U. o f 0 , L ib r a r y E u gen e, Oregon c N yssa VOLUME LIV The Sugar City G ate C ity Jo u rn a l THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 29. 1959 Slate Sanitary Authority Requests Immediate Overall Study of Nyssa Sewer Facilities and Treatment Plant Nyssa has been requested by the Oregon S tate Sanitary au th o rity to im m ediately begin an overall study, both engin­ eering and financial, of the city ’s sew er system and treatm en t plant, according to a letter ju st received by the city from K enneth H. Spies, deputy state sanitary engineer. * Such a study, the letter states, should not only cope w ith w hat he term s “the im­ m ediate problem ” o f Nyssa’s sew er system, b u t o f f e r a p ro ­ Workers' TASCO Credit Union Holds Meeting Area Beet Grower Licensee "Hands Over" Annual Fee Meetings to Start P lans w ere being finalised this week for A m algam ated S ugar com pany's an n u a l g ro w ­ ers m eetings w hich get u n d e r­ w ay in the N yssa-N am pa d is­ trict Monday. The first m eeting w ill be held M onday afternoon in P arm a w ith O regon Slope grow ers m eeting th a t evening. Vale grow ers m eet W ednesday a fte r­ noon and C airo grow ers W ed­ nesday evening. T he m eetings for Nyssa g ro w ­ ers is slated for n ext T hursday afternoon in the L ittle th eater and a m eeting has been set for A drian the sam e evening. 10 Cents Per Copy NUMBER 4 Mslhcur Meinorial Hospital Assn. Members Show Approval of Hospital District Overwhelmingly at Meeting M em bers of the M alheur M emorial hospital association overw helm ingly approved three resolutions Monday night indicating th eir approval of the form ation of a hospital ta x ­ ing d istrict by authorizing the turning over of all hospital assets and m anagem ent to such a district at such a tim e a district m ight be created • Association m em bers also re-elected board m em bers D. H. C hcistensen, who w a s board p resid en t this year, B ern­ ard E astm an and Dick Forbess and nam ed E. A (G us) L im ing to the 1959 board at th eir annual m eeting Monday night. Missing Pilot Search Directed Over Wide Area gram to ‘‘bring the m unicipal col­ lection system to all areas need­ ing sew er service and bring the . , ^ . _ , p lan t to m axim um operating effi- Aerial and ground searches A m algam ated S ugar com pany cje n c y a { the req u ired degree of ELECTION PE T IT IO N S READY were being conducted y et late w orkers who are m em bers of the trea tm e n t.” D. H. C hristensen, chairm an yesterday afternoon for a V ale Tasco Em ployees F ederal C redit T he letter from the state sani­ of M alheur M em orial hospital's pilot, Jo h n D. M iller who was d e­ union held th eir six th annual tary au th o rity stem s from their board, said y esterd ay th a t a clared missing at 3 a m T uesday m eeting in Nyssa F rid ay eve­ an n u al inspection of local sewage board m eeting w ill be called by the CAP. ning at 8 o’clock in th e com m un­ som etim e n ex t w eek to m ake ity hall, according to E. L. S um ­ disposal facilities, according to M iller was en ro u te hom e from arran g em en ts for th e can v ass­ p ter of Nyssa, chairm an of a r­ C ity M anager A rt Colby. It re ­ Reno w hen he encountered dense views previous san itary authority ing of the proposed hospital rangem ents. A U. S. S enate bill to extend | fog at which tim e he radioed requests to the city for an inves. d istrict w ith p etitio n s to call C redit union P resid en t Arnold indefinitely the S ugar act which Boise giving his location, w hich tigation and w ork to correct w aste for an election of th e form ation C overt of N am pa was re-elected governs sugar com m erce th ro u g h ­ he thought to be in th e Jo rd a n disposal facilities. of such a district. It w ill tak e for an o th er year, and Claron out this country had the backing Valley - Rome area, ab out one Spies says the san itary au th o r­ last w eek of Oregon senators and th e signatures of 15 p ercen t of hour flying tim e from home, ac­ F u ller was re-elected treasurer. ity ’s d istrict engineer has re p o rt­ the legal voters in the proposed J R W inchell of Nyssa w as elect­ the beet sugar industry leaders. cording to CAP officials. d istrict to au th o rise such an ed assistan t secretary - treasu rer. ed deficiencies in the capacity of S enators W ayne Morse and M iller’s wife is the form er Vel­ election. Gene DeM ink was