THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON PAGE SIX March Wedding Nyssa Reception Honors Child Couple Plans Revealed United in Salt Lake Temple Ceremony By Local Couple McLaughlins of Vale To Be Feted Sunday On 50th Anniversary An open house reception hon­ An open house reception for *beaded Chantilly lace. oring Mr. and Mrs. George Mc­ Bruce Child served as best man newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Edison Laughlin of Vale on their golden his ____ brother during the local Dee Child, was held on the eve- for ___ __ wedding anniversary will be held ning of Oct. 31, 1964, at the Nyssa reception at which approximate- Sunday, Nov. 15, at the old Grove ly 200 guests were in attendance. LDS Second ward chapel. I school building. Friends of the couple are invited to call between Program selections included a The bride is the former Helen the hours of 2 and 5 p.m. Gay Goodrich, daughter of Mrs. pantomime by Douglas Patterson, Eldona Goodrich of Lovell, Wyo. a vocal number by Mr. and Mrs. Hosts for the event are their The couple was married on Sept. Jay Gibson, a song by Mrs. Mark children, Mrs. Letha Butler, Mrs. 15 in the Salt Lake City temple Hartley and daughter, Susan, and Marie Rumsey, Mrs. Dottie Men- •with close relatives witnessing a life history of the newlyweds diola, Mrs. Marie McLaughlin, given by Mrs. J. Elwood Flinders. the double-ring rites. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLaughlin and Bill McLaughlin. In charge of serving, gifts and For the Nyssa reception, the is— 9 new Mrs. Child wore a floor­ guest registration were Mmes. Honored on Anniversary length gown of white delustered Rulon Staples, W. A. Mitchell, Jimmie Dail celebrated his 10th satin. Re-embroidered Avalon lace Don Moss, Alice Banner and Flor- I birthday anniversary Saturday graced the front of her three- ence Hayden, aunt of the bride­ with a party in the home of his quarter length overskirt which groom. They were assisted by parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dail. was caught high in the back to several others. The afternoon was spent playing reveal rows of scalloped Chantilly Among out-of-town guests at | games by the five guests in lace ruffles cascading to the floor. the local event were Mr. and Mrs. attendance, Traditional refresh- One deep ruffle of lace formed J. E. Geiger, Sr., the bridegoom’s ments were served. the all-around hemline. grandparents; Mr. and Mrs. Gene 1 Moore and Jean Marie, his ’ uncle, The fitted bodice was fashioned Entertains Bridge Club with sweetheart neckline, accent­ aunt and cousin, all of Ogden, Mrs. Howard Myrick and Mrs. ed with re-embroidered lace and I Utah. David Sarazin were guest players tiny seed pearls and the tradition­ Witnessing the Sept. 15 temple MISS ARLENE SEWRIGHT when members of the Tuesday al long sleeves were pointed at ceremony were the couple’s par­ ... To Wed Don Gibson afternoon bridge club met last the wrists. Her veil of bridal ents; Mr. and Mrs. Terry Cannon, ♦ ♦ week with Mrs. Duane Holcomb. illusion was held by a tiara, brother-in-law and sister of the The engagement and forthcom­ Prize winners were Mrs. Myrick trimmed with sequins and hand- bride; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Good­ ing marriage of Miss Arlene Se­ Holcomb. rich, her brother and sister-in- wright and Don Gibson have been and Mrs. Rodney 5»J_ law; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thaxton Prize Winners Reported announced by her mother, Mrs. and son, Jule. her uncle, aunt and Roy Sewright of 109 Emison ave­ SUNDAY DINNER GUESTS For Saturday Card Party Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller and Eight tables were in play at the cousin. nue, Nyssa. Parents of the future sons of Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Ron The newlyweds are studying at bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. Jay Schoen and family were Sunday Grange-sponsored pinochle party held Saturday evening in Oregon Utah State university where she Gibson of route 2, Nyssa. