THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1963 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE FIVE SLIPPER DEMONSTRATION GIVEN FOR SEWING CLUB Flying Jets 4-H sewing club members met Dec. 2 at the home I of their leader, Mrs. Carl Piercy. Judy Pratt, junior leader, con- j ducted the business meeting. Of ficers elected for the year were Cynthia Chapin, president; Lila i Wilson, vice president; Matsuko Hori, secretary; Rita Piercy, news | reporter. Ramona Freel, Pam Parker and Jan Powell were named recreation leaders. Mrs. Piercy demonstrated mak ing TV slippers for the girls. Next meeting will be Dec. 16 in the Piercy home. —Rita Piercy, Reporter. SUGAR BOWL MONDAY MIXED LEAGUE Junior Bowlers Told SENIOR CITIZENS SLATE Larsson Volunteers Kido-Saito_________ 39 17 Al Thompson Elected MEETING, EXCHANGE Of Sunday Deadline Snyder-Skelton _____ 38% 17% For Duty in U.S. Army A meeting GIFT of the Senior Citi-' Odd Fellows Lodge Trost-Nichols______ 37 19 For Tourney Entries -sens’ club will be held at 10:30 Holcomb-Stacy ______ 29 27 New Noble Grand Junior bowlers planning to a m. Friday, Dec. 13, in the Cath-1 VanderOord-Stam ___ 29 27 International Order of Odd : olic parish hall. participate in the second annual 29 Laan-Morgan _______ 27 Fellows, Gate City lodge, held a Christmas tournament are re A gift exchange is planned with Stam-Codr __________ 26 30 those attending taking a 50-cent regular meeting Monday evening. Michaelson-Newbill.. 25% 30% minded that a Dec. 15 deadline date is set for entry forms to gift for a member of their own During the business session, new Knowles-Hiatt ______ 25 31 grand officers were elected for j sex. be in the hands of their coaches. Kesler-Moore _______ .24% 31% Coffee will be provided; how- the coming year. R. A. (Al) The tournament for both Adams-Simpson ____ 23% 32% I ever, a drinking cup and sack Thompson was chosen noble boys and girls, will be held this 1 Stam-Ballantyne ____ 10 46 o o o o I lunch should be taken by those grand and Frank Sherwood, vice year on Dec. 27-28 at the Sugar Massie Saito, ladies’ h i g h | o o o grand. Appointive officers will attending the session. Bowl with games beginning at scratch game and series, 199/510. o o be named at a later date. 9:30 aun. Mike Stam, men’s high scratch j o The group meets the second Winners of the tourney will RETURN FROM TEXAS game and series 218/553. Snyder- NYSSA COMMERCIAL compete by mail with all other The Rev. and Mrs. Paul Ludlow and fourth Mondays of each-, Skelton, high team game, 688. Simplot Processors __ 37 19 AJBC leagues throughout the returned last Thursday from Sul month. Noble Grand Ross Mills Howard’s Texaco ____ 35% 20% Kido - Saito, high team series, United States. phur Springs, Texas, where they urges that all members be present Nyssa Co-op ________ 33% 22% 1950. More information about the spent Thanksgiving holidays with at the next meeting scheduled o o o o Shell Service_______ 31 25 i competition and statistics con VISITORS FROM SEATTLE their son and daughter-in-law, for Dec. 23. BANTAM LEAGUES ! Home Dairies _______ 31 25 cerning last year's tourney will the Rev. and Mrs. Willis Ludlow Delbert Viken, Mr. and Mrs. For two weeks the Sugar Bowl appear in a subsequent issue Grain Millers _______ .30 