Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, July 23, 1959, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    THURSDAY. JULY 23. 1959
Licensing of Labor
Contractors a ''Must"
(C ontinued from Page 1)
pro v id in g labor o r jobs, a rra n g ­
ing housing or credit or any of the
o th er needs of the crew Farm
labor contracting has the elem ­
en ts of a business and farm labor
co n tractors m ust secure a license
to continue to operate in Oregon
“T he requirem ents for securing
a license are as follows:
1. The contractor m ust buy p u b ­
lic liability insurance to insure
pay m en t for both bodily injury
and p roperty dam age to parties
not in the contractor's vehicle
Passenger liability insurance is
not required at this tim e but may
be required for hospital and
m edical costs.
2. The m inim um am ount av ail­
able for purchase is acceptable at
thistim e and it m ay be purchased
in any state.
3. No license will be denied on
the basis of actions or records
p rio r to Ju ly 1. 1959. This m eans
that everyone will be given a
chance to secure a license and p e r­
form satisfactorily in the future.
A recurrence of irresponsible or
unethical conduct, how ever, will
m ean th at past records w ill be
considered in determ ining w h e th ­
er to revoke a license. C itizenship
is not req u ired .’’
"A farm labor co n tracto r lic­
ense m ay be secured in th e foll­
ow ing way:
1. P urchase the req u ired in su r­
2. B eginning on F riday ap p lica­
tion form s will be available at the
n earest local office of the Oregon
S tate E m ploym ent Service.
3. B ring the com pleted form s
plus the license fee of $10 to the
O ntario E m ploym ent S ervice of­
fice before M onday n ig h t.”
“C rew leaders w ill be required
to com plete the sam e application
form as do the farm lab o r con­
tractors. These form s can also be
obtained from E m ploym ent S e rv ­
ice offices and tu rn ed in at the
O ntario office. Crew leaders will
not be req u ired to pay any fee to
show insurance coverage on th eir
C u rren t said th at some con­
fusion may arise as to who m u d
re g ister as a crew leader, file for
a farm labor co n tracto r license or
do n eith er. He explained, the gen­
eral in te rp re ta tio n is that farm
lab o r co n tracting has the ele­
m en ts of a business. On the other
h a n d a lead er of a group who ne­
g o tiates for, speaks for or a r ­
ran g es for a group of seasonal
farm w orkers is a crew leader if
he is a m em ber of the group,
trav e ls w ith the group and re ­
ceives no com pensation from the
m em bers of the group except
for recruiting them in his home City Street Oiling
state and bringing them to O re­
gon He m ust re g ister as a crew To Begin Thursday
(C ontinued from Page 1)
lead*>r but does not need to be
licen sed as a contractor.
the street was barricaded Once
•T he crew leader m ay do su p er­ the asphalt is d istu rb ed th e en tire
visor y or other w ork for a grow er stre e t becom es in a worse condi­
if it is of the type ordinaril y done tion than before the asph alt was
bv a n em ployee, including hand- applied.
ling the paym ent of w orkers in
C itizens are asked to assist the
the norm al m an n er of a super- city crew s w hen they are in th eir
visory em ployee. In handling blocks to protect the stre e t and
paym ent of w orkers he m ust ac­ p re v en t anyone from en terin g u n ­
count to the em ployer in detail til the a sp h a lt-tre a te d surface is
for paym ent of the em ployees He read y for use L ate r applications
cannot receive e x tra com pensa­ of asphalt w ill provide an ex cel­
tion or m ake a pro fit from the lent w earing course and w ill
group m em bers for any duties ev en tu ally offer a paved street
perform ed as an em ployee of the w here curb and g u tte r are in sta ll­
grow er, how ever. If he does, he ed to hold the street.
becomes a co n tracto r subject to
C itizens are also rem ind ed th at
im m ediately ahead of the asp h alt
“ A crew lead er m ay re n t or d istrib u to r will be th e grad er p ro ­
lease his vehicles to a grow er or viding a finished grade to receive
em ployer for use in tran sp o rtin g the asphalt. A nyone driv in g over
w orkers in w hich case the g row ­ this surface will create a ru t th at
er or em ployer legally assum es cannot be filled by the asphalt.
responsibility for the vehicles T he city ad m in istratio n is fully
d u rin g the period of such use. aw are of the needs for street im ­
The crew lead er m ay d rive the provem ents in N yssa and w ith
vehicles in his capacity as an em ­ lim ited funds is attem p tin g to
ployee of the grow er If the crew offer these stree t im provem ents
lead e r tran sp o rts w orkers in his ; but m ust have the cooperation of
capacity of crew leader and r e ­ the public in o rd e r to m ake the
ceive com pensation for this serv. project a success, Colby said.
ice, how ever, he becomes a con­
tra c to r subject to license.
