y* Q» Library zugo n e, Overo: Nyssa VOLUME LIV T h e S u g a r City Gate City Journal THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 27. 1959 Professor Says Nyssa's Faculty Is 'Proud, Happy' Peak Enrollment Hits Mid-Grades In Nyssa Schools 10 Cents P er Copy NUMBER 34 Parade and Melon-Eating Contests, Free Watermelon Feed Featured At Chamber's Back-to-School Fete A m iddle-grades high point in school enrollm ent is shown in A U n iv ersity of Oregon profes. this w eek’s figures from Nyssa A dow ntow n parade, w aterm elon-eating contest and free sor W ednesday told the C ham ber schools. T he "w ar babies” en ter w aterm elon feed at South C ity P ark are planned Friday of C om m erce that Nyssa schools i the six th and sev en th grades this have an exceptionally "proud and year, w ith enrollm ents of 138 for as part of the annual C ham ber of Commerce back-to-school event for Nyssa school children. The cham ber’s promotion h ap p y ” faculty. th e seventh grade and 130 for the com m ittee is offering $50 in prizes to w inners in the parade “I h av e h ad experience w ith sixth. | teach ers in m uch of the W est,” Som e 90 of an expected 125 first and m elon-eating contests. Four divisions will be judged in said Dr. J o h n S tarr, “.,nd rarely graders h ave com pleted re g istra­ the parade, w ith prizes of $5,*------------------------------------------ 1 h ave I seen a group of teachers tion, and high school reg istration $3 and $2 going to first, sec- mw i t n . / w ith m o re confidence and p ride.” figures agreed w ith anticipated ond and th ird place w inners S ta rr was here to participate in enrollm ent. The divisions are pets, cos­ the in-service training program at G rade school en rollm ent: 2nd tum es, banners and slogans, the school. He also told the cham - grade, 135; 3rd grade, 115; 4th and bikes, trikes and wagons. I b er of th e “new look” m arith- grade, 126; 5th grade, 117, and T he m elon-eating contest will m etic tra in in g in Oregon grade 6th grade, 130, for a total of 748 be b roken into th ree age groups schools. In ju n io r high, en ro llm en t was T he professor said the trend to ­ 138 in th e 7th grade and 83 in the —6 to 8, 9 to 11, and 12 and M arking its 50th an niversary, older. A $3 prize is offered for M alheur county fair opened W ed­ d ay is aw ay from “d rill” teach ­ 8th grade for a total of 221. the w in n er in each age bracket. nesday at th e fairgrounds in O n ­ ing m ethods of a few years ago, High school reg istratio n was 80 T he p arad e w ill form on First tario w ith an ticipation of record- and th a t th e m ain em phasis is to freshm en, 81 sophom ores. 73 ju n ­ give m ean in g to the subject. iors an d 70 seniors. Principal St. south of Main at 2 p m — b reaking crow ds for the ex p o si­ ‘T h is does not m ean there is no G ene C h ester said he expects the contest en tries m ust be there by tion officially term ed the “F ifty d rill in to d ay ’s teaching,” he said, final en ro llm en t figures to show 2 p m to be eligible for judging F air.” E arlier in the week num - | “b u t before we ask the students 86 seniors, 99 juniors, 80 sopho­ The p arad e is to begin its m arch e ro u i ex h ib its w ere com pleted, in ­ to m em orize th e tables, we study m ores, and 86 freshm en, for a to the p ark at 2:30, im m ediately eluding o rg anization’s booths and and ex p erim en t w ith problem s so total of 351 high school students. following final judging. The p ar. crop and g ard en arran g em en ts in I as to give arith m etic m eaning.” Nyssa teachers are p artic ip a t­ ade chairm en, Bob Wilson and the m ain ex h ib itio n hall. FU LL FR E IG H T YARD—P ictu red are p ari of heavier loading of cars. Onion shipm ents h av e ^ N atonal G u ard a r U ing in a w