U. of 0. Library Eugene, Oregon e Nyssa Gate City Journal VOLUME LVIH____________The Sugar City THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 7. 1965 Union Pacific Operating Extra Trains Nyssa Hoopsters To Meet Falcons, Thru Nyssa Due to Flooded Sections Vikings, Panthers a Dec. 30 hoop tilt at Burns, Of Lines From Bay Area io Portland the In Nyssa Bulldogs fell to defeat Hundreds of Autos Assembled on Coast Loaded on Triple-Deck Cars Pass Each Day Tom Jones, Union Pacific freight agent in Nyssa, said that not only had traffic been restored on the main line through here, but that they were moving freight through Nyssa that would normally go from the San Francisco Bay area to Port­ land and Seattle. He reported the trains handling freight traffic had in­ creased by at least 50 percent over normal. The size of the Free—Free—Free trains are about the same as Tickets to Hoop Game usual in order to maintain Area residents are reminded speed. of the basketball game between the Treasure Valley Community college Chukars and the East­ ern Oregon college JV's from La Grande, to be played on the NHS court Saturday evening. Game time is 8 o'clock. Free tickets to the college tilt are available at local firms and are being furnished through courtesy of the Nyssa Chamber of Commerce. 10 Cents Per Copy Siorli Derby Winner! NUMBER 1 Release of Owyhee Reservoir Water Started Wednesday as Flood Control Measure; To Keep 650,000-AF Storage No Danger Seen for Lower Owyhee River From Present Watershed Snow Conditions at the hands of the unbeaten Highlanders with a 69-48 final score. Top gunner for the local team was Alan Cottle who chalked up 16 counters, followed by Gerald Wyckoff, 10; Dick Meisinger and Bob Smit, 9 each; with Neil Bo­ hannon and John Moore both tossing in two. To date the Bulldogs have tal­ lied a record of two wins, three losses. The local lads have three con- tests coming up within the next week, all away from home. They will meet Vallivue Friday evening on the Idaho court; Vale, Saturday evening; and on Tuesday evening, Jan. 1’2, will be pitted against the Parma Pan­ thers. Next home game will be Fri­ day, Jan. 15, against the Emmett Huskies with the preliminary game starting at 6:45 p.m. Release of water from Owyhee reservoir to provide flood control space began Wednesday morning. The spillway ring gate was lowered two feet below the lake surface causeway, permitting 2000 second feet to flow down the outlet shaft into the Owyhee river. The North and South Boards of Control voted, in separate meetings, Tuesday night that* the reservoir be held at 650,- 000 acre feet of storage to pro­ vide 65,000 acre feet of space for flood control. Any fur­ County Flooding Damage Studied At Vale Tuesday Flooding Dec. 22 took a bridge ther action to be taken will be out at Arlington, Ore., across the determined by the snow survey John Day river, completely stop- measurements of Feb. 1. ping all traffic west for a few Capacity of the reservoir of us- About 60 people assembled in days, Then for several more days able water is 715,000 acre feet the Malheur county court house local traffic was again started, I and storage at the time of re- serving points in between. | lease Wednesday morning was Tuesday to assess flood damage and methods of easing the effects On the same night a bridge 658,250 acre feet. of the disaster. across Clover Creek at King Hill, Flood Danger Nil County Judge Ellis White gave Idaho, was washed out, slowing Paul House, manager of North a preliminary figure of $170,000 eastbound traffic. The railroad Board of Control, commenting on estimate of damage done to coun­ has a double track there and by ar.y flood danger on the Owyhee ty property. He said an Army using the remaining track, traffic below the dam, told a Journal Corps of Engineers team would was shuttled over this part and reporter Wednesday afternoon, be on hand this coming week to never fully stopped, except for “Snow on watersheds now would review the damage and make de­ a few hours delay. not produce flooding on the Owy­ tailed estimates. Traffic was restored on a de­ hee. We do have an abnormal Most of the loss caused to coun­ layed basis on the entire line Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram amount of snow now as when the ty property was due to bridge A meeting of the Adrian PTA Dec. 26. Maintenance costs are chapter will be held at 8 p.m. still high in the high water areas, and Lucille returned home Mon­ "HELLO, WORLD -L AND HAPPY NEW YEAR" could very easily last major flood came in 1952, and culvert losses and right-of- Thursday, Jan. 14, in the high Jones said, with no estimate day afternoon, one day later than be the words that little Miss Melanie Anne Bates would be saying but in that year snow kept adding way washouts. The most severe school building, according to Mrs. available as to the cost to the previously planned, from a 2%- if she could talk. The tiny miss is a daughter of Don and Becky to the already abnormal amount losses were in the part of the Vern Parker, publicity chairman. railroad for repairs made to date. week holiday trip into Old Mexi­ Bates and was the first-born in 1965 at Malheur Memorial hospital until March 1.’’ county south of Vale and Nyssa, co and California. All patrons of the district are and also first in the county. Shown here in the arms of her moth­ to both county and private prop­ He further noted that in 1956, welcome to attend for a round- Auto Shipments Heavy The trio traveled via Las Vegas, er, Melanie Anne arrived at 6:25 a.m. on New Year's day, weighed ’57 and ’58 similar conditions ex­ erty. One freight through Nyssa last Phoenix and Tucson to Nogales 7 pounds, 2*/s ounces and measured 18 Vs inches from head to toe. Applications for aid in restor­ table discussion on the building isted as now without any flood­ program proposed for the Adrian Thursday carried 42 consecutive where they crossed the border ing. In 1957, 490,000 acre feet ing facilities were made by the — Journal Photo. carloads of automobiles and into Mexico and went as far as school plant. was released and in 1958, 483,000 county and Antelope Irrigation ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ In attendance at the meeting trucks routed via Ogden from the Hermisillo and Guaymas in that acre feet came through the spill­ district, located south of Jordan Valley. will be Bob Smith, architect from Oakland - Los Angeles assembly country. On their return trip, way. County Commissioner Jake Ontario, and Dave Dorsey, Cald­ plants of General Motors and they re-entered the United States The flood of 1892 was the worst Ford Motor company. Some of at Tijuana, visited friends and well contractor. Fischer, who spent considerable on record in this area with that Mrs. Parker reports this will these were double-deck and some relatives in San Diego before go­ of 1952 ranking second and 1910 time surveying damage in the Jordan Valley area, estimated a be the final PTA meeting before triple-deck with from 12 to 18 ing to Los Angeles. Donald Bates, NHS English and speech instructor, and his third. loss that would possibly reach patrons vote on the bond issue, vehicles on each car. This is usual They viewed the Rose parade, $500,000 in that area. and urges all interested persons on several trains each day, Jones attended the Rose Bowl game and wife, Rebecca of Parma, are parents of the first baby to be said, and anyone never having born in 1965 at Malheur Memorial hospital, arriving at 6:25 Attending the meeting in an to attend the session. been at an assembly plant can see also visited relatives in that area. a.m. on New Year’s day. official capacity were John Mac- As they were returning home more new cars than ever seen key, Office of Emergency Plan­ Melanie Anne was also the first 1965 baby to be born in Sunday, they ran into a snow before. Malheur county and in addition to receiving many gifts from First regular meeting of the ning, Salem; Vern Fisher, secre­ Another innovation of the rail­ storm and encountered slick roads Nyssa merchants, she and her*-------------------------------------- Malheur County Safety council tary for the state office of the Date Max. Min. Prec. south of Jordan Valley. The rear will be held at 8 o’clock Monday same agency; Bill Silvey, Army Dec. 30........ . 44 21 .22 roads is the triple-deck livestock of their pickup - camper slid off parents will receive numerous cake. J. Muri Burns of the Far­ evening, Jan. 11, at East Side cafe Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla; cars whereby shippers can ship 34 23 Dec. 31......... more stock at cheaper rates. And, the pavement on the right side prizes from Ontario and Vale mers Group agency gave a hand­ in Ontario, according to Bob Dye. Glen Burrows, Bureau of Recla­ Jan.1 ........... ..... 33 2 in some localities, the roads are of the highway, causing them firms in a county-wide contest knit baby sweater with the Don Purpose of the session is to elect mation, Boise; Paul Bunch, chair­ Jan. 2 ...... . .38 2 permitted to operate trucks that to skid across the road, off the sponsored througWhe Ontario Moss Firestone store giving a officers for the cutting year. Jan. 3 .......... ..... 35 28 man of the Malheur county Em­ thoroughfare and down a 10-foot surprise gift. Jan. 4 ....... .34 29 .08 pick up livestock on the farm and embankment. The vehicle rolled Argus-Observer. Dye reports that the state saie- ergency Planning commission and Malheur Memorial hospital con­ Additional Gift* Listed Jan. 5 —........ . 46 28 .10 deliver it to rail points. ty council requested the forming the county commissioners along All these changes and rate al­ over, coming to rest on its wheels tributed $50 toward delivery and Other Nyssa merchants and of the unit in Malheur county. with Judge White. Jan. 6 ........ 39 and the camper was completely terations are subject to approval hospital expenses, with another contest prizes are First National During a previous meeting, chair­ Owyhee Reservoir Storage demolished. $50 credit on delivery given by Bank of Oregon, $5 savings ac­ men were appointed for each of SATURDAY NIGHT DANCES Jan. 6, 1965.__ __ 658,250 Acre Ft. of the ICC or where intra-state The trio escaped with minor count; Zinn’s Flying “A” service, the three area towns. W. L. Mc- SLATED AT EAGLES HALL Jan. 6, 1964__ __ 270,610 Acre Ft. by the public utility commissions bruises and Mrs. Bertram reports Dr. L. A. Maulding. of the individual states. A dance will be held every Sat­ Also in the local contest, spon­ car lubrication job; Gate City Partland was named for Nyssa; they feel they are fortunate as Journal, one - year subscription; urday night, beginning Jan. 9, at Ben Justus, Vale; Veryl Thomp ­ sored by Nyssa merchants in co ­ KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS serious injury could have result­ the Nyssa Eagles hall, according operation with Malheur Memorial Idaho Power company, $3 in cash; son, Ontario. PRESENT YULE PROGRAM SPORTS EVENTS SLATED ed. These men, as well as others of to Bill LaBounty. Students in Mrs. Mark Mon- FOR ADRIAN ATHLETES Mrs. Bertram and Lucille went hospital, local medical doctors and M and W Market, case of baby Music will be provided by the the county, were asked to contact cur’s Jack and Jill Kindergarten Two home basketball games to Jordan Valley and stayed in the Gate City Journal, the little food. The Merc Department store, various organizations to have rep­ Del Smith orchestra—“The music presented a Christmas program are slated this weekend for Ad­ the home of former Nyssans, Mr. miss and her parents will receive on Dec. 22 for their parents. Fol­ rian high school hoopsters. The and Mrs. Marvin Wilson and a sack of White Satin sugar from one dozen diapers; Nyssa Food resentatives at the Monday night that everyone has been asking for,’’ La Bounty said. Dancing lowing the program, Santa Claus Antelopes will meet Huntington family. Bertram joined them Amalgamated Sugar company; Center, 12 cans of baby milk; session. hours are from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. visited the school with gifts and Friday night, Jan. 8, and Jordan there late that night and all re­ baby blankets from Bernard East­ Owyhee Beauty shop, haircut, and there will be no admission man agency, Nyssa 'Insurance shampoo and set for mother; treats for the children. Valley on Saturday evening. turned home Monday. charge. agency and Wilson Bros. Depart­ Paulus Jewelry, baby silver; Po­ The Adrian wrestling team will lar Bear Drive-In, half gallon of ment store. ANNUAL MEETING SLATED travel to Kuna Saturday night BOARD REPORTS CHANGES ice cream; Pounds’ Grocery and JORDAN VALLEY YOUTH Landowners in the Nyssa-Arca­ for bouts with the Kavemen. Cash Certificates Offered E. H. (Shorty) Brandt, a mem ­ Sugar City 5 and 10, infant’s HURT IN RANCH MISHAP dia Drainage district will hold Gift certificates in the amount dresses. ber of the North Board of Con­ David White of Jordan Valley The local chapter of Future their annual meeting at 2:30 p.m. of $2.50 were given by Eder Buil­ trol, was named chairman of the Ray’s Food Fair, specially bak­ Farmer* of America will be was admitted Saturday to Mal­ Tuesday, Jan. 12, in the district group at a meeting held Tuesday ding Supply, Mildred’s Beauty ed cake; Renstrom Insurance conducting it* annual March of heur Memorial hospital suffering office, 106 Main street, Nyssa, evening. He replaces M. L. Judd, Salon, Nyssa Co-op Supply, Nyssa agency, electric bottle warmer; Dime* drive Saturday, Jan. 9, in with a broken leg. It was report­ of the session will be Purpose Furniture company, Nyssa Phar­ Shell Super service, 10 gallons of Nyssa, is announcement made ed that a large corral gate fell former chairman, now retired. to elect a supervisor and to dis- Herschel Thompson was named macy and Owyhee Drug, with gas; Stork shop, infant’s sleeping by Gary Mos* and Bob Smit, on him, breaking his leg in two The hour of 8 p.m. has been cuss other business matters. sei for all adult training reg­ as a new member