M exican Fiesta Aug. 1
“A crew lead er becomes a con­
tra c to r subject to license if he Promises to Bring
contracts a job and becomes the
Many Colorful Events
em ployer of the crew m em bers.
(C ontinued from P ag e 1)
“A crew leader m ay m ake a r ­
from 2 to 4 there w ill be
ran g em en ts for jobs, housing,
credit, tran sp o rta tio n or any “d anzantes,” Indian-M exiean r i ­
o th er needs of m em bers of his tual dancing in au th en tic native
crew provided he receives no attire. From 4:30 to 6 a p art of
com pensation for his services. If I the program will be given over
he does receive any com pensa­ to the e n te rta in m e n t of the
tion, he becomes a co n tracto r sub- [ children by th eir “p in atas”—
children's gam e w here they m ake
je c t to license.
“As long as the crew leader d e ­ efforts to bust open the C h ris­
riv es his incom e only from his tm as bags containing gifts, and
ow n physical ag ricu ltu ral w ork, th eir mad scram ble for them once
his w ork as an em ployee of the they have succeeded in th eir e f­
grow er, o r from the legal ren tal forts to bust them open.
o r lease of his vehicles to a th ird V aried E n terta in m en t P lanned
p arty , or from hauling n o n -h u -1 T he regular program w ill open
m an cargo, he will not be re ­ about 6 o’clock w ith m usic and a
q u ired to secure a farm labor con­ perform ance by the “M ariaehis ”
tra c to r license.”
M exican troubadours from Los
Angeles. (These are the only p ro ­
fessional actors in the show.) O th ­
Junior Girls Attend
er dances perform ed w ill include
C^ve Summer Camp Ja
ra b e Tapatio, the M exican hat
Nine ju n io r girls from the dance; boleros; La Jo ta, B asque
C hristian church left S unday for native dance; Las T exanitas, by
g irls’ cam p at Cove. They w ere tw o sm all girls whose p aren ts are
accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Don welL know n in Nyssa; T ehuanas,
Strmfcland and Jo, Mrs. K enneth b eautifully attire d M exicans in
Pond and Mrs C lyde Bohannon. folk dancing; rock-and-ro ll; cha-
Those atten d in g are M arilyn and cha-cha; m am bo; polkas and the
C arolyn Pond, C arolyn B ohannon, trad itio n al Las C hiapanecas.
Jack ie and Jo Anne S trickland,
W ell-know n com edian George
M arjorie M erton, Ann W ebb, H el­ H am er w ill add spice and hum or
en O liver and Edena Hastings.
betw een acts w ith his im itations
of o th er w orld fam ous comics
CLASSIFIEDS G ET RESULTS! ' (“C an tin flas”).
T h ere w ill be the trad itio n al
serenading of the lover at the
w indow , P ancho Villa re tu rn in g
in revolution fashion, the L a B am .
ba dance from V era C ruz and the
grand finale of p o p u lar dancing
open to the public u n til m idnight
closes the celebration for ano th er
D R E S S E S —Group 1
100% Nylon Jersey
W ashable—Sizes 12 to 18— 12 Vi to 24 V 2
Reg. 12.95 . . . 7.99
D R E S S E S —Group 2
Values io 10.95 . . . 5.99
D R E S S E S —Group 3
Values io 12.95 . . . 6.99
D R E S S E S —Group 4
Values io 14.95 . . . 7.99
‘/ 3 O F F !
B R A C K E N ’S
Department Store
D ry Goods—S h o es— C lo th in g
"Your Q u a lity S to re"
Farewell Dinner
For Athol Sayres
At Adrian Park
Hills Entertain
Sunday Evening
Honoring Son, Lee
By Mrs. M. L. K u rts
P hone 2123
Mrs. C arl Lee H ill en tertain ed
and served h o m e m ade ice
cream and cake S u n d ay evening
in h onor of L ee’s second b irth ­
d ay an n iv ersary . G uests w ere
Mr. and Mrs. V ernon W ard and
D ennis and th e g re at g ra n d p a r­
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C arl Hill. The
S ta n ley H ill fam ily called S a tu r­
d ay evening.