eek of in-service tra in ­ Fred B racken, said the prizes will th e 135 cars w hich stood in the U nion Pacific's began. w ith eight cars shipped through W ed­ be aw arded at the p ark follow ing lhe scene of w om en.s arts and ing this week, and w ill atten d a Nyssa y ard S atu rd ay , w aiting to be filled w ith nesday noon. Onions w ill be shipped alm ost the parade. crafts displays, exhibits of the conference at O n tario F riday produce. F reig h t A gent Tom Jones said 238 daily through n ex t M arch, w ith total sh ip ­ W aterm elon contest ch airm an schools, historical, shutterbugs, High school stu d en ts will a t­ m ents expected to ru n m ore than 600 cars. L ast ca rs of p otatoes w ere shipped this week, dow n tend a half-d ay M onday, w ith Reed Ray said en tries in the j and th e garden clubs, T he J u ly re p o rt of th e City regular classes beginning T ues­ m elon-eating contest w ill be lim- year area producers shipped 614 cars of onions. 23 from 261 cars the previous w eek. Jones said M anager show s th at a daily aver- day m orning, P rin cip al G ene ited to 10 in each age group, w ith E n tertainm S nt O ffered —Jo u rn a l photo. to n n ag e has surpassed th at of 1958, due to P ark in g facilities h av e been j age of 1,719,290 gallons of w ater C hester said. en tries determ in ed by a d raw ing was pum ped into Nyssa’s w ater at the park. T he contest will g reatly im proved, fa ir officials noted, w ith ord erly p ark in g of i system d u rin g th at month. T h at begin at 3 p m. was an increase 6f 204,000 gallons T he m elon feed will begin at cars anticipated, and e n te rta in ­ A* O n i r T r i r * Anrr U l i e r e u n e x i l u e s u u y daily o v er th at for Ju ly 1958, or about 3:30, following the m elon­ m ent num bers are being offered V /U ia riO & O T he nam es d raw n this w eek at a total of 6,324,000 more for the eating contest. Local grocerym en th ro u g h o u t the four days of the Em ery S kinner, su p erin ten d en t the N yssa B ank Days ev e n t w ere full m onth, w ill slice and serv e the melons. annual event. T he largest beef ex h ib it ever of M alheur county schools, an- M arie G erth , w ho was not presen t C ity M anager Colby does not The Nyssa C ham ber of Com- M em bers of the w aterm elon com- nounces an in-service conference t0 w jn jack pQt prize of $200; | say w h e th e r this is due to an in- m erce and A m algam ated S ugar m ittee are Houston Wilson, Eddie d isP.lay cd bV club m em bers to be held at the O ntario high Spencer B eus of route 1, for the crease in th e population, leakage com pany sponsored th e ir fourth T aylor and Reed Ray h ?,i n & v ‘ew ed * lh e ‘F lfty ________________ 1 F air, according to C ounty A gent H elen W inter, d au g h ter of M r , school on F riday, Aug. 28. The second prize w ho was not in in the w a te r lines, excess usage or 1 annual box lunch M onday in the E. M. H auser, clu b leader. T his a n d Mrs. W ilson W inter of Nyssa, j conference topics will cover var- a p articip atin g store; and F red w astage, or a com bination of all j Nyssa city p ark for Nyssa school is the first year th at beef en tries is th e recipicant of the $150 Mai- i ious Phases of h ea lth and some M orton, w h c .e wife was presen t these factors. B ut he does indi- personnel. h ave exceeded those of d airy a n i­ on com m unications. ancj took hom e the $5 third prize cate it m eans a problem th at will A pproxim ately 70 teachers and h e u r M em orial N ursing S cholar­ m als, the county agent observed. T h e schedule is as follows: The w eekly draw ing is held ih ; have to be faced by the city if it ad m in istrato rs w ere present for A total of 133 h ead of beef a n i­ ship loan. Miss W inter, a 1959 8:45 a m .