KRAZY DAY BREAKFAST ON TAILER S LOTT . . . Forihe n Maine SireaT SATTERDAY, SEPT. 22 6:30 to 9:00 ay em PANKAKES - SOSSAGE - AIGS (BANANNA PANCAKES ... Optunal) APEL SOSS — KOFEE — MILK ALL U CAN EETl —also—FREE GOODEYS ! Kids & Students . . 49*/rC Per Plate : : Grown-UPS . . . 89*/zC per Plait . It was a holiday morning and while having breakfast. Stan Newman suddenly remarked that he didn’t have to go to the office that morning. ‘Well,” said Evelyn, don’t think you’re going to run off and play golf, leaving me alone with all this work to do.” "Why golf’s the farthest thing from my mind,” replied Stan, gnawing at his toast, "and please pass the putter.” •«*♦/!%•§ + . . . Crazy Daze Specials! "YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE CRAZY To Be in Business . . . But It Helps" ■ o Kids! Why Run on the Rims. We Have— Bike Tires, All Sizes. . ea. $ WASTE BASKETS . . ea. 67« NYSSA JAYCEES (So Cheap You Can Throw Them Away When They're Full!) RighT oR lEft HanDeD HouSe Brooms . . . . ea. «99 10-quaRt GalvaniZed PAils . . . ea. 69« Man's — (Can't be Beet) Work Gloves........... ea. 11« Get Redy fir Cold Wether 1 ; t k V T Paradise Lost When Rev. Ludlow returned home from a marriage ceremony, Mrs. Ludlow asked, “Well, how did the wedding come off?” “Pretty good,” the minister re­ plied, “until I asked the bride if she would obey her husband and she answered. ‘Do you think I’m crazy?’ and the groom, who was in sort of a daze, mumbled, ‘I do.’ Then things began to happen.” • £%♦/! « 8 7-qT. cap. Thunder Mugs............ $1.39 20-Gals. SiZE ______ ____ Garbage KaNs.......... $2.79 Linoleum Rugs, 9 x 12 . . s5.47 KOST-2-KOST STDRZ VIC HABURCHAK. Owner SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, ONLY YOUR LUCKY NUMBER (Plus 1 Dtae) BIZE OWER Reglr. $10.95 FOSTORIA ELECTRIK TOASTER WE'rE tOpZY-TuRvY . . . TwO DIGG DESE BARGINS FOR THE REST UV WEAK-END! —...--------- and on---------- ...— Wool Skirls . . $5.87 FlanNel SHirTS . . $1.47 (Reg. $9.98 io $14.98) Boys' — KOWHIDE Women's — ASSORTED COLOR LeaTher BeLls . . . . 67c SHORTS........... . . 37c BoyS' and MENZ Reg. $1 (Regular $2.98) BELTS . . : : . . ; 27* Reg. $3.99 — small SIZE ONLY BOYZ — WHITE GIRDLES.......... . . 87C TEa Shurls . . . IOC ea. ReGulaR $1.00-0000000000000000 Clutch Bags . . . . . . 67c PANTIES .... 3 ior Si Assorted Materials. . . 17C BIG — T-H-I-R-S-T-Y — 26 x 48 PER YARD Reg. $2.98 Bathin' TOWELS . . . 97c NYLON WHITENER Childrun's — RAYON On KRAzY Dayeeeeeeeeee! ★ ---- •---- •---- ★ AIL IieMs SoldD . . . 10% OFF! (InCluDinG GASS (Petrol) ) ★ ---- e---- e---- ★ Reg. 79C 3>IAH3S H3