THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1964 REAL ESTATE FARMS CAMBRIDGE 240— A beautiful farm for hay, grain and stock. Bottom soil, cheap water. $65,000, $23,000 down. ALFALFA SEED— Four good farms in the Adrian- Homedale area. Priced $26,500 to $95,000. LOW DOWN PAYMENTS! Weiser, 120 acres—$5,000 down. Parma, 120 acres—$3,500 down. SIX ACRES—% MILE OUT— Modern two-bedroom basement home. Let this acreage add dol lars to your income. Only $7,- 500.00. DEER FLAT AREA— 175 acres. Wonderful soil in best of contract seed area. The most profitable farming we know of! $160,000. HOMES EASY TO BUY— New home, never lived in. Open modern planning with carpeted living room, three bedrooms, 1% baths, beautiful birch kitchen with built - in range. Carport with large stor age. Paved street. $13,725.00. FHA terms. Only $425 down. FOUR BEDROOM—Basement! $14,500. FHA terms. COMPLETE HOME— This luxury home has roomy, open planning, to make it a real delight to live in! Large central fireplace covers entire wall of living room. A real bargain at $27,500. ONTARIO HOMES— Two new ones almost ready. Beautiful homes, $16,500 and $17,500. KEN POND FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT WEEKLY TV SCHEDULES SMALL, TWO-BEDROOM Home CABINET-STYLE RADIO —Hot- plate, vacuum cleaner with at —Gas heat. Seventh street lo tachments, other miscellaneous cation. $35.00 monthly. Phone items. Effie Murphy, 305 Ennis 372-2906. 46-tfc avenue, Nyssa. 46-ltp SMALL, FURNISHED THREE- ROOM HOUSE — With bath. ELECTROLUX — Sales and ser vice. E. R. Anderson, route 3, Phone 372-2876. 46-tfc Sunnyside, Weiser, Idaho. Au TWO TO THREE - BEDROOM thorized dealer. Phone 549- HOME—In Apple Valley. Wir 1581. 42-tfc ed for automatics. Two children “NEWHOUSE” BULK BED —In preferred. Phone 372-3093. excellent condition. Used one 42-tfc season. Write or call Ken Neel, Route 1, Box 156-A, Redmond, BACHELOR APARTMENT—Up Ore. 45-2tp stairs. Phone 372-2652. 46-tfc SMALL TWO-ROOM FURNISH ORDER METAL HEAD GATES now for your concrete ditches. ED HOUSE—Mrs. W. W. Fos Eder Hardware. Phone 372- ter, 301 Park avenue. Phone 22M. 17-tfc 372-3566. 46-tfc SLEEPING ROOM —One block CORN-FED DUCKS — Call 372- 2143. 46-2tc from Main street. Phone 372- 2136. 43-tfc BATTERIES — 0-volt, $8.95 ex change; 12 - volt, $13.95 ex ONE-BEDROOM and TWO-BED change. Elliott Tire Co., 204 ROOM APARTMENTS — Call North Main. Phone 372-2270. 372-3581. 46-ltc 7-tfc ONE-BEDROOM HOUSE — Fur- nished. $30 per month. Phone FREEZER MEATS — At whole sale prices. Also complete cus 372-2226. 46-tfc tom meat cutting. Livestock ONE - BEDROOM HOUSE — $40 picked up free in Nyssa, Apple per month. Also furnished Valley, Nu Acres and Parma house, two rooms and bath, $25 areas. Also pick up station at per month. Bernard Eastman Adrian. Bob’s Freezer Meats, Real Estate—Insurance. Phone 503 Main street, Nyssa. Phones 372-3535. 46-tfc 372-3937 or 372-3562. 42-tfc ONE-BEDROOM HOUSE—Com HANDCRAFTED GUN CABI fortable for individual o r NETS — Ideal for Christmas couple. Call 372-2884. 46-3tc gifts. See at 610 North Second street or call 372-3943 after 5 p.m. 46-ltc FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE 15 ACRES—One mile from Nyssa on Oregon side. $4,750. Mel Beck Real Estate. Call 372- 3532. 46-tfc ADDING MACHINE TAPE — Typewriter ribbons, file folders, inventory forms, etc., on sale at Gate City Journal office. Phone 372-2233. TWO FARMS — 240 acres each. WHITE KITCHEN TRASH BUR- Real Estate — New Homes Two of the best seed-spud, cov NER—Complete, installed, $37.