THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1963 Club Group Tells Wishes at Roll Call Discusses Food Sale, Holiday Party By Mrs. Frank Byers ♦ OREGON TRAIL—Merry Mat rons club met Aug. 28 at the home of Viola Adams. Eight members answered roll call by telling their wishes. Social com mittee announced plans for a cooked food sale in November. Christmas party plans were also discussed. Bingo was played with several winning prizes, and refreshments were served by the hostess. ___ v... t 11 xx a Club will meet on Sept. at the ‘home “of “vbginia" R^okstoZl in Nyssa. Mrs PAGE THREE THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON \ussaus I17ff Awards a( Mallivur lair AI1* H Tillinn an Mrs. Jennie Allred, Lillian and Wade of Ogder., Utah, were Sat urday evening callers at the Glenn Brown home. Visitors From Othello Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stoker of Othello, Wash., visited Thursday and ... Friday _ with her parents, _ Mr. and Mrs' Leslle Ballantyne. They were enroute home ------------- from Salt . , _. ------- ------ '\ke Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Adams went to Boise Saturday to assist Dee Ann in movin® to a different apartment. ‘ Dee Ann accompanied J i them home and spent the Labor Day weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Chadwick, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bell of Anita and Vern of Covina, Calif., were dinner guests Monday eve Eddyville, Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. ning at the Mark Hartley home. I Jess Shuster of Huntington were Thursday dinner guests in the Guests in Hendricks Home i Bob Holmes residence. Bobby Mr. and Mrs. Lon Hendricks I Holmes, who had been visiting and daughter of Ogden, Utah, the Shusters, accompanied them were Sunday evening dinner home, guests at the home of his brother, Mrs. Holmes Has Dinner Guests ON THE LEFT IS JOE HITE of the Owyhee route 2, Nyssa, proudly poses with his grand W. P. Hendricks. Afternoon call Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Goodson community who resides on route 1, Nyssa. He is champion market lamb. The winner is a member ers were Mr. and Mrs. Thane __ Lankford and Janice, Mr. and and Melvin of Parma, Mr. and a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hite, is a 4-H club of the Nyssa FFA chapter. The animal netted its Mrs.*Loren*Greer“and sons* alFof ^rs’ Frank Byel's ™ere Sunday member and attends Adrian schools. He was a owner a trophy and S50 cash award from the Marsing, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert ; dinner guests of Mrs. Alice blue ribbon winner in 4-H swine fitting and Idaho Statesman. The fat lamb was purchased 1 Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holmes and Jolene of Nyssa. showmanship, having placed first for intermediate by Manager Henry Zobell on behalf of Amalga | Holmes were afternoon callers. Mrs. Ed Morrison of Fallon, ! and reserve champion. He also received a blue mated Sugar company for $3 per pound during Mrs. Edward Simpson, Betty Nev., visited Thursday evening and Carol of Caldwell were Sat- ribbon on his junior gilt and a grand champion the stock sale held last Friday evening. These with Mrs. Glenn Brown. award for his mature sow pictured here. Van pictures were taken Saturday by a Journal photo __ I urday afternoon callers at the Schulthies, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schulthies, grapher at Malheur county fairgrounds, Ontario. David Ballantyne home. ’I Mr. and Mrs. Vic Kelly and son of Milton - Freewater spent RETURN FROM VACATION rose. They were guests of their DURING CLEANING . . . from Friday to Sunday with her Mr. and Mrs. Paul House, Bon mothers, Mrs. Daniel Schutts and Most of the soil in sheer cur- J sister, Mrs. Rommell Moss and nie and Butch returned home Mrs. Lydia House in Colorado tains is loose dust which will WHAT FRUIT TREE j family. Sunday evening from a 10-day Springs and visited other rela tumble out if you put them in an Mr. and Mrs. Bob Adams, •Mr. vacation trip to Colorado. En tives and friends at Denver and automatic clothes dryer without HAS LEAVES ' and Mrs. Jim Chamberlain and route they saw the Colorado state Kiowa. heat. After 10 minutes they’re TEN FEET LONG? children attended a picnic Sun monument in the western part of They returned home via Jack- ready to put back up again. Use day at the Bob Odoms home in the state and visited his brother, son