THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. JULY I. 1965 Early-Day Students Vote to Make Picnic Annual June Event 'Spinners' to Show Processing of Beets At Scout Roundup (Continued From Page 1) Slate Rummage Sala On Saturday, July 3, members of Nyssa Girl Scout troops will hold a rummage sale in the old Journal building, located at 10!) Main street. Sale hours will be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the girls announce that donated items for the sale will lx- greatly appre­ ciated. Donors may contact Mrs Clurence Clapp by dialing 372- 3910 or Carol Greig, 372-308(1, and the items will I m - picked up. Proceeds will be added to funds making it possible for the girls to attend t h e International Roundup. •71 ATTEND ALEXANDER RITES Among out-of-town relatives and friends here to attend Tues- day funeral service* for Earl Alexander were Mr. and Mrs Earl Tubbs, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. C. R Alexander, Madras; Mr and Mrs Wally Vanderhoff and Sandi, Homedale; Mrs Fred Kiser and Sherry, Jerome; Mrs 1 D. R Samuel and Mis* Jan Gregg. ' Billings, Mont.; Mrs. Charles Pau-' lin, Theresa, Rita, Joe und Mike, Caldwell. FORMER RESIDENTS VISIT Mr and Mrs. Allan Butler of Seattle, former Nyssuns, visited recently with relatives and friends in this area. Approximately 40 person* were in attendance at the picnic held Sunday in south park for stu­ dents and teachers who were affi­ liated with Nyssa schools up to and including 1020 The group voted to make the reunion picnic an annual affair to la- held on the last Sunday in June. A special guest at the Sunday event was Dr. J. J. Sarazin. Out- of - state guest* included those from California, Washington and Idaho. It has been noted by those at­ tending the gatherings that much greater interest is shown by tho <• from out-of-state than by local residents. LEGION AUXILIARY PLANS FRIDAY INSTALLING RITES ORIN SUMNER, owner of Nys- ■a Pharmacy, pose* with a lova- ly bathing beauty. Members of the Journal staff know who she is. but will not reveal her iden­ tity lest Orin's wife. Barbara, disapproves. Will have to ad­ mit. she was a real traffic stop­ per as she stood at the comer of Second and Main streets in an area where the blacktop had been removed by city crews. The street is now repaired and the lovely creature has appar­ ently left town. Atlas Tire Sale! RUY ONE At Our Regular Price AND GET SECOND ONE • • • at • • • ’/2 PRICE • • • or • • • BUY THREE AND GET Fourth One FREE We Pick Up and Deliver Cars Serviced! Kassman Chevron Third and Main Phon« 372-2964 NYSSA . . . OREGON Nyssa Nite FRIDAY and SATURDAY JULY 9-10, 1965 8:15 p. m. Both Nights Parade ... Friday, 7:30 p.m. 5 BIG EVENTS . . . PLUS . . . OTHER FUN FEATURES • • • and • • • ARC-WAY CARNIVAL — ADMISSION — Adults.............................. $1.50 Children (Under 12) . . . Free (ACCOMPANIED BY PARENTS) Dick Tensen, Rodeo Sccy. — 207 North Fourth St. American Legion auxiliary offi- I cers of Nyssa post 7» will be in stalled during a meeting to bi­ held at 8 o'clock Friday evening. 1 July 2, at the community hall, lo­ cated at Second street and Ehr- good avenue. special guests will be members ' of the Adrian auxiliary unit KOCHS REPORT ARRIVAL OF NEW GRANDDAUGHTER City Manager Fred Koch re­ ceived word recently of the birth of a daughter to hi* son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs Rich­ ard Stephan of Ft. Coll.ns. Colo. The infant was liorn June 26 and has been named Jane Ann. She joins three sister* in the home. Mrs. Koch left last week for Ft. Collins to visit her daughter’s family and to help care for the new baby. PAGE FIVE Nyssa Births . . . June 24— To Mr. and Mrs. Mel­ vin Nielsen of Parma, an 8-pound, 8-once son, Lary Pace. June 26 To Mr. and Mrs. James Moore of Nyssa, an 8-p