By S h aro n H u n ter
P hone 3239
ADRIAN — A farew ell d in n er
w as held for Mr. and Mrs. A thol
S ayre and fam ily in the A drian
p ark S unday, and th e com m unity
was invited. The Sayres are leav ­
ing for Elgin, O re., w here he will
be su p erin ten d e n t of schooLs. We
ap p reciate all th e m any things
P rin cip al S ay re and fam ily have
done for us and o u r school and
w a n t to w ish th em success and
T he G ene P ra tt fam ily atten d ed
happiness as th ey leav e this com ­ th e C atholic picnic held in C ald­
m unity.
w ell a w eek ago S unday.
Mrs. J a k e Borge en rolled at
T he little league ball team p la y ­ th e College of Idaho for a w eek ’s
ed the m ig ran t lab o r cam p on th e sh o rt stu d y course in m ethods of
A drian high school field M onday teaching arith m etic conducted by
ev en in g and p lay ed P ay ette W ed­ Mrs. H ertz of O ntario.
T he Irv in T opliff fam ily ^ t e n d ­
T he Rev. E ldon H u n ter and ed a fam ily reu n io n picnic in the
d au g h ters, S h aro n and B onnie, Jam es W ashburn hom e in H ous­
and R alph D uke re tu rn ed hom e ton, Ida., Sunday.
J e r ry M cD erm ott of M eridian
S unday a fte r spending a w eek in
N o rth e rn Idaho a t the S an d ers’ visited his p arents. Mr. and Mrs.
F ree M ethodist cam p ground, L. C. M cD erm ott S atu rd ay .
Mrs. A n n a P ra tt atten d ed a
w h ere they atten d e d the an n u a l
M alh eu r-P ay ette county D em o­
conference for a week
Mr. and Mrs A thol S ayre drove cratic picnic in th e P ay ette p ark
to Elgin M onday to look for a S unday. Lt. G overnor D revelow of
S ta te
Dem ocratic
su itab le hom e an d w ere success­ Idaho
w ere
p rin cip le speakers.
The A drian E xplorers h ave been
Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n F ahren
practicin g aerial ph o to g rap h y by bru ch and A llen had as guests in
tak in g pictures from airp lan es of th eir hom e last w eek Mr. and
the landscape of farm s and b u ild ­ Mrs. Jo e P ierce of Longview . Wn.
ings. T hey en larg e these to 8 x 10 Mrs. P ierce and Mrs. F a h re n .
inches for th e landow ners.
bruch w ere room m ates in college,
Mr. an d Mrs. L arry C. H u n ter in N orth Dakota.
h av e re tu rn e d hom e to visit w ith
Mr. and Mrs. Roy M echum and
his p aren ts, the Rev. and Mrs. E l­ ch ildren re tu rn ed to th e ir home
don H u n ter, and h e r folks, Mr. in Nyssa S atu rd ay evening after
and M rs. L ee L ovitt.
a w eek ’s stay in the p aren tal
Mr. and M rs. R o b ert L ong and P iercy home.
Mrs L ou P ra tt atten d ed the
Mr. and M rs. A1 G off drove to
Boise to atten d a reception and fu n e ral services in Vale for Mrs.
b irth d a y p arty for Mrs C. R. C a r­ L ouise G raham a w eek ago Mon­
day. As a high school girl Mrs.
The A d rian F ree M ethodist P ra tt w orked in the G raham
chu rch had a w ien er roast in the hom e for tw o years.
Mr. De Bord left T uesday for
H om edale p ark T uesday evening,
ex ten d ed visit w ith his d au g h ­
and prizes w ere aw arded for a
contest recen tly held in the S u n ­ ter, Mr. and Mrs. C orrell of U m a­
tilla, Oregon.
d ay school dep artm en t.