Hole, Wyoming and Yellow this smart trick in between wash | Weiser. the Lloyd House family at Mont- stone park. ings. l FHA Group Approves Constitution Change, Plan Future Projects New FHA officers met Tues day, Aug. 27, at the Wilton Jack- son home for a combined dinner and business meeting. The new officers approved sev eral changes in the chapter con stitution, a new budget and FHA booklet covers. Plans were made for the yearly topsoil drive. The magazine sales project was dis cussed. with Janice Burns and Nadine Spitze chosen as team captains and Ellen Saito as gen eral overall chairman for the drive. A brief review of the duties of each officer was given by Lynn Jackson, FHA chapter president. Programs for September, Octo ber, November and December meetings were also planned by the officers. Attending the meeting were Mrs. Wilton Jackson, chapter mo ther; Mrs. Charles Steffens, FHA adviser; Lynn Jackson, Janice Burns, Marilyn Gonyer, Arleen Okano. Ellen Saito, Sharon Cott rell, Nadine Spitze, Cherie Oka no, Mary English, Susan Schenk, Judi Moncur, Marcia Wyckoff, Jeanie Seuell, outgoing FHA president and her guest, Karen Delezal. VISIT IN SMITH HOME Mr. and Mrs. Artie Robertson and daughter, Mrs. Dick Keeney I and Paula of Salem, were Aug. 28 dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Smith. Saturday visitors in the Smith home were Mr. and Mrs. Doug McDonald of Caldwell and his sister, Mrs. Annie Gibson of Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs, Clyde Smith and family of La Grande spent the weekend with his parents, the Dwight Smiths. | EMPLOYEE CHANGE NOTED Mrs. Dave (Betty) Rieb resign ed as checker at Ray’s Food Fair, effective Sept. 3, to accept a posi tion in the office of Dr. L. J. Whalon, Ontario dentist. Her husband is employed at Ray’s Ontario store and the Riebs are at home at 1095 SW Ninth avenue in that city. Mrs. Neils (Millie) Larson, who has been employed at the Merc store, will replace Mrs. Rieb at Ray’s local establishment. Last 3 days emuf fßSflffl —M I SEPT. 5, 6, 7 Gates open 10:00 a m. daily See dazzling floral splendor in the new floral exhibit building. Other buildings bulge with exciting dis plays ... 4 H and F.F.A., Livestock . .. taste-tempting foods... arts, crafts and hobbies. Reduced prices on all rides Sept. 5 for children under 16. ★ Rodao Horse show (Matinees, too!) ★ All-star Revue with Jimmie Rodgers ★ Horse Racing daily (except Sunday) -1:00 p.m. ★ All-Oregon Talent show (free) ★ Band concerts daily (free) it Fun-filled circus (free) SALEM, OREGON Visitors in Moss Home Has Been Too Long Since Your Last Eye Exami - nation. Now Is a Good Time io Have Your Eyes Checked . . . Call on Us for Complete Optical Service! The Answer Is the Banana Tree. DrJohnEasty I OPTOMETRIST I ¡VISION SPECIALISTI ISt SS. OREGON • ONTARIO - PHONE 118-1017 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stradley and family of Bend arrived Thursday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rommell Moss. Sunday evening Mrs. Vic Uria and children, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hill and girls, all of Homedale, joined the Moss couple and their house guests for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holmes and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Finley Shuster home in Boise, honoring the lat ter on his birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams of Parma were Sunday evening call ers at the Bob Adams residence. Rays Food Fatr Pork Loin Roasts are cut from selected young porkers—unbelievab ly delicious with that won derful flavor that comes from plenty of rich corn feeding . . . Extra lean and close - trimmed to give you more good eating! VISIT IN OLSEN HOME Mr. and Mrs. John Rhoads of Buhl visited last Thursday with, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Olsen. Friday guests in the Olsen home were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pritchard and Mrs. Jake Hergert of Nampa. I The Up Meat I3ag of ike Uleek. Morrell s—Assorted 25-Lb. Canning Young — Select Lean — Meaty PORK LOIN PORK CHOPS Cold Cuts SUGAR s2 SALMON CHILI SYRUP 2 Cocktail s ! 1 CRISCO 69 69{ $ 1 $ Donuts BEANS 1 49 DINNERS 3 $ 1 Lumberjack — 22-Oz. Bottles Hunt's — FRUIT 6 x lS ' • '■ !l8 M Double Luck — Cut For and TRACTORS Morton's Assorted — Frozen Dozen 0 « Bumble Bee — Pink Derby — 15-Oz $15.95 $18.15 $15.95 $19.95 Use CRESCENT SPICES For Extra Good Seasoning! FIRM —RIPE Bananas /