26 and family. The young minister VISIT IN ELDREDGE HOME Fred Viken, all of Seattle, spent Midgets and Peterson ’ s Bantams Eder’s ______________ 27% 28% of the Journal. is attending Southern Methodist the holiday with their brother-in-1 Sunday dinner guests of Mr. will be in competition. Standings First National Bank....27 29 university School of Theology in and Mrs. Tom Eldredge were Mr. Í law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. | following the first three - game Eastman Insurance ..... 27 29 Dallas. NORMAN LARSSON BULLDOG LEAGUE Robbins. Nov. 28 dinner guests in 1 and Mrs. Bill Carpenter and session are as follows: Holcomb & Main_____ 24 32 S & V Cattle Co ___ 31% 16% the Robbins home were her par Charles of Payette. Evening vis Idaho Power _________ 4 ... To Serve Three Years 0 Swager Ford ________ 18 38 To Buy, Sell or Reni, Nyssa Auto Parts 27% 20% ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Stock-| itors were Mr. and Mrs. Jim ♦ ♦ 0 Chet’s Motel ________ 14% 41% Ross Rollers No. 1____ 4 Try the Classified Pagel Lienkaemper’s ............ 25% 22% fleth, Mrs. Merildean Robbins and Smith of Ontario. __________ 0 Norman M. _______ Larsson, son of Mr. Ron Pruyn, high scratch game, Miner-Eastman ........... 4 Owyhee Truck, Impl.„. 23 25 Eastman Agency _____ 3 family, Mrs. Cliff Main, Karen an d Mrs. Edward C. Larsson of 1 220. Bill Kohl, high scratch ser Sugar Bowl ................... 19 29 and Kent, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hen Nyssa, recently volunteered for 1 ies, 585. Eder’s, high team game, Ross Rollers No. 3____ 3 Ray ’ s Food Fair .... 17% 30% derson of Apple Valley. I Triple K ’ s ____________ 2 2 three years’ service in the regular 872. Howard’s Texaco, high team Owyhee Barber ....... 2 2 Cheryl Wilson, girls’ high U. S. Army. He was flown to Ft. series, 2483. 1 Strike Outs__________ 1 3 scratch game, 149. Janice Mc- GUESTS IN POUNDS HOME Ord, Calif., where he will take o o o o Bulldogs_____________ 1 Crady, girls’ high scratch series, 3 Thanksgiving dinner guests in eight weeks of basic training, ac FRIDAY BUSINESSMEN I Rockers ___ 0 378. Danr.y Wilson, boys’ high the Roy Pounds home were their cording to Sergeant First Class 4 Gate City Journal........ 38 18 I Lucky Strikes________ 0 4 scratch game and series, 196/544. son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Joseph M. Amick, recruiting offi- Fangen Floral_______ 36% 19% Rinky Dinks_________ 0 4 Ray’s Food Fair, high team game, Mrs. Bill Norman and family of j cer at Ontario. Sugar Bowl _________ 34 22 718. Lienkaemper’s, high team Ephrata, Wash.; their son and Exercising the privilege of Sugar Bowl Midgets Muir-Roberts________ 31 25 series, 1935. High Score Winners daughter - in - law, Mr. and Mrs. choice granted to all regular army Skinner’s Service____ 27 29 ED W. PRUYN — RONALD E. PRUYN Jaap Kuijper, high scratch S & V Cattle Co. team was win Richard Pounds and daughters; volunteers, Larsson selected for Clover Lawn Dairy 23% 32% Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Norman of his initial assignment the tele game, 197. Larry Wilson, high ner of the first half of league Owyhee Truck, Impl.