- 16 North Third Dial 372-2915 er and grass farms in Long 50. Terms. Nyssa Furniture Ken Pond, Res. Phone 372-3168 Valley. Irrigated and well-im Co. Phone 372-2933. 45-tfc Hal Hopper, Res. Phone 473-2076 proved. Ed Case Realty, Lake Fork, Idaho. 46-4tc USED ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER — Excellent condition, FOR SALE—AUTOS ONE ACRE —With 12 x 20-foot $59.95. Super Flame oil heat house, near Nyssa-Parma junc ers. Convenient budget terms. 1956 VOLKSWAGEN — For sale, tion. Water right. $650. Good Don B. Moss Firestone Store. cheap. Contact Mrs. J. I. Brady. buy for a bachelor. Also SEV Phone 372-2124. 45-tfc Phone 372-2672. 46-tfc ERAL FARMS for sale. A. L. Atkeson, Real Estate, Parma, FORD PICKUP and 10-ft. coach Idaho. 45-tfc MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES —Will sell together as unit or separate. Ken Renstrom. Dial 80 ACRES IRRIGATED GRASS BUTCHERING — Hogs, beef and 372-2997. 28-tfc sheep. Free pick-up in Nyssa LAND—Will run 100 to 130 area. Cutting, wrapping and head of cattle through the grass 1958 DODGE PICKUP—Excellent freezing. Hickory-smoked hams condition. $650. See on North season. Reasonably priced. A. and bacon. Treasure Valley L. Atkeson, Real Estate, Parma, Third, just past Nyssa city Packing Co. Phone 372-3103. Idaho. 45-tfc limits. Phone 372-2760. 45-2tp 35-tfc WANTED TO BUY O.K. Used Cars FOR SALE KBOI — Boise . . . Channel 2 Sunday, Nev. 15 FOR SALE —PRODUCE Bernard Eastman FLYING REALTY, Inc. $38.88 8S Nyssa Motors, Inc. I LEGAL NOTICE DELICIOUS and ROME APPLES No. 9863-E —Joe Stephen, 12 miles south SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION west of Nyssa. Dial 372-2458. In the Circuit Court 42-tfc Of the State of Oregon In and for the County of Malheur APPLES—Delicious, Rome, Jona NOLA RAE WATSON, than, Winesap. Also DeAnjou Plaintiff, pears. At Mess Orchard, 1% vs. miles east of Gay Way junction. PHILLIP DALE WATSON, Phone Fruitland 452-3352. Defendant. 41-tfc To Phillip Dale Watson, the DRIVE OUT and SAVE! — State above-named defendant: inspected Grade A raw milk. IN THE NAME OF THE 70 cents per gallon. Fife Home STATE OF OREGON you are Dairy, % mile north of Main required hereby to appear and on Third street. 17-tfc answer to the complaint filed against you in the above-entitled Court and cause within four WORK WANTED weeks from the date of the first BABY SITTING —In my home. publication of this summons, or, By day, week or month. Mrs. on or before, the 3rd day of De- i Gary Clawson. Dial 372-3324. cember, 1964; and in the event of 44-4tc your failure so to do, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the WHY PAY MORE?—Experienced relief prayed for in the complaint, and guaranteed work. We top to wit: the dissolution of the or remove trees, roof, paint. •bonds of matrimony existing be FREE estimates. We have mov tween the plaintiff and defen ed one mile south of Adrian. dant; the sole and exclusive cus D. M. Barnhart and Sons. Call tody of the children of the mar 372-3167 or Ridgeview 339-3324. riage; for support money for said 41-tfc children; that the real and per sonal property of the parties be awarded to plaintiff; for plain tiff’s costs and disbursements and attorney fees; and for general equitable relief. By Connie Price THIS SUMMONS is served upon you by virtue of an order' Dean and Bert Sappe were of the Hon. Jeff