THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. AUGUST 28. 1965 IT'S YOUR LAW By Oregon Stai« Bar Bertha Culbertson, Mother of Nyssan Dies in California Final rite» for Mr«. Bertha Paul Culbertson were conducted at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening, Aug 17, 1005, at a funeral chapel in Mar­ When our liberties are protect­ tinez, Calif. Interment wan made ed in our courts, it is often in in the cemetery at Roscoe. Mo She was the mother of Charles cases which appear unsavory, un worthy or even trivial. The direct Culbertson of route 1, Nyssa, and attucks on our rights as in the succumbed Aug. 15 nt Martinez Peter Zenger case for freedom of following a brief illness. Mrs Culbertson was born Sept the press seem to have given way 14, 1886, at Dunnigan, Mo. Iler to indirect attacks. Thus, todays comic books aren’t husband, Bill, died in 1935 in so very funny. Some of them are Missouri and the following year sadistic. Many have aroused op­ she moved to the Owyhee com­ position to their sale especially munity. A son, Ix-e, succumbed in 1938 and a daughter, Arleta, to children. died the following year at Nyssa. And so somo years ago, one After leaving the Owyhee area California county made it un­ i and moving to California in 1942, lawful to recount certain crimes Mrs. C u II h rtson had visited at the or io soli "crime” comic books i home of her son, Charles, on many io youngsters under 18. The law occasions. expressly exempted newspapers Three other surviving sons are or books telling of historical or l.ester of Odessa, Mo., Dale of religious stories. Andersonville, Tenn., and J V. The California Supreme court Culbertson of Kirby, Ore Also found that this ordinance (1) vio­ surviving are three daughters, lated freedom of press, (2) was too Mis. Phyrnc Rector of Concord, broad and arbitrary and (3) de­ Calif, Mrs. Loga Burkhart of nied comic book sellers equal pro­ Osceola, Mo., and Mr«. Juanita tection of the law. Powers of Martinez; 19 grand* The trouble with such laws, children and 27 great-grandchil- among other things comes in dren. their drafting. This law. for ex­ Mr and Mrs. Charles Culbert­ ample, could have stopped a book son recently returned home after showing Bugs Bunny snitching attending the California services. carrots or Donald Duck laying a trap for his pursuers. It is just hard to write a law in general terms that marks off a biblical murder from a private eye story. Th® First Amendment of tho U. S. Constitution covers comic Services for Boisean Charles. books as well as movies, news­ Cornelius Cotton. 86, who died I papers. magazines and pamph­ Monday morning in a Boise nurs- i lets. Unless real dangers are ing home, will be held at 2 o’clock 1 clearly present, the speech or this afternoon, Aug. 26. 1965, at | writings in any media are en­ Lienkaemper chapel in Nyssa Of- i titled to full freedom, barring ficiating will be the Rev. Wallace libel or en invasion of privacy. M I’tuwell of N v. a Fust Chris- | But the law. as the court sees tian church. Mr. Cotton was born Feb. 5.1 it. must be limited by its terms to such dangerous publications 1879, in Alabama. When a child, j The (¡ISC before the Suplenie he moved with his family to Colo­ court was not dangerous But | rado, then in I960 to Blackfoot, i even if some comics were clearly Idaho, by covered wagon. He \ dangerous, the law was otherwise filed a desert claim near Fairfield i so broad that it covered all sorts in 1904 and 15 years later moved j of publications. to Nyssa where he opened and | Besides it’s too much to make a operated two garages. He was bookseller read all his books and married in 1920 to Susie Mary I judge whether they depict crime Claeborn. A law which prohibits comics The Cottons later disposed of from giving an "account of a their garage« and hegnn farming crime" is too vague. The book­ in the Kingman Kolony area until seller could not well know if he Mrs. Cotton died in January 1955. broke the law. Such laws arc un­ Shortly thereafter, Mr. Cotton constitutional. moved to Boise. (Oregon lawyers offer this Survivors include a nephew, column as a public service. No i William J. Colton of Boise; three person should apply or inter­ step-sons and four step-daughters pret any law without the aid of Interment will be in Nyssa I an attorney who is completely I cemetery under direction of Lien- . advised of the facts involved.) ’ kaemper funeral home. DEL MONTE — HALVES or SLICED — YELLOW Cling Peaches DEL MONTE —LIGHT MEAT Chunk Tuna DEL MONTE — MANDARIN Oranges ill ♦ 1 Slock Up NOW and SAVE! I Sections PEAS & I ID1 I. ? . DelJnonte* FOODS Cut Beets DEL MONTE — PINEAPPLE ’ JUICE 6'/!-O z . Tins >/2 Tins 303 Tins Ï 0 303 Tins 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 303 Tins 46-Oz. 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Tins DEL MONTE tifato^ feiSC TOMATO CATSUP WITH NEW RPM DELO MULTI-SERVICE OIL 21/3 Remember! Del Monte puts SMALL — WHOLE [•IQ'I DEL MONTE Nabisco—Family Favorite BRiGNT IDEAS COOKIES Pineapple-Grapefruit JUICE DRINK or Tomato Juice 3 89« 3 Boxes 85' SEE US for COMPLETE STOCK 1 y II 49‘ Lb Round Bone Swiss Steak Pound................... Wilson's — Processed Cheese Food SCHOOL SUPPLIES! 5-Lb. Brick............... $ 1 “ Sale Dates — August 26-27-28 GOOD|FOOD|tOSlSUESS|HERE LARGE — Ö STRIPED LnHuL 1 niriLLJ r i l l ■I II "TTT Watermelons ii W. E. (BILL) SCHIREMÀN Phone 372-3131 • • 4 4 4 4 5 8 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! I FOODS I OIL FILTER LIFE • DEL MONTE — CRINKLE [r DellTlonte »117 (?) • DEL MONTE —EARLY GARDEN RICH A • DEL MONTE — FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT » Pki, f- ’i-.v" * I s BRIGHT IDEAS SHE DEL MONTE Today’s Comic Books And Freedom of Press Charles C. Cotton, Former Nyssan, Dies In Boise Rest Home PAGE FIVE 0 Nyssa, Oregon X ~ DISTRIBUTOR, STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS X EACH I'