Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, April 15, 1965, Page 4, Image 4

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Àrea Couples Attend Portner-Osborne
Wedding Rites at California Base
Oregon Trail
By Peggy Brown
* Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thomp­
KINGMAN KOLONY—Mr. and son were Saturday overnight
Mrs. Otis Horn accompanied Mr. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Wal­
and Mrs. Roy Portner of Parma ters in Boise.
Mrs. Buster Talbot and children
to Fort Ord, Calif., April 7 and
all attended the Friday evening of Westfall and Mrs. Charlie Cul­
wedding ceremony of the latter bertson visited Sunday afternoon
couple’s daughter, Mildred, and with the Earl Kygar family.
Messrs, and Mmes. Vic Mar­
Wayne Osborne.
Both are members uf the armed shall, Neil Dimmick, Roy Holmes
and L. L. Kreager were Saturday
evening dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Hazel Chamberlain spent Mrs. Alfred McConnell of Ontario
Saturday at the Ernie Smith resi­ at the Four Seasons cafe.
dence in the Mitchell Butte area. Family Visits From McCall
Mrs. Vincent Scott and girls
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Callaham
of Culdesac, Idaho, Miss Jeanette
and family of McCall were Satur­
Martin of Clarkston, Wash., and day
dinner guests in the Charlie
Mrs. Ella Schooler of Genesee ar­
rived April 7 to spend a few days
at the Bill Toomb and James Phi­ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Milton of
Ridgeview spent a recent Tues­
fer homes.
day evening visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Callisier Returns Home
Walter Pinkston. Sunday after­
Wiley Callister arrived home noon callers in the Pinkston resi­
Friday night after a two-week dence were Mr. and Mrs. Wiley
stay in the Veterans’ hospital at Callister.
Mrs. Dale Ashcraft attended a
Mr. and Mrs. Rube Graham of chrysanthemum meeting Friday
Star were Sunday evening dinner at the home of Mrs. Marie Moore
guests in the Carl Piercy home. in Ontario.
Evening callers in the Piercy resi­ Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Laan spent
dence were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sunday afternoon at the Bill
Mrs. Dale Ashcraft and Mrs. Al Mantle home in Big Bend.
Thompson attended Adrian Gar­ Returns From Culver Visit
den club meeting held April 6
Mrs. Hazel Chamberlain, who
at the home of Mrs. Varner Hop­ had spent the past two months
kins in Big Bend. Mrs. Wilbur with Mr. and Mrs. Doc Douglas
Chapin and Mrs. Frank Holub in Culver, arrived April 5 in
gave a demonstration on cera­ Burns and was met there by Mrs.
Don Fox and Mrs. Frances Wor­
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff of den who took her to the Fox resi­
Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Van De­ dence. Mr. and Mrs. Fox and
Water of Big Bend were Sunday Mrs. Hazel Chamberlain called
evening visitors in the Carl Bege- Sunday afternoon on Marion
man home. Van DeWater was a Chamberlain at the hospital and
recent Thursday dinner guest of later the trio visited Mr. and
the Begemans.
Mrs. Walter H. Fox at Ontario.
April 7 dinner guests of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Piercy
and Mrs. Ed Brandt were Mr. and called Saturday afternoon on Mrs.
Mrs. Bob Haney. The Brandts Mae Herriman at Caldwell. Mr.
spent the afternoon at the Will and Mrs. Piercy were Sunday
Smith home in Parma.
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
D. L. Hurst of Ontario and later
Former Resident Succumbs
Roy Bowers succumbed Sunday called at the Roy Mecham home
morning at his home in Ontario. near Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Rube
Bowers was a former resident of Graham of Star were Sunday
Kingman Kolony and owner of evening guests in the Piercy resi­
the farm on which Mr. and Mrs. dence.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Thompson
Tony Martinez reside.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mefford were recent Thursday visitors of
and family of Apple Valley were the Herb Andrews family at Cald­
Sunday dinner guests of his par­ well in observance of Carol An­
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Mefford. drews’ birthday anniversary.
By Ruth Bowers
Ritchie Departs
For Active Duty
With U. S. Navy
Marcie and Darlene Hill of
Apple Valley were weekend
guests of their grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Loyd Adams. Mr. and
Mrs. Thurman Hill were Sunday
dinner guests in the Adams home
and the girls returned home with
their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ad­
ams, Marcie and Darlene were
Saturday evening visitors in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Aus-
man and family near Adrian.
Club Meeting Sei April 21
Merry Matrons club meeting
will be held April 21 at the home
of Mrs. Lucille Poppe. Roll call
will be “A Sermon You’ll Always
Mrs. Ed Nedrow and Jimmie
of Owyhee junction were Sunday
afternoon visitors of Mrs. Glenn
Brown, Colleen and Timmy.
Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams, Mr.
and Mrs. Thurman Hill and girls
of Apple Valley were Sunday
. . • To Serve Two Years
evening callers in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Talbot.
Robert B. Ritchie, EN3, left
Frances Kratzberg and Ethel April 13 by plane from Boise for
Lay of Payette were Friday the Treasure Island Naval base
guests of Mrs. Frank Byers.
and two years on active duty with
the U. S. Navy.
