THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE SIX Mrs. Praii Returns After Six-Week Visit With Friends in Culp Creek Mrs. Pennie Honored With Birthday Party THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1964 SENIOR CITIZENS PLAN FRIDAY HOLIDAY PARTY Members of the Senior Citizens’ club will meet at 10:30 a.m. Fri day, Dec. 18, for their Christmas party at St. Bridget’s parish hall. A potluck dinner will be served, gifts will be exchanged and those having birthdays in October, No vember and December will be honored. Those attending are asked to take a covered dish and own table service. Extension Unit Meeting Saturday Reception Fetes Haroldsen Held at Mason Residence Couple on Golden Anniversary Event Mrs. Harriet Pennie was honor ed with a birthday party Satur By Mrs. WUson Witt * Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hardman and day afternoon, following the Nys NEWELL HEIGHTS—Mrs An- family visited Wednesday eve sa Christmas parade. The event na Pratt returned home Saturday nmg with Mr. and Mrs. Charles was held at the home of her daughter, Mrs. T. R. (Dorothea) after getting as far as Ontario at Glenn and family. Mitchell. 4:30 a.m. by bus. She went to Honored on Anniverzary Assisting the hostess was an the Moore hotel where her grand ■ Mr. and Mrs. Luit Stam were other daughter, Mrs. Bob (Marie) son, Mike Pratt, got her a room Sunday afternoon visitors and and after breakfast took her to evening dinner guests at the home Wilson and a granddaughter, Mrs. Don (Janice) Bowers. the Gene Pratt home. of Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Stam in Christmas cookies and coffee She had been visiting for six Oregon Trail. They helped Mrs. ■'J'? i weeks with friends at Culp Creek Klaas Stam celebrate her birth were served to 16 close friends of the honoree. She received a in the Calapooia mountains. Her day anniversary. friends there jokingly told her Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pratt and corsage from her grandchildren that they had heard there was a Mrs. Anna Pratt visited Sunday r i and a special poem was read, hav- sun and moon but it rains so afternoon with Farrell Jones in ing been written in her honor by 1 Mrs. H. E. Collins. much in the sawmill town that Nyssa. is—# they are in doubt. W ’r» Mr. and Mrs. D. Boatright call Mrs. Pratt reported that the ed Friday evening at the L. C. GIRL SCOUTS ATTEND PARTY .,. ■. ¿i >. Christmas cookies and hot cho snow was six inches deep at the McDermott home. colate were served to approxi summit and roads were quite Mrs. Frankie Worden and son, mately 60 local Girl Scouts at a slippery. She said it was a very Gene and Mrs. Lydia Worden | party held Saturday in the Meth- interesting trip but she is glad / were Sunday dinner guests of I odist church social hall following to be home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leedy. I the Nyssa parade. Brownies, Cadettes and Junior Mrs. Frankie Worden and Gene Elk Hunters Return Home i Returning Nov. 30 from an elk Scouts were present for the Yule- attended the basketball game at tide party with Mrs. Bob Wilson, Treasure Valley college in On hunting trip to the Starkey area O tario Friday evening and visited near La Grande were Mr. and leader of troop 120, as hostess. her daughter, Mary, who is a Mrs. Carl Lee Hill. With them She was assisted in conducting were Grant Lance of Eugene, the games and serving refreshments cheerleader. Messrs, and Mmes. Bob Parker by Mrs. Gene DeMinck. Return* From Salt Lake and Jim Thompson of La Grande, Mrs. Edith Hammon returned Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen of to her home Dec. 5 after spending Corvallis. Joining them Thanks Eastern Star Chapter several months with her daugh giving day were Mr. and Mrs. Plans Saturday Dance A holiday dance will be held MR. and MRS. REUBEN HAROLDSEN ters in Salt Lake City. She plans Stanley Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Monty . . . Married at Idaho Falls in 1914 to spend the rest of the winter Spelman. Grant Lance and Mrs. Saturday evening, Dec. 19, in the Masonic hall. Dancing will begin in Oregon. Spelman are brother and sister. at 9 o’clock to music by the Ema- Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Haroldsen Reuben Haroldsen and Mary Mr. and Mrs. Bill Holdt of ’Sun While in camp the group cele line McGinnis orchestra. were honored at a reception held Gardner were united in marriage set Valley were Sunday dinner brated the wedding anniversaries All Eastern Star members, Ma Saturday, Dec. 12, at the Nyssa on Dec. 16, 1914, at Idaho Falls. guests of her parents, Mr. and of the Carl Lee Hills and the Bob sons and their friends are invited LDS stake house in observance The couple farmed in Idaho until Mrs. Ray Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Parkers. to attend, according to Mrs. Glenn of their golden wedding anniver 1937 when they moved to the Alfred Simpson and family were Nyssa area and located on a 160- Marcum, worthy matron of Gol sary. afternoon guests. The Ray Simp Hosts for the event were their acre tract of land which they den Rule chapter 131. Entertains Bridge Club sons were Saturday evening din children, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne cleared of sagebrush. Mrs. A. H. Boydell entertained ner guests in the Gene Simpson Haroldsen; Mr. and Mrs. Arlan In 1948 they sold the farm to home and on Friday evening vis last week for members of the Haroldsen of Seattle; Mrs. John Roy Rookstool and moved to their ited in the Guy Glenn residence. Thursday afternoon bridge club. Savage of Covina, Calif.; Mr. and present home located at 509 North Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Eason of Mrs. Paul Penrod was guest play and Mrs. Elwyn Haroldsen of Sixth street in Nyssa. Parma were Saturday evening er and prizes were won by Mrs. Boise; Mr. and Mrs. Don Harold Approximately 150 guests were guests of her parents, Mr. and Harry Miner and Mrs. R. G. Lar sen of Idaho Falls; Mr. and Mrs. in attendance at the Saturday re son, Sr. Mrs. L. C. McDermott. <»• Orlee Sipes of Homedale. By Mrs. Dick Corn ception. