THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE EIGHT NHS Bulldogs Break Into Win Column With 42-41 Victory Over John Day By FRANK PARR Fortunes of the Nyssa basketball team turned the corner last Saturday night as the Bulldogs squeaked past the lads from Grant county. It was a nip and tuck affair from start to finish, especially the finish. Nyssa had a one-point lead as the first quarter ended, but John Day had reversed the lead by 19-18 at the halfway mark. •During the third period, it looked as though the Bulldogs Boise YMCA Offers had fallen apart. The Pros Water Safety Course pectors seemed to be off to A water-safety course for life ■ the races as they went ahead guards, swimming instructors and 1 32 to 22. NYSSA HIGH SCHOOL CALENDAR OF EVENTS Dec. 27-28. 8 a-m. io 12 noon— Band practice. Dec. 29—Band leaves for Pasa- dena. Jan. 1— Rose Bowl Parade. Jan. 2— Band to return home. Jan. 3— Basketball, Vale here. Jan. 4— Basketball, Emmett there. Marine Participates In Battalion Airlift Marine Lance Corporal David Rodríguez, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rodriguez of route 2, Nyssa, participated in a battalion land ing team airlift of 500 combat ready Marines from Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro, Calif., to Camp Pendleton, Calif. This training exercise, using U. S. Air Force Military Air Transport Service aircraft, was a test of Marine readiness to move SUGAR BOWL YZ League Standings o o o o o o o o o o EAGLES MIXED LEAGUE Patterson Receives U.S. Navy Promotion Steven L. Patterson, interior ! communications technician fire man, USN, and son of Mrs. Ileen Patterson of Nyssa, was promoted Nov. 16 while serving aboard the destroyer USS Radford operating with the Seventh Fleet in the Western Pacific. The promotion came as a result of the August Navy - wide ad vancement in rate examination. Radford participates in anti submarine warfare operations with the fleet. Her home port is Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1963 IFYE Delegate to Netherlands Slated For Jan. 30-31 Ma heur Appearances 1 Suzanne Lozier, one of Ore gon’s three International Farm Youth Exchange (IFYE) dele gates, will be filling speaking en gagements in Malheur county on Jan. 30 and 31. She has spent six months living with farm fami lies in the Netherlands. Miss Lozier grew up on a ranch near Enterprise where she was an active 4-H member. IFYE is a 4-H club people-to- people program giving young in dividuals an opportunity to learn another way of life. During the past 16 years over 1500 delegates from 47 states and Puerto Rico, and 1600 exchangees from 65 countries have partici pated in the program. Nearly 40 delegates from Oregon have been exchangees to foreign countries since 1951 while every county in Oregon has had IFYE exchangees from other countries. Louis Pratt of Adrian was an IFYE delegate to Costa Rico in 1962. Organizations desiring to sche dule Miss Lozier’s talk and slide presentation should contact the Malheur county extension office. Holcomb-Purcell _____ 41 23 Sarazin-Larson 41 23 pool managers will be offered by With four minutes to go in the SPEND HOLIDAYS HERE Olsen-Bracken .............. 36 28 the Boise YMCA Dec. 30-31, 1963. last quarter, the Bulldogs had Students arriving from OSU in Brendle-Ross .................. 30 34 The course will be taught by narrowed the margin to five Corvallis during the past week Wilson-Wilson ....... 26 38 Champ P. Lake, YMCA physical points. With three minutes left end to spend Christmas holidays Seuell-Pratt .................... 18 46 director. to play, John Day still led but by Kay Brendle, ladies’ high with their parents include Dan Wilson, Mary Kay Olsen, Jeanie The course will be open to all only one point. As the clock reg scratch game, 179. Margaret individuals who have passed eith istered one minute remaining, Bracken, ladies’ high scratch ser Seuell, Pam Alexander, Vicki er Red Cross or YMCA life-saving the Bulldogs had gone ahead 40- ies, 492. Bert Ross, men’s high Maxfield, Jim Kodama, Bonnie House, Karen Saito, Gene Jones, courses. It will cover the latest 38. scratch game and series, 205/548. methods of water safety, methods Wyckoff Sinks Winning Point Brendle - Ross, high team game Melvin Matsunaga and Bill Ham NYSSA STUDENT TO TAKE mon. of teaching and swimming pool SUZANNE LOZIER With 20 seconds remaining, the TOUR WITH COLLEGE BAND and series, 708/1987. management. Bowlers of the week — Kay Kathleen McPartland is one of score was tied up at 41-41. Nyssa . . Visits in the Netherlands Subjects covered will include got possession of the ball and an 48 students comprising the Lewis Brendle, 466 scratch series; Stella PATRIOTS LEAGUE i Pounds’ Grocery ____ 41 the teaching of beginners and in over - anxious Prospector fouled and Clark college concert band Ross, 581 handicap series. 