__.19 37 One Mile North of Nyssa on Highway 20 scratch series, 477. Miner-East play. Members are Tommy Strin Apple Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Hap phone repair course. His special Nyssa Implement____ 15 41 PHONE 372-3528 Walan Morgan, high scratch man, high team game and series, ger, Tommy Moore, Sallee Mor Norman of Grandview, Idaho, and training will begin after he com pletes basic training at Ft. Ord. Lauren Wright. 429/1388. Craig Lewis, bowler of gan and Jeff Wieneke. game, 213. Lloyd Mackrill, high scratch series, 584. Skinner’s Ser the week, 533 handicap series. i==Jr=Jr=i vice, high team game and series, Peterson's Bantams 894/2551. Scott Engstrom, high scratch game and series, 167/428. Strike o o o o Outs, high team game, 425. Triple PATRIOTS LEAGUE K’s, high team series, 1047. Scott Pounds’ Grocery ____ 34 22 Vale Furniture ______ 33% 22% Engstrom, bowler of the week, 485 handicap series. Wilson’s Market_____ 32 24 o o o o Paulus Jewelry _____ .29 27 Chadwick’s Market __ 28% 27% TUESDAY BUSINESSMEN Sugar Bowl _________ 28 28 Simplot Soilbuilders_ 41% 14% Big Top Mai. Mem. Hospital__ 26 30 Morris Sinclair........ .....38 18 Comparait Valu» 32 Polar Bear_________ 36 The Merc ___________ 24 20 Shell Service _______ 23 33 Bingham’s Service___ 34 22 Get your Doll couples from all Clover Lawn Dairy__ 22 Sugar Bowl________ 31 34 25 9 Knorr countries! Stella Ross, high scratch game, Palmer Brothers____ 29 27 Get detail« KnOTT 199. Kay Brendle, high scratch B & M Equipment____ .28 28 at thia sterol SOUPS series, 517. Pounds’ Grocery, high Thompson Agency___ 25 31 team game and series, 835/2317. Vale Auction _______ 20% 35% Swan Bowlers of the week—Kay Bren Nyssa M & W Mkt....... 20% 35% dle, 517 scratch series; Mary Tob- Lloyd’s Conoco— ler, 608 handicap series. Carpenter’s Dist___ 20 36 o o o o Nyssa Sanitation 12% 43% Clarence Page, high scratch THURSDAY MIXED LEAGUE game, 213. Frank Doi, high Metcalf-Butcher 34 18 scratch series, 574. Nyssa Sanita PurcelMest . 32 20 tion, high team game, 996. Sugar Huffman-House ..... _ 29 23 Ghirardelli — Milk Bowl, high team series, 2943. Morrison-Pruyn __ 28 24 Planter's Sage-Bartron ..... .. 28 Dec. 3 Prize Winners 24 Page and Doi, high handicap II Myrick-Bullard___ 27 25 Kelley-Thompson ...27 25 series,’ 649. Walan Morgan, David Renstrom-Jenkins .. 23 29 Sarazin, Shig Kitamura, 6 spares Morris-Jones ______ .....17 35 in a row. Ray Laan, 123, 127, 127; Stunz-Sallee .15 37 Doi, 193, 189, 192; closest to trip • • Kay Sage, ladies’ high scratch licate games. Gib Holmes, Byron game and series, 201/513. Frank Standerfer, F. Johnson, V. Gar- Ghirardelli — Instant Morris, men’s high scratch game, ner, 140 games. Fresh 209. Paul House, men’s high o o o o scratch series, 562. Sage-Bartron, SUGAR CITY LEAGUE high team game and series, 678 Marguerite’s Apparel__ 7 1 and 1881. Bowlers of the week— S & S Cattle Co______ 4 4 Kay Sage, 513 scratch series; Farmers Feed, Seed.... 4 4 Stella Morris, 614 handicap ser- White Satin__________ 3% 4% • • ies. Mildred’s Salon ______ 3 5 o o o o Bracken’s ........................ 2% 5% Fresh—Fancy EAGLES MIXED LEAGUE Blanche Jefferies, high scratch Reynolds — Heavy Duty Sarazin-Larson ______ 37 19 game and series, 219/562. Mil Holcomb-Purcell ____ 35 21 dred’s Salon, high team game, Olsen-Bracken ______ 32 24 745. White Satin, high team ser Wilson-Wilson_______ 26 30 ies, 2135. Bowlers of week: Ver- Brendle-Ross ______ 25 31 da 'Simpson, 507 scratch series; Seuell-Pratt .. .