 19 ¿rack-----13 19 F ...... 13 ________ H* 20% 21 .Const.......... 11 22 r Cleaners---- 10 „dividual games, Mabie J Bonnie Nichols, 207. ¡„Bonnie Nichols, 536; Word, 509; M. Fangen, o 0 o o RCIAL league 11 i Texaco —..... 21 ii OK Tires----- 21 13 19 15 ■t,____ 17 16 top Supply 16 19 ional Bank 13 19 Agency-------13 24 , ............ 8 ratch games, Willis Ber- Arnold Siebold, 225; ; hell 223. High scratch . r. Bertram, 607; Emil . 572; Monty Burbank, o 0 0 o AY BUSINESSMEN 10 Sinclair —22 14 y Journal---- 18 14 Ford Tractor 18 14 oui________18 airies----------14% 17% 18 ! Service ... 14 arket______ 13% 18% 22 hell Service —10 individual game, Rudy î , 217. High individual ■ in Hatch, 597. High team ¡series, Sugar Bowl, 978 0 0 O O MEN'S LEAGUE ito Parts 18 Dept. Store 18 by Cabin 14 wer Co. _ __ 14 ying “A” 13 loncrete _____ 13 larket............. 11 10 10 14 14 15 15 17 17 latch games, W. D. Hol- ?; Jack Carter, 211 ; Paul iß. High series, J. Carter, ¡House, 548; Jim Peters, WOMAN KEGLERS PLACE IN GUTTER GUSSIE EVENT Two three - woman teams of bowlers from Bye Lanes in On tario participated in the Idaho Gutter Gussie annual tournament staged this year in Shoshone. Among keglers entered in the two - weekend event was Kay Brendle of Nyssa. Others includ ed Sherry Sather, Kikue Kane- yama, Gail Hylton and Joyce Pa trick of Ontario and Elsie Ashin hurst of Payette. To participate, the bowlers must have rolled a 225 scratch game or a 550 scratch series. Mmes. Kaneyama and Patrick placed third in doubles; and the team of Brendle, Ashinhurst and Hylton took third place honors in the team event. o o o o MONDAY MIXED LEAGUE Snyder-Skelton---------- 24 12 Stam-Stam__________ 21 15 Sadamori-Takami ___ 19 17 Saito-Miyasako _____ 19 17 Sarazin-Larson ______ 18 18 Tyler-Talbot ____ __ ...18 18 Rieb-Clary---------------- 18 18 Jones-Knowles ______ 18 18 VanderOord-Stam ___ 17 19 Leavitt-Stedman _____16% 19% Holcomb^Stacy ______ 15 21 Laan-Phifer__________12% 23% Lou Leavitt, women’s high scratch game and series, 226/534. John Stam, men’s high game, 214. Klaas Laan, men’s high series, 540. Sadamori-Takami, high team game, 712. Leavitt-Stedman, high team series, 1927. O O O O WEDNESDAY HOUSEWIVES King Pins___________ 19 9 Chukars ___________ 18 10 Vim ’n Vigor...... ....... 15 13 Cherry Pickers _____ 14 14 Bowl Weevils ________12 16 Pin Pickers _________ 12 16 Goof Ups ------------------ 11 17 Pins Up_____________ 11 17 High scratch games, Ailene Holmes and Velma Stam, 168; Emma Benedict, 167; Alta Stunz, 163. High series, Freda Holcomb, 474; Maxine Stringer, 459; E. Benedict, 451. o o o o THURSDAY MIXED LEAGUE Holmes-Myrick ___ 19 9 Bullard-Huffman ___ 17 11 ____ 16% 11% Wheeler-Page Fortin-Cleaver ___ 16 12 12 Bartron-Morris ... ___ 16 Codr-Wright .... . ___ 15 13 VanderOord- Vinsonhaler __ ....14 14 _..13% 14% Stunz-Church .... 15 Holverson-Card ______13 18 Lienkaemper-Chadd _ 10 Stutheit-Hitch_______ 9 19 19 Sutton-Riggs ________ 9 Ailene Holmes, women’s high game and series, 186/485. Cecil Fortin, men’s high game and ser ies, 214/592. Lienkaemper-Chadd, team high game, 662; Holmes- Myrick, team high series, 1839. 'M'CALL will make a great Governor THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE FIVE OT Grangers Conduct Area Women Sustain Minor Injuries Memorial Services For Deceased Master In Recent Mishap Demolishing Autos A regular meeting of Oregon Trail Grange was held last Thurs day evening with Loyd Adams as acting master. The charter was draped and services conducted in memory of Tom Jones who was serving as master at time of his death. In a tribute to the deceased, Adams noted his leadership qualities, willingness to help others and kindnesses which he extended to his fellowmen. Adams