Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, August 20, 1959, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1959
Milk Production Local Boys Attend
Dips;U.S.Dairy r ~ * £ S i
Report Reviewed
T he supply of m ilk produced in
O regon is continuing its dow n­
w ard trend, reports S tephen C.
M arks, extension ag ricu ltu ral eco­
nom ist at O regon S tate college.
As 1959 passed the half-w ay
m ark, m ilk production in Oregon
trailed th e sam e m onths of last
y e a r by 2 percent and was 7 p e r­
cent u n d er the 10-year average,
as found from reports of the U. S
d e p a rtm e n t of agriculture.
P roduction of cheese and b u tte r
in th e sta te dropped at an even
fa ste r rate. However, m ore than
av erag e am ounts of ice cream
m ade in A pril helped hold the to­
tal drop in ice cream at th e 2 p e r­
cen t level.
C ost of producing m ilk in the
state continued to rise. T he e sti­
m ated average cost of producing
grade A m ilk in the W illam ette
valley du ring Ju ly w as 9>A p e r­
cent h ig h er than last year.
F arm wage rates in Oregon are
now at a record high. A lfalfa hay
now costs 50 percent m ore than
a y ea r ago, and cost of concen­
tra te d feeds used by dairym en are
also higher.
O ver th e nation, the am ount of
m ilk produced the first half of
1959 fell slightly below th aï of
last year. This reflects a contin-
ued reduction in m ilk cow n u m ­
bers d u rin g the present high level
of beef-cattle prices and less fa v ­
o rab le d airy pastu re conditions,
M arks explained.
E stim ates on U. S. production of
m an u factu red dairy products th e
first h a lf of this y e a r show cheese,
b u tte r, and dry m ilk o u tp u t dow n
m uch m ore from a y e a r ea rlie r
th a n m ilk output. At the sam e
tim e, national production of ice
cream , sherbet, ice m ilk, and o th ­
e r frozen d airy products co n tin ­
ued upw ard.
L ooking at w hat people are e a t­
ing, M arks found th a t use of
cheese is holding n ear last y e a r’s
record level, bu t use of b u tte r a p ­
pears to be slipping some more.
T h e average person is also using
slig h tly m ore fluid w hole m ilk,
and eating 4 percen t m ore ice
cream , ice milk, and sherbet.
lh eu r county at
this y e a r’s Y outh R ange cam p
w ere T ru m an C leaver of Nyssa,
H andicraft books head the group
Dan Johnson and Byron D Sea- of new volum es going into circ u ­
quist of Vale, and W alt S a th e r of lation S atu rd ay , Aug. 22, at the
O ntario. The cam p was held Aug M alheur county library
3 through 8 at the Lake C reek
"A m erican Folk A n " by Ellen
guard station, deep in the Mai- g Sabine. Ideas, designs and
h eu r N ational forest in G rant step-by-step techniques for dec-
| o rating your household articles
At the camp. Dan Johnson was w ith gay colorful p attern s of tra-
elected “Read w ran g ler” of sec- d itional A m erican folk art.
tion 3 This placed him in charge
"H andbook of E arly A m erican
of nearly one-fourth of the boys I D ecoratign" by E dith C ran er. A
at the camp.
practical w orkbook for hom e d ec­
A total of 56 boys from 16 east­ orators, giving com plete instruc-
ern and southern O regon coun­ tions, full scale p attern s and m any
ties attended the cam p. Those a t­ illu stra tiv e photographs.
tending w ere selected through
"T he A rt of Wood C arving" bv
p lan t identification contests in Jo h n Upton. L ists in sim ple term s
th e ir county, o r on the basis of all the tools, techniques, and steps
leadership, citizenship, and love necessary to take the beginner
of the outdoors.
from his ow n original d raw in g to
Each boy at the cam p received an ex p ertly finished creation in
a $30 scholarship to cover costs of j wood.
atten d in g the camp. S cholarships !
w ere provided by local sp o n so rs, "T he Q uickest Way to Draw
W ell" by F red eric Taubes. Dis
in each county. Sponsors in Mai-
h e u r county included the M alheur ; cusses both m aterials and tech ­
niques w hich lead the stu d en t to
C ounty C attlem en ’s association.
M alheur C ounty F arm B ureau. im pressive and speedy results
"B raiding and K notting for Am.