23 termediates, stroke perfection, a Gerald Wyckoff, who sank the that will leave Jan. 5 on its sec Vale Furniture _______40% 23% Mrs. Dale Garrison o o o o synopsis of coaching competitive winning basket. Time ran out be ond annual tour. Wilson’s Market... ........ 33 31 HOUSEWIVES LEAGUE Reports Highlights Sugar Bowl ............... .... 33 swimming, newest techniques in fore any more scoring could be 31 20 The 10-day tour will take the No Strikes...................... 36 water rescue and artificial respir done—and a happy Bulldog team Chadwick ’ s Market __ 32% 31% Of Puerto Rican Trip 33 23 organization to eight different Coof Balls ...... ation, teaching of life-saving and trekked off the floor. Malheur Hospital 32 32 Mrs. Dale (Claudine) Garrison Alley Cats ___________ 29 27 communities in Washington and chemical sanitation of pools. A Paulus Jewelry _____ 30 34 arrived back in Nyssa Dec. 7 fol Hits and Mrs..... ............. 29 27 Idaho. The band is under direc Alan Cottle was the big gun special session will be devoted to The Merc ___________ 27 37 lowing a month’s visit with rela 27 29 for Nyssa as he sank 13 counters. tion of Allen Skei, instructor in Safety Pins ...... water ballet and diving. Shell Service _______ 26 38 tives in Puerto Rico. Leaving Alley Oops __ 14 42 Jim Benedict got 10 while Brent music at the college. Clover Lawn Dairy..... 25 39 Lake is a certified aquatic di Schulthies picked up nine points. Boise by plane, her first stop was Miss McPartland, a freshman, Alta Stunz, high scratch game By Roxy Ritchie rector and has had 11 years of G. Wyckoff tallied eight points is a member of the flute section, and series, 162/432. No Strikes, Sandy Morrison, high scratch in Denver where she was joined experience in teaching swimming and Steve Kerby added two is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. high team game, 427. Alley Oops, game, 195. Lavona McDonald, by a sister, Mrs. Virginia Mober- and water techniques. high scratch series, 505. Pounds’ more. Christy Wyckoff, Mike Jef L. McPartland of Nyssa and was high team series, 1192. Mrs. Eugene Stephen and Mrs. ger of Cheyenne, Wyo. The class is open to any quali feries and Paul Smit also saw valedictorian of the NHS class of Other scheduled stops were at Bowlers of the week — Donna Grocery, high team game and Eugene Cleaver accompanied Mrs. fied person. A $4 fee will be limited action in the contest. 1963. Thomas, 413 scratch series; Alta series, 740/2202. Bowlers of the Alice Neiger of Nyssa to Ontario Chicago and Miami, Fla., the lat charged and certificates will be week—Stella Ross, 476 scratch ter city being approximately 1040 Stunz, 537 handicap series. issued to those completing and Team Displays Morale series; Stella Morris, 621 handi- recently to attend the beauti miles from their destination. o o o o cians ’ Christmas party. MACKRILL HOME ON LEAVE passing the course. cap series. It was the opinion of some of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dail and In Puerto Rico the ladies were o o o o the spectators that the rebound FROM U.S. AIR FORCE DUTY FRIDAY BUSINESSMEN daughters visited Dec. 15 in the guests of their brother and sister- Airman Second Class Gary Fangen Floral ... ....... 43% 20% on both backboards was the BANTAM LEAGUES Theo Matherly home near On- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Du- Adrian Schools Hold ing 42 22 best it has been all season. In Mackrill of the U. S. Air Force Gate City Journal Triple K’s ________ 4 0 tario. arrived home Dec. 11 and is spen Pre and children who reside in Sugar Bowl ............ 