—R egistration. Nyssa on T uesday at 3 p m. No continues to increase. Irrigation ; the acknow ledgem ent of the open- m als had been en tered up to g ra d u ate of Nyssa high school, 9:15 a m. — O pening rem arks, purchase is necessary. N ext w eek w a te r was restricted to a ltern ate mg day of school for teach er in ­ Tuesday, of w hich 100 will be w ill e n te r train in g at the Good announcem ents and introduction the jack-pot prize w ill be $250, days by each h alf of town d u rin g service training. W ilton Jackson In a F riday action, the senate av ailab le for the fat stock sale of speakers by Supt. S kinner. second prize $10 and third prize $5. the sum m er. served as chairm an of the event S am aritan hospital in P o rtlan d in voted unanim ously for au th o r- and show at 7 3 0 p m S atu rd ay , 9:30 a m .—S peaker: George S i r - ------------------ ----------------------------------------------- ization of construction of the Sw ine en tries from 4-H m em - S eptem ber. Bully C reek dam and reservoir v>ers increased ab out a th ird over T he M alheur M emorai N ursing cal education, state d ep artm en t of ■ n o rth w est of \ ale. last year, H auser stated, and S ch olarship is available to any It was an am ended bill from sheep are ab o u t th e sam e despite vices a F undam en Fa h tor Tn person en terin g the field of n u rs­ th at passed by the House, in o rd er the spring lam b show of a few ing w ithin the te rrito ry served by the L earning Process.” (Includ­ By T uesday noon the cam p to include a T exas project, so it w eeks ago w h ich took a num ber As it ended. I w aited for w hat By MRS. ART COLBY th e M alheur M em orial Hospital. ing responsiiblities of adm inis- j w as a ghost town. L ines had will have to pass the House again out of fair com petition. some people call an echo—a n ­ Y ellow stone P a rk isn 't m y T h e scholarship funds are m ade trato rs, teachers and p aren ts in | form ed outside th e gas station I before it can be su b m itted to the o th er q u ak e sim ilar to th e first. __ . , . av ailab le by five service organiza­ relatio n sh ip to h ea lth e x a m in a-1 choice for an ea rth q u ak e site. at F ishing B ridge for tw o p resid en t for action. It seem ed about th ree m inutes , v » E ven on an ord in ary night th ere, tions of N yssa—C h am b er of C om ­ tions, h ea lth screening procedures, blocks. E veryone seem ed to be later, and latter* lin g e r th an the C o n struction tim e ,s un certain n ^ ud^ ng, the v isito r Is aw are th at n a tu re referrals, follow -ups, first aid and j m erce, Eagles lodge. Lions Club, leaving and th ere w as only one as no app ro p riatio n has been p.m. on 4-H sheep, followed by first one. M alh eu r M em orial H ospital A u x i­ em ergency care, control of c o m -! can concoct p len ty of chaos. The w ay to go— th rough th e Jackson m ade and will not beforfe n ex t th e open class and 4-H sw ine at A fte r th a t th ere was a fifteen 1:30 p.m. These w ere follow ed liary and the N yssa W om en’s C iv­ m unicable diseases and h ea lth fu li boiling m ud pois w here riv ers Hole en tran ce. year. T he president, if he approves by the open class in swine. F it- m in u te b re a th e r before the first of ho t liquid th u n d e r ag ain st school environm ent.) ic C lub. No m ail cam e in to cam p T u es­ of th e trem ors. T hese continued 10:30 a.m .