THE GATE CITY JOURNAL TED M. BRAMMER, Editor and Publisher NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION NATIONAL zr THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1963 THE WYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON PAGE TWO FJtlATE MEMBER, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Single Copies------- 10c In Malheur County, Oregon, and Payette and Canyon Counties, Idaho: One Year --------- $3.50 Six Months —$2.50 Elsewhere in the U. S. A.: Per Year------------ $4.00 Six Months--------- $2.50 Published Every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the Post Office at Nyssa, Oregon, for Transmission Through the United States Mails, as a Second Class Matter Under the Act of March 3, 1879. Letters to Editor Band Commended Signed letters to the editor are welcomed and will be printed it they do not contain comments of a libelous nature or attacks on religious and racial groups. Publication of the letters does not necessarily signify agreement of this newspaper with opinions expressed. For Developing Spirit Nyssa, Oregon Dec. 7, 1963 Grain Millers Member Defends Union Policy Toward Closed Shop | Gate City Journal: This letter is in response to your editorial page in the Nov. 14 issue of the Gate City Journal regarding human rights. You noted that there are still 30 states that do not have a “right to work law," giving the impression that in your opinion there should be a national “right to work law,” totally ignoring the fact that the so-called “right to work law” does not guarantee anyone a job but gives the employer the right to discharge his employees indis­ criminately without having t o give the discharged employee a reason for being discharged. It also gives the employer the right to replace union employees with non-union employees, there­ by doing away with the necessity of bargaining with his employees and setting wage scales and work­ ing conditions that are agreeable to both employer and employee. Businessmen on Committee To the Editor: If you take the time to inves­ Pasadena Rose Parade ... a tigate the situation, you will find group of good high school kids with horns, drums, etc., and a there are no working people on man by the name of Frank Tur­ the National “Right to Work” ner have all started something in| committee. You will find, how­ ever, that some of the officers of this town. this national committee are also Today — “ Pearl Harbor Day ” — State PT A Functions the Nyssa high school band mem­ officers in the National Associa­ tion of Manufacturers, the Na­ Discussed in Letter bers marched down Main street tional Chamber of Commerce and and my mind caught hold of National Farm Bureau organiza­ Nyssa, Oregon something. I realized that the tions. Dec. 9, 1963 band students and their “spirit” Dear Parents and Teachers: These are the same groups who had just put a lump of pride in were instrumental in getting the Members of the PTA, too often | my throat. your elected officers of the state The band used to be pretty Taft - Hartley law passed, One congress and your council corres­ darn good, but now it’s just one section of this law made it man- pond only with your local PTA heck of a lot better than good. datory that all plans that were president and communication be­ Spirit flowing like that which I organized by unions would have ing what it is, you do not benefit felt today leaves a gratifying to hold a secret ballot election from the thinking of those you feeling. I’ve seen football ends and that a majority of eligible have elected to represent you. catch passes that they couldn’t employees would have to cast I do not criticize presidents; possibly catch . . . basketball their vote for the union in order remember, communication is a players sink shots that should to keep the union as their repre­ two-way process. Therefore, I am never have gone in . . . baseball sentative in the plant in which taking advantage of one great players race for an impossible they work. American freedom to write a per­ catch, somersault and come up Try to Outlaw Union Shop sonal letter to each of you. I ask with the ball. That was my feel­ Much to the surprise of the that you exercise another free­ ing today and I thank the young above-mentioned groups, the em­ dom—that of free speech and let musicians for it. ployees voted almost 98 percent those whom you have elected Nyssa has a “new spirit” and to keep the unions. Ever since know what your thoughts are. it has come from hard work on they lost the elections, these State Congress Wants Opinions the part of the band students groups have been trying to get A PTA has complete autonomy; and special guidance from their the union shop outlawed. you may do anything you want to instructor who won’t stand for Now as to the other phase of do as long as it falls within the “don’t carers.” This man has objects you embrace when you been disciplined; he has discipline your editorial—“the right to hold become a member. I do not be­ in his mind and has now passed a job without joining a union.” lieve your national or state con­ some of this characteristic to the This applies only in those plants where a secret ballot election was gress has ever sent a list of topics band members. held under supervision of the Na­ PTA is allowed to talk about. Can the band give of their When we receive this type of cri-* spirit to the school? Of course, tional Labor Relations board and tici m it is too often justified by they can! But they can only plant a majority (in most cases a large our own failure to speak on a the seed. If the faculty can carry majority) of the employees voted topic on which the state congress on with this seed and nurture it, to join the union. Election by majority is basic­ may want your opinion. you’ll see wonderful things hap­ The Oregon Congress of Parent- pen. Students will soon enjoy do­ ally American and is the way we Teacher legislation committee is ing only those things which will settle all controversial matters. now seeking your opinion. The bring credit to themselves, their The AFL-CIO is a democratic or­ congress was charged at the last school and their community. Even ganization and no one is barred convention with making a “tax the custodians will sweep faster from joining because of race, col­ or, creed or national origin. In study.” A poll has been sent to and smile more. all local presidents. If you are not1 fact the Taft - Hartley law says given a chance at your unit meet- | We’re headed for better times! that the only reason an employee DON KING ing to speak or are not contacted can be kept from joining or be 518 Main Street expelled from a labor organiza­ personally, why don’t you call Nyssa, Oregon tion is for failure to pay dues. your president o r legislation chairman and give your opinion? were not drawn up until the Union's Reasons Discussed Returns Above Average This brings up the basic reason states were asked for their opin­ The results of this poll must be ions; they do encompass the organized labor insists on a union in the state office by Dec. 16, so thoughts of all .state congresses. shop, which means that all elig­ that these factors can have con­ ible employees working in an or­ siderable bearing upon the subse­ PTA Must Do Own Thinking ganized plant must belong to the I think you should be aware quent action of our legislation union. committee. Other polls were sent that an organization committed The Taft-Hartley law says that to fight communism but which is out during the regular session of if the union negotiates a wage in­ using communistic tactics to in ­ the legislature. The returns were crease, better working conditions, way above average and our law­ filtrate and to destroy the PTA increased vacations or any other has had some success in some of makers were impressed by them benefits for its members, those when our legislative director ap­ our neighboring states as well as benefits shall also be given to the others in the country. We must peared and testified on certain non - union members working in bills the Oregon Congress was attend our meetings and we must the plant. speak if we do not want someone supporting or opposing. These are what union members Another item — If they are to else to do our thinking for us. Do you think it is an accident call shirt-tail riders. They enjoy truly represent you, people who represent you at the state con­ that the same words are being vention in April will need your used all over the United States? Respectfully, thinking on the national legisla­ tion program. Your president has VIRGINIA CLEAVER a copy. Not until a minimum of Vice President 31 state congresses have reported Region VIII their approval will these policies Oregon Congress of become effective. These policies Parents and Teachers IT'S YOUR LAW By Oregon State Bar Bill of Rights Assures Freedom of Citizens y. *