nam ed clerk. the present lift station and outfall R ichard N euberger introduced m a Fox, d aughter of Mr. and Mrs. Covert, F u ller, W inchell and De- to the trea tm e n t p lan t “appears the m easure along w ith 46 o ther T he board had recom m ended W alter H. Fox of Nyssa. M ink com prise the board of di­ critical and m ay en d an g er the senators from both parties. A the form ation of a hospital tax in g An organized search for th e rectors. M ark M oncur and Ron public health of residents of N ys­ sim ilar m easure is expected to be d istrict encom passing the city of m issing plane and pilot was n o t sa.” B ingm an w ere picked as re p re ­ introduced in the House. THE 1959 CITY DOG LI- in exchange for the city's new. Nyssa and an area based on the conducted Tuesday; how ever, a p ­ W hat’s m ore, he claim s, investi­ sen tativ es on the g roup’s su p er, A dm inistration backing w a s , blue dog license tag. Chief was boundaries of th e Nyssa R u ral p roxim ately 35 planes w ere in the gations conducted in cooperation voiced w hen P resident E isenhow ­ CENSE fee was paid to City visory com m ittee. M anager A rt Colby by the li­ being sure, th e city m anager Road Assessm ent d istric t No. 2, air on W ednesday, according to Bob W alters and L eland Ricks w ith the county h ea lth d e p a rt­ er called for extension of th e act | censee him self this week as said, th at he w as legally licens. w ith a total assessed pro p erty th e O ntario CAP. T w en ty -tw o of w ere nam ed to the educational m ent show a nu m b er of hom es in in his budget message. T he bill j Chief, the canine pride and joy ed in advance of the M arch 1 value of $7,422,000. F orm ation of th e planes represented C aldw ell com m ittee and Dick N ew ton to N yssa discharge septic tan k efflu­ is also supported by all 16 A m ­ of a Nyssa city em ployee, deadline set by the city. such a d istrict would h av e to and Boise w ith the rem ain d er fly ­ en ts into the N yssa-A rcadia drain erican beet sugar com panies, su g ­ the cred it com m ittee. R alph Lowe, "h an d ed over" $2 —Jo u rn a l Photo. have th e approval of the voters ing from the O ntario F lig h t S e r­ A fo u r-p ercen t dividend was d itch w here sam ples collected at a r beet grow ers in Oregon and > ♦ ♦ w ith in its proposed boundaries. vice field. declared a t the an n u al m eeting approxim ately N inth and Locust 21 other producing states, and all | Wid© M argin G iven A jeep posse out of V ale was atten d ed by about 50 m em bers. show ed “heavy b acterial contam - dom estic cane producers. T he first resolution, approved com bing the Ironside m o u n tain The group has some $60,000 in [ ination.” The S ugar act sets annual acre­ by association m em bers by a 100 area and Mrs M iller’s tw o bro th - shares am ong its 308 m em bers. I In addition, he says, a consider- j age and m ark etin g allotm ents to 4 m argin, changed th eir by- e rs organized a jeep search p arty Nyssa m em bers presented a able nu m b er of hom es w ithin the w hich have assured am ple sugar laws to p erm it the tran sferrin g j from Nyssa to the M ahogany Mt. program at the m eeting in addi- city lim its are not served by the supplies at stable prices for the \ of hospital p ro p erty to a tax dis­ area. tion to th e show ing of a film and m unicipal sew er system , past 25 years. It has been re- [ N yssa’s 1959 dog license tags trict. The second resolution, pass­ the ap pearance of W ade G ustin, In view of these things, Spies j new ed, w ith b i-p artisan support, | C ivil A eronautics P atro l o ffi­ have arriv ed and are now a v a il­ ed by a 78 to 1 vote, authorizes m anaging d irector of th e Idaho requests th at the city “im m ediate-1 by several congresses in the past. cials re p o rted late y esterd ay th a t able at the reco rd er’s office in the dissolution of the M alheur M e­ th ree o r four reports had been re ­ C harges o f em bezzlem ent ly begin an overall stu d y .” He C redit U nion league. W illiam Carson of W eiser, who also requests th a t the sanitary heads the N y ssa -N a m p a beet against A rth u r W. Sm ith, ex . ! city hall, according to C ity Man m orial H ospital association after ceived from both the Vale and a u th o rity be advised in w riting grow ers said, “O ur farm ers m ust su p erin ten d e n t of V ale’s elem en- a8e r A rt Colby, and th e city ’s pro p erty and m anagem ent