—S peaker: Mrs. Edna , unseen caverns is a likely b a c k ­ T h e scholarship was first g ra n t­ day. and no one could call out. | hL ‘ b u d g e t *Or a t in terv a ls throughout M on­ drop for n a tu re on the ram page. . a I r e being judged im m ediately fol- Blaylock, public health nurse, • To m ake it worse, no calls could I law and he doesn’t . . . , .. ed in 1950. P revious recipients are d ay n ight, all day Tuesday, and On M onday, A ugust 17, my . j lowing each class th ro u g h o u t the (C ontinued on Page 7) K a th e rin e S p rin g e r of F ru itlan d , be received and it was T h u rs­ i sufficient im portance to req u ire „F ifty F a ir... ab o u t m id n ig h t T uesday th ere fam ily and I w ere a t F ishing day noon before I w as given a P a trica S m ith of A drian and Ja n e im m ediate funds, then the ap p ro ­ w as a trem o r w ith th e booming B ridge, 20 m iles or m ore stra ig h t Ju d g in g in 4-H d airy stock was m essage th at anyone had called priation com m ittees of the House H oriuchi and C arole Hickox both sound of a quake. I'v e been told east of th e ill-fated M adison to begin this m orning at 8:30 a m. me. A new spaper was hard to of O ntario. and S enate would have to provide th a t th e trem ors often repeat Junction. We had planned a trip w ith beef judging startin g at 9 come by unless you w ere first for the necessary funds. T h e loans are m ade available as m any as tw o an d 3000 times a.m., occupying the e n tire day. A d rian post office has received around the Y ellow stone loop in line, and car radio reception by a revolving fund on a n o n -in ­ before the ea rth fin ally rests. Th is being local legislation, both w ith an o v ern ig h t stay at W est certificates of m em bership in the F rid ay ’s program offers judging was poor. R angers w ere to busy in tere st basis and are repaid at senators and Rep. U llm an w ork ­ Y ellow stone, b u t being casual M onday night Irene, my old­ to b o th er w ith m ere tourists, ed and voted for the project. They of 4-H horsem anship at 9:30 a.m., th e recip ien ts’ convenience afte r 1000- h o u r and 500- h o u r Sick about calendars on vacation, w e est dau g h ter, and I m ade no and w e all w o ndered if o ur all stressed th a t it would provide livestock ju d g in g at 10:30 a.m., g rad u atio n from nurse’s training. L eave clubs respectively. As of w ere a d ay behind schedule. a tte m p t to sleep. T he trem ors Aug. 7, 1959, G lenw ood P o u n d s,' relativ es had been in danger flood control, irrig atio n w ater, p o u ltry and rab b its at 1 p.m., and w ere spaced so closely th at we W hen the first q u ak e h it ju st postm aster, has accum ulated | th e ju n io r fa t stock auction sale outside th e park. and offer recreational facilities. w ere lik e sea-sick sailors as the 1640 hours of sick leave credit, j before m idnight, I was zipped The behavior of people is a N euberger also pointed out th at in th e evening. cabin tim bers saw ed and scrap ­ and M abel E. Pounds, clerk, has | into m y sleeping bag in our P rese n ta tio n of aw ard s in the paradox, how ever, and by the c r o p s receiving supplem ental ed. F o r a time I joined other cam per's cabin. I had re tire d 531 hours of sick leave credit. w eekend th ere w ere just as w a te r from the project are n o t , various divisions w ill be m ade cam pers outside in th eir n ig h t­ , T he certificates of m em bershipj w ith a lovely full m oon shining m any people arriv in g as th ere involved in surplus com m odity | ®a urday T h e M alheur M em orial hospital j aw ard ed t 0 Mr. and Mrs. Pounds j th ro u g h the w indow , p ictu re- clothes. Everyone h ad at first w ere those leaving. They could problem s, so it w ould ap p ear th a t h as added Dr. K enneth E. Drou w ere accom panied by co n g ratu la­ postcard p erfect. T he air w as suspected bears fig h tin g under go as fa r as Old F aith fu l one th e w ater w ould not be used for lard of N am pa to the staff as tory letters from the regional op­ calm . O ut of m y sound sleep, I th e ir cabins—one w om an p o u r­ way. and as far as C anyon Vil­ corn or w heat, as they are surplus pathologist