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Trail hall. Hosts for the event is majoring in elementary educa­ Miss Sewright was graduated Schoen. were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jamieson, tion and he in marketing. from the local high school, at­ Mr. and Mrs. Fern Runcorn. tended Hollywood Beauty college GUESTS IN PRICE HOME High score winners were Mrs. WED IN WINNEMUCCA in Boise and is presently employ­ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Keck visited Olivia Gonzales of Parma be- ed at the A and W Root Beer during the afternoon of Nov. 5 Ida Carnefix and Bill Schoen; low awards went to Mrs. Dave came the bride of Ed Nelson dur­ drive - in. Her fiance attended in the John Price home. Mr. and ¡Beers and Russell Gressley. Tra­ ing a recent ceremony performed Nyssa high school, served three Mrs. Edward Ford of Grandview, veling prizes were won by Mrs. in Winnemucca, Nev. years in the U. S. Army and is Wash., their daughters, Rosella The bridegroom is a son of Mr. now working in the bakery de­ and Darlene, and grandson, Troy, George Stockfleth and Irvin Law- son. and Mrs. Herb Nelson of the Ap­ partment at Ray’s Food Fair. were Saturday overnight guests The young couple has selected of his brother-in-law and sister, Next party will be at 8:30 Sat­ ple Valley community. March 13 as their wedding date. Mr. and Mrs. John Price. urday evening, Nov. 21, and the DAILS HOST DINNER public is invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dail recently «¡s—❖ entertained with dinner for fam­ Wieneke Couple Hosts ily members including Mr. and Meeting of Bridge Club Mrs. Phillip Davis of Huntington By BERNICE STRAWN, Extension Home Management Specialist Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wieneke Beach, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ were hosts Saturday evening to ence Ogan of Corona, Calif., Mr. THE CIDER-SIPPING SEASON PARENTS, DO YOU EVER members of their bridge club for and Mrs. Otis Bullard, Mr. and COULD BE DISASTROUS GIVE YOUR CHILD a potluck dinner and card session. Mrs. John Zittercob, Mr. and Mrs. ... to your rug if spills aren’t . . . the impression he has a Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Theo Matherly, Mr. and Mrs. Har­ treated promptly. choice, when really he doesn’t Simantel, Mr. and Mrs. Stan New­ old Dail and family. Mr. and Mrs. Absorb the excess cider im­ have a choice? For instance, you man. Prizes were won by Mrs. Don Bullard were evening guests mediately with a clean white might say, “Do you want to wash Warren Farmer and Newman. in the Dail residence. cloth or several thicknesses of I your hands?” and he says “no,” paper towels. Next make a so­ an answer you don’t want to ac­ lution of one teaspoon mild de­ cept. Mrs. Roberta Frasier, exten­ tergent in a cup of lukewarm sion family life specialist at water. State university, says Rub the solution into the spot Oregon that questions like this for with a cloth or soft brush. Place several layers of paper towels or which he really has no choice facial tissue over the spot and only frustrate the child and dis­ weight down with books for six courage him from making de­ to eight hours. This will absorb cisions. A good rule to follow would be to give him a choice the excess moisture. only if you're willing io accept * * • his decision. WASHING