is Ironside areas of a low flying of progress m ade and th a t “plans know w ell in advance w h at the ta ry schools, w ere dism issed at dogs will be w earing blue this tran sferred to such a district. plane ab o u t th e tim e of M iller’s T he th ird resolution, carried by last radio call. O fficials fu rth e r and specifications m u st be sub­ regulations are to be. O ur seed the req u est of D istrict A ttorney y ear Colby said the deadline for the a 72 to 2 m argin, specifically stated th a t M iller was a p p ro x i­ m itted for review an d approval goes into the ground early in the E. Otis Sm ith in C ircuit Ju d g e licensing of all dogs in the city authorized tran sfer of all real and m ately tw o h o urs ahead of sch ed ­ p rio r to construction.” spring, but before th at step is Jeff D orroh, J r ’s court M onday Colby says some of the sanitary taken, our w hole farm program a fte r six ju ro rs had been picked will be M arch 1. This is the re g u ­ personal pro p erty assets ow ned ule and th a t he possibly had tw o lar d ate observed in Nyssa in past by the association to a hospital hours of gas left, w hich w ould a u th o rity ’s requests are already has to be carefully w orked out for th e Vale m an ’s trial. years. L ast year, how ever, the d istrict, w hen and if such a dis­ m ean h e could be in a 400-mile T he D istrict A ttorney said he Five N yssa and A drian high being m et an d th a t the entire in advance. We are m uch in favor final d ate for th e licensing of dogs tric t is form ed. m a tte r w ill be re ferred to the radius. m oved for dism issal of .the in d ict­ of extension of the S ug ar act, school seniors have been selected, .. was exten d ed to M arch 15 . be- . Vote N ext S tep m ent a fte r p re -tria l testim o n y , . , , . . w ith o u t am endm ent, and are de­ to rep resen t their schools in the f ^ cou? cl1 at th e lr Feb 10 ^ In o rd er for the resid en ts of out th e fact the defense *■“ ? of a dtelay sh ip m en t p t of pending upon the congress to b ro ught an nual O ntario Elks’ scholarship | a r m ee in8' . . . - t the ho tags. L ast y vpf hr p n s p c w p e a l r r’s « licenses w ere the proposed hospital tax district com plete action early in th e c u r­ could produce w itnesses to R at­ and lead ersh ip contest, it was a n ­ red. (C ontinued on P age 12) re n t session.” ify th ere w as a m ixup, unknow n nounced this w eek. N yssa scholar­ By M arch 1, Colby said, all dogs A. E. Benning, executive vice j to th e ex -su p erin ten d en t, in the ship candidates are G retchen in the city m ust be licensed and p resident and general m an ag er of $350 w ashing m achine involved R in eh art and Dennis Spitze and he w arned th at un d er Oregon in the charges. A m algam ated S ugar com pany, leadership, M arylin O den and state law, all unlicensed dogs operators of N yssa’s sugar pro­ A rth u r S m ith had been charged w ith in the city lim its m ay be im ­ Roger B ergam . P hillip H atch was cessing plant, said, “We are glad w ith em bezzling a $350 washing pounded. selected as scholarship contender A high school trigonom etry class to note th a t prom pt a tte n tio n is | m achine belonging to school dis­ An increase of 250 p ercen t over from A drian. License fees are $2 p er y ear for T h e s e outstanding students, is being offered the last half of being given su g ar legislation in trict No. 5. Defense testim ony in­ m ale and spayed fem ale dogs and Nyssa school d istrict 26-C’s the preceding m onth in the M al­ chosen by the faculties of th eir this school y ear to local in terest- the S enate and we sincerely hope dicated S m ith ha!d bought such $3 for fem ales. U nder a rra n g e ­ book selection com m ittee was h eu r county public w elfare com ­ respective schools, w ill e n te r the ed students outside of re g u lar early action w ill be forthcom ing a m achine and that, w hile m ak ­ m ents w ith M alheur county, N ys­ slated to m eet yesterd ay a fte r­ m ission’s G eneral A ssistance p ay ­ ing repairs, the concern th a t sold sa will co n tin u e to license its own noon to pick science, health and m ents, o r “ tem porary help to th e county com petition Feb. 14 at 1 school hours, according to High in the House.” It was pointed ou t by su g ar the m achine to him had replaced p.m. in th e Elks’ tem ple at On- School P rin cip al Jac k Jenkins, dogs, enforce its ow n ordinance m athem