THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON PAGE TWO THE GATE CITY JOURNAL TED M. BRAMMER, Editor and Publisher NATION A L EDITORIAL AFFI! I ATE MEMBER Sunday Farewell Yule Parties Slated Young Missionary Lutheran Groups To Serve Church Service to Honor By According to Pastor John Mil­ brath, Forty-Niners group of the In Far East Area LDS Missionaries Faith Lutheran church will hold its Christmas party at 5:30 Sun­ day evening, Dec. 20, at the church. A potluck dinner is plan­ ned and the program will consist of singing songs of the season and viewing slides pertaining to Christmas and its meaning to one and all. Luther league Christmas party has been scheduled at 7 o’clock Monday evening, Dec. 21, in the church, according to Pastor Mil­ brath. Following a potluck din­ ner, a program, “What Are the Christmas Customs Around the World?” will be presented under direction of the pastor. Caroling will conclude the evening’s acti­ vities. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Single Copies-------- 10c In Malheur County, Oregon, and Payette and Canyon Counties, Idaho: One Year _____ $3.50 Six Months______ $2.50 Elsewhere in the U. S. A.: Per Year ---------$4.00 Six Months--------- $2.50 Published Every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the Post Office at Nyssa, Oregon, for Transmission Through the United States Mails, as a Second Class Matter Under the Act of March 3, 1879 LETTERS To the Editor Signed letters to the editor are welcomed and will be printed if they do not contain comments of a libelous nature or attacks on religious and racial groups. Publication of the letters does not necessarily signify agree­ ment of this newspaper with opinions expressed. INSTALLATION RITES HELD FOR LUTHERAN PRESIDENT The Rev. Dr. S. C. Siefkes was installed Monday evening as pres­ ident of the North Pacific district of Lutheran churches during a ceremony held at Queen Anne Lutheran church in Seattle. Dr. Siefkes was instrumental in organizing Faith Lutheran church in Nyssa approximately 18 years ago when he was pastor at Baker. Pastor and Mrs. John Milbrath and son represented the local church at the Monday evening in­ stallation rites. Rural Resident Cites Fire Protection Lack THURSDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1964 MR. and MRS. ALVIN C. SWENSEN . .. To Serve in Southern States ♦ ♦ Elder Alvin Carnelious Swen­ sen and his wife, Arvilla Clayton Swensen, will be honored at a farewell testimonial at 8 o’clock Sunday evening, Dec. 20, in the Nyssa Second ward chapel. The couple will leave soon on a mis­ sion to the southern states. Mr. and Mrs. Swensen moved to the Nyssa area over 24 years ago from Preston, Idaho. Their children grew up here and at­ tended Nyssa schools. Mr. Swensen was employed as watchman at Amalgamated Sugar company plant until a few years ago. He was active in the High Priest quorum of Nyssa Second ward and served as stake mis­ sionary for two years. Mrs. Swensen served as the first Relief society president when the Nyssa ward was divided. She has made over 100 quilt tops, quilted many of them and sewn other items of fancy work, many of which she has given to her friends. The Swensens have six chil­ dren including Mrs. Donna Obray, New Plymouth; Mrs. Reba Cor­ nish, Payette; Mrs. Barbara Meek, Preston; Mrs. Mary Bateman, Boise; Max C. Swensen, Ontario; and Lynn A. Swensen, Belding, Mich. They also have 28 grand­ children and 13 great-grandchil­ dren. Friends of the couple are in­ vited to attend their Sunday eve­ ning farewell service. PASTOR BULLOCK REMAINS The congregation of Nyssa Church of the Nazarene extended a near - unanimous recall vote Dec. 8, 1964 Sunday morning to their pastor, Editor the Rev. John Bullock, asking Nyssa Gate City Journal him to remain for another one- Nyssa, Oregon year term of service. Gentlemen: Pastor Bullock announced his We wish to thank the volunteer firemen and the neighbors who acceptance during the Sunday helped when we had a fire on evening service. our farm. Their efforts in help­ ing us were greatly appreciated Adrian Community and they did all possible. Church News The firemen were working un­ Women ’s association of the der a handicap, insofar as there Adrian Community church met is no telephone listed as Adrian last Thursday afternoon at the Fire department and we live so far out that the flames were ex­ home of Mrs. Wesley Piercy in­ tinguished by the time the fire stead of the K. I. Peterson resi­ truck arrived, even though we dence as previously announced. The change was