w ho will have com ­ eratio n s director, P ortland, Ore. ed scalding w ater through a ab ru p tly felt the cabin rip p le lage an o th er before rangers com m odities. plete charge of th e laboratory and floor hole while h er husband T h e Post Office d ep a rtm en t re ­ and roÙ. shaken lik e a dusty stopped them . w ill be at th e hospital one day em phasizes the sick leave p ro ­ blanket. S uddenly it seem ed to ru sh ed outside w ith broom and I T h ere is m ore fun fo r fa ir goers As for my d au g h ters and m y­ each w eek according to C harles gram in order to give special rec- list badly, and w ait in dead b u tch er knife. I h ad even had at the F ifty F air, according to self. we w ere glad to see A rt • • • S m ith , hospital m anager. a b rief fear th at th ere m ight ignition to em ployees who use q u iet for som ething. T hen cam e M organ Beck, ch airm an of the a rriv e to tak e us out. If th e Dr. D ro u lard was g raduated sick leave only for its intended a blasting boom like th u n d e r D ate M ax Min. Prec. Special E n terta in m en t com m ittee h ave been bom bing to th e west. prediction comes tru e of a re ­ — 74 63 from the G eorge W ashington purpose. Aug. 19 underfoot. A t once the cab in for th is y e a r’s M alheur county p eal perform ance tw o w eeks a f­ I had experienced trem ors in 22 1 fa ir startin g y esterd ay and end- School o f M edicine, W ashington, I 74 55 Aug. 20 w as sh ak en fiercely. We m ig h t te r the first quake, w e p re fe r­ M exico City in 1939, and an 73 46 Aug. 21 D C , interned at the S an Diego FIREM EN CALLED TWICE have been inside a ra ttle , h a n d l­ i ing S atu rd ay . D ifferent events red to be elsew here, w ith miles eig h t - intensity ea rth q u a k e in — 80 47 N aval hospital and studied p a th ­ Aug. 22 T he Nyssa V olunteer fire d e­ ed by an an g ry baby. are scheduled for each n ig h t in betw een. S ea ttle in 1949, b u t th is was — 50 ology at St. E lizabeth hospital at p a rtm e n t was called to a haystack Aug. 23 the g ran d stan d w ith m any special m uch m ore frightening. E xcept — Aug. 24 82 51 L afay ette, Ind., the U. S. N aval fire a t the R alph Jo n es ranch for acts and contests scheduled d u rin g for cabin stove pip es askew and LEAVES FOR HOLLYWOOD — 84 53 Aug. 25 station. G re at Lakes, and the th e second tim e in a week. The th e day. som e scattered shingles, we Mrs. Don G raham took her sis­ _ Aug. 26 54 U n iv ersity h o spital at the U n iv er­ hay, w hich first blazed up last .. — — Today the T reasu re V alley V a­ seem ed safe enough, b u t th e u n ­ ter, Mrs. M illicent C am eron, to i sity of M ichigan. He has a fel­ w eek, had again flared up find T he Civil S ervice com m ission ce rtain ty about o u r position and 1 C aldwell W ednesday to catch a 1 queros w ill stage a horse show O w yhee Lake S torage low ship in th é A m erican C ollege spread to a pile of poles neaiby. has issued a notice inviting a p ­ 522,510 A cre Ft. w ith num erous contests tonight. th e e x te n t of the q u a k e m ade us i bus for h er hom e in Hollywood, Aug. 26, 1958 of P athologists and was board D am age was m inor. plications for the position of c a r­ shaky. Aug. 26, 1959 202,180 Acre Ft. (C ontinued on P ag e 7) ! Calif., a fte r visiting here. certified in 1958 T he firem en w ere called S u n ­ ee r postal c a rrie r o r clerk at the He replaces Dr. B eem an of day night to th e 200 block of Nyssa post office. P urpose of the Boise who has been on the staff N orth Main w hen a vacant exam ination to be given is to b u t has resigned to go to t h e , build in g was g u tted by fire. establish a ro ster of eligihles from V eteran ’s h o spital in Tucson, I The form er service station build- w hich fu tu re appointm * nts