African Missionary Scheduled to Speak At Assembly of God THE GATE CITY JOURNAL TED M. BRAMMER. Editor and Publiaher O*1 NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION ' T THURSDAY. APRIL 4. 1963 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON PAGE TWO * SUBSCRIPTION RATES Single Copies 10c In Malheur County, Oregon, and Payette and Canyon Counties, Idaho: One Year $3.50 Six Months ... - $2.50 Elsewhere in the U. S. A.: Per Year $4.00 Six Months $2.50 Published Every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the Post Office at Nyssa, Oregon, for Transmission Through the United States Mails, as a Second Class Matter Under the Act of March 3, 1879. Sew and Sews Is Name Given To New 4-H Club Rites to Be Conducted Friday Afternoon For Amy E. Topliff TEMPOS BRIDGE ANL TECHHt- Funeral rites for Amy Elvira Topliff will be conducted at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon, April 5, 1963, at Lienkaemper chapel. The By Mrs. Waldo Smalley APPLE VALLEY 4-H Sewing Rev. Paul Ludlow of Nyssa Meth­ < club met Saturday afternoon at odist church will be officiating t the LDS church. Fifteen were minister. Mrs. Topliff succumbed Mon­ present including seven new members. Carol Ann Booth and day at Holy Rosary hospital in Diane Harris of Apple Valley at­ Ontario. She had been in failing health for several months. DR. KENNETH L. COTTLE displays items used in a table clinic tended the meeting. She was born Oct. 17, 1900, in which he presented at the 98th Mid-Winter Dental convention Members chose the name of held early in February at Chicago. He has been invited to show Sew and Sews for their club. Mrs. Haigler, Neb., a daughter of Mr. his clinic at the annual session of the American Dental associa- Dailey demonstrated putting hems and Mrs. C. F. Goodell and moved tion in October at Atlantic City, N.J. on dish towels and making pin to Hale, Mo., in 1908 where she attended schools. ♦ cushions. On Feb. 22, 1919, she was unit­ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rogers and ed in marriage to Leslie Topliff. Gerianne of Nampa, Mrs. Lucy They resided on a farm in Mis­ Rogers, Gaylene and Roger Brum­ souri until May, 1938, when they baugh, Mr. and Mrs Bob Shippy moved to the present home on of Weiser, Mr. and Mrs. John Bos­ Enterprise avenue near Nyssa. Lt. Kenneth L. Cottle, assistant I gest meetings of its type and lasts ton and Kim were Sunday guests While in Missouri, Mrs. Topliff dental officer aboard the USS for four days. The meeting con­ of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston. was a member of the Methodist Amphion (AR-13), Norfolk, Va., sists of manufacturer’s displays Mrs. Alva Hill has been very church, taught Sunday school and presented a table clinic at the ! and scientific exhibits, along with ill the past week after suffering was church pianist. She was also 98th annual mid - winter dental closed limited attendance clinics, a 4-H leader. She transferred her convention in Chicago on Feb. 4. table clinics, motion picture stu­ a relapse with the flu. membership to Nyssa Methodist The clinic was entitled “Tempor­ dies, demonstration clinics, essay Seward* Have Daughter church and was an active member ary Acrylic Bridge and Inlay and discussion forums on every Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Seward of the Women’s Society of Chris­ Technic.” type and phase of modern den- are parents of a baby girl born on tian Service. She was also a mem­ tistry. This technic is a method used March 30 at the Caldwell hospital. ber of Out Our Way and Chat­ to fabricate a temporary bridge, Dentists from all over the U. S. The infant joins a brother in the terbox clubs, the Farm Bureau home. Her great - grandparents, and World War I Veterans’ auxil­ inlay or crown from acrylic for gather to discuss, exchange and the patient to wear while the learn new phases and products of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Seward, called iary. permanent appliance i s being the dental profession presented to see her on Sunday and visited In addition to Mr. Topliff of the made. This method is used so by those participating. with her parents. home, she is survived by two that a presentable temporary, that Dr. Cottle has been invited to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Saunders [ sons, Edward of Hazelton, Idaho, looks much like the natural teeth present his table clinic at the j and sons visited in Nampa Sun­ and Irvin of route 1, Nyssa. in color, can be worn, with sta­ 104th annual session of the Am­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Also surviving are two broth­ bilization and support to the teeth erican Dental association at At­ Kellogg. ers, William Goodell of