due to slick con­ live but five miles from town. dition of the roads. Plans were We think this is an example made for the meal served on Sat­ that regardless of the fact the urday, the day of the God’s Acre firemen were doing a very good sale. job under the circumstances, it is Mrs. Lillian Fahrenbruch was impossible for a volunteer fire in charge of the program, taken department to be of any practical value in our area. Perhaps they from the 23rd Psalm. She was as­ will understand why I will con­ sisted by eight members of the tinue to try to make the people group, each reading one line of of Adrian and those near town the Psalm and explaining it in pay for a fire protection district terms of a shepherd and his flock FIFTH GRADE STUDENTS of their own, and not force out­ in the Holy Land. The group then ORGANIZE HEALTH CLUB Students in Joy McPartland’s lying districts to participate in read the Psalm in unison. This was followed by singing fifth grade class organized a 4-H the cost when they will not be materially benefitted any where “Silent Night.” Mrs. Elmer Ros- club on Dec. 11 and elected offi­ near the cost levied against them. enkilde explained how the carol cers. Named to office are Bob We wish to make it clear that was composed. Elnore Topliff has charge of "The Least Coin ” and ; Holmes, president; Scott Eng­ this is not a complaint against the individual firemen, but against read an article concerning it. Mrs. strom, vice president; Ruthann the persons who extended the Rosenkilde also read from a book La Bounty, secretary; Candy Parks, song leader; and Renee boundaries of the district beyond telling of “The Least Coin.” The meeting closed with group DeMinck, news reporter. the point where protection could singing, followed by light re­ It was reported that a 4-H club be reasonably given. freshments. must have at least 10 meetings. Sincerely, Name chosen for the club is MERRILL TALLMAN The God’s Acre sale and dinner “Bulldog Health club.” Ridgeview, Ore. held Saturday has been reported —Renee DeMinck, Reporter. (Route 1, Homedale) as a success. Credit is given to R. D. McKinley and his commit­ Classifieds Bring Results! tees, the generous contributions ATTENDS BOISE MEETING The Rev. and Mrs. Ralph A. of merchants in Adrian and sur­ Lawrence spent Monday in Boise rounding community, and to Mrs. where he attended a meeting of McKinley and the ladies who pre­ >' Idaho Methodist Conference pared and served the dinner. < ordinating Council executive It is easier to spend allowances committee of which he is secre­ tary. than to make them. Families Attend Silver Wedding Event at Ontario By Farmerette Club NU ACRES—Mr. and Mrs. Clif­ ton Nielsen of Othello, Wash., were weekend guests of his moth­ er, Mrs. Effie Nielsen. Mrs. Niel­ sen and the visitors spent Satur­ day evening at the home of Mrs. Shoat in Caldwell. On Sunday, they and the Arvin Kersey family attended a silver wedding anniversary event hon­ oring Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Niel­ sen at their home near Ontario. Mrs. Charles Nelson, daughter of the honorees, made the anni­ versary cake. A large number of relatives and friends were in at­ tendance. Mrs. Ralph Baxter visited Fri­ day with Mrs. V. C. Walker in Parma. Mrs. George Dohner vis­ ited that evening with Mrs. Walk­ er. To Spend Holidays in California Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Walker, former residents of Nu Acres, have returned to Parma for sev­ eral days after visiting relatives and friends in various parts of Oregon. They left Saturday mor­ ning with Mrs. Maurice Walker and children for California where they will spend the holidays with their son and husband, Ensign Maurice Walker, who is stationed with the U. S. Navy at San Fran­ cisco. They plan to return to Parma shortly after the first of the year. Mr. and ^trs. George Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Wilson, Cheryl and Beverly were Thanks­ giving guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rash near New Plymouth. Mrs. Rash is a sister of George Wilson. Evil is triumphant over good when good people do nothing. FRANK ALAN WALKER ... To Leave for Japan ♦ e A farewell testimonial service honoring Elder Frank Alan Wal­ ker will be held at 6 o’clock Sun­ day evening, Dec. 27, in the Nyssa LDS First ward chapel. The young elder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Walker, will en­ ter the mission home in Salt Lake City on Jan. 18. A week later he will fly to Tokyo, Japan, head­ quarters for the Northern Far East