D. Dorroh, Jr., weekend guests in the Alva Goo Judge of the Circuit Court afore dell home. Mr. and Mrs. Hank said, made and entered on the Estrich of Meridian visited Nov. 2nd day of November, 1964, di 7 with the Goodell family. recting that summons be served Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Maze of upon you by publication thereof Nyssa visited Friday afternoon in the Gate City Journal, once a with his sister, Mrs. Blanche week for four successive weeks; Hoffman. the first publication to be No Barbara and Kim Tanner visit vember 5, 1964. ed recently in the R. G. Tanner E. OTIS SMITH home. Miss Barbara Griffin of Attorney for Plaintiff Salt Lake accompanied them. Address: Mrs. Tanner visited Nov. 4 with 20 North Third Street her mother, Mrs. Jessie Pearson Nyssa, Oregon in Emmett. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hyde of Emmett called Saturday Published Nov. 5, 12, 19, 26, afternoon at the Tanner resi 1964. dence. CARD OF THANKS Attend Events in Boise I take this opportunity to ex Mrs. Eugene Stephen, Mrs. Eu press my appreciation to Drs. K. gene Cleaver and Mrs. Alice Nei- ger attended the beautician edu E. Kerby, K. A. Danford and the cation and art show Sunday in staff at Malheur Memorial for their care during my recent stay Boise. in the hospital. I also want to Mrs. Esther Stephen and Mrs. Roxie Ritchie attended the Gol thank my friends for flowers and den Hour missionary chapter gifts and all kindnesses extended meeting Nov. 5 in the home of to me. Your thoughtfulness will Mr. and Mrs. John Price. Mrs. always be remembered. —Mrs. Louis Stam. Esther Stephen and Mrs. Roxie Ritchie were Nov. 1 dinner guests in the John Price residence. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Smith of Mitchell Butte, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jamieson of Nyssa were Nov. 6 for evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Talbot. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mosso and daughter visited Saturday after and noon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stephen. Buena Visia SCRAP IRON — Call Owyhee Steel at Owyhee Junction. Dial NICE ONE-BEDROOM HOME— 372-2108. L-tfceo Good location. Only $4200 with $500 down. Easy monthly pay OLDER MODEL TRUCK —With 1961—Volkswagen 2 Door ments. hoist and flat bed. Call 372- Sedan. Radio and heater. 3122 (days). 46-2tc NEED LOTS OF BEDROOMS? 1961—Chevrolet Bel Air 4-Dr. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for This home has five! New oil Sedan. Automatic trans slaughter horses. Clyde Smith, furnace, fireplace. Well located. $11,500.00. mission and heater. Phone 889-8666, Ontario, Ore. INCOME PROPERTY—Large du Across from the Ontario Sales 1960— Chevrolet El Camino. plex with small rental house in 23-tfc V-8, Overdrive, radio and Yard. back. Close to business district. heater. Only $6500. $1000 will handle. 1959—Biscayne 2-Door Sedan. THREE BEDROOMS — Rumpus FOR SALE room in basement, living room Radio and heater. THREE-BEDROOM HOME— and family room with fireplace. 1958— Chevrolet Bel Air 4-Dr. Carpeting, fireplace, garage and Carport, nice yard. Best loca V-8, automatic transmis carport. $13,500. tion. FHA terms. Shown by sion. Radio and heater. THREE-BEDROOM HOME— appointment. With carport. $12,000. 1957—Ford 2-Door Hardtop. 1957—Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan. TWO-BEDROOM DWELLING— with carport and tool house. Real Estate 1957— Chevrolet 2-Dr. Hard $9,000. top. Floor shift, power 53 ACRES—Alfalfa seed. Three- Insurance steering, power brakes. 