of a ing w as dam aged beyond repair, tem porary or p erm a n en t n atu re Arizona. ------------------------------------------------- m ay b e m ade. Malheur County s Fifty Fair' Opens For Four-Day Run Big Increase Seen In City Water Use Malheur Nursing Scholarship Goes To Helen Winter School Conference $250 lack Pot Prize Offered Next Tuesday School Personnel Given Annual Lunch Monday in City Park Bully Creek Bill Passes Senate, Returns to House t^ Nyssa Resident Paints Vivid On-the-Scene Word Picture Of Experiences in Earthquake on Yellowstone Vacation Adrian P.O. Workers Receive Certificates Hospital Staff Addition Made County Fair Fun Offered Daily Weather .36 86 To Hold P.O. Exams For Clerk or Carrier Malheur Farmers Have Two Weeks ‘- W ' s i f s ^ r i s To Sign Up ior Soil Bank Program ' no vacancies a t the p resen t tim e in the office, it is v ery im p o rtan t th a t those d esirin g em ploym ent M alheur county farm ers and ran ch ers have until Sept. 10 to en ro l' in the 1960 ASC soil bank program . The county ASC com- m ittee said this week. T he first step is to file a request for the com m ittee to establish a basic p er-acre rate. T he county office has re g u lar form s to be filled out w hen apply- ing for a basic ra te Inform ation needed to com plete the form in- eludes a description of the acre- age affected, and a crop produc- tion history of the land Such h isto ry m ust include the yield p er acre and kind of crop for the period 1955 th rough 1959. A fter the basic rate is estab- lished the farm er m ay file for a conservation reserve c o n t r a c t rin n tracts u n d er the program m ay r« a fer » long as 10 years. D uf- ing the tim e of the contract, the fa rm er w ill receive an annual re n ta l p aym ent on the reserved land, and he also will receive cost-sharing help in establishing approved conservation practices T h e te n ta tiv e acreage goal for the state is 48,000 acres subject to stu d y ana^ recom m endation of the sta te ASC com m ittee. To be eligible for the program , jand m u st have had a crop h arv - ested from it or m ust have been ¡n re g u la r rotation in 1959 In ad- d ition, tam e hay land m ay be placed in the conservation reserve provided it has a stand of p eren -j nial grasses or legum es norm ally established by land p reparation and seeding T am e hay land m ay also have had hay or silage h a rv . ested from it in th re e bf the four years 1956-1959 *n * e ° ^ centa ^ e the rx a m ' nation n0^ ’ as a . a P P°lntnJ*nU «re ma rom e ost* r eligible* and ° r " )ore re ano er ex a m m a tl°n ¿ nefits of t office w ork in . cJudc startin g salary of $2 an h o u r increa5e, to «2 42 an hour, no experience req u ired , on-the- jo b training, additional pay for night work, uniform allow ance for carriers, low cost group life insurance, paid Sick leave if need- ed, liberal paid vacations, gener- ous re tire m e n t benefits and job security. T he exam inations w ill be given at the C aldw ell, Idaho, post office at a fu tu re d ate to be set by the C ivil S ervice commiasion. Infor- m ation and application form s m ay be obtained a t the local p o rt of- fice. SUNSET VALLEY farmers and ranchers lost up to 40 per cent of alfalfa seed crop during last Thursday's hail storm. In the center picture. O. P. Counsil examines alfalfa seed for possible damage; be said hit loss would be less than five per cent. At the Wayne Garner ranch a mil# west, however, loss was estimated at from 20 to 40 per cent At loft is a closeup ad a boot field in the area, with tops driven into the ground. Some corn was noazly stripped by hail, as shown in the picture at right. Garner said as much as three inches of hail remained in shady places Friday morning following the mid-afternoon hail. —Journal photo.