„13 43 Frieda Anderson, 551 handicap Margaret Bracken, ladies’ high series. scratch game and series, 202/499. o o o o Clark Olsen, men’s high scratch SUGAR CUBE BANTAMS |BLIU CHIESI 1 game, 221 Bill Purcell, men’s (Sponsored by Norsedco high scratch series, 541. Brendle- and Shaw’s Cafe) Ross, high team game, 719. Olsen- Sugar Gals _________ 32% 15% Bracken, high team series, 1927. Sugar Babes ___ __ . 28% 19% Bowlers of the week—'Margaret Sugar Beats Bracken, 4 9 9 scratch; Roberta Bowldogs „, USDA Choice Wilson's Budget Dreamers Holcomb, 610 handicap series. Sugar Stars Linda Clapp and Barbara Fan- I 'Tor the 'Tor the gen, high scratch games, 153. Bar Finest in Meats' Economy Minded bara Fangen, high scratch series, WILSON’S . . Where Personal Service Is 407. Sugar Beats, high team game, FREE and Satisfaction Is Guaranteed! 448. Sugar Babes, high team ser ies, 1193. Barbara Fangen, bowl Budget Beef er of the week, 467 handicap ser ies. Sugar Gals were winners of the first half of league play. Team members are Eiaine Kurtz, Linda Clapp and Bonme Howard. g/A Standings I BODY REPAIR and PAINTING Free Estimates! PRUYN'S AUTO REPAIR Q a Peanut Butter CQc 41^ DOLL o 0 0 0 0 a 28-Oz. Jars................... Liquid Detergent EE< Giani Size................... I! I! I! I! I! 1! Mixed Nuts Giant Size I! 3 Packages............... Chocolate Blocks 59( Peanuts 29 12-0z. Packages . Big 13*/2-0 z . Cans Chocolate Drink ALL KNORR SOUPS 89 Mixed Nuts Pound Aluminum Foil Extra Wide MEAT DEPT BEEF BEEF FOR JUNIOR BOWLERS 'PI o ’1BÄ/ Jad! gSgffi S EE3- ■Rj Give the new, AJBC approved Bantam 8 or Bantam 9 Bowling Ball in windmill black, red and blue. Also the plaid Chevron and the 2-tone Comet Bags. For gals, the Nassau bowling "sneaker'' —for guys, the Ranger high-score bowl ing shoe. Other gifts for teens and pre teens from $1.95. BuinyuLck ACCESSORY DEALER SUGAR BOWL 909 Park Avenue Phone 372-9952 NYSSA, OREGON PRODUCE o o o o SUGAR BABES LEAGUE Gate City Cleaners___43 Nyssa Welding______37 Bicandi’s ___________ 35% 20% Arrowhead Motel___ 33% 22% Roberts-Nyssa_______33 Looney’s___________ 28 Sugar Bowl________ 25 Pastime Cafe Twilight Cafe Muir-Roberts Dottie Parks, high scratch _ game and series, 236/558. Roberts-Nys sa, high team game and series, 837/2300. Bowlers of the week. Dottie Parks, 558 scratch series; Betty Jean Phifer, 579 handicap series. Armour's Boneless — V2 NAVEL ORANGES Smoked Hams Fresh LETTUCE 2 Heads WEDNESDAY HOUSEWIVES No Strikes__________ 31 Goof Balls______ __ „26 Safety Pins..... ..... 25 Hits and Mrs_________ 25 Alley Cats 24 Alley Oops 13 Frieda Holcomb, high scratch game and series, 181/478, and scratch bowler of the week, 478 series. Bertha Rudelick. handi DECEMBER cap bowler of the week. 601 ser ies. No Strikes, high team game ■=Jr=Jr=Jr=- and series, 441/1276. 99’ 19' We Have a Large Selection of Holiday Needs ... Get Your Candy, Nuts, Raw Peanuts, Dipping Chocolate, Gift Wrap and Tree Trimmings at WILSON'S! Ì I Open Until 8 p.m. Weekdays 16 THROUGH DECEMBER 23 OQc Pound................... ... Large — Choice 11 Pounds........... o o o o T-Bone Steaks Pound Sale Dates qt Whole 79‘