K ay Borge re tu rn ed M onday
A d rian high school teach ers and
from th e B ap tist C hurch cam p
fam ilies and Mr. N ew m an, grade
n e a r W arm Lake.
school principal, m et at th e hom e
Mr. and Mrs. V ern B u tler and
of S am uel Tyson in P arm a to give
P au lin e left W ednesday for an
Mr. and Mrs. A thol S ayre a fa re ­
ou tin g on D iam ond Lake. They
w ell p arty. The teachers p re se n t­
re tu rn e d M onday evening.
ed them w ith a silver cream and
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. K urtz a t ­
su g ar set.
tended a picnic b irth d ay d in n er
T he A drian E xplorers re tu rn ed
S unday in the D udley K u rtz hom e
safely from th e ir trip to C anada
honoring C raig on his 5th b irth ­
and are p lan n in g a w ater skiing day anniversary.
'■ v en tu re
on O w yhee reserv o ir
Mr. and Mrs. Lou P ra tt and
1 w ith in the n ex t several weeks.
k drove to B row nlee dam
A g roup of young people from
| S un d ay afternoon. T hey m issed
th e A d rian P re sb y te ria n church
th eir w ay a fte r leaving H alfw ay
atten d e d th e pool dedication in
and got to see th e ghost tow n of
' P a rm a S atu rd ay evening.
ornucopia This m ining tow n
Mr. and Mrs. A1 G off and baby
abandoned in 1941 and only
'o f L akeview are spending vaca­
re ta k e r and his wife live
tion w ith Mr. and Mrs. R obert
Long and w ith th e H ershal and
J a k e Borge and C arl Begem an
A1 Thom psons.
d ed the special M alheur
Mr. and Mrs. ALvon M cGinnis,
W orkers L ike A rea
Mrs. L au ra Sm ith, E thel Sm ith, Farm B ureau m eeting called for
The fiesta is u n d er the direction M arcia and Billy W illis w ent to the purpose of p lanning for the
of Raul T Vega, E m ploym ent S e­ Nyssa T uesday to see the W agon state convention w hich will be
in O ntario.
c u rity agency farm replacem ent T rain.
F o u r boys of this com m unity,
assistant, who wishes to stress
A barbecue su p p er was held at
P ra tt, M ike Hirai, Gene
th at this is not a patrio tic celeb ra­ the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. K. I.
tion, bu t one th at is put on by P eterson F riday evening. G uests W orden and Isaac M artinez h e lp ­
the professional m ig ran t w orkers w ere the Rev. and Mrs. H enry ed D onnie B rew er celeb rate his
12th b irth d ay at his hom e in the
who, w ith th eir fam ilies, perform Moore and Mrs. Edna Cowling.
w yhee area.
all the w ork pecu liar to the row
Rose W illis and F rancis F reil
G ene P ra tt accom panied a
crops in this section. S peaking for left T uesday m orning to atten d
m b er of m en on a fishing trip
his people, he says they like it the Legion convention in Salem .
here, like the security afforded A udrey F ranklin. Mrs. F re d 's sis­ to the Hells C anyon area for a 3-
by the wages paid, and th a t it is ter. is taking care of th e ch ildren day outing.
Mr. and Mrs. W esley Piercy
as essential to th eir w elfare as w hile they are aw ay.
at th e R euben G raham
th eir w ork is to the farm ers here.
hom e in Boise S u n d ay Mrs. P ier-
Jle expects about 5000 M exican
cy’s m other, Mrs. T h u rm an , re ­
people to a tte n d the fiesta, and
tu rn ed w ith them for an extend-
on behalf of his people w ishes to
th an k the sponsors, Nyssa C ham ­
Mr. an d Mrs. F red F ah re n .
ber of Com m erce, A m algam ated
; bru ch of Billings, Mont., spent
S ugar Co., N yssa-N am pa Beet
ANK G arden club m et T uesday S unday night in the Jo h n F ah ren -
G row ers’ Assn., the ag ricu ltu ral
agencies, the produces houses of afternoon at the C arl Hill hom e bru ch home. T he m en are broth-
the area, farm ers, and all o th er w ith Mrs. Dale A shcraft, assistant 1 ers.
Mrs. H enry Moore and Mrs M
people who are helping to m ake hostess, for a 1:30 dessert. Lovely
this cu ltu ral relations program pink and w hite phlox w ere used L. K u rtz atten d ed the W om en’s
P resb y terian Snyodical m eeting
th ro u g h o u t the home.