315 Main St. Phone 372-3535 bedroom home. $26,500. 153 ACRES — In good location. 1955—Chevrolet 2-Dr. Sedan. $55,000. Automatic transmission, DUPLEX — One and two bed radio and heater. rooms. Rents for $90 per ----- o RETURN FROM BOISE month. $6,000. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Haroldsen Trucks and Pickups FARM LOANS returned home Sunday evening 1961— Chev. Corvair Pickup. from Boise where they spent sev BOB THOMPSON AGENCY eral days with their son and 1959— GMC 2-Ton Truck. Dial 372-3355 Tandem axle. Kenneth A. Johnson, President daughter - in - law, Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Haroldsen. 1958— Ford '/a-Ton Pickup. THREE-BEDROOM HOME— With full basement, living room Wide box. and dining area. Built-in gas 1955—Ford ’/«-Ton Pickup. NO MONEY ranges in kitchen. Gas furnace 1953—GMC 2-Ton Tandem. and water heater. Good loca DOWN — for — 1952—Chevrolet Panel. Four- tion, one block from Park. DAVENO and CHAIR speed transmission. H. D. Price, $14,500. Minimum down RE-UPHOLSTERED payment on FHA terms. rubber. GOOD BRICK HOME— 1951—International Vi-Ton On 25 acres of cultivated land. Pickup. Four-speed trans Discount___ $10.00 11 acres in alfalfa, 5 acres open mission. and balance in pasture. Locat sp^i $28 1951—Ford 2-Ton Truck. ed 3*4 miles from Nyssa on With beet bed. Idaho side. Priced at $20,000 (Labor Plus We Service with terms. Must be seen to MANY OTHER Pacific’s Material) be appreciated. Monthly rental All Makes! TOP VALUES! to qualified persons. Term* to Meet Your Pur »el Phone 452-3570 — call — MOORE HOTEL BUILDING Fruitland Specializing in Exchanging Box 295, Ontario______ S89-M73 PACIFIC Box 606. Vala_________ 47J-M11 Phone 372-2224 372-3548 or After 6 p. m. Sales Representative UPHOLSTERY NYSSA, OREGON Call 372-3038 Dorothea Chester____ 372-3166 and Trucks PAGE NINE SEE US Jacuzzi Pumps SERVICE On All Makes! - phones — Days .... 372-2266 Nights . . . 372-3377 Eder Hardware SEE US Nyssa, Oregon STA-RITE PUMPS PUMPS UNIVERSAL Sales — Service BERKELEY Nyssa Co-op and SERVICE—ALL MAKES Rotary Well DRILLING Days — Call 372-2239 Nights — 372-3065 B & M Equipment Nyssa, Oregon 9:00—Oral Roberts 9:30—S.L. Tabernacle Choir (Live) 10:00—The Big Picture 10:30—Face the Nation 11:00—Armchair Adventure 11:15—National Foot ball League Today (Live)* 11:30—NFL Games of tire Week (Live)’ Detroit Lions at Cleveland Browns and 2:00—Green Bay Packers at San Fran cisco 49’ers 5:30—My Favorite Martian’ 6:00—Ed Sullivan Show (L)* 7:00—My Living- Doll (Live)’ 7:30—McHale’s Navyfl 8:00—Candid Camera (L)’ 8:30—What’s My Line (Live)’ 9:00—The Doctors and the Nurses’ ’’The Outpost" 10:00—The Tall Man “Night Train to Tularosa” 10:30—10:30 Report 10:45—Movie Time, "No Time for Sergeants,” Andy Griffith. Myron McCormick. Nick Adnms, Don Knott ---------- Morning Headlines Monduy, Nov. 15 Thru Frldny, Nov. 20 7:00—Captain Kanga roo 8:00—CBS News With Mike Wallace 8:30—1 Love Lucy* 9:00—Andy of May berry (Live)* 9:30—Real McCoys’ 10:00—Love of Life’ 10:25—CBS News With Robert Trout 10:30—Search for Tomorrow (L) 10:45—Guiding Light’ 11:00—General Hospital 11:30—As the World Turns (Live)’ 12:00—Password (L)* 12:30—House Party* l:00--To Tell the' Truth (Live)’ 1:25—Doug Edwards News (Live) • 1:30—Edge of Night* 2:00—Seciet Storm’ >2:30—Bonnie Wallis Show 3:15—What’s Cooking With Marge 3:30—X-2 