CURTAINS Just how should the situation . . . may be on your job list be handled? Mrs. Frasier suggests before the entertaining season — 36 alternatives—“It’s time to gets in full swing. We advise do­ these wash your hands” or “Wash your ing this well in advance, because Length 34 hands and then you’ll be ready sometimes curtains which looked to eat. perfectly good come out of the $5.99 wash in shreds. Light, soil and atmospheric fumes weaken the fabric. Inspect curtains carefully be­ fore washing. If you see weak spots, or if curtains are fragile, put them in a mesh bag or pil­ • • • low case to wash them. Heavily soiled curtains may 'be o soaked for about 30 minutes in warm suds. This will coax out soil so two minutes agitation will be enough. Don’t soak curtains K. E. KERBY, M. D. which are not color fast. K. A. DANFORD, M. D. Physicians and Surgeons Use care in rinsing. Some cur­ 207 Main Street Phone 372-3040 Dial 372-2241 tains wrinkle easily and should be wrung or spun very lightly. Hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 p.m. NYSSA . . . OREGON They can be hung dripping wet Daily Except Saturday and or dried in a dryer on low heat. Sunday; Saturday, 10 to 12. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1964 Mid-November Special LADIES' DRESS Winter Coats ♦J* Timely styles and welcome savings . . . Come, choose from this large select group of winter coats •z» Various Assorted Colors • • VALUES! •Î* now ••• *24 These Must Go in November ••• ••• ••• Work Smarter ... Not Harder Crestwood Woolens ••• ••• ♦If SEW and SAVE! *<♦ PLAINS PLAIDS Men's and Young Men's 2 LEISURE COTTON SLACKS • 1 9 MEN’S BOOTS Waist Sizes 26 to — Sizes 29 to VALUES TO WORK ROOTS PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 2 Special Close-Out Promotion . . (ACME HAWKEYE) Eight-Inch Tops, Cushioned Insole Air-Cork Sole and Heel Physicians and Surgeons Regular $12.98 NOW....................... BRACKEN'S Dept. Store GIFT SHOP EARLY! No Cords SINGER RUG-CLEANING FLOOR POLISHER. Close-Out Of 1964 Stock ....... v 1 ftQE (Price Includes Shipping Costs) • G. E. Portable Stereo Not Just a Hi-Fi! • SINGER "Featherweight" Upright Vacuum Cleaner With Water Pickup 369 South Oregon St. $3155 $gQ0 $1948 ORDER DIRECT • SINGER Child's Electric Machine $1995 — from — FACTORY • CORY 10-Cup • DOMINION HAIR DRYER With Manicure Attachment Nine-Inch S J $6481 $2995 $2680 • SINGER Sewing si»*9’ $1695 • HAWAIIAN and Japanese Hi-Fi Record ft ft^ Albums, Each • SINGER Battery-Operated 33-45 RPM Phonograph Srds Tops . . . Phyiician and Surgeon COMMAND STEREO — Pops and Classics 2 Alb,ms • DOMINION Coffee- Maker INSULATED BOOTS MAULDING CLINIC L. A. Mauldlng, M. D. SINGER 9-TRANSISTOR RADIO Battery— 82477 On Display at — Dial 372-2216 Hours: 9 to 12 and 2 to 5 p.m. Daily Except Wednesday, Satur­ day and Sunday; Wednesday and Saturday, 9 to 12. ;í: ::ü ACME COWBOY BOOTS (For the Smaller Fry) DAVID W. SARAZIN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday, 10 to 12 Noon. —Phones— Office 372-3365 Res. 372-3173 Office: 213 Main Street 5 INFANTS' Sizes 416 to 8................................. Dentists ’3 ROYS' RR0WN ROUGH-OUTS J. R. CUNDALL DENTIST 17 South Third Street Dial 372-3538 Nyssa Oregon Sizes 814 to 3 Sizes 3*/6 to 6 ‘5.98 J. W. OLSEN, D.M.D. DENTAL OFFICE Seventh and Bower Ave. Dial 372-3311 Nyssa Oregon Veterinarians CATALOG TREASURE VALLEY ANIMAL HOSPITAL ONTARIO Phone 889-6167 “RIGHT ACROSS FROM PIX THEATRE” ■ ■■ ‘‘By Appointment Only” SINGER CENTER 7 We Give GOLD • * On Alberta Ave. Dial 372-2251 Nyssa. Oregon Dr. B. E. Ross Dr. D. R. Mason Parma — 722-6332 Large and Small Animals STRIKE STAMPS With Every Nyssa — 372-3552 • * B Purchase! NYSSA