© o o © © o o o o o ° 0 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL» NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1960 ■ I VISIT IN WARRENTON Mr. and Mrs. W W. Kohl re­ turned May 11 from Warrenton, Oregon, after spending several days with Mr. Kohl’s sister and By Mr». Herschel Thompson husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Winebrenner. Mrs. W. E. Kohl returned to Nyssa with them fol­ (Last Week’s News) Mr. and Mrs. George Besendor­ lowing a visit of several weeks fer went to Grandview, Idaho with her daughter. Saturday. They visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hipwell, Mrs. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Conant. Ethel Harley and Mr. and Mrs. She returned to Boise Monday. Mr. and Mrs W. A. Callister Raymond Draper. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft visited with the Jesus Lopez fam­ went to Hazelton, Idaho Tuesday ily Sunday afternoon. to visit their son, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kurts Returns Home Mr. and Mrs. Bill Toomb visited Dick Ashcraft and family, return­ at the Oscar Kurtz home Friday ing Thursday. Mr and Mrs. Carl Begeman evening. Mr. Kurtz has just re­ and Mrs. Ida Hodges were coffee turned home from the Veterans’ guests Saturday evening at the hospital in Portland after having surgery on his eye He is recuper­ home of Bill VanDeWater. Mrs. Dale Ashcraft and Mrs. ating nicely. Bill Toomb attended the Happy Mr. and Mrs. Bill Toomb were Dozen pinochle club party Thurs­ hosts at a card party Thursday day at the home of Mrs. C. B. Hill. evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley The six low entertained the six Piercy, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ash­ high for the season. craft and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scho­ Mr. and Mrs. Rex Walters of en of Nyssa were guests. Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Al Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mefford and Marie Earp were dinner and family of Nyssa were supper guests Sunday at the Herschel guests at the Tracy Mefford home Thompson home. Sunday. Jeannette Conant of Boise Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Piercy spent Mother’s day with her par- and family of Nyssa called at the Carl Piercy home Friday. Pfc Leon Besendorfer, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Besendorfer, called his mother Sunday from and Washington, D. C. to wish her a happy Mother’s day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pinkston No. 8 North 1st St. > visited with Mrs. Laura Smith at Adrian Sunday afternoon. All Work Guaranteed Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kreager of Nampa were weekend guests at the Lawrence Kreager home. PHONE FR 2-3447 Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bowers of Boise were dinner guests If No Answer, Call FR 2-3032 Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bowers. Kingman Kolony CARL'S RADIO TV SERVICE e o PAGE FITTFE* ■1L7 ■■■■■■ ---------------------- --------------- ------------------------------------- • LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICES • LEGAL NOTICES Sixth Grade Students Take Science Outing OWYHEE INSECTICIDE NOTICE TO CREDITORS OWYHEE INSECTICIDE possession of the person to whom Students of Ellis Parrill’s sixth Administrative Order No. 1 CONTROL AREA grade class went on a science they are issued or hi» authorized In the County Court Relating to the Creation representative and shall be avail, field trip to Flat Rock near Mit­ Of the State of Oregon Administrative Order No. 2 Of a Restricted Area chell Butte. The boys, accompan­ For the County of Malheur In Malheur County. Oregon Relating to rules and régula able for inspection at any time ied by Devere Nelson and Ellis In the Matter of the Estate N FOR THE YEAR Direct premiums received ....... ....$ 1.880,531.01 1.031.926 17 Direct losses paid----- Dividends paid or credited to policy- holders _....... .... -o- Principal Office In Oregon 317 South West Alder St.. Portland. Oregon Nyssa Insurance Agency, Agent Nyssa, Oregon these projects now financing college educations. • His company policy of placing floor prices on all live­ stock sold at the annual sale nas contributed much to the success of the sale and its growth in becoming one of the highest and largest in Oregon This has added dollars to the income of every boy or girl selling live­ stock. Awarding trophies to winners in all breeding projects of 4-H club members has created interest in this endeavor. • For outstanding contributions to the F.F.A. organiza­ tion he has been awarded honorary membership and pin. • He has served as president and director in state and national organizations, working as a leader to promote regulations, financial responsibilities and codes of eth­ ics for the protection of the public. • Ellis White has a willingness to participate in com­ munity and county civic organizations. His interest in youth, knowledge of our problems and a lifetime of working with maturity of judgment with people will enable him to work with our people in the office of Malheur County Judge and carry out an administra­ tion worthy of your support and confidence o His Pledge to People of Malheur County: I will give full time to the office of Malheur County Judge. Bring IMPARTIALITY — COOPERATION — EFFI­ CIENCY-ECONOMY to the County Court Apply common sense to our problems with decisions made on the basis of what is fair, what is right, what is good for Malheur County, and keep you informed on matters pertinent to the county. Build, maintain and improve our roads and bridges on use and need. Work with every department within our county gov­ ernment and the people of our county; keep them in­ formed on matters pertinent to the office and welcome recommendations and suggestions from responsible groups, communities and individuals. You will be given 4r> opportunity to share in county government. © Throuph th« 4 practical proposals encourage active participation of our people in developing a sense of° civic pride in this great county where we live and Wor< ©nd continue its development Sincerely yours, o -anywhere driveability, VERSATILE do all work and play «ehide .. • unmatched in performance, economy and rugged dependability See. drive today at MIGHTY. ELLIS A. WHITE WAGGONER MOTOR COMPANY Box 76 N y » m . Oregon IÄil FR 2-2203 l © © © d