With Captain Starr 5:00—CBS News With Walter Cronkite (I,)* 5:30—KBOI News Today KBOI Sports Weather Monday, Nov. 18 6:00—The Rifleman “Sins of the Father” 6:30—Andy Griffith Show 7:00—The Lucy Show (Live)* 7:30—Many Happy Returns (L)* 8:OU—Slattery’s People (Live)* "What Is Genius Worth This Week?" 9.00—To Tell the Truth* 9:30—Riverboat 10:30—10:30 Report 10:45—Sports 10:50—The Weather 10:55—Movie Time, “Bad Seed.” Nancy Kelley, Patty McCormack. Eileen Heckart. Henry Jones ----------Morning Headlines Tuesday, Nov. 17 6:00—Woody Woodpecker 6:30—Red Skelton’s Hour (Live)* 7:30—Petticoat Junction (L)* 8:00—Actualities (1 .ivc-Color) * "The Louvre" 9:00—Combat—ABO 10:00—Matshal Dillon 10:30—10:30 Report 10:45—Sports Final 10:50—The Weather 10:55—Movie Time, "Indiscreet,” Cary Grant. Ingrid Bergman, Cecil Parker, Phyllis Calvert Wednesday, Nov. 18 6:00—Ozzie and Harriet—ABC 6:30—Beverly Hillbillies 7:00—Dick Van Dyke Show 7:30—Cara Williams Show (Live)* 8:00—Danny Kaye Show (Live)* 9:00—I’ve Got a Secret* 9:30—Perry Mason* “Case of the Place Called Midnight” 10:30—10:30 Report 10:45—Sports 10:50—The Weather 10:55—Western Playhouse. "The Bl; Sky." Kirk Douglas, Arthur Hunnicutt, Buddy liner --------- Morning Headlines Thursdny, Nov. 10 6:00—-Tile Monsters* 6:30—Fllntstones fl 7:00—Donna Reed Show fl 7:30—Mv Throe Sons 8:00—An Hour with Robert Goulet (Live) • Musical Special with Guest Stars, Leslie Caron. Terry Thomas and Peter Gennaro 9:00—The Bailey’s of Balboa (L)* 9:30—"Once Upon a Mattress,” Carol Burnett 10:30—10:30 Report 10:45—Sports 10:50—The Weather 10:55—Movie Time. "Prince and the Show Girl,” Marilyn Monroe, Lau rence Olivier, Sybil Thorndike ---------- Morning Headlines Friday, Nov. 20 6:00—The Rifleman “The Prodigal” 6:30—The Entertain ers (Live)* 7:30—Gomer Pyle, USMC (Live)* 8:00—Rawhide* "The Back- Shooter” 9:00—Password* 9:30—The Reporter* 10:30—10:30 Report 10:45—Sports 10:50—The Weather 10:55- Movie Time, "Darby’s Rangers," James Garner, Etchika Choureau, Jack Warden, Ed (Rookie) Byrnes ---------- Morning Headlines Saturday, Nov. 21 7:00—Mister Mayor* 8:00—Quick Draw McGraw (L>* 8:30—Mighty Mouse (D* 9:00—Linus the Lion- Hearted (L)* 9:30—The Jetsons* 10:00—Sky King (L>* 10:30—M.v Friend Flicka (Live)* 11:00—I Love Lucy* 11:30—Boise Christmas Fairyland Parade 12:30—Saturday Matinee. "Aloma of the South Seas" and "Easy Come, Easy Go" 2:30—Tennessee Tux,edo* 3:00—Alvin and the Chipmunks* 3:30—Johnny Quest 1 4 :00—NFL Countdown to Kickoff (L)* 5.00—World War I* 5 :30—Jackie Gleason* 6:30—Gilligan’s Island (Live)* 7:00—Saturday Night nt the Movies’ "Three Violent People," Charleton Heston, Anne Baxter, Gilbert Roland 9:30—Gunsmoke (L)* 10:00—Joey Bishop Show* 10:30—10:30 Report 10:45—The Weather 10:50—Movie Time. "Gunga Din," Cary Grant, Victor MacLaglen, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. --------- Morning Headlines • CBS fl ABC KTVB — Boise . . . Channel 7 Sunday, Nov. 18 8:30—Porky Pig (L)fl 9:00—Bullwinkle (L) 9:30—Discovery (L)fl 10:00—This Is the Life 10:30—Faith for Today 11:00—Directions ’65 I (Live)fl 11:30—Issues and Answers (L)fl 12:00—Sunday After noon Feature, “April Love.” Pat Boone, Shirley Jones 1:30—American Foot ball League (L) San Diego at Kansas City 4:30—Mickey 5:00—Kentucky Jones 5:30—Walt Disney (Live—Color) • 6:30—Broadside fl 7:00—Bonanza (L-C)* 8:00—Sunday Night Movie (ABC) "Bird Man of Alcatraz,” Burt Lancaster, Karl Malden. Thelma Ritter, Edmond O’Brien, Neville Brand 10:30—Weekend News 10:40—Weather 10:45—Profile 10:50—Channel 7 Fea ture Theatre, "Woman’s World." Clifton Webb, June Allyson Monday, Nov. 18 Thru Friday, Nov. 20 7:00—The Today Show (IX?)