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glenn One son, Jess Haroldsen of ARCADIA — Arcadia Sunshine and family were Sunday dinner Feted on Anniversary Washington, D.C., was unable to Luck favors those who do not guests of Mrs. Daisy Shook in Marcia Jackson, daughter of Mr. club will meet tomorrow, Dec. 18, attend. depend on luck. Baker. They visited there until and Mrs. Wilton Jackson, was at the home of Mrs. Brig Olsen. evening when they went to Dur honored during the evening of Members are asked to take home kee and visited Mrs. Glenn’s par Dec. 9 in observance of her 15th made candy and gift boxes for ents, Mr. and Mrs. Loise Boren. birthday anniversary. Members packing it. Stacy Glenn, who had been vis of the Bill Wahlert family were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moore at iting her grandparents, returned guests for traditional refresh tended an Ore-Ida company con home with them. ments. vention held last week at Idaho Falls. While there they visited at the home of her uncle, Pat Harwood, who was recently elect ïoL ed as Idaho state representative. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Messier of Nampa visited one day last week in the Ernest Stephenson home. Installed as Officer Mr. and Mrs. Dick Nelson at FOR YOUNGER SET! tended Saturday evening officer installation of the Royal Arch Masons in Ontario. Nelson was installed as Captain of the Hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Drydale vis ited Sunday afternoon in the Ce cil Houston home. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Nelson and Mrs. Eva Aspinwall attended the funeral services last Thursday for --------------------------------o-------------------------— a long-time friend, Mrs. Grace Powers in Medical Springs. Friday and Only! ä Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bowers of Pine Bluffs, Wyo., left Saturday for their home after visiting for two weeks at the Clyde and Char lie Bowers homes. .;■» • f Mrs. Brig Olsen To Host Friday Meeting of Club Apple Valley—Nyssa Home Ex tension unit meeting was held Dec. 10 at the home of Mrs. Dwight Mason in Apple Valley with 12 members and two guests in attendance. The lesson was on “Buffet Meals” and several foreign dishes were prepared and taken to the meeting for discussion. Christmas decorations were made during the social hour. January meeting of the unit will also be held at Mrs. Mason’s Duplicate Winners Listed Mrs. John Stringer and Mrs. home where oven meals will be David Sarazin were high score discussed and prepared. winners during the Monday eve ning session of Nyssa Duplicate RETURN FROM UTAH bridge club. Other high scorers Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Simpson were Mrs. Ray Russell and Mrs. returned home Monday from Bob McKinney, second; Dr. and Utah where Mrs. Simpson enter Mrs. K. A. Danford, third. ed Salt Lake clinic for observa The card parties are held Mon tion. They visited their sons, the day evenings in the Episcopal Dallas Simpson family and Clint church basement and the public Simpson at Ogden, and also vis is welcome to attend. ited relatives and friends at Hoo per. Patronize Journal Advertisers! Bring the Kiddies ... TO SEE . . . Santa on Saturday, December 19 . . . and . . . Bring Your Cars and Trucks | To Us Any Time! | I Our Service Will Give You Safe, Economical Operations! SHELL SUPER SERVICE f 101 North Main St. Phone 372-3990 NYSSA . . . OREGON 5 $ * '________ * + Chr isTmas »Gift ■fc^cnr oirr * * ¥- STARTING TODAY THE Thursday, December 17,1964 Coats... Car Coats Dresses. . . Topper Sets 20% OFF 10% OFF Saturday $ S 3 J *Z4e Stakk. Sluaix 221 Main Street “TOTS TO TEENS” Nyssa, Oregon j Phone 372-3020 $ FROM REGULAR RETAIL PRICE ON Journal Classifieds Bring Results! ALL STORE ITEMS ★ CLOTHING - TOYS - JEWELRY - BLANKETS - DECORATIONS-HOUSEHOLD ITEMS-AND ALL! ☆ ☆ The Hinting • Season • Is Here. May We Suggest Your • Gift Be • One • Of Our Lovely Pieces of Jewelry or a ☆ Gift for the Home From Our New Large and ☆ Complete Selection • of Mer- ☆ chandise. You'll Find the Latest Na- • tionally Advertised ☆ Watches, Dia monds, Silverware, Chinaware, Crystal and Many Other Beautiful Articles That Will Make Any- ☆ one on Your Gift List Happy • Stop In and See ☆ i ! I I I I I 1 i (AND PRICES HAVE NOT BEEN "JACKED UP" FOR THIS STORE-WIDE MARK-DOWN) Just Received (NEW) ★ COSTUME JEWELRY ★ HOBBY GOODS ★ CHRISTMAS FLOWERS FERNS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WELL BE OPEN SUNDAY, DEC. 20 WEEK DAYS • Pauluò, fleweliy 5 a * 127 Main Street Phone 372-2916 NYSSA . . . OREGON For the Gifts You Give With Pride Let Your Jeweler Be Your Guide <1 g • . . . From 10:30 a.m. io 6:30 p.m Until 8 p.m. (Dec. 17 Thru Dec. 23) Sugar City 5 & 10 204 Main Street I I NYSSA, OREGON Phone 372-3060