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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1964)
THURSDAY. DECEMBER 24. 1964 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON Relatives Arrive At W. Lundy Home For Yule Holiday By Peggy Brown OREGON TRAII__ Neal Lundy arrived home by plane Friday night from Treasure Island, San Francisco, to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Lundy, other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lundy and Sally Ann of Tremonton, Utah, arrived Saturday evening to spend the holidays visiting in the Ward Lundy and Don Cox homes. With grateful thanks to our friends for the pleasure and privilege of serving you OWYHEE DRUG Messrs, and Mmes. Loyd Adams, Vic Marshall and Bob Holmes at tended the Owyhee Riding club banquet Friday evening at the Silver Slipper in Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams spent Sunday afternoon visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Hill and girls in Apple Valley. The Adams’ called Sunday evening on Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ausman at Ad rian to see their new baby son. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Urresti of Pocatello were Saturday after noon callers in the Alfred Adams home. Attend Dinner in Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Bob Holmes at tended a Christmas dinner Sun day evening at the Four Seasons cafe in Ontario. The dinner was for all cafe employees and their husbands with approximately 25 guests in attendance. Mrs. David Ballantyne recently accompanied Ed, Lureta, Billy, Carol and Mark Simpson of Cald well to Rupert to attend funeral services for an aunt, Ann Dock- stader. Flint and Brett Ballan tyne stayed with their grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ballan tyne, while their mother was gone. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Seuell recently went to La Grande after their daughter, Frances, and a friend, Jan Sager. Jan will re turn to La Grande Thursday and Frances will spend the holidays with her parents. By Peggy Brown OREGON TRAIL — Thirteen members of Merry Matrons club met for their annual Christmas dinner party on Dec. 9 at Four Seasons cafe in Ontario. Election of officers was held with Peggy Brown named presi dent; Alberta Tyner, vice presi dent; Lucille Poppe, secretary; Louise Holmes, historian; Opal Holmes, treasurer. Jessie Chard and Virginia Rook stool were appointed as members of the social committee; Louise Holmes and Mrs. Tyner were named to the yearbook commit tee. Pollyanna names were re vealed and new ones drawn for the coming year. Next meeting will be on Jan. 13 at the home of Mrs. Poppe. PAGE NINE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byers were recent Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Byers and boys in Ontario. The Byers couple spent that evening visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crocker. | Visits From Los Angeles Debbie Savage, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Savage of Los Angeles, recently spent two days at the Mark Hartley home. Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Holmes and Jerry spent a recent week end at the home of their daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Royse and family in Boise. Recent Saturday evening din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Ballantyne and boys were her brother, Edward Simpson of Cald well and his fiancee, Clea Calla han of Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Farmer of Visiting recently at the W. E. Nyssa were recent Sunday din Bogard home in Payette with ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mrs. Dean Holmes and baby were Byers. the Larry Holmes family. Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Holmes and Jerry. Mr. and Mrs. Thane Lankford of Marsing and Mrs. Kenneth Reece of Nyssa were recent Fri day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hendricks. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Seuell and family were Dec. 13 dinner guests of Mrs. Edith Whipple, Kenneth and Leah. and o”r heartfelt gratitude for your kind friendship and patronage during the year. Treasure Valley Packing Co Guests of Grandparents Marcia and Darlene Hill of Apple Valley were recent Friday overnight guests of their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Ad ams. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cornell and family of Boise were Sat urday evening visitors of Bob Holmes and children. Feted on Anniversary POUNDS' GROCERY John and Marvel Hoare A JOYOUS 1Ä< » ‘■ oZ»/ the joy of Christmas reach into every heart, as with scripture, song and prayer, we recall the wonder of His birth. Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Holmes and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Francis McKenney and girls of Jamieson were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Holmes and family. The dinner was in honor of Kebbi Jo’s birthday anniver- sary. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rook stool and family of Nyssa were Saturday evening guests in the Larry Holmes residence. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brown, Col leen and Timmie spent Sunday in Homedale visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Godbout, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thomas and family. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morrow and children of Nyssa were Sunday evening visitors in the Glenn Brown resi dence. Mrs. Jim Farmer of Nyssa is staying at the home of her moth er, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byers, while recuperating from the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crocker were recent Thursday morning coffee guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byers. CLOVER LAWN DAIRY SCHOEN STUDIOS TOWNE GARAGE As the y ule tide draws near, we greet Peaceful as a The holiday and in the making, wishes season is here . midst of all the merry* we’d like to extend best and greetings to our friends. Howard's Texaco Service and RADIATOR SHOP snowy landscape, lively as a playful fawn is the Christmas we wish for you. We are ever grateful to you for your thoughtful consideration and gracious patronage. ÿ all our friends and thank them heartdy for their gracious patronage. A Merry Christmas to all. SHELL SUPER SERVICE