atics tex t books for the unem ployed”, was shown last tario, according to E lm er Jaques, since it co u ld n ’t be w orked into beet rep resen tativ es th a t “the it w ith one bearing th e serial and retain the license fees again n ex t six years for the Nyssa w eek in th eir m onthly re p o rt for program doesn’t cost th e ta x p a y ­ n u m b er of a m achine sold to the scholarship chairm an for M alheur th eir re g u lar schedule, school system , according to su p er­ D ecem ber. ! this year. school. county. Nyssa and A drian nom - The course, u n d er th e instruc- ers a cent.” in ten d en t of schools W alter Mc- The com m ission said they e x ­ No changes in the act are pro-1 Testim ony indicated this re ­ inees w ill com pete w ith top stu- tion of Dale O verstake, is being P artlan d . pect this high ra te of assistance dents from O ntario, Vale and offered to advanced stu d en ts for posed in the c u rre n t m easure. placem ent was m ade w ith o u t the The com m ittee is com posed of to the unem ployed in the county Unless extended by this congress, H arp er for county honors. re g u la r high school credits. Jen - V ale m an ’s know ledge and rep resen tativ es from the local to continue through Ja n u a ry and Jaq u es ex p lained th a t the top kins said five stu d en ts are cur- the act expires on Dec. 31, 1960. S m ith ’s m achine in tu rn d eliv er­ elem en tary and grade schools and F eb ru ary before decreasing. boy and girl scholarship w inners re n tly enrolled, ed to the school. The D istrict A t­ ju n io r and senior high schools, P u b lic w elfare paym ents in in the county w ill be eligible fo r ------------------------ torney said this testim ony was in M cPartland said. T he tex ts they G eneral A ssistance alone totaled direct contradiction to th a t p re­ Local Idaho P ow er re p resen ta­ decide on will probably be used $7,186.37 in M alheur county in M arch ’ s 1“ . ¿ » G ra n d e . W inS erl M iS S e S sented to him and the G rand J u ry tive Dale B ingm an term ed, this in the system for the n ex t six Decem ber, an increase of $5,121.- of the la tte r will e n te r state fin- NySSO S Bank D ays Two Nyssa school principals at the tim e the ex -su p erin ten d ­ week, the L. A. Dailey Gold Me­ years, about the life-expectancy 86 from the m onth before. Ex­ als, then n ational com petition. Alvin S w arm of 914 N orth F irst are set to atten d a statew id e en t was indicted in O ctober dallion home, open house a “big of the books them selves. p en d itu res in all w elfare com m is­ Each en try in the county con- street, Nyssa, was not present secondary schools conference in M cP artland ex p lain ed th at a sion categories th ro u g h o u t th e The G ran d J u ry ’s action cam e success”. The Dailey home, the test will receive a $25 cash aw ard T uesday at 3 p.m. to collect the Eugene tom orrow and S atu rd ay . about afte r the Vale elem en tary third Gold M edallion aw ard home state D epartm ent of Education county in D ecem ber totaled $38,- and county w inners each $50, he] Bank Days pot of $100 N ext High school principal Jac k J e n ­ school board asked for, received in this area, located n ear the A p­ textbook com m ittee m akes o rig ­ 824.56, an increase of $3,009.56, stated. j w eek’s k itty w ill re p resen t $150 kins and Ju n io r high principal and accepted the resignation of ple Valley area, hosted an excess inal selections of from six to 8 o r 8.5 percent, over N ovem ber. Ju d g es for the county scholar- for some lucky person providing M url L ancaster w ill be atten d in g S u p erin ten d en t Sm ith, who was of 100 view ers on S u n d ay Jan. d ifferen t series of tex ts for each T he county com m ission granted ship co n test are Bob Thom pson, he or she is in a p articip atin g the W illam ette valley conference also the d istric t’s clerk, as a re ­ 25, the second day of the show ing course. A fter stu d y in g sam ples financial assistance to 415 elig ­ Nyssa; J a c k L eafgren, Vale, and B ank Days prom otion store. Bingm an fu rth e r stated th a t j of these, the local com m ittee which is under the sponsorship of su lt of an audit of the school dis­ M aurice Irons, O ntario. Am ong Second and third nam es draw n the secondary schools’ principals tric t’s books. this is only the second open house chooses the specific series to be ible recipients in D ecem ber and an additional 63 