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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1964)
U. of 0. Library Eugene, Oregon c Nyssa Gate City Journal VOLUME LVII The Sugar City THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 17. 1964 W. Ford to Head Nyssa Chamber Blood Drawing Slated Monday Al Eagles Hall w I HO * The Red Cross bloodmobile will be at Nyssa Eagles hall on Mon day, Dec. 21, according to Harvey Easton, chairman for the sponsor ing Jaycees. They will be assist ed by Lions club members during the drawing to be held from 2 to 6 p.m. Quota has been set at 150 pints, same as for the Aug. 5 drawing. The chairman reports that a baby sitter will be available at the hall for pre-school children. He tlso stated that new donors as well as those who have pre viously given blood are urged to attend and give of the life-saving fluid. ’W k -.'F The board of directors of Nyssa Chamber of Commerce chose Walt Ford as president and Ray Tar ter as vice president for the com ing year, following the regular meeting of that body Wednesday noon. Ford served as vice president during 1964, while Tarter became a new member of the group dur ing the past year. He moved here from Boise and operates the local OK Tire store. Other board members are Da vid Sarazin, Floyd Rhoades, Boyd Wilson, the Rev. Wallace Prowell and Dellin Erickson, present pres ident. Ore-Ida Foods, Inc. Declares Dividend Payable January 1 10 Cents Per Copy NUMBER 51 Second Appearance Santa Returning io Nyssa Saturday To Visit Kids Missed on First Trip; Chamber Offers Bikes and Turkeys Santa will be back in Nyssa Saturday, Dec. 19, to visit all the children he missed while here last weekend. He’ll be at the vacant Merc building (123 Main street) from 2:30 until 5 p.m. with candy for the small children and good cheer for all. The building will be lighted and heated for the special occasion and the interviews between Santa and the children will be heard over loud speak-*------------------------------------- — ers on Main street. In addition to St. Nick’s visit the Businessmen’s Promotion committee has arranged for two bikes and two trikes to be given away at 4 o’clock in separ ate drawings. Tickets will be given inside the building and those holding lucky numbers will win the vehicles. 15 Turkeys to Be Awarded Adults will have an opportu nity to win a Christmas turkey, all dressed and ready for the table (except cooking) as the chamber group will give away 15 of the birds in a separate drawing at the same location and in the same manner. In all three drawings it will be necessary to be present to win. Merchants remind the public that there are only a few shop ping days left before Christmas and that they still have good stocks from which to choose gifts. Mental Health Project Organized In Four Counties Assistance to benefit Eastern Oregon State Hospital patients in the hospital-family project spon sored by the National Institute of Mental (Public) Health has begun The board of directors of Ore- in the four more populous coun Ida Foods, Inc., Monday declared ties of this area—Umatilla, Baker, a 2 percent stock dividend. It will Union and Malheur. The mental THE STORY OF TINY TIM as told in Dicken's struciors in social studies and speech classes, re be payable Jan. 15, 1965, to stock health resources in these coun "Christmas Carol" was theme of this float, one spectively. Also on the program will be some of holders of record Dec. 28, 1964. ties are extremely limited. of the units in Nyssa's Christmas parade held last the best-loved Christmas carols by music students Fiscal year end earnings are A dinner was served Friday estimated at $1.55 per share, bas When an ex-patient returns to Saturday afternoon. The float was constructed John Wohlcke, Alan Cottle, Mary and Carol Pond, his community he needs consid and sponsored by the NHS Mexican Alliance Karel Obenchain, Carol Haney and Sue Trammel. evening at Brownie’s cafe in hon ed on an average number of erable help to make the adjust club. Members of the club will present "The Quinowski said this production is being presented or of former City Manager and shares outstanding, according to ment a good and a lasting one. Christmas Carol" at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening, as a gift to area residents; there will be no ad Mrs. Art Colby and in recognition F. Nephi Grigg, president of the of out-going city council mem firm. Net sales for 1964 were $30 The project, therefore, is offering mission charge. Dec. 23, in the school cafetorium, under direction bers. five community-based workers, a million. This compares with $24 of Charles Quinowski and Don Bates, NHS in- —Journal Photo. coordinator and assistant coordi •---------------- ------------------------------- In addition to the Colbys and million in 1963 with earnings of ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ nator under the directorship of retiring councilmen George Sal 75 cents per share. Dr. E. I. Silk. lee, Paul House, Ray Huffman These staff members will offer and their wives, those present in ELECTION MEETING SLATED a continuous service for discharg cluded members of the incoming A public meeting will be held ed patients and they will also council, city employees, their