Sunny­ used as anchors for a bridge, or Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson of vale, Calif., and Charles Goodell for teeth prepared for crowns and lantic City, N.J., on Oct. 14-17. The assistant dental officer is Sandy, Ore., spent a recent week­ of Glenwood, Iowa; a sister. Miss inlays. a son of Mr. and Mrs. Kay Cottle end with Mr. and Mrs. Chet Iiams. Elizabeth Goodell of Emmett, Ida­ This temporary acts also to pro­ of Nyssa. V • Mrs. Robinson's mother, Mrs. ho, and nine grandchildren. tect the teeth that have been pre- Ruth Woodcock, came with them Four brothers preceded her in pared and the tissue surrounding this far and then left Saturday death. They were Ernest, Lever- teeth from unnecessary wear for Denver. ett, Harold and Alva Goodell of ancj abrasion, and from food and Ferguion Has Surgery Nyssa who succumbed in 1050. the mouth’s fluids. Interment will be made in the Tom Ferguson underwent em- The convention held in Chicago ergency surgery at Malheur Me- Nyssa cemetery under direction every February is one of the lar- morial hospital last Thursday for of Lienkaemper funeral home. a ruptured appendix. He is mak­ 4-H CLUB MEMBERS PLAN ing good recovery. Mr. and Mrs. eompanied Mr. and Mrs. Tracy PROJECT, DISCUSS GOALS Herman Jones and Gary of Nam­ Mefford to Horseshoe Bend Sun­ Third meeting of Dozen Nuttie ! pa and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Judd day, where they were dinner Loaves 4-H club was held recent- | of Sunny Slope were Sunday vis­ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford ly at the home of Mrs. Johnny itors of Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson. Mefford. Thiel, leader. Shirley Seward of Northwest Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Denny, Lin­ The American pledge was led Nazarene college at Nampa was da and Mike were Sunday dinner by Gay Morinaka and the 4 - H a weekend guest of her parents, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight pledge by Carol Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Seward Seward. Goals were discussed and a Mr. and Mrs. Lester Tuning and Enters Boise Hospital community project chosen. The sons have moved to the James M Mrs. J. F. Banta was taken to community project includes paint­ Miller place. a Boise hospital last week. She ing trash cans and putting up | Attend Potluck Dinner was expected to have major sur­ signs. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Honey, Mr gery Wednesday of this week. Effie Laan. junior leader, gave and Mrs George Griffin and fam­ Mrs. Ruth Fritts called Friday the lesson on parliamentary pro­ ily, Mr and Mrs. David Barnhart on Mrs. Fouts and Fred Schultz cedure. and family of Nyssa, Mary Barn­ at the Caldwell nursing home. —Carol Brock. Reporter. hart of Nu Acres, Mr. and Mrs Mr and Mrs. Charles Pitman George King of Kuna, Mr. and called Sunday on his mother, Mrs. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. John King, Sr., of Boise, Mr May Pitman at the Nampa nurs­ We wish to express our thanks and Mrs. J. W. King of Gay Way ing home and visited with his sis­ and appreciation to friends and junction and Sam King were ter. Mrs. Hazel Murphy of Nam­ neighbors for food and other ex­ guests for a potluck dinner Sat­ pa. who has been quite ill with pressions of kindness shown us urday evening in the home of Mr the flu. during our time of need. We and Mrs. Morris Ribblet of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. George King of would also like to thank all who Mr. and Mrs. Don Brixey re­ Kuna and Mr. and Mrs. John brought equipment and assisted cently moved into Charles Pit­ King. Sr., of Boise were Saturday with farm work. man’s small tenant house. afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs —Mrs. J. W. Todd Mr. and Mrs. Fay Collins ac- Gene Honey. and Family Li. K. Collie Presents Table Clinic Al Mid-Winter Denial Convention Holy Week Services Will Commence Palm Sunday at St. Bridget's Church ♦ ♦ Final week of the penitential, The Rev. James Kessler, mis­ season of Lent begins with Palm sionary to Africa, will be guest Sunday. At St. Bridget’s Catholic speaker at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Ap­ church. Holy week starts with the ril 10, at the Assembly of God Blessing of the Palms at the 8 o’­ Holy Thursday located at Second street and clock mass on Sunday morning. Low mass at 7:30 a.m. Reece avenue. The Blessed Palms will be distri­ High mass at 7:30 p.m. According to Pastor J. L. Mus- buted at all masses on Palm Sun­ Good Friday sell, the Rev. Kessler will describe j day. Service at 3 p.m. includes (1) his work in Africa and will show During Holy week, narration of scripture readings, (2) solemn a 30-minute color film entitled the sufferings and death of Christ prayers, (3) reverence of the cross “Send the Light.” He will also according to the gospel writers and (4) holy communion. display curios from the African | , will be read by students of the 7:30 p.m.