cases received qualifications considered for the this week for $10 and $5 prizes association and being held in co­ affair to be held in this locality used locally. scholarship aw ards are scholastic w ere A llen B lackfork and Dick operation w ith the state D e p art­ A w ards are given to homes T ex t books for ab o u t o n e-third social service b u t no m oney p ay ­ record, personality and financial Hite, both of route 1, Nyssa. th at m eet h ig h 're q u ire m e n ts for of the courses offered in the Nys- m ent. T his rep resen ted a to ta l in­ m ent of Education. need, Jaq u e s explained. m odern electrical living. T he Dal- ' sa schools are selected by such a crease of 46 cases over Novem ber, ley hom e featu red six of the above com m ittee every tw o years, Mc- w ith all of th e increase falling into the categories of G en eral As­ m entioned. i P artlan d said. sistance and C hild W elfare serv ­ ices. The an nual stockholder’s m eet- The com m ission said the n u m ­ I ing of the P ay ette N ational Farm A series of th ree N yssa w a re ­ ber of persons receiving O ld Age house b reak -ins plagued city po-1 N yssa’s 1959 M arch of Dimes w ill also supply floor show en- | Loan association, which encom- assistance and Aid to th e Dis­ lice over th e w eekend bu t they was draw ing to a close this week te rta in m e n t d u rin g the evening : passes P ayette, W a-hington and abled decreased slig h tly from the reported th is w eek only a few w ith th eir an n u al M others M arch Mrs. G rasty said last S atu rd ay 's I Adam s counties, Idaho, and M al­ m onth before. heu r county in Oregon, will be stam ps w ere taken. Police also on Polio and annual dance, both T reasure V alley V ariety show for G reater p ro sp erity in 1959 and share of this p rosperity He also said p a rt of the tools used to gain u n d er the direction of Mrs. Lyle the M arch of Dimes was “highly held Feb 4 at the A m erican L e­ 1960 than ev er before w as the said we m ust let congress know en try have been found. G runke, scheduled for S atu rd ay successful” w ith n early every seat gion hall in P ayette, according prediction m ade to about 100 “we can ’t spend ourselves rich.” annual The M uir-R oberts, S im plot and night, according to AJrs G ene in the cafetorium filled She said rto Jesse T rem elling, secretary- pe0ple atten d in g t h e K im ball concluded th at th ere Nyssa E levator w arehouses and G rasty, local publicity chairm an. $193.50 was raised through ticket ' treasu rer. C ham ber of C om m erce b an q u et [ will be trem endous opportunities In v itations have been exten d ed Tuesday night at the O regon T rail in this area du rin g the next 10 offices w ere all broken into over The A nnual M others M arch on sales to the v arie ty show, w ith th e w eekend but the only thing Polio will get underw ay at 6 the local C ub Scouts selling $104 | to 400 stockholders and guests to hall by Jo h n T. K im ball, vice years, in both businesses and in atten d the noon dinner and en su ­ president and general m anager of jobs, but both vision and leader- * . f l l reported tak en was some stam ps o’clock S atu rd ay evening, Mrs w orth of these tickets. 1 »» , ing m eeting. A fter a short pro­ Idaho Pow er com pany, w ho was | ship will be needed to capitalize from S im p lo t’s office. C ity police G ru n k e said, and will continue O ver S600 B anked L llc lIIlD C r 1*1061 theorized the thieves w ere look­ u n til 8. She said all block m others upon them fully. As of Tuesday, Mrs. G rasty said gram , a rep o rt of the y e a r’s b u s-, t he speaker for the evening K im ball based his prediction! The d in n er at the an nual m eet- At the re g u lar w eekly m eeting ing for m oney since m erchandise have been appointed for S atu r­ a total of $644 89 had been banked iness will be presented. on statistics show ing th at, nation- !ng was served and prep ared by ° ‘ ta e Nyssa C ham ber of Com and office equipm ent rem ained d ay ’s M others M arch and it is for the local M arch of Dimes from untouched. planned to cover every house in local functions She said this did M o n i n r r i t i c V i r t i m ally, 1958 closed w ith an u p tu rn m em bers of the Oregon T rail hall m erce, J R. G a rn er rep o rted on " lI ¡n bus ness and th at 1959 will association and d in n er m usic was the T reasu re Valley m eeting held At all th ree places, city police every