of the board Clover Lawn Dairy giving a $5 bag; Wilson’s Market, gift of chairman and co-chairman, re­ places just above the ankle. The baby food. accident occurred on the Orville spectively. DAY HAS MAJOR SURGERY istration meetings to be held at to fill the vacancy created bv gift certificate. The lucky baby and her par­ Sophomore student* in the Fretwell ranch near Arock. Buena Vista—Mrs. Roxy Ritchie Nyssa high school, under aus­ Judd’s retirement. ents will also receive $5 in trade BEAUTY COUNSELOR HOSTS The 11-year-old lad was re­ chapter will be canvassing the accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Claude pices of Treasure Valley Com­ at City Sinclair service, Elliott TEA FOR NHS SENIOR GIRLS town with traditional tractor leased Sunday and is reported to Day to Boise on Dec. 28 and again munity college. VERNON LAW TO SPEAK be recuperating at the home of Mrs. Gary Sant of Provo, Utah, pulling a manure spreader. on Dec. 30 when Day entered St. Subjects and registration ses­ IN NYSSA SUNDAY EVENING Tire company, Farmers Feed and They report that they have his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Luke’s hospital and last Thursday sion dates are rapid reading, Vernon Law of Meridian, pro­ Seed, Nyssa Auto Parts and Tar­ entertained Dec. 23 with a tea morning underwent major sur­ Jan. 11; welding, Jan. 11; tailor­ fessional baseball pitcher with the ter’s O.K. Tire store. Two dozen in the home of her parents, Mr. set their goal to top the funds White. gery. Mrs. Day and Mrs. Ritchie ing, Jan. 11; interior decorating, Pittsburgh Pirates, will speak at diapers were given by Bestway and Mrs. Mark Moncur. Guests collected by the 1963-64 FFA were Dec. 30-31 overnight guests Jan. 13; preventative veterinary 6 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 10, in the Building center and a sweater, were girls of the Nyssa high boys and urge all Nyssa resi­ SKI AT BOGUS BASIN hood and bootee set by Bracken’s school senior class. Members of the Adrian high dent* io give generously. of a cousin, Weir Hoffman in the medicine, Jan. 14. Nyssa LDS First ward. Those who are away from school senior class spent Wednes­ During the social hour, Mrs. Idaho capital city, returning home Further information may be Reed Ray, who reported the Department store. Friday evening. obtained by contacting Stanley speaking engagement to the Jour­ Both the Twilight and Brow­ Sant told the girls of the program home or business firm when day skiing at Bogus Basin. The Day underwent surgery again Sisson, NHS vo-ag instructor, nal, also asked this publication to nie’s cafe have given two free offered at Mary’s Career college the lads call are asked to send students were accompanied by on Wednesday and his condition or the college administrative announce that all residents of the dinners with the Dee-Lite Bakery in Provo, at which she is an in­ their contribution* to the FFA j Mrs. Agnes Dilley and Isaac Ki- chapter, c/o Nyssa high school. | mura, class advisers. was not known at press time. , office. area are invited. offering a large iced angel food structor. Trio Escapes Injury In Sunday Accident Near Jordan Valley Discussion Scheduled On Building Plans For Adrian School Melanie Anne Bates Captures Title Wins Numerous Gifts in Baby Contest County Safety Unit Sets Monday Meeting WEATHER FFA Chapter Slates Saturday Canvass For March of Dimes Adults to Register For Evening Classes At Nyssa High School Chronology of Events Reviews Journal Front Page News Highlights of 19 tit Following is what the editor *Baby contest for 1964 at local April 16—Nyssa Mystery Value * June 25 — Raging Snake river t Aug. 20 — Firefighting crews considers the leading news events hospital. Day draws large crowd. I takes one life at Ontario. Others from county sent to Nevada to as recorded on the front pages of Jan. 16—Merchants Promotion April 23 — Postal service cuts saved in river mishaps during battle range fires. Back-to-School the Journal throughout 1964. promotion by Nyssa merchants. committee organized as adjunct announced by local postmaster. the weekend. It is not intended to be com­ to chamber of commerce, to pro­ April 30 — League track meet JULY SEPTEMBER prehensive but only as a reminder mote local trade. set May 2 in Nyssa. July 2 — Nyssa given Sabre Jet Sept. 3—Cold and rain bring of the events in chronological FEBRUARY plane for mounting in swimming harvesting to a halt. Owyhee MAY order. They include local, state Feb. 13—Heavy January snow­ reservoir storage 513,520 acre feet, and national affairs and embrace fall indicates sufficient irrigation May 7—School budget fails by pool park. July 9 — Oregon traffic deaths more than