mission. He is a 1961 graduate of Nyssa high school and for 2% years has attended Pacific university in Forest Grove, Ore. His younger brother, David, is presently serv­ ing an LDS mission in the Cen­ tral Atlantic states. The public is invited to attend the Dec. 27 evening service. NAMED TO CHURCH BOARD Vern McCain, Dr. K. A. Dan- ford, Ron Schoen and Bob Meisin- ger were recently elected to serve three-year terms on the council of Faith Lutheran church. To­ gether with eight other members, these men will direct church acti­ vities for 1965. Larry Mackey, Friend Arrive Home Afier Serving Overseas Tour of Duty Mrs. Hunter Parker of Bremer­ ton is visiting her niece, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Webb. Return From Arkansas Airman Second Class Danny Richardson returned recently from Desha, Ark., to visit his parents and will spend a week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bill Willis and family before leaving for overseas duty in Japan. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Winn were hosts to Norsedco employees and their families at the church din­ ner served Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Patterson and Mrs. Glenn Ward were guests at a card party Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newbill. The two couples attend­ ed a bridge party Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Ty­ Mr. and Mrs. George Cartwright visited Sunday with her mother, son in Parma. Mrs. Alma Hibbard of Notus. Ausmans Have New Son Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ausman are parents of a baby boy born Thursday morning, Dec. 10. He weighed 10 pounds, 1 ounce and has been named Frank Emanuel. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day visit­ ed Sunday with her aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Maze of Nyssa. Mrs. Maze is recuperating from recent surgery. Sunday’s a great day Dee Anna Duncan, daughter of to call Long Distance. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan, was hospitalized from Dec. 10 un­ Folks are at home. til Sunday morning for observa­ Rates are low all day. tion. This Sunday, surprise Ross Mills visited Monday with a favorite relative or his mother, Mrs. C. R. Mills in Caldwell. friend with a Long Mr. and Mrs. Bob Parker and Distance call. It’s the Jolynn of La Grande spent the next best thing to weekend with his parents, Mr. being there. and Mrs. Vernon Parker. Mrs. Myrtle Parker was a Sunday din­ ner guest at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker. MALHEUR Mr. and Mrs. Bill Willis visited HOME during the weekend with his TELEPHONE brother, Wayne Willis at Boise. COMPANY (Ï) Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gage of Boise spent the weekend at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mackey. By Mrs. G. E. Mackey ADRIAN—Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Mackey went to Boise Dec. 10 to meet the plane on which their son, Lance Corporal Larry D. Mackey, and a friend, Lance Cor­ poral Dennis Kinley of Blackfoot, arrived. The two boys have been to­ gether since boot camp, both are helicopter mechanics returning from overseas duty in Okinawa, Viet Nam, Philippine Islands and a three-month tour aboard ship. They returned to the states on Dec. 8 via Military Air Transport Service aircraft. Larry will be home until Jan. 4 when he will report to Santa Ana. Kinley left Friday for his home in Blackfoot. Sunday Visit OPEN EVENINGS Only 7 UNTIL 8 O'CLOCK! EACH WEEK DAY . . . From Friday, December 18 Through Wednesday, December 23 Iwf Bracken’s Dept. Store JUNIOR BOWLERS ? z1 Give the new, AJBC approved Bantam 8 or Bantam 9 Bowling Ball in windmill black, red and blue. Also the plaid Chevron and the 2-tone Comet Bags. For gals, the Nassau bowling "sneaker” DOUGLAS FIR i CHRISTMAS TREES 4» 5 All Sizes ‘ ■ '■ 1 to s13 —Prices $ ? I I s I WILL BE AVAILABLE at M& W PARKING LOT Through Christmas Eve. I NYSSA JAYCEES j —for guys, the Ranger high score bowl­ I Saturday, Dec. 19 l AT 2:30 P. M. I in the 1 ing shoe. Other gifts for teens and MERC BUILDING pre teens from $1 95 Complete Selection — OF APPROPRIATE — Gifts for Bowlers OF ALL AGES! H/uuuwiek ACCESSORY DEALER SUGAR BOWL 909 Park Phona 372 9952 NYSSA, OREGON > ? ? I'll Have Small Gifts for All of You and You Can Tell Me What You Want Me to Bring You for Christmas ... I'll Have — J 2 BIKES and 2 TRIKES | For Those Having Lucky Numbers J 15 -DRESSED TURKEYS -15 J For Adults Holding Lucky Numbers ? SPONSORED BY NYSSA BUSINESSMEN'S PROMOTION COMMITTEE