41 23 Joint Music Concert the third period they reverted to ding a 30-day leave with his par Muir-Roberts __ ___ ...32 32 Owyhee Barber _______3 1 Recent evening visitors in . the the city of Aguirre. Also visiting Lucky Strikes _______ 3 Combined bands and choruses the flat-footed condition that has ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mackrill Skinner’s Service 1 home of Mrs. Esther Stephen and in the DuPre home was their .... 31 33 of Adrian high and grade schools made their play so ineffective in and Jaime. Eastman Agency ........ 3 H Willy and their house guests, , Mr. mother, Mrs. Bessie DuPre of Los Clover Lawn Dairy 27% 36% Bulldogs ______________ 3 presented an annual Christmas previous games. That they were 1 and Mrs. Bruce MacArthur and Angeles who had been on the He entered the service Aug. 21, Owyhee Truck, Impl L...22 42 able to snap out of it and come Strike Outs ___________ 2 concert before a capacity crowd 2 son, were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ste- island since July. 1961, took his basic training and Nyssa Implement__ .17 47 Thursday evening, Dec. 19, in the from behind to win, speaks well attended A i r Police school at Ross Rollers No. 3........2 2 phen and family, Mr. and Mrs. i DuPre is head of air activities Shorty Brandt, h i g h scratch Rockers ______________ 1 for the morale of the team. high school auditorium. 3 Eugene Stephen and sons, Mr. for spraying sugar cane in that Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Tex. game, 214. Larry 5 Fujii, high In the preliminary game be The program, under direction Miner-Eastman ................ 1 3 and Mrs. James Stephen, Mr. area. He has access to a four- On Jan. 7, 1962, he was trans of Mrs. Opal Willis, music in tween the junior varsity teams, ferred to Larson base at Moses scratch series, 551. Skinner’s Ser Rinky Dinks _________ .1 3 and Mrs. MacArthur and son left passenger airplane and took the vice, high team game and series, Jack Bowen ’ s Bullpups outgun structor, consisted of “Rudolph’s Ross Rollers No. 1_____ 1 3 Dec. 16 for Illinios where he will visitors on many trips over the Lake, Wash., where he had since 887/2532. Christmas Concert,” “The First ned the Prospectors by a score been stationed. Idaho Power _________ 0 4 be stationed at the Great Lakes island. Fangen Floral is winner of first or 58-51. Noel,” “Old French Christmas Peterson Bantams High Scores naval base. Following his leave, he will de The city of Aguirre is located Carol,” “God Rest You, Merry Vale opens the regular sea part from California on Jan. 11 half of league play. Team mem Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stephen Ken Brown, high scratch game bers are Bob Fangen, Bart Os on the Carribean side of the is Gentlemen,” “Jingle Bells Rhap son play for the Bulldogs on for Hickam Field near Honolulu, took their sons and niece, Chris and series, 168/423. Rinky Dinks, sody,” ‘March of the Little Tin the Nyssa court Friday, Jan. 3. Hawaii, where he will be station trom, Rulon Trost, Tom Ogura high team game, 392. Bulldogs, tine Stephen, to Unity Dec. 15 to land and Mrs. Garrison reports and Sonny Takami. Substitutes that she drove across the moun Soldiers,” “Winter Wonderland,” The Vikings have defeated ed for three years. are Cecil Morrison, Jr., and Kay- high team series, 1060. Hal Bren- cut Christmas trees. “Carol of the Bells,” “What Child John Day and Burns. Nyssa Mrs. Esther Stephen visited tain to San Juan on the Atlantic dle, bowler of the week, 465 han no Saito. Is This?” "We Wish You a Merry lost twice to Burns, so it should Dec. 15 in the Glenn Hoffman side. She says the roads are nar dicap series. Walan Morgan, a member of row, winding and quite danger Christmas” by the band and be a close game. home. Owyhee Truck & Implement team Sugar Bowl Midgets High Scores ous. The laboring class of people chorus. Jaap Kuijper, high scratch Club Holds Yule Party rolled 182 triplicate games last travel on foot, by carts and bikes The audience joined in singing 4-H GROUP HAS PROGRAM Friday evening and will receive game and series, 158/431. Miner- “Here Comes Santa Claus,” “Win ON PERSONAL CLEANLINESS Out Our Way club members and are sometimes careless about Eastman, high team game, 362. an ABC patch. ter Wonderland,” “White Christ- | Fourth meeting of Happy By Mrs. Herchel Thompson Eastman Agency, high team ser met Wednesday, Dec. 11, at the staying on their side of the road. o o o o mas,” “Deck the Halls” and "Joy Health 4-H club was held Dec. 13 Mrs. Garrison says the temper ies, 1029. Larry Miner, bowler of Lester Cleaver home for a Christ to the World.” mas dinner and party for mem SUGAR CITY LEAGUE in Mrs. Nelda Schenk’s fifth ature never varies more than the week, 462 handicap series. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Prosser and Narrator was Lora Joe Stoker grade classroom with the business family of Pilot Rock, Ore., arriv Bracken’s . ............ bers and their families. Follow seven degrees during the entire 10% 5% o o o o ing dinner each member and year, usually remaining in the and piano accompaniment was by session called to order by Presi ed Saturday to spend the holidays Marguerite’s ............ 9 7 TUESDAY BUSINESSMEN guest received a Christmas gift. 80’s and that the percentage of Wanda Peutz. Special parts were dent Jeanine ’Saito. Mildred ’ s Salon ........... 8 8 with his mother, Mrs. Edith Pros F. Morris Sinclair___ 45 23 given by Nina Evans and Lois Five members guessed correctly precipitation is also quite high. 9 The pledge of allegiance was ser, and a sister, Mrs. Delno S & S Cattle Co........... 7 Simplot Soilbuilders 44% 19% as to the identity of their secret Seuell on flutes; Janet Montgom led by Rosa Urrutia with Darrel Brock. They visited at the Brock Farmers Feed, Seed 7 9 Highlights of the trip included Bingham’s Service 39 25 ery, Nancy Nelson, Teresa Top Cleaver leading the 4-H pledge. pal, with six wrong guessers. New swimming in the ocean, visiting White Satin ........... ...... 9% home Saturday evening. The Polar Bear ................... 38 30 liff, Jane Timmerman and Gay secret pal names were drawn for an old fort in San Juan built in Liz Stringer, high scratch game, A skit, demonstrating personal Delno Brocks were Sunday din Palmer Bros. ......... 38 30 iMorinaka on clarinets. the coming year. Next meeting the 1500’s by the Spanish and cleanliness, was given by Brian ner guests at the home of Mrs. 193. Margaret Bracken, high 29 Sugar Bowl ______ ... 35 will be held Jan. 8 with Mrs. seeing the rain forest where it scratch series, 533. S & S Cattle B & M Equipment Hirai, La Deana Talbot, Maria Prosser. 34 30 SUCCUMBS IN NEBRASKA Delbert Cleaver. Escobedo, Nancy Bale and Esther Co., high team game, 797. White rains on an average of every 20 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Toomb were 36 Thompson Agency .... 28 Mrs. Verda Steinke received Warren. The members’ health Saturday evening dinner guests Satin, high team series, 2303. Mrs. Fannie Cheldelin of Port minutes. Sometimes the sky is Vale Auction 27% 36% land recently visited 10 days at word last week that her brother- books were brought up to date. Bowlers of the week — Betty Lloyd’s Conoco and overcast while at other times the at the Wesley Piercy home. in-law, Henry Steinke of Ogalla- the home of her son and daugh- sun is shining. Walters, 498 scratch series; Mari- Group singing was led by La Carpenter’s Dist. 23 41 ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Orland lah, Neb., had succumbed Dec. 17 Deana Talbot with Mark Hartley Arrives From California lou Winchester, 568 handicap ser Nyssa M & W Mkt. All members of the family were 21% 42% Cheldelin. in a veterans’ hospital at Grand in charge of a game, “Tearable Wayne Callister of Oakland, ies. present during the Thanksgiving 22% Nvssa Sanitation 45% Island, Neb. The deceased was a Art!” Calif., arrived Friday to spend o o o o holidays with the exception of a Sam Parks, high scratch game Attend Goodell Services brother o* the late Ed Steinke. —Janis Takami, Reporter. the holidays with his parents, Mr. SUGAR BABES LEAGUE and series, 218/573. Lloyd’s Cono- Among those here to attend sister who lives in Los Angeles. and Mrs. W. A. Callister. Just before leaving for home, Gate City Cleaners 48 16 co, high team game, 1052. Sim- recent funeral services for Miss Mr. and Mrs. James Goodman Bicandi’s 43% 20% plot’s Soilbuilders, high team ser Elizabeth Goodell and spend Mrs. Garrison and her family of Mesa, Wash., were Monday Roberts-Nyssa 21 .... .. 