—Way of the Cross. field. high school of religion. Holy Saturday As superintendent of the Gha­ On Palm Sunday, following the 7:30 p.m.—Easter vigil includes na, West Africa, Assemblies of text of St. Matthew’s gospel, Lynn God field fellowship, the Rev. Jackson will be narrator, Victor (1) blessing of the new fire and Kessler supervised 98 organized Haburchak will speak the words Easter candle, (2) baptismal ser­ churches and 146 preaching points of Christ, Nancy Lytle will read vice with scripture reading, chan­ with more than 5,000 adult mem­ the words of individual speakers, ted litany of the saints, blessing of baptismal water, renewal of bers. Barbara Smit and Ruth Gallegos Prior to missionary service, the along with other students will promises made at baptism and Rev. Kessler served as assistant take the part of the crowd. This (3) Eucharistic service, high mass. Easter Sunday pastor of Bethel church at Modes­ will be at the 11 o’clock mass. Nyssa—Masses at 8 a.m. and 11 to, Calif., and First Assembly in On Tuesday at the 7:30 a.m. Salem, Ore. He pastored the As- j mass, using the text of St. Mark’s a.m. (high mass). semblies of God churches in gospel, the Passion of Christ will Adrian—Mass at 9:30 a.m. at St. Sandpoint, Idaho, and Sheridan. be narrated by Patricia Dority Mary’s church. Ore. and the words of Christ will be Confessions The Rev. Mussell and his con­ read by Michael Hirai. Individual Before and after Holy week gregation invite the public to at­ speakers will be represented by services. Holy Saturday, 4 to 6 tend this missionary service. Janice Burns and the crowd by p.m. and after the Easter vigil ** Gilbert Gallegos, Caron Jackson mass. and the rest of the students. On Wednesday the text of St. ADRIAN CLASS ASKS PASTOR Luke’s gospel will be used both TO DISCUSS FAITH HEALING Young people of the church at­ at the 7:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. The junior high Sunday school tended a youth fellowship meet­ masses. For the evening mass, class of Kingman Memorial Pres­ ing Saturday at Malheur Butte Nancy Lytle will be narrator; byterian church of Adrian held Baptist church. They were accom­ Paul Smit will take the part of a meeting recently at the home panied by Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Christ; Rosa Alvarez, the indivi­ of Mrs. Gael Winn, teacher. Robb and Eugene Stephen, advis­ dual speakers, and the crowd by A guest was the Rev. Douglas ers. Louise Freitag and other students. Burgoyne from the Episcopal An inter-church fellowship pot­ In the morning, narration will church in Ontario. The group luck dinner was served Sunday be by Caron Jackson, Christ by asked him questions, including at the church and was attended Charles Corak, individuals b y “What do you think about faith by approximately 75 people. Fol­ John Swager and the crowd by healing today and do you know lowing the dinner, devotional ser­ the students. anyone who has been healed by vices were held, during which On Holy Thursday, anniversary it?” Another question was “Would special music was presented. of the institution of the Holy Eu­ you define a miracle?” Guest speaker was the Rev. charist, the masses will be at The visiting pastor suggested George Hooper of Malheur Butte 7:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. two books for the class to read, Baptist church. including “The Healing Light” Schedule of Sunday Services and “The Ministry of Healing.” CARD OF THANKS 10 a.m.—Sunday school. Mrs. Winn served punch and I wish to thank my friends for 11 a.m.—Worship service. the flowers and many messages cookies. The girls decided also 7 p.m.—Adult Bible class and of cheer which I received during to ask other ministers their opin- junior and senior young people my recent illness and hospitaliza-1 ion of these questions, meet. tion.—Mrs. Ellen Fields. 1 —Jeanette Phifer, Reporter. 8 p.m.—Evening worship. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Bible study and prayer meeting. Holy Week Schedule At Catholic Church Owyhee Community Church News Marco Polo Writes of Spices Marco Polo was the first Eur­ opean to visit the spice islands of the East and live to write about his travels. His book, giving the sources for the various spices, helped topple the monopoly the Arab traders had enjoyed. APPLIANCE REPAIRS LARGE and SMALL APPLIANCES “ALL WORK GUARANTEED” DAVID D. BARNHART 109 South Fifth St. Nyssa. 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