A m ong o th er business, 12 hos­ held in B latchley Hall on the C ol­
Mrs. Alicia Fernandez, also a
m ig ran t w orker w hose husband tesses for the C entennial h o sp ital­ lege of Idaho C am pus, T hu rsd ay
is a crew leader, has been p ro ­ ity house in Nyssa w ere chosen to Mrs. K u rtz m ade a short talk on
m issionary w ork in E thiopia.
g ram d irec to r d u rin g the two assist from Aug. 3 to 5
T he M alheur F arm B ureau
Mrs. G e rrit Stam and Mrs. A sh­
m onths of prep aratio n s and the
practices now going on at G reen- craft gave a report of the S tate m em bers have planned a picnic
leaf S he goes back to Mexico, G arden club convention held in for n ex t S un d ay in the V ale park
The G e rritt T im m erm an fam ily
visiting the various states to learn Ju n e on the Lew is and C lark cam ­
m ore of th e ir dances and brings pus M rs. M L. Ju d d , also a t ­ left T uesday for a vacation trip
j them back for fiesta use. She also tending the convention, told of going first to S pringfield w here
m akes all the dresses used by the aw ard s th at were won by M alheur they visited the Jo h n and Bill
fiesta perform ers.
county at the P o rtlan d co n v en ­ Holly families.
Mr. and Mrs Ivan S to k e r and
F ie sta'co m m itte e chairm an Bob tion Each club sends its best in
T hom pson is high in his praise of each contest to the state and state ch ildren of Roy, U tah, w ere
guests in the M utt H am m on hom e
the help he is receiving, and says w inners are then cno-en.
he believes this can easily be the
A rosette for .bird place in th e T hu rsd ay through S unday. They
biggest day Nyssa has ev er had state h o rticu ltu re essay contest are cousins of the Ham m ons.
Mrs. J a k e Borge re tu rn ed T u es­
He asks the farm ers in the area was won b> Mrs Tom N ishitani
from a w eek n ear K etchum .
to m ake plans, if possible, to do for h er essay dealing in th e e a st­
w ith o u t these m ig ran t laborers on ern background of th e c h ry sa n ­ Ida. w here she atten d ed the S aw ­
Aug. 1, so th at all can enjoy this them um in China. J a p a n and tooth P resb y teria n chu rch cam p
for ju n io r high boys and girls
Mrs. M L. K u rtz en tertain ed
H onorable m ention for th e con­
serv atio n essay in grade school at a sw im m ing p arty at P arm a
N yssa Births . . .
was given to K n rh e n e M cPart- F rid ay night for C heryl K urtz
J u ly 15—To Mr. and Mrs Robb land and an honorable m ention in and S ally M cM illan of P o rtlan d
R ichm ond of O ntario, a girl To th e poster contest was given to O th er guests w ere A nn Newm an.
K arla K riegh. and M arie Borge
Mr. and Mrs. Don F ritts of P arm a, R u th A nn Jensen of B rogan
a girl. To M r and Mrs. Jose
M alheur county's first blue rib ­ hey had su p p er in the p ark
Z uniga of Nyssa. a boy
bon first place w inner was M i­ C h ery l a n d S ally re tu rn ed to
th e ir hom es S atu rd ay .
J u ly 16—To Mr. and M rs Tom chael Wilson, son of Mr. and
T ak a to ri of P arm a, a boy.
J u ly 17 To Mr and Mrs W il­ w as w in n er of a b;g blue ro sette Bridge at Eldredge Home'
Mr and Mrs T om E ldredge e n ­
and $15 first place in th e state
ton Jac k so n of Nyssa. a girl. To
high school poster ontest.
in e d th e ir Mr an d Mrs.
Mr and Mrs. R oberto S a n tilla n of
Mrs. J u d d also told of th e Mon- bridge club S atu rd ay evening.
Nyssa. a girl.
tecito, Calif., garden of a fo rm er P rize w inners w ere M rs G ordon
J u ly 19—To Dr. an d Mrs Dale •ANK G ard en club '->«n>6er. Mrs O xnam and F red G u th rie
N S h e e r of V ale, a boy
A lb ert P heiler, which she visited
J u ly 21—To Mr. and M rs Ira d u rin g h er recent trip to C a lifo r­
Use The Journal classified ads:
P rice, J r , of Nyssa, a boy.
they get result*!