hus at 2 p.m. tomorrow, Dec. 18, at serve as a liaison between hospi bands and/or wives. the Sunset Valley hall. Tami Winn, a sophomore, and A huge crowd viewed the “Keeping Christ in Christmas' tal and community. Help with parade on Main street in Nyssa Saturday afternoon. The Wanda Peutz, junior student at Colby was presented an attache According to Chairman Lee H. problems related to employment, case and his wife, Lee, was reci Stoker, purpose of the meeting is Adrian high school, attained per weather was cool and hundreds viewed it from cars parked community attitudes, medication pient of a sweater. The Colby elect one committee member on Main and at the intersections between Seventh and First fect 4.0 grade point averages for family left Saturday morning by to and the family of the patient will for a three-year term for Owyhee the first nine weeks, according to streets. The north side of Main (in the sunshine) was lined Superintendent be attempted through full use of Individuals from Malheur coun auto for Colorado where he will Insecticide Control area and to Glenn Ward. existing resources and possibly with people several rows deep the entire route of the parade. Other honor students earning a assume duties as city manager at discuss use of new insecticides ty have again been recognized for stimulation of new ones. Parade chairman Floyd B average or better include their contributions to agricultural Thornton. for the district. An experimental design is built Rhoades said he had received men Ernest Lewis, Carylee fresh leadership. Mef- many, many favorable com ford, Janet Montgomery, Nancy Harry Sandquist of Ontario and into the project so that the effects chairman of the Malheur County of this service may be measured. ments on the idea as well as Nelson, Gay Morinaka, Diana Extension staff was elected presi- . To accomplish this the project has congratulations on the quality Okano, Jeanette Phifer, Lois Seu- dent of the Oregon County Agents been programed for five years. A work done on the floats. He stat ell, Jane Timmerman, Teresa association at the annual confer considerable number of Eastern ed he had been informed by some Boise Valley Livestock Com out - of - town churches that they Topliff and Kathleen Wenke. ence held Dec. 8-10 at Oregon Oregon State Hospital employees Sophomore honor students are New private passenger automobile insurance classification State university in Corvallis. will be contributing toward ac mission Co., Inc., in business as wished to take part in it if re Nina Evans, Barry Fujishin, Amy and rating plans, to become effective Jan. 1, make great complishing the goals of the pro OK Livestock Markets, Caldwell, peated another year. Hirai, Sharon Leavitt, Helen Mar changes in the premiums to be paid by millions of families Sandquist was a recent delegate ject in addition to the community Idaho, has been suspended as a to the national meeting of the Rhoades said he wished to ex tin, Carol Ann McCormick, Roger registrant under the Packers and throughout the United States. County Agents association in New workers. press his thanks to all the chur Phifer, Dirk Sipes, Cecile Smith The staff of the new project Stockyards act and has consented The principal refinements in classification will result in: Orleans. to a U. S. Department of Agricul ches, the Scout troops, the Oregon and Rebecca Wenke. consists of Wesley Terwilliger, 1. Increased r4jes for unmarried girls under 21, but still I He will aerve as president for a Trail Grange, Nyssa high school Juniors attaining the high point ture order to comply with that ■’’lower than for unmarried year and among other activities formerly director of a mental band and all the individuals who average are Carma Blanch, Louise act. plans to have Malheur county as health clinic in Coos county, co males of the same age. worked on the floats and aided in Campbell, Sharon Fenn, Sandra USDA Judicial Officer Thomas the for a weekend campout ordinator; Mrs. Pearl Luria pre any manner with the parade. Humphreys, Mary Laan, Sandra 2. Increased rates for un and site J. Flavin issued the order, sus viously chief psychiatric social picnic Leavitt, Norma Nelson, Ross Ni- married males aged 25 association. in June for the Oregon worker of the Lane county Men pending the firm’s registration for Entry Information Listed Members of the high school through 29 who are owners or Following is a list of entries in shihara, Judith Pratt and Lora 30 days. The suspension became Joe Saito of Ontario was an- tal Health clinic, assistant coor band and chorus will present a Jo Stoker. the parade, the name of the per effective Nov. 30. USDA said the principal operators. other local agricultural leader dinator. Senior honor students are Lin concert of Christmas music at firm is not entitled to engage in son in charge and a brief descrip The five community - based 3. Reduced rates for married cited at the conference meeting 8 o'clock this evening in the •business under the act during the tion of the floats, prepared by the da Barton, Ron Cartwright, An workers are Verne Flock, former males under 25 in most cases. in Corvallis, Saito was awarded Rev. John Bullock, who acted as gie Mendazona, Marilyn Nishi- school cafetorium, according to Also substantial