1 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON PAGE EIGHT N. Price Arrives Home From Korea Following Year With Armed Forces 1 Smokey Say» THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 5. 1963 L. Upshaws Attend Funeral Services, Visit Relatives on Trip io Midwest By Mrs. Waldo Smalley Mr. and Mrs. Karl Harshman Br Hatch APPLE VALLEY — Mr. and of Abilene, Kan., were guests last BIG BEND—Norman Price ar her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. ' Mrs. Lee Upshaw left Aug. 19 for Thursday and Friday of her niece, rived in Boise Monday evening ' Chet Smith. Wichita, Kan., to attend memor- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dibble and irom Korea where he had been I ial services for her brother-in- family. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Newman stationed for one year. He left Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson law, John L. Burns. While there I and Janice of Homedale were Aug. 28 for West Point, Va., to they visited her sister from Har of Nampa were Monday over Friday evening dinner guests of get his wife, Vernell, and they risburg, Pa., whom she had not night guests of her parents. Mr. i her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Dick will make their home here. and Mrs. Dwight Seward. seen for over 20 years. j Davis and Steve. They went on to West Plains, To Visit in Nevada Beverly and Barbara Price of Attends School in Spokane Mo., to visit her mother, Mrs Mrs. Fern Johnston of Caliente, Mrs. Noel Tuppeny and her sis Ontario recently spent two days Lola Adams; his sister, Mrs. Glen Nev., was a guest from Tuesday with their grandparents, Mr. and ter, Mrs. L. D. Brumbaugh, took Mittendorf and Mrs. Velma Up until Thursday of last week at Mrs. Raymond Price. They at Patty Bean to Spokane Thursday shaw and daughter. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Conley tended the fair Friday evening where she is attending business Enroute home they stopped at Wilson. When she left she took Forests destroyed by fire are school. at Ontario. Kansas City with Mr. and Mrs. her father, Lloyd Caldwell, home monuments to human care Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Luciano John Adams and then traveled Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Price lessness! with her for a visit. to Ogden, Utah, to visit a son, visited Sunday with his mother, and family of Denver returned Debra and Bobby Bottner of J. W. Upshaw and family. They Aug. 28 to their home after Mrs. Arizona Price in Ontario. Ontario were weekend guests of FAREWELL EVENTS HONOR arrived home Aug. 30. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Price and spending a two - week vacation FAMILY PRIOR TO MOVE their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. boys of Highland entertained at with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Conley Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hopper dinner Aug. 27 for their parents, Noel Tuppeny and other rela and family moved during the Mrs. Earl Boston, Captain and and daughter of Midvale were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Price; tives. first part of the week to Home- Saturday guests of her parents, Mrs. Roger Boston of Glendale, Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Bennett dale to make their home. Wilson, their brother, Norman; Mr. and Ariz., Mrs. Betty Bolton and two Mrs. Doyn Price and boys of and family of Kingman Kolony, who has been employed by Ideal Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dibble. sons of Huntington Beach, Calif., Pendleton, Mr. and Mrs. Orland Mrs. Mabel Bennett of Parma Gas and Appliance of Nyssa, will Vacation in Washington attended the Western Idaho State and Mrs. Mae Church of Califor open a new business to be known White and Lucille. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Correll re- fair Aug. 28 at Boise. nia were Sunday dinner guests of as Ideal Gas and Appliance of turned Friday from a week’s trip Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smalley Honored on Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bennett and I Homedale. to the Washington coast with and sons of Payette were Satur Friends and neighbors of Mrs. Alan. A surprise outdoor barbecue Mrs. Cleo Whittom of Weiser. day visitors in the Waldo Smalley Clara Collins in Lower Bend gave Mrs. Dick Davis and Steve I was given Aug. 25 for the Wil- They visited the latter’s son, Jim home. her a birthday party last Thurs day evening at Big Bend com spent Tuesday of last week with sons at their home by Mr. and at Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Gor Mrs. Perle Davis of Ridgeview. Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb, Mr. and don Correll at Marysville. While munity house. Mrs. Jim Savage, Mr. and Mrs. there the men went fishing on Mrs. Nora Stark of Parma call Return From California Mission Bay and Jim caught two ed Monday on Mrs. Joe King. Mrs. Boyce Van DeWater and Howard Day. nice salmon. At Port Orchard Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gahan en Mr. and Mrs. Verl Bishop, Ste her mother, Mrs. Alice Rist, re vie and Linda were Sunday din turned home Friday morning tertained Aug. 22 with a dinner they visited Mrs. Whittom’s ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse from California where they had party for Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Brown and family and in Brem Higgins. spent two weeks. erton at the James Correll, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Dick Reed and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bell and Francis Hight, Mr. and Mrs. Bill girls of Nampa, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald of Ordnance, Ore., spent Welch. The honorees were pre home. They had a family dinner with all of these families present. Larry Bauman and Kerrick of the weekend with her mother, sented a farewell gift. Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Brown The Charles J. Smith and Gene Nyssa were Sunday dinner guests Mrs. Edythe Prosser. and granddaughter of Boise were of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Goldie Roberts accompa DeMinck families hosted a barbe Boyce Van DeWater. nied Mr. and Mrs. Delno Brock cue dinner last Thursday evening Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Jensen is staying with his to Nampa last Thursday to at in honor of the Wilsons at the Jim Correll. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hor tend funeral services for Brock’s Smith home. They were present Return io California ace Chaney, while his parents, aunt, Mrs. Arnold Skelton. ed a going-away present. Mrs. Hilda Rathbun and Fran Mr. and Mrs. Errol Jensen, are Mrs. Betty Samer, Miss Mary cis and Ed Kramer, all of La vacationing in Spokane. Weir and Miss Helen Hatch re STOCKFLETHS RETURN Puente, Calif., left last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. George Stockfleth for their homes after visiting the Mr. and Mrs. James Helderman cently attended a silver wedding called Sunday on Mr. and Mrs. anniversary celebration for their arrived home Saturday afternoon past two weeks with her parents, Joe King. cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Richard from a three-month vacation trip. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wild of Nyssa They visited two sons in South and her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Dakota and a daughter who is a Dwight Seward and family. high school Latin teacher in Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pierce and Sheridan, Wyo. From there they children of Pocatello were guests went to Helena, Mont., to visit last weekend of her parents, Mr. another son who is a federal and Mrs. Dwight Seward. housing adjuster. On July 1 they Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston, Mrs. went to Seattle where they were Betty Bolton and sons, John Bos guests of two other sons and re ton and two daughters, Sandra, turned to Nyssa from there. Steve and David Harris were Monday dinner guests of Mr. and ED W. PRUYN — RONALD E. PRUYN Keil of Caldwell. The ladies also Mrs. Bob Shippy of Weiser. attended a 60th wedding anniver Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Smalley One Mile North of Nyssa on Highway 20 sary celebration for Mr. and Mrs. of Campbell, ... „ Calif., are visiting PHONE 372-3528 117 Good Avenue A. J. Hopkins Sunday at their, his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. home in Parma. and Mrs. W’’’ '■ Smalley. VISITORS FROM PORTLAND Mr. and Mrs. Bert James of Portland were weekend guests of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gruber. FRIDAY OVERNIGHT GUESTS Sheri and Craig Simpson of Payette were Friday overnight guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Simpson. Days like this are made for Olympia PLAN AHEAD One ingredient is priceless: *ItS the Water Visitors welcome. Olympia Brewing Company, Olympia, Washington. *Oly*^ New Dairy Mix We Can Now Offer Our CUSTOM 14% MIX ... ------ at------- $5700 Per Ton Let Us Know Your Needs Now! BODY REPAIR and PAINTING FARMERS Free Estimates! PRUYN S AUTO REPAIR Feed and Seed Co NYSSA. OREGON Phone 372-2201 seeking new gas reserves for your future comfort These geologists at left, examining terrain near Shiprock in northern New Mexico, are part of a team of modem explorers search ing for new gas reserves. They travel by jeep, helicopter and afoot in this con tinuing program to seek out new supplies for your future comfort. Natural gas, formed millions of years ago, is a resource which will serve the West far into the fu ture. Each year new reserves are found, keeping well ahead of the growing demand *4 ’ « rill A » * JWVIM « iR f ' ' 1 ■ If 4 << for America’s most modern fuel. Heating, cooking, water heating—and scores of payroll-building commercial and industrial uses—are among the benefits brought to the West today by natural gas. If you’re now enjoying the benefits of natural gas it’s partly because of the team of highly trained people who bring it to you. If you’re not a user of natural gas, it is easy to become one.* EL PASO NATURAL GAS COMPANY w V A < » 1 Fl • 11 w *..w* * 'It . O st Through Its pipelines, El Paso Natural supplies wholesale gas service to retail natural gas distributors In WASHINGTON • OREGON • IDAHO • ARIZONA • CALIFORNIA COLORADO • NEVAOA • NEW MEXICO • TEXAS • UTAH • WYOMING •In Oregon retail gas distribution companies aret NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY • CASCADE NATURAL GAS CORPORATION • CALIFORNIA-PACIFIC UTILITIES COMPANY ENERGY FOR THE WEST