* 8:00—Make Room for Daddv (L)* 8 30—What’s This Song? (IX?)* 8:55—NBC News (L) 9:00—Concentration* 9:30—Jeopardy (IX?) 10:00—Price Is Right 1 10:30—Truth or Conse quences (L-C)* 10:55—NBC News (L) 11:00—Father Knows Best (L)fl 11:30—Tennessee Ernie Ford (L) 12:00—The Young Marrleds fl 12:30—The Doctors* 1:00—Another World* 1:30—You Don’t Say 2:00—Match Game* 2 25—NBC News (I.) 2:30—Jack Benny (L) 3 00—Trailmaster (L) 4:00—Mister Tim With Charlie the Chimp Monday, Nev. 18 4 30—Buffnlo BUI. Jr. fl 5:00—Peter Potamus 5 30—Huntley-Brink- lov Report (L) 6:00—The Big News Hometown Reporter «15—Weather 6 20—Sports Picture 6 25—Business News 6:30—Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea fl 7:30—No Time for Sergeants fl 8:00—Andy Williams 9:00—Bing Crosby 9:30—Ben Casey 10:30—Nitebeat News 10:45—Weather 10:50—Nitebeat Sports 10:55—Nitebeat 11:00—Ton I girt Sh o w (Live—Color)* Tuesday, Nov. 17 4 :30—Shennigans I 5:00—The Bill Dana Show* 5:30—Huntley-Brink ley Report (L) 6:00—The Big News Hometown Reporter 6:15—Weather 6:20—Sports Picture 6 25—Business News 6:30—Mr. Novak (L)* 7:30—That Was the Week That Was (L-C)* 8:00—Tycoon, Walter Brennan fl 8 30—The Bob Hope Show • 9:30—The Fugitive fl 10:30—Nitebeat News 10:45—Weather 10:50—Nitebeat Sports 10:55—Nitebeat 11:00—Tonight Show* Wednesday, Nov. 18 4:30—Annie Oakley I 5:00—Magllla Gorilla 5:30—Huntley-Brink ley Report (L) 6:00— The Big News Hometown Reporter 6:15—Weather 6:20—Sports Picture 6 25—Business News 6:30—Wagon Train fl 7:30—The Pa»ty Duke Show fl 8:00—Wednesday Night at the Movies (L-C)* "The Hanged Man" (World Premiere) Edmond O’Brien, Vera Miles, Robert Culp 10:00—Peyton Place 1 10:30—Nitebeat News 10 45—Weather 10:50—Nitebeat Sports 10:55—Nitebeat 11:00—Tonight Show* Thursday, Nev. 1* 4:30—New Casper Cartoons II 5:00—High School Quiz 5 30—Huntley-Brink ley Report (L) 6 00—The Big News Hometown Reporter 6 15—Weather 6:20—Sports Picture 6 25—Business News 6 30—Daniel Boone* 7 30—Hazel (IX’I* 8 00—Bewitched I 8:30—12 O’clock High 9:30—Dr. Kildare* 10:30—Nitebeat News 10:45—Weather 10:50—Nitebeat Sports 10:55—Nitebeat 11:00—Tonight Show* Friday, Nov. 20 4:30—Beany and Cecil fl 5.00—Zoorama 5:30—Hun t ley-Wrlnk- ley Report (L) 6:00—The Big News Hometown Reporter 6:15—Weather 6:20—Sports Picture 6 25—Business News 6:30—The Addam's Family fl 7:00—The Farmer’s Daughter f 7:30—Cheyenne. "The Land Beyond the Law” 8:30—The Jack Benny Show* 9:00 -The Jack Faar Show (L-C)* 10:00—Peyton Placet 10:30—Nitebeat News 10:45—Weather 10:50—Nitebeat Sports 10:55—Nitebeat 11:00—Tonight Show* Mnturdny, Nov. 21 7:30—Hector Heath cote (IX?)* 8:00—Underdog (Live—Color)* 8:30— Fireball XL-5* 9:00—Dennis the Menace ( L)* 9:30—Fury (Live)* 10:00—Bugs Bunny I 10:30—Hoopity Hopper fl 11:00—Magic Land of Allakazam I 11:30—American Bandstand (L)t 12:30—Shindig « 1:00—Zane Grey Theatre 1:30—NBC Sports Special (IX?)* IL S. Navy Blue Angels Flight Team 2:00—College Foot ball ’44 (L-C)* UCLA vs. USC 5:30—Flipper (L-C)* 6:00—Adventures of Mr. Magoo* 6 :30—I .a wre nee Welk Show < Live)! 7:30—Hollywood Palace (L)f 8:30—Dinah Shore Special fl 9:30—The Rogues* 10 30—Weekend News 1040—Weather 10:45—Channel 7 Feature Thtre. "Night In the City," Richard Wldmark, Gene Tierney • NBC 1 ABC