reductions for period of the suspension. Malheur juvenile director, Mal an honorary membership in the Frank Turner, band director. hara, Eugene Pratt, Catherine Sa- The judicial officers also order parade marshal: There is no admission charge married males over 25 years of Oregon County Agents association heur county; Miss Electa Gartin, High school band, directed by mer, Eldon Slippy, Bonnie Stein ed the firm to cease and desist which is composed of county formerly Baker county public and the public is invited io at age. er, Judith Teter, Eugene Worden from (1) operating while its cur Frank Turner; Methodist church agents and specialists in the ex health nurse, Baker county; Mrs. 4. Reduced rates for the family tend, the instructor said. rent liabilities exceed its current (manger scene with different and Margaret Zamora. car with a youthful male operator tension service. In accordance Hazel Graue, former public health races around it dressed in robes), assets; (2) misusing funds receiv who is a resident student at a with the association’s by-laws, no nurse in Illinois, Union county; ed from the sale of livestock con the Rev. Ralph Lawrence; 'Church school or college over 100 road more than three such honorary and Charles Busby, sociologist signed to the firm for public sale; of the Nazarene (stained - glass memberships may be awarded in from Salt Lake City, Utah, and miles from home. (3) permitting its auctioneers or windows in framework with the Mrs. Dolores Patterson, Coos any one year. 5. Reduced rates for women other employees to purchase con paintings representing, home, county public health nurse, both Others so recognized for their drivers aged 30 through 64 when signed livestock for their own ac church community and a world interest and service to agriculture to work in Umatilla county. globe), the Rev. Bullock. counts. Through special activities, churches of the Nyssa-Adrian they are the only operator in the in the state were Dr. James H. The secretaries are Mrs. Nancy Christian church (an entire Biechler and Mrs. Twila Scofield. (4) failing to issue to consignors area have again taken the lead in Christmas festivities. Pro household. 6. A subdivision of all youthful Jensen, president of OSU, and The Malheur county community true written accounts of the sale church built on a truck), the Rev. grams by young people, special services, parties for young Rube Long, long-time rancher of of their livestock; (5) failing to Wallace Prowell; LDS church (an and old are some of the activities being held to try to stress unmarried male operator classes Fort Rock, Ore., and co-author of worker may be reached at 389 SW pay when due the purchase price open Bible with the Christmas the true meaning of the holiday. A special event held this by individual year of age from the book, “The Oregon Desert.” Third avenue, Ontario, 17 through 29, instead of the of livestock; and (6) issuing “in- I story printed on the pages with year was the Dec. 12 Christmas parade in which churches, blanket “under 25” classification ... *----------------------------------------- sufficient funds” checks in pay-, people coming from the open - FRACTURES LEFT CLAVICLE EAGLES TO ATTEND PARTY rates. ment for purchased livestock or pages and a bed with child sleep Scout troops and civic organ Denzil Weeks, 14-year-old son The annual Christmas party ing), Bishop Frell Blair; Girl izations entered floats, using FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH to consignors in payment for live Most Important Revision of Mr. and Mrs. William Weeks, will be held Saturday evening, Scout Brownies (float with a door the theme, “Keeping Christ in “The Appeal of Jesus, a King” stock sold on their behalf. The plan was developed by the suffered a fractured left clavicle Dec. 19, at the Nyssa Eagles hall. and window painted on back and is topic of the sermon to be deli Christmas. ” In answering these allegations, National Bureau of Casualty Un Tuesday at Nyssa high school. According to Bill LaBounty, Church activities scheduled vered Sunday by Pastor Wallace derwriters the firm admitted USDA’s juris the girls caroling), Ruth Howard, and the National Auto- The youth fell and struck his dancing to live music will begin general chairman (four floats); Prowell during the 11 o ’ clock during the next week include diction, neither admitted nor de worship and communion service 1 mobile Underwriters association shoulder while wrestling. He was at 9 p.m. and continue until 1 nied the charges, waived oral I Girl Scout troop 338 (world the following: and is considered the most im treated at Malheur Memorial hos o’clock. This annual event has globe with Brownies represent at Nyssa Christian church. hearing and consented to the is FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH ing various nations), Mrs. Dick A Christmas program of scrip portant revision that has taken pital and released in good condi been held on Christmas eve in suance of the suspension and past years. Tensen; Brownie troop 72 (angel Children of the Sunday school ture and music will be presented place in auto insurance in many tion. cease and desist order. over Christmas tree with girls classes at Faith Lutheran church at 7:30 Sunday evening in the years. It resulted from