43 ies, 2976. ing some time in the Leslie Top- took a side trip to St. Thomas in overnight guests at the Otis Horn Arrowhead Motel 40% 23 tè Prize Winners liff home were Mr. and Mrs. Ed the nearby Virgin Islands. home. Goodman is a brother of Nyssa Welding 26 38 Pete VanderOord, high handi ward Topliff of Hazelton, Idaho; Mrs. Horn. 33 Looney’s 31 cap series, 665. W. Morgan, most Mr. and Mrs. Bill Goodell of Sun Mrs. Virgil Viers underwent By Mrs. Waldo Smalley 36 Sugar Bowl 28 splits, 8. Morgan and Tom El- nyvale, Calif.; Mrs. Mae Goodell Attend Caldwell Services major surgery last Thursday at Pastime Cafe 46 18 dredge, 111 in the seventh, L. and daughter, Mrs. Leta Murphy APPLE VALLEY—Apple Val- Mr. and Mrs. Glen Van Lan Caldwell Memorial hospital. She Muir-Roberts ___ 49 15 Johnson and VanderOord, 168 of St. Francis, Kan.; and Ercel 4-H club members held their an dingham of Justine, Calif., left is reported to be recuperating Twilight Cafe 49 15 games. nual Christmas banquet Dec. 15 Dec. 18, Mrs. Fern Johnston of Goodell of Haigler, Neb. nicely and should be home this Ruth Chadd, high scratch game. o o o o in the Ten Davis Grange hall. Caliente, Nev., left last Friday, week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Knowles and 192. Dottie Parks, high scratch SUGAR CUBE BANTAMS The Ten Davis Wranglers and Mrs. Duane Jones and two sons family were Dec. 15 evening din Mr. and Mrs. Carl Begeman left series, 496. Roberts-Nvssa, high parents of both clubs' members of Pendleton also left Dec. 18 ner guests in the Mancil Bishop 0 4 last Thursday by train for Phil team game and series, 778/2204. Sugar Stars were guests. home. Saturday evening visitors 0 Sugar Gals ....... .4 and Ernest Caldwell of Yakima lipsburg, Kan., to attend grave Bowlers of the week—Ailene Dreamers in the Bishop home were Mr. and 1 ........ 3 George Harris, Apple Valley left Friday for their respective side services on Saturday for her Holmes. 479 scratch series; Rose Bowldogs ................. Mrs. Elton Hunsucker and fam 3 1 club president, served as master homes. They were all here to at mother, Mrs. Ida Hodge. Toombs, 577 handicap series. ily of Payette. 4 Sugar Beats .... 0 of ceremonies. Tom Johnston tend funeral services for Lloyd Mrs. Klaas Laan visited Dec. o o o o 4 Sugar Babes _____ 0 gave a resume of his past year’s Caldwell conducted Dec. 17. They 17 with Mrs. Raymond Price. The Joyce Jennings, high scratch Classifieds Bring Resultsl project and also of his new one. also visited with relatives in Ap latter is recovering from surgery MONDAY MIXED LEAGUE 44 20 Kido-Saito game and series, 145/380. Dream- Ellen Piercy told of three days ple Valley and Parma while here. at her home. 41 23 ers, high team game and series, at the fair. Becky Ray gave a Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Fritts vis-1 Marlene Slippy, a student at Snvder-Skelton 39 25 479/1315. Joyce Jennings, bowler piano solo and Joyce Piercy sang ited Dec. 18 with Fred Schultz at Treasure Valley college in On Trost-Nichols 34 30 of the week, 485 handicap series. "Silver Bells.’’ a Caldwell nursing home. They tario, arrived home Saturday to Holcomb-Stacy 33% 30% o o o o A gift exchange was followed also visited Dec 16 with Cecil spend the holiday season with her VanderOord-Stam 33 31 NYSSA COMMERCIAL by group carol singing. Plans Scott in Wilder. parents. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kygar. Laan-Morgan ...... 31% 32% Howard’s Texaco Michaelson-Newbill Mr. and Mrs. Gene Honey vis 41% 22% were made for the next meeting Kreagers Leave for Utah 34 30 Stam-Codr 23 Simplot Processors 41 on Jan. 23. Forty-five were pres ited Friday with Cecil Scott at 29 35 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kreager Knowles-Hiatt Wilder and also visited Saturday Grain Millers ... 