ANK G arden Club
M eeting Tuesday,
W inners R evealed
—B rau n S tu d io
Linda Riggs, Darrel Manning United
In Idaho Falls LDS Temple June 25
In a double ring cerem ony on
J u n e 25, 1959, in the Idaho Falls
LDS Tem ple, Miss L inda Riggs,
d au g h ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lew is
Riggs of Nyssa becam e th e bride
of D arrel L. M anning of Parm a,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon M an­
ning of Roise.
P resid en t K iipack of th e tem p -*
perform ed th e cerem onv in the
presence of relatives and close
The new lyw eds w ere honored
a t a recep tio n and dance given
J u n e 30th at the P arm a W ard
recreatio n hall. B askets of g ar­
d en flow ers form ed the stage
F o r h e r reception, the bride
chose a b ailarin a length nylon
lace gow n w ith scalloped neck­
line, fitted bodice, long tapered
sleeves, full sk irt tiered w ith net
ruffles and scalloped nylon lace
overskirt. H er fin g ertip nylon
tu lle veil was held in place w ith
a crow n of seed pearls, and she
carried a bouquet of carnations
and p ink rosebuds.
Miss S h erry H endricks and
Miss C arol C larkson served as
bridesm aids. Miss H endricks w ore
a blue lace satin sheath gown and
Miss C larkson was attire d in a
w h ite sh eath w ith rose colored
jacket. B oth w ore w h ite c a rn a­
tion corsages. G eorge B arfus
served as best man.
F o r h e r d a u g h te r’s w edding,
Mrs. Riggs, chose an aq u a lace
over satin and Mrs. M anning wore
a rose floral p rint. Both w ore
corsages of pink and w hite c a rn a­
The th ree tie r w edding cake
w as deco rated in pink and w hite
and w as topped w ith a m in iatu re
b rid e and groom. It was served
by Mrs. J. C. S tutznegger, au n t
of the bride, and Mrs. D elbert
Hooper. S erving the punch were,
Mrs. E rnest B unn, Mrs. Read Gyl-
lenskog and Mrs. C larence L an ­
caster. M arilyn O den was in
charge of the guest book. At the
gift tab le w ere Mrs. DeV erl M an­
ning and Mrs. K eith M anning,
sister-in -law s of th e groom, as­
sisted by Miss Nola J e a n M an­
ning, the groom ’s sister.
B ishop C harles M ann was m as­
te r of cerem onies for the pro-
Bybee Reunion Held
At N am pa July 12
T he B ybee sum m er fam ily re ­
union was held at th e N am pa
p ark on Ju ly 12, w ith 60 m em ­
bers attending.
A chicken d in n er w as served
b u ffet style u n d er the direction
of Mrs. S. P. Bvbee.
H andm ade gifts w ere b ro ught
and sold to h elp fu rth e r the gen­
ealogy w ork being done by sev­
eral m em bers of the fam ily.
Open House Friday
For Dwight Sewards
On 25th Anniversary
gram. M ark M oncur sang “A
T em ple by the R iver” and was
accom panied by Miss M oncur. A l­
so ren d erin g a solo, “B ecause”
w as Miss Beth W agstaff. A re a d ­
ing was p resented by C arol
C larkson and a talk given by
Bishop Lorin G oates of the P a r­
m a ward.
F or th eir w edding trip to Sun
V alley th e bride chose a tw o
piece gold and brow n floral d ress
w ith w hite accessories.
Mrs. M anning is a g ra d u ate of
Nyssa High school and Mr. M an­
ning is a g rad u ate of P arm a High
school. They are occupied at fa r­
m ing n ear P arm a.
A m ong out of town guests w ere
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra W ickham , L o ­
gan, U tah, Mr. and Mrs. Oral
M anning and fam ily of Boise, M r
and Mrs. J. C. S tu tzn eg g er of
G ooding and Mr. and Mrs. M ark
Jo hansen, Caldwell.
R ebekah Lodge
Initiation Held
The Yellow Rose R ebekah lodge
m et for its reg u lar m eeting Ju ly
14, w ith noble grand, Mrs. T h ero n
W heeler, presiding. D uring the
m eeting, the in itiatory degree was
conferred on three candidates,
Mrs. Jan ice D etw eiler, Roy W in-
chell and the Rev. Irv in M artin.