the returns of riding on float), Rose Toombs; ; are preparing their Christmas church with all of the Sunday Girl Scout troop 120 (nativity program using the theme, “Jesus school classes participating, the computers which were used to determine where the losses were Christ, Savior of the World.” Ac Rev. Prowell said. Max. Min. Prec. scene), Marie Wilson. Date PTA (nativity scene with angel cording i to Pastor John Milbrath, The congregation and pastor occurring, by classes, and the new 33 29 .19 standing above Mary, Joseph and the youngsters will enact the Dec. 9 extend an invitation to the public plan will levy heavy premiums on 37 30 .05 Christ child), Betty Wilson; Mexi- 1 birthday of Christ in recitation, Dec. 10 ..... to attend these Sunday services. those causing the heavy losses. 37 30 .25 can Alliance (pictured above), songs Dec. 11 It will apply to all the major i and motion choir. ♦ ♦ 35 21 Dec. 12 .... types of coverage normally pur C. Quinowski; Sugar City 5 & 10 A film will also be shown as — , (nativity scene), Mrs. John Hoare; ] part of the program to be held at ADRIAN FREE METHODIST 28 17 Dec. 13 chased on a car—comprehensive, A Christmas program entitled collision, bodily injury, medical 21 36 .12 Oregon Trail Grange (horse and 8 I o’clock Wednesday evening, Dec. 14 __ “The Bells Ring Out” will be pre- payments and property damage. 41 24 Dec. 15 sleigh), Russell Gressley; high Dec. 23, in the church. 19 .01 school glee club, Gary Clawson; Dec. 16 Practices have been scheduled s^ntedvat 8 o’clock Sunday eve- And where an increase occurs it Young ” people through high i wjn ------ extend to at r7" ,V 2 t*? ” ” ------ all -- base rates ' Owyhee Reservoir Storage Chamber of Commerce (float with i at 2 p.m. on Dec. 19; 2:30 p.m., ning. Dec. 14, 1964___ 480,480 Acre Ft. Santa Claus riding in his sleigh), Dec. 20; and 3:45 p.m. Dec 23 sc"°°l a^e will participate in the the same percentage rates. ’ I program. _ , , . „ _ . . Dec. 14. 1963 257,130 Acre Ft. Reed Ray. Pastor Milbrath concluded. I A party is planned Wednesday Rahn9 Informatlon Required Friday Evening Event Fetes Colbys; Family Departs for Colorado Two Adrian Students 'Keeping Christ in Christmas' Parade Earn Perfect Grades Well Received by Crowd in Nyssa For First Nine Weeks Caldwell Firm Closed 30 Days Under U.S. Law Malheur Citizens Win Recognition For Leadership Insurance Rates on Passenger Cars Greatly Changed Effective January 1 Band, Chorus Slate Christmas Concert Area Churches Plan Yule Observance With Special Services and Programs WEATHER "WHAT A HAPPY TIME OF YEAR"—«specially for small children a* they sit on Santa's knee and tell him of their Christmas desires. Expressions of "true belief" are reflected on the faces of the** young Nyssan* as th*y talked to th* Jolly Old 1 evening for high school age stu dents of the church. ♦ ♦ OWYHEE LDS WARD Junior and senior Sunday school classes will present a combined Christmas program at 10:30 Sun day morning, according to Bishop Wayne Berrett. No classwork is planned with full time to be de voted to Yule activities, the bi shop said. The ward’s annual Christmas party and program will be held at 7:30 Wednesday evening, Dec. 23. Santa Claus will make an ap- pearance with treats for all. ♦ ♦ ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL According to the Rev. Armand Larive, a holy communion ser Gentleman during hi* appearance in their home vice will be held at 11 o’clock on town last Saturday afternoon. Santa will be in Christmas eve. A 10 a.m. service Nyssa again Saturday, Dec. 19, between the hours is planned for Christmas Day, the of 2:30 and 5 p.m. at th* Merc building. Rev. Larive said. —Journal Photo. (Continued on Page 4) To determine the rates the in surance agent must have a great deal of information. He must know the age, sex, marital status of the owners and principal operators, the use to which the car will be put, whether or not it will be driven to work, and if so how far, the year, make and model of the car, the driving rec ord of the operators and whether or not youthful operators have completed an approved driver training course. Dollars-and-cents-wise the rate increases will be large enough on some youthful operators that a check should be made with the local insurance agent a consider able length of time prior to ex piration of the present coverage. (Editor's Not* — Next w*ek th* Journal will attempt to giv* some example* of the dollar saving* where youthful oper ator* have completed a driver training course.) THESE YOUNG LADIES are all member* of Girl Scout troop 338. They and other member* of the troop have spent their recent «pare moment* making Christmas toy* for small children. The girls are (left to right) Nancy Jackson, Mardi Tensen. Roberta Morrow, Martha Heider, Teresa Wilkerson and Kathy Spitler. Displayed on th* table in front of them are stick horses, pull toy* and tassel doll* made of yarn. The heads of th* stick horse* ar* men's socks, stuffed with foam rubber chips and decorated with felt pieces to form the man**, ears, *y*s and bridl**. Th* Girl Scouts plan to giv* th* item* to th* Nyssa Jaycee* who ar* conducting their an nual "Toys for Tots" drive. Leaders of th* troop ar* Mrs. Dick Tensen and Mr*. Thoma* Morrow.—Journal Photo.