THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1964 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON VISIT NYSSA RELATIVES Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rhodes and Susan of Milton - Freewater and Miss Linda Beckham of Walla Walla were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stoker and Mrs. Rhodes’ parents, Mr. and By Mrs. Wilson Witt NEWELL HEIGHTS — Modern ( sons were Sunday afternoon vis- Mrs. A. H. Boydell. Miss Beck­ Pioneer club meeting was held I itors at the home of his sister, ham was an attendant at the Savage-Moore wedding held Fri- Dec. 2 in the home of Mrs. Lillian Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Garner. day evening. Fahrenbruch with 10 women and Hosts Card Session two children in attendance. Mrs. Happy Dozen card club met Lydia Worden was in charge of Friday afternoon at the home of One good measure of a person the business meeting and Evelyn Minnie Stam. Guest players were is that which will make him McKinley served as secretary in Ima Begeman, Dale Witt and laugh. the absence of Frankie Worden. Betty Phifer. Prize winners were Roll call answer was “What I Mabel Piercy, Sue Ashcraft, Mrs. Want for Christmas.” The group Phifer and Anna VanderOord. voted to purchase another $5 Next meeting will be Dec. 18 at bond. Ruby Leedy, Mrs. Fahren­ the home of Bernice Toomb and bruch and Mrs. McKinley were there will be a gift exchange. appointed to prepare the 1905 Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Barnes of club books, and it was announced Pacific, Wash., arrived Friday to that there will be no January spend the weekend with her sis­ meeting. ter, Mrs. Frankie Worden, Gene Election of officers was held and Mary. Elzon Mayhall of Can­ with Mrs. McKinley named presi­ ton, Okla., arrived Thursday to dent; Helen Fenn, vice president; visit in the Worden home and Elnore Topliff, secretary-treasur­ will be accompanied home by er. Prior to adjournment, Christ­ his wife who has been spending mas gifts were exchanged and re­ some time with her sister, Mrs. freshments served. Worden. They expected to leave the first part of the week. Mrs. Loise Boren of Durkee Mrs. Ray Laan spoke on Hol­ spent Friday night with her son- land at a meeting of the Moon­ in-law and daughter, Mr. and lighter Home Extension unit held Mrs. Charles Glenn and family. Stacy Glenn accompanied her last Thursday evening in Ontario. grandmother to Durkee, planning December 17 Meeting Set to visit there and also with Mrs. AKH Home Demonstration unit Daisy Shook at Baker. will meet Thursday, Dec. 17, at the home of Mrs. Dick Kriegh Visitors in Fenn Home Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hite of Coun­ for a potluck dinner and $1 gift cil, Idaho, were recent Monday exchange. Menu information may afternoon visitors at the Rollo be obtained by calling Mrs. Fenn home. Sunday dinner guests Kriegh and serving will begin at in the Fenn residence were Els­ 12:30 p.m. All ladies of the neigh­ mere Fenn and daughter, Janie. borhood are invited to attend. Mrs. Jake Borge taught Dec. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Smith and baby called Sunday afternoon and in the Alameda school at Ontario, evening visitors were Howard substituting for the special edu­ cation teacher. Fenn and two sons. Mrs. Dick Kriegh attended a Mr. and Mrs. Ray Laan visited Sunday afternoon in the Gerard party on home decorating held last Thursday at the home of Dirksen home near Ontario. Gene Pratt attended a beet Mrs. Edythe Prosser in Big Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hardman growers’ convention held last and his grandmother, Mrs. Nellie weekend at Yakima, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Witt were Hardman, were recent Monday Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Marion Wolfgang in Boise. Jake Borge. The elder Mrs. Hard­ Gilbert Deffenbaugh of Nyssa man recently accompanied her was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. grandson to Portland where she and Mrs. Alfred Simpson. After­ resides with her daughter, Mrs. noon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rupprecht. Gene Simpson and family, Mrs. j Mrs. Charles Leedy and Mrs. Dave Savage and children, Mr. Lydia Worden attended a Dec. 1 and Mrs. Howard Fenn and fam- | Adrian Garden club luncheon at the home of Mrs. Agnes Ashcraft. Uy- ’Officers Elected, Gifts Exchanged At Meeting of Modern Pioneer Club 1 Observe Anniversary 1 DENVER COUPLE VISITS Mr. and Mrs. Garry Hanna of Denver were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Muri Lancaster. While here, they attended funeral services for Mrs. Lancaster’s fa­ ther, H. D. Hanna at Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. George Sallee, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miner, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stunz celebrated the latter couple’s 40th wedding anni­ versary Saturday evening with dinner at the Thunderegg room in Vale. They later attended the Basque charity ball in the Vale VISIT FROM POCATELLO Grange hall. Mr. and Mrs. John Penrod and sons of Pocatello spent Thanks­ giving holidays with his parents, Journal Classifieds j Mr. and Mrs. Paul Penrod and I | with relatives at New Plymouth, j Bring Results! GOD'S ACRE SALE At Adrian Community Church SATURDAY, DEC. 12, 1964 $1 Dinner ... 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Children Under 12 ... 50 Cents) SALE BEGINS AT 1:30 P.M. 4 Turkeys, 4 Hams to Be Given Away SHOP NYSSA THIS WEEK— Santa Is Coming to Town! See the RIG Parade WITH FLOATS SPONSORED by the SA nt A? w I w PAGE THREE CHURCHES of NYSSA! Grade 'C' TOMS 10 -16 Lbs. stock - up TURKEYS Good Quality—Good Selection 4 FRESH GROUND BAKED BEEF French Bread 19 heatsupto 8 rooms at the cost of 4 PRICES EFFECTIVE— Thursday, Friday and Saturday Pillsbury rï y Ç199 Flour- - •25 Lbs.'Ia : Pine.-Grapefruit —40-vrz. 46-Oz rine.-vrrapeiruir , 89c Jello- •10 Pk?s- 98c Prink Crescent Nuts Cashews, 4-oz. 49c Peanuts, 14-oz.„ 49e Mixed, 4-oz. 49e Clover Club Potato Chips Cheez Nibbles Chip Dip 59c 39c 19° 3 Tins Assoriea Assorted Hunt's 2V2 — PORK 'N Beans A Ä sUl00 WHITE SATIN $105 Sugar Baker's — 6-Oz.Pkgs. 100 4 for 89 C Choc. Chips 6 for $ Geisha —MANDARIN Oranges oiu-r usniuiieu Old-Fashioned beautiful' nevV FORCfD-A,R £¡1 HOMI HtAtlR Rosedale Now gives you FULL HOUSE HEATING and there are no costly pipes and registers to install! Does an ordinary heater force you to live in one or two rooms when the temperature drops? That’s be­ cause the heat goes out the chimney or piles up on the ceiling. Siegler cuts this waste, cuts your fuel bills and gives you warm floors in every room of your home. Why? Because only Siegler has the Satented Inner Heat Tubes and built-in Blower ystem. Buy it on a great MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Start saving by stopping in at Nyssa Furniture Co One Block West of Railroad Depot 9 Good Avenue Phone 372-2933 NYSSA . . . OREGON -------- o—— ■ Easy Terms on Approved Credit! Peas • Corn ? for $1 Choc. Drops2 Lbs. >lu Ore-Ida—FRENCH FRIES - 22* LARGE — 8-LB. BAG I Solid Heads Cabbage *