36% 27% ent for the evening of fun. 37 27 left Monday to spend the Christ Kesler-Moore 28 with Severt Fox at Caldwell. Shell Service 36 38% 25% Adams-Simpson mas holidays with their son and 28 Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dick of Nam Co-op .35% LEAVE FOR CALIFORNIA 14% 49% pa were Sunday evening guests daughter - in - law, Mr. and Mrs. Stam-Ballantyne Eder’s 33% 30% Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Batt left of Mr. and Mrs. Conley Wilson. Larry Kreager and family in Du Freda Holcomb, ladies’ high Eastman Insurance last Friday for California where scratch game. 177. Massie Saito, Home Dairies chesne, Utah. they are spending the holidays Arrives From Colorado Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kygar of ladies’ high scratch series, 499. First National Bank Get the only vehicle that does so with their three children and Jim Wilson arrived home Dec. Rome, Ore., were house guests at John Stam. men’s high scratch Holcomb & Main much-work or play-on the road their families. They are visiting 18 for the Christmas holidays the John Kygar home Wednesday game, 198. George Saito, men’s Swager Ford or off! The ‘Jeep’ Universal can their sons, Charles and family at from Durango, Colo., where he is and Thursday of last week. The high scratch series, 561. Kido- Chet’s Motel haul, winch, trench, plow-and do Whittier, Robert and family at attending college. Lynn Kygars and Mrs. John Ky Saito, high team game and ser- scratch Emil Wohlcke, high Compton, and daughter, Mrs Bob hundreds of other jobs. As a dual Joan Harris and children were gar visited Wednesday afternoon ies. 675/1981. game. 212. Clarence Clapp, high o o o o (Ruth) Williams and family at weekend guests of her parents, with Mrs. Florence Kygar in Vale purpose vehicle it becomes the scratch series, 576. Simplot Pro Santa Ana. All members of the Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston. at the Kenneth Kygar home. sportsman's favorite—a work horse BULLDOG LEAGUE cessors, high team game and ser Batt family met for Christmas Don Boston arrived home Sat Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mills and S & V Cattle Co. 1 in business, on the farm or for fun. 7 ies, 952/2653 dinner in the Williams home. urday for the holidays from Mos daughter plan to leave after Sugar Bowl 4 4 Drive and test the ‘Jeep' Univereel cow where he is a student at Christmas to spend the New Year Ray’s Food Fair ........... 4 4 today! University of Idaho. 4 holiday with friends in Los An Nyssa Auto Parts The common way io Protect 4 VISITS GRANDPARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston vis geles. 5 Your Vision is to see your Lienkaemper’s 3 Douglas Hansen of Tooele, ited last Thursday evening with « Mr. and Mrs. Rex Walters of 2 Eye Doctor before it’s too Utah, arrived Saturday night to Mrs. Jennie Boston and Susan at Boise were Sunday afternoon Owyhee Truck. Impl. Cheryl Wilson, girls’ high late! Eyes Examined . . . spend the holidays with his Ontario. guests at the Al Thompson home. scratch game. 156. Diane Jen Glasses Fitted . . . Children's For professional hearing test grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Mark and Jeffery Smalley of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hite of Troy. nings, girls’ high scratch series, Visual Care. and / or information on Blackburn. Payette were Friday overnight Ore., visited last Thursday in the 399 Frank Rambaud. boys' high OTARION'S complete line The animal is the Racoon. guests of their grandparents, Mr. Earl Kygar home scratch game and series. 190/543. of qualify aids for all hear 203 Good Avenue VISIT IN LA GRANDE and Mrs. Waldo Smalley. Mrs. Rube Graham of Star vis Sugar Bowl, high team game. 680 ing needs. Nyssa, Oregon Dr. and Mrs. K. A. Danford, Mr and Mrs. Howard Brenner ited Friday at the Wesley Piercy Lienkaemper’s. high team series, — See — Mary and David spent a recent of Boise were Dec. 17 visitorsi home. 1952. See ’Jeep’ vehicles In action In I OPTOMETRIST I JACKSON TRWELERS weekend with their son and and Mr and Mrs. Floyd Collins The Rev. D. M. Barnhart of An error was made in report ( vision specialist ! ‘THE GREATEST SHOW OH TV™ 218 Main Street daughter - in - law. Mr. and Mi s. of Boise were Dec 18 visitors at Adrian and Clarence Nelson vis ing girls’ high scratch «erics fo- Nyssa, Oregon mu Mtm nwn-mif mir Tuesday, 8:30 p.m.—Channel 7 J i m Danford and son in La the home of Mr. and Mrs Fay ited Sunday afternoon at the Dec. 14. It should have bo«»n Collins. Walter Pinkston home. Grande. Trudy Olsen with a 41" series. Kingman Kolony Christmas Party Staged by 4-H Club, Ten Davis Wranglers al Grange Hall WORLD’S MOST VERSATILE VEHICLE! HEARING PROBLEM? Roberts-Nyssa DrJohnEasly