double previous year. schools, local government, com- water in Lake Owyhee for 1964 five votes—84 ballots turned in Sept. 10 — Nyssa school enroll­ merical promotions that affect the crops. but not voted . . . Board to sub­ (564) and injuries (24,627) in 1963 set new high records. ment of 1398 hits new high . . . mit same figures for May 25 elec ­ whole community served by the Feb. 20 — Dedication of Nyssa July 16—City irrigation water Seniors and lower grades show Journal. high new vo-ag building and bio­ tion. use limited as necessary precau­ ’ most increase. May 14 — Irrigation season starts From a publicity viewpoint, logy facilities. tion to insure firefighting supply. Sept. 17—Henry Zobell promot­ with largest reserve since 1958 in the highlight for Nyssa is prob­ MARCH July 23—County court approves ed to Amalgamated Ogden office Owyhee reservoir. ably the appearance of the high creation of weed control district . . . Replaced as Nyssa district March 12 — Local schools face school band in the Rose Bowl May 21—Rockefeller’s win, in cut in state aid fund—local taxes state Republican primary, over (first in county) for Newell i manager by Ray Larson . . . Glen- parade at Pasadena on New result seen. Heights community. I wood Pounds retires as Adrian Lodge considered an upset. Year's day. July 30—Treasure Valley Grow­ postmaster after 24 years service March 19—Explosion in Cas­ May 28 — Voters reject school ers and Sales, Inc., established in JANUARY cade Gas main at Ontario disrupts budget (453 to 394) in second Nyssa by Midwestern wholesaler I. . . Boat races scheduled at Nyssa Jan. 2 — Millions view Nyssa Nyssa service from 12 to 18 hours. election. Board proposes $25,000 and local citizens. Will provide Sunday. March 26 — 1964 beet acreage high school band in Rose Bowl Sept. 24 — Adrian Fire district cut for third election try on June seasonal employment for 25 work­ parade at Pasadena—one of three unchanged from 1963. organized, awaiting equipment... 15. ers. bands, outside of California, rep­ APRIL Fifth annual Krazy Day slated resenting the entire U.S. This April 2 — Amalgamated Sugar JUNE AUGUST for weekend. appearance represented a culmin­ company plans Nyssa laboratory June 4—Sidewalk improvement Aug. 6 — Wednesday storms ation of two years’ planning by (to make individual sugar content district work gets under way on damage wide area . . . 100-mile OCTOBER Music Director Bob Q Smith and I tests. Main street in Nyssa. Oct 8 — Nyssa youth, Carlos wind wreaks havoc on roofs, field band members. April 9 — No health hazards June 18—3.07 inches of rainfall crops, grain, orchards. Local Parra, honored by receiving one Jan. 9—Jena Marie Burley be­ j found in city water in spite of registered in preceding 19 days. school buildings receive $8,000 of 45 Ford Foundation art schol­ comes winner of annual First ’ foul odor and taste. I Hay and seed damaged. damage . . . Utilities suffer most. arships at New York school . . . ’Voter registration in county de-' creases 395 without corresponding decrease in population. Oct. 15—Nyssa schools pay re­ maining debts to volunteers fur­ nishing money for athletic field lights in 1948 . . . Thousands of hunters invade Malheur county for pheasant season opener. Oct. IS—Malheur ranks second to Klamath county with shipment of 5,859 cars of potatoes during 1963. Oct. 22—Malheur county valu­ ation up $1 million with $250,000 raise in total taxes. Oct. 29 — National sugar beet acreage reduced 6 percent by ag­ riculture administrative order . . . Local cut seen as possibly as high as 15 percent. NOVEMBER Nov. 5 — Johnson - Humphrey Democratic ticket wins smashing nation-wide victory . . . carrying Oregon and 44 other states. Nov. 12—Art Colby, Nyssa city manager for six years, announces resignation for similar position in Thornton, Colo., on Dec. 15 . . . ’Thanksgiving promotion to feat­ ure turkey races by local mer­ chants as jockeys. No. 19 — Bob Smith, Malheur- Harney county representative, chosen as Republican majority house leader for 1965 session at Salem. Nov. 26—Pheral Dodson, Nam­ pa, hired as Malheur Memorial hospital administrator to replace Charles J. Smith, resigned. DECEMBER Dec. 10—Nyssa Christmas par­ ade features religious rather than commercial aspect. Draws hun­ dreds from outside the Nyssa trade area. Dec. 17—Announcement of en­ ormous changes in auto insurance rates i* be effective Jan. 1. Dec. 24—Nyssa’s Idaho Power Manager Paul Penrod retires fol­ lowing 36 years of company ser­ vice . . . Replaced by Dale Adams of Hazelton, Idaho. Dec. 31—Babson forecast indi­ cates continuing prosperity for early part of 1965 with taxes, wages, business failures all in­ creasing.