stated the Grange was fortunate to have had him as a leader and he would be greatly missed by all. During the business session, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Metcalf became members of the organization and those in attendance voted to pur chase new furniture for Grange use. Installation of officers will be held during the Nov. 3 meeting at Oregon Trail hall. Paulina Ross will serve as installing officer. Those planning to attend the ses sion are asked to take sandwiches, cake or salad. To Buy, Soil or Rent, Try the Classified Pagel Mrs. Thurman Hill of the Ap ple Valley area and her mother, Mrs. Loyd Adams of route 1, Nyssa, are well aware of the fact that “conditions could be much worse.” On Monday, Oct. 17, they were enroute to Nampa, with Mrs. Hill at the wheel of her car. They had just driven through a cloud of smoke drifting across the road. Upon being stopped and warn ed of even more dense smoke ahead, the Hill car was struck from the rear by an auto driven by Mrs. Eldredge of Florence, Ore. No Serious Injuries Both vehicles were severely damaged; however, none of the occupants were badly hurt. Re pair cost to the Hill auto was estimated at $1,100, so the vehicle was not worth fixing. The other car was also a near-total loss. Mrs. Hill sustained some neck injuries, due to the whiplash; and Mrs. Adams suffered slight in juries in the rib section. The latter said when they saw another oncoming car, they were afraid of being hit and both jumped an irrigation ditch. When they returned to cross the ravine in the opposite direc tion, they wondered how they ever managed to jump across it the first time without landing in the middle, because it appeared that it “just couldn’t be done.” : Journal Classifieds Bring Results! Emil Maas DEMOCRAT COUNTY COMMISSIONER — for— ★ Economy and Efficiency in County Government i ★ Industrial and Individual Opportunity I ★ Budgets Kept at a Minimum ■ (Pd. Pol. Adv. by E. W. Maag, Route 2, Box 186, Vale, Oregon) r==Jr=Jr=Jr^=Jr==Jr==Jr=Jr=Jr=Jr=Jr==Jr=Jr=Jr==Jr=Jlr=Jr=Jf=|| HNlIlTlllt JJtUiWffl PRIEES ? BIG 6 DAY SALE! Special Prices in Effect Oct. 27 Through Nov. 1! Fresh — Never Frozen! 0 K FRYERS COFFEE 2-Lb. $ 4 39^ Can . . i 1 1 33' CUT-UP 0 0 0 ffl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 for improper passing at an inter section and Lawson for failure to signal a lefthand turn. Williamson’s vehicle was ex tensively damaged, while the Lawson car received minor dam age. Mrs. Lawson was given emergency treatment at Malheur Memorial hospital and released. ELECT •Jj^f^r=^r=^r=»n=Jr==Jf==*<=Jr=Jr==Jn==iil=Jr==Jr==Jr=Jr==Jr==J ib 0 0 0 0 ffl 0 0 0 0 0 TWO CITATIONS ISSUED FOLLOWING COLLISION According to Oregon State po lice, two citations were issued Monday morning for traffic in fractions following a two-vehicle accident about one mile north of Nyssa. Officials reported that Douglas Williamson of Vale was attempt ing to pass two cars when Nys- san Irvin Lawson turned in front of his auto. Williamson was cited Round Steak PURINA BOG CHOW 75« U.S. Choice Boneless Rump Roast Lb. FRESH FESTIVAL QUEEN Ground Round Strawberry Jam 75* • • • LEAN PORK STEAK Hershey's — 6-Oz. Size 75* 49* 2-Lb 57' Get ALL Your Halloween Needs 1 PUMPKIN — and — Al WILSON'S! MINCE Complete 4 Cans 85* Oranges Assortment of PIES CANDIES and Pineapple .... 5 for 9o TREATS! Mixed Nuts Can 75* King Size 99« MILK FAB Sale Dates — CoCOd- • • - Can 55* October 27 Through November 1! Dainties Rosedale 6 Pkgs. $ Libby's — Mandarin Libby's — No. 211 Tins 4 Planter's—13-Oz. Size , 0 Regular $1.39 0 0 0 Hershey's 0 0 0 0 Crisp — Green 0 0 0 PEPPERS 0 0 0 0 h 2 5' SWEET > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 n a o 0 0 0 Potatoes c Gold Strike Stamps, Too!