M alheur C ounty Pom ona G range, j
and V ale-O ntario branch of t h e ! aleu rs" by C. A. Belash. Gives d i­
rections for the fundam en tal steps
U. S. N ational bank,
T he cam p is sponsored each
y ear by the Pacific N orthw est sec-
tion of the A m erican Society of
R ange M anagem ent. Main pur-
pose of the cam p is to give boys
a chance to spend a w eek living
out of doors in range country, giv­
ing them a b e tte r outlook on plant
and anim al life.
A t th e camp, boys slept out of
doors u n d er the stars, and all in-
struction was on out-of-door sub-
! jects. T he guard station, surround-
ed by forested hills and valley
grazing lands, gave th e boys a
large laboratory in w hich to stu ­
D uring stu d y sessions, the boys
learned to identify and describe
various p lan ts found on the range,
studied soil and range judging,
took p a rt in discussions on con­
servation and w ildlife m anage­
m ent, and received instruction in
photography, f i s h i n g , hunting,
i cam ping, and hiking. O n the side,
the boys m anaged to squeeze in a
little sw im m ing, horseshoes, and
o th er cam p games.
A round evening cam pfires, the
boys learned m ore of the w ork of
J e r ry and K enny W right spent the range m anagem ent society,
from T h ursday u n til S atu rd ay held th e ir speech contest, and
w ith th e ir gran d m o th er W right even had a “tall tales” contest.
M ajor em phasis at the cam p
in E m m ett. T h eir parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L auren W right w ent a f­ was set by the p lan t description
te r them S unday and atten d ed a contest held the first day. In this
contest, and all during the camp,
fam ily dinner.
boys w ere urged to keep th eir
| eyes and ears open and to o b ­
serve, appreciate, and rem em ber
w h a t was going on around them .
R esource people at the cam p in.
eluded C huck W aldron, USFA
Jo h n Day; Jim Yoakum , BLM,
V ale; R obert Cole, USFS, Jo h n
Day; F red G reenfield. SCS, Bend;
Bill Nelson. U .S . Fish and W ild­
life service, P o rtlan d ; Bill F arrell
[ G ra n t county extension agent;
(A ndy L andforce, OSC extension
I w ildlife specialist; and B arry
| Freem an, OSC range m anagem ent
Protect¡oa Enough
[ specialist.
You don’t need insurance
for every little cut and bruise.
B U T . . . you do need protection
against serious, costly
accidents and sickness.
A big financial bruise
hard to
heal. So —
ask n s about Hartford
Major Medical Insurance.
B ig protection lor little cost
C om plete Insurance Service
315 Main
Dial 2643
© i n u u n
C o u n ty
Mr. and M rs. F arrell Ransom
re tu rn ed hom e S atu rd ay afte r
spending a w eek in Fresno, v isit­
ing th e ir son-in-law and d au g h ­
ter, Mr. and Mrs. E rnest Ja u re q u e
and fam ily. They w ent to C alifor­
nia by w ay of Reno and retu rn ed
on highw ay 101 through the R ed­
woods. T hey also stopped at the
ocean and cam e th ro u g h G ran ts
Pass, w here they saw a largo fo r­
est fire.
Mr. and Mrs. K enny C h ard and
boys of Boise w ere d in n er guests
S unday at the hom e of Mrs
C h ard ’s parents, M r and Mrs
Earl F arr. T he C hards spent the
evening visiting in O n tario w ith
Mr. and Mrs. Doyn P rice and fam ­
Fuel Oil
Use Our Monthly Budget Plan
Brewer Family
Lawn Picnic
Honors Visitors
B arker and fam ily. Don B rew er
and sons, D arrell W illiams, Keith
T allm an a n d
fam ily, Hom er
B rew er and d au g h ters, T. H
B rew er, and Mrs S tan ley Penn
and family.
hom e S atu rd ay to spend the week
end and to atten d the 10th an n i­
v ersary reunion of the A drian
g rad u atin g class of 1949
Mrs. Opal R iddle and nephew
of N orth P latte, N e b r , and Mrs.