W ith the initiation, a b eau tifu l
floor d rill w as perform ed.
V isitors to th e lodge for the
evening w ere th ree from M idvale
and fo u r from P ay ette.
A lig h t luncheon w as served in
th e basem en t by hostesses, Mrs.
D ennis Toombs, Mrs. Lyle G ru n k e
and Mrs. Ju a n ita McManus.
Wm. Grasmicks Host
Payette ASC Picnic
NU ACRES—Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
G rasm ick w ere hosts W ednesday
at th e an nual P ay ette county ASC
| com m ittee picnic and w ien er roast
a t th eir hom e.
Those atten d in g w ere Messrs,
and Mmes. C laude Solterbeck and
tw o d au g h ters, L. C. F e tte r and
dau g h ter, L arry Muir, Bill Gods-
ch lax and th ree daughters, all of
P ayette, A rt B ark er of New P ly ­
m outh. Also attending from P a y ­
ette w ere Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mog-
geridge an d Mr. and Mrs. R ichard
G rasm ick and sons.
W edding Shower
Fetes Mrs. G yllenskog
Mrs. J e rry G yllenskog was h o n ­
or guest at a w edding show er g iv ­
en F rid ay evening on the law n of
the W D Holcomb home. Mrs
G yllenskog is the form er Miss f
Ju d y Savage, d au g h ter of Mr. and
Mrs Jim Savage
Hostesses w ere the Mmes. L es­
ter C leaver, H ow ard Day, P aul
House, Harold W ilson and W D
P rize w in n er for the gam e was
Mrs. Donna C leaver.
Mrs G yllenskog received m any
lovely gifts and at the close of
i the evening luncheon was served
by the hostesses.
A PPL E V A LLEY —T he children
of Mr. and Mrs. D w ight Sew ard
invite friends of the fam ily to an
open house F rid ay evening. Ju ly
24, to h onor the 25th w edding a n ­
n iv ersary of th eir p arents. G uests Sunday School Class
m ay call at the D w ight Sew ard Enjoys Outdoor Fun Thursday
hom e from 7 to 9:30 p.m.
Mrs Elwood F linders e n te rta in ­
ed T hursday evening for m em bers
Bradley Maxfield
of h er S unday school class The
Honored on Anniversary
group w ent sw im m ing in P arm a
B radley M axfield was honored and re tu rn ed to the F linders hom e
guest at a b irth d ay p arty S a tu r­ for a law n barbecue and picnic
day aftern o o n given by his p a r­
A ttending w ere C raig B urbank,
ents. Mr. and Mrs. M aylin Max- G reg Esplain, G lade W illiam s,
field. The boys w ent sw im m ing R obert Glenn. Dennis Ashby.
in O n tario and re tu rn ed to the B ruce Child. Val Flake, M ichael
M axfield hom e for an outdoor , P eterson, S teven Jensen, L arry
and David Larsen, B arb ara R ob­
H elping B radley celeb rate his erts. K athie Farm er, Donna P e t­
10th an n iv ersary w ere S tev en A l­ erson, S h aro n C ottrell, C ristin a
ters of Boise, Tom m y S tringer. Feik. Ellen Anna Bowns, Gw en
Royce Zobell. G ary Jaq u e s and H ooper and a guest. Jim m y Day
of Deary, Idaho
Clifford W inchester.
+ — +
| A ssisting Mrs F linders w ere
Mrs. G ra n t Peterson, Mrs Neils
Barbecue Dinner Given
L arsen and Mrs M arvin Wilson
By Duane Holcombs
+ —+
Mr and Mrs. D uane Holcom b
w ere hosts to a law n barbecue Entertains at Bridge
S unday evening at th eir hom e
M rs S horty B randt e n te rta in e d
G uests included M r and Mrs at tw o tables of bridge at h er
L E Holcomb and Mrs. V ern hom e F rid ay afternoon.
Noyes of Troy. Kan.; Mrs Bessie w in n er; w ere Mrs C arl B arclay,
Du P re of H erm osa Beach, C alif.; high; Mrs B randt, second high:
Mr and Mrs. W. D Holcom b and and Mr» Louis P fieler of O x n ard .
M r; Dale G arrison.
Calif., low