Guests in Byers Home
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sommars Ritchie enlisted in the Naval
of Parma were Saturday evening Reserve Feb. 13, 1963. In August
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank By­ that year he was one of several
ers. Sunday evening dinner guests hundred reservists from the
in the Byers residence were Mr. northwest region who participat­
and Mrs. Stanley Byers and boys ed in an 18-day cruise to Hawaii.
He was aboard the USS McGinty.
of Ontario.
In June 1964 Ritchie enrolled
Mr. and Mrs. David Ballantyne
and boys were Saturday evening in the engineman school at the
guests in the home of her par­ Naval Training center in Great
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Simp­ Lakes, Ill. Last Sept. 18 he was
son and family at Caldwell. Mr. graduated from that school where
and Mrs. Edward Simpson, Jr., he had studied operation, main­
of Provo, Utah, were also guests. tenance and overhaul of diesel
Mrs. LeRoy Morris and boys engines, gas turbines and other
of Boise were Sunday visitors in machinery used on Navy war­
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ships.
On March 31, 1965, he was ad­
Adams and Richard.
vanced to petty officer third class.
Ritchie was graduated from the
school with the class
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Stall and of 1962 high
and is a son of Mrs. Roxy
five children returned recently to Ritchie
and the late James Rit­
this area and are residing at the chie.
Neil Dimmick ranch on route 2.
Stall had previously worked for
Dimmick for 2% years and left VISITORS IN EMMETT
Mr. and Mrs. Ewen Chard were
last August for a construction job
at Cambridge, Idaho. Members Sunday evening visitors in the
of the family report they are very home of their son - in - law and
happy to be back in the Nyssa daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Whitman and family at Emmett.
Season's Final Card Party Staged
With Plans Made for Fall Sessions
Lesson on Tension
To Be Given Tuesday
At Extension Meeting
NU ACRES — Last regular pi­
nochle party of the season was
held Friday evening at the com­
munity hall with seven tables in
play. High score prizes were won
by Pete and Beulah Gilman and
low awards went to Robert Piercy
and Roberta Wilson. Traveling
prize was received by Mrs. Robert
Shaw, Sr.
Refreshments were served at
the close of the evening and plans
were made for the next series of
parties with tentative starting
date set for Nov. 5, to continue
through mid-April.
Mrs. Shaw, who was in charge
of the parties, donated $32.80 to
the Grange for use of the hall
during the winter months.
present the lesson, “Living With
Your Tensions,” during the April
20 Extension unit meeting in Nys­
sa Methodist church. The two-
hour session is scheduled to begin
at 1:30 in the afternoon.
A sitter will be provided for
pre - school children. All inter­
ested women of the area are in­
vited to attend.
By Farmerette Club
Miss Helen Dwelle, Malheur
' party was held at the Grange county home extension agent, will
Farmerette club members had
charge of a luncheon sale at the
Porter auction held Saturday. The
women served hamburgers, pie,
cake and coffee, and report mak­
ing a fair profit.
Robert Chester and John Gar­
ner of Fruitland visited Sunday
in the Robert Shaw residence.
They are friends of the Shaws’
son, Gary, who is presently in the
Martin Couple Honored
Residents of the community
held an open house reception
Sunday afternoon for Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. Martin who are to
move away soon. This farewell
hall with approximately 60 guests
calling to extend best wishes. A
money tree was presented to the
couple together with a guest
book containing the names of
those attending the event.
Among out-of-area visitors were
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Derrington;
their son, Jim, his wife and fam­
ily, all of Middleton. The Rev.
Ralph A. Lawrence of Nyssa and
several ladies from Nyssa Metho­
dist church were in attendance
as was Mrs. Martha Nedbalek of
Mrs. Len Dykstra of Ontario
was a Sunday visitor in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Mike McKague.
Honored With Party
Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Kersey at­
tended a party last Thursday hon­
oring Arvin on his birthday' an­
niversary. The event was held
at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. Kersey in Boise.
Surprise visitors were the hon­
oree’s brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Schrader of
Yakima. Other guests were his
sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Ford and Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Leo­
nard Hoyt and Christine.
Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen of
Sunset Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Ken­
neth Himple of Culdesac, Idaho,
and Mrs. Effie Nielsen visited one
day last week at the home of the
Gary Nielsen family in Meridian.
They then went to Emmett where
To Buy, Sell or Rent,
Try the Classified Page!
they visited Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Wilson
and daughters were Sunday din­
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rob­
ert Shaw, Jr.
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
M. A. Jones were Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Sherard and daughters of
Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pryor
of Oregon Slope were Saturday
visitors in the Jones residence.
Saturday visitors were Mr. and
Mrs. Strode, new residents of
this community, who formerly
resided at Chehalis, Wash.
Sixth of a series of first aid
meetings was held Friday at the
home of Mrs. Effie Nielsen with
nine area residents in attendance.
Demonstrations were given on
care and bandaging of fractures,
the making and use of splints.
Another session was held April
12 at the Rulon Esplin home.
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