OW YHEE— Mr and Mrs. Roy
Troy H arrell of N am pa were
B rew er of O ntario gave a picnic
M r and Mrs. Roy S k in n er of T uesday afternoon callers at the
d in n er on th eir lawn S unday ho n ­
LaC resacenta, Calif., arriv ed a t hom e of Mr. and Mrs. C harles
oring th e ir son-in-law and daugh.
the hom e of Mr. and Mrs Lewis C ulbertson
te r’ ,M r
Bottch,e r ' S k in n er on T uesday evening. On
Mrs. P earl Brown of W iliam
and fam ily of Cottage Grove, who '
F riday the Lew is and Roy S k in ­ ette, Ore., was a S unday d in n er
have been visiting G uests includ­ ners left for M adras, Ore., w here
ed Messrs, and Mmes. Howard they will spend several days w ith guest at the hom e of h er g ra n d ­
son, Mr and Mrs Fred Deffer
Evans, R odger W avs and d au g h ­ Mr. and Mrs. F ran k C rocker
and family.
te r of P arm a. E H Barker, Eldon
Mrs. Lee S trick lan d accom pan­
Mr and Mrs C liff G irard and
ied Mr. and Mrs Jac k Wixvd and K aren of Los Angeles, arriv ed at
w ith clear explanations, supple­ Miss C laudia P ark e r to Boise on the hom e of her brother, Mr and
m ented by carefully-planned il- j S atu rd ay evening to visit w ith O. Mrs. C laude S k in n er and fam ily
lu strativ e diagram s
H S chw eizer at St. A lphonsus S unday to spend several days.
D ecorative Flower and Leaf hospital Mr. Schw eizer under-
Mr. and Mrs. K enneth M cDon­
M aking by F red er. k T Day. De w ent su rg ery F riday and is re- ald drove to Boise S un d ay ev en ­
cribes how au th en t flowers and covering nicely. He w ill rem ain at ing to atten d the Boise-Billings
leaves in th ree dim ensions may the hospital about tw o weeks.
baseball game
be m ade from colored paper
Mr. and Mas S. E Boselly w ere
Miss B renda W alters of Boise
H aw aii: Isle of D ream s by Sunday d in n er guests at the home I sp en t the week end w ith her
Jacq u es C hegam y P resents life of Mr. and Mrs. F ran k Z im d ar at g ran d p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis
on th e H aw aiians Islands as it is Parm a.
W alters.
S un d ay evening callers at the
Mr. and Mrs. Del Holcomb and
Before We Sleep by H ank M A tagi hom e w ere Dr. and Mrs. fam ily w ere week end guests of
B loom garden. StaU - the incred­ K ivoacky Hori and fam ily of T a­ her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Bob
ible position of medical research coma, Wash. Dr. and Mrs. Hori M orfitt at O w yhee dam .
as it exists in U n it’ j S tates w here and fam ily are spending a two
Miss W anda Peutz and Jim m y
m ore th a n $2,300 is sp en t per w eeks vacation at the hom e of and J e r ry B rew er re tu rn ed S a t­
person for defense but only 14 his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hori. urday from a 5-day cam ping trip
cents per person to defend the
F red KUngbaek of S eattle, W n , at the 4-H Forestry cam p in Ida­
n ation ag ain st illness and desease. arriv ed at the Ken McDonald ho.
V >Vi
H &
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u m m m m m m
Swift Premium
Pork Chops
Loin Roast
Tip Top
A D E . . . 1 2 for ■
Sunny Jim
m 'asa ras
la m
Blue Star
i S i 3-Lb.*
Tin j
m m m
S PEA C H ES £ «
For All Your Other Needs
Let Us Supply Our
CHAS. ZINN, Distributor
Phone 3145
. . . AND . . .
302 Main St.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale C lary and
fam ily of P arm a and Mr. and Mrs.
Rex W alters and B renda of Boise
w ere S unday afternoon callers at
the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Byrd
W alters.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey S trong
and fam ily spent Monday a t the
hom e of Mr. and Mrs David
S trong and fam ily in New Plym -
Mr. and Mrs T. H. B rew er re ­
tu rn ed S atu rd ay after a tw o week
vacation trip to V ancouver, B. C.
They also visited Mr. and Mrs.
R obert D itty and fam ily at W ard ­
en, Wash , and w ith Mr. and Mrs.
Woodie B rew er at V ancouver.
Mr. and Mrs. Jac k W alters and
Mr and Mrs. Ellis W alters w ere
T hursday evening guests at the
B yrd W alters hom e for a salm on
Wm. Peutz, Sr., and Law rence,
who h ave been spending th e su m ­
m er at th eir cabin at McCall, Ida.,
w ere hom e over the w eek end.
Mrs. Bob S k in n e r of C orvallis,
O re , is visiting h er parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jo h n T heil and the p a r­
en ts of h e r husband, Mr and Mrs.
C laude Skinner.
S unday afternoon callers at the
Ellis W alters hom e were, Mr and
Mrs. Rex W alters of Boise and
Mr. and Mrs. Ted B ram m er of
Home of Q uality and Service
m m «g
From Our