block in the city She also not include any m oney raised i l e u i u v j i u a said, e n try was first gained urged residents to tu rn on their *hrough the can isters c u rren tlv on see a $15 to $20 billion increase furnished by the Nyssa high in N am pa T uesday ev en in g w hich through th e w arehouse itself. At porch lights during these hours j splay in businesses thro u g h o u t A 10-month-old girl from the in goods and services throughout school dance band u n d er the di- he atten d ed rep resen tin g th e Nyssa C ham ber. G a rn er told the M uir-R oberts the thieves broke to assist in the drive. | Nyssa. These w ill be picked up [ ru ral Nyssa area is progressing the country. He said th a t a g reat- rection of R obert Q S m ith into the office by drilling a nu m ­ D ance S ta rts at 9 p.m. the first of F ebruary, she added. I satisfactorily at a Boise hospital er proportion of this increase in I A group of tu m b lers — Bonnie group th at 3,000 T reasu re V alley ber of one-inch holes in an in ­ The annual M arch of Dimes L ast W ednesday the Nyssa this week, w here she is receiving business will be enjoyed by the House, Evelyn C leaver, K athleen brochures have been o rdered for side door to m ake an opening sem i-form al and form al dance is A m erican Legion au x iliary raised specialized trea tm e n t for m enin- Snake R iver valley and LewiMon M cPartland, M ary Kay English, Nyssa S u rro u n d in g towns. O n­ large enough for them to get a set to begin at 9 o’clock S atu rd ay $29.50 through a M arch of Dime- gitis, Dr. G ra n t B. Hughe i, Mai- areas th an by m ost sections of A nn C leaver, K aren H ust and tario, Vale, etc., o rdered am ounts Ju a n ita J u ry — un d er th e d irec­ to com pletely disburse th e in itial hand inside to unlock it. night at Nyssa LDS S ta k e house, ' coffee day held at B en n ett’s cafe, h eu r county h ealth officer, re-1 the country. A t b o th S im plot’s and Nyssa Mrs. G runke said, w ith an eight- the publicity chairm an said. An- ported. The Boise area, w hich he said tion of W alter M cP artland also 50,000 printed. A re p resen ta tiv e from the La Elevator, they broke a sm all hole piece orchestra, fe atu rin g the best o th er $43 was added to this from The infant was adm itted to the includes the Nyssa area, has been en tertain ed at the banquet. Last y ea r’s C ham ber P resid en t G rande social security office, Mr. in the glass of inside doors so talen t in the area, furnishing the the M arch of D ollars co u n ter dis- M alheur M em orial hospital Ja n rated am ong the top 10 spots in they could be unlocked. m usic play at th e cafe. 23 and placed in isolation w ith a the U nited S tates in business op- W ilton Jackson gave a report on M cCutcheon, spoke on the 1958 Police reported the brace used the organization’s activities in am en d m en ts to social security The Hi S teppers, a precision S a tu rd a y ’s M others M arch on presu m p tiv e diagnosis of m enin- p o rtu n ities and potential to d rill the holes in th e door at fiance group term ed a sm ashing Polio and the annual dane# are gitis u n til tests indicated positive K im ball cautioned those at the 1958 and the C h am b er’s 1959 offi­ laws and how they affect each M uir-Ro'berts has been found but success at the M arch of Dunes expected to w ind u p th is y aw 's finding* and sh* w as tran sferred banquet, how ever, th at th ere is cers w ere introduced. L eonard individual. He also en u m erated «s yet the bit has not been locat­ variety show by Mrs G rasty, and local M arch of Dimes ¿» « « lti« * •> g i ; « t o fa rth e r treatm en t, ac- an increasing need for businesses H ew ett served as to a stm A te r for changes in benefits fq j those • d raw in g social security. ed. S e re g rts ar« being questioned the Jo b 's D aughters d rill team Mrs G rasty said. to "seU” if they are to get th eir the an n u al affair. •o rd in ft to Dr. Hughes Beel Processors, Growers Propose Act Extension Charges Against Superintendent Dropped in Vale March 1 Deadline For Dog Licenses Announced by City Schools Report Local Nominees For Elks Awards Advance Students Take Extra-Hours Trigonometry Alvin Swarm Break-Ins Plague Nyssa City Police Science, Health, Math Text Books Selection Slated Idaho Power Co. Medallion Home Showing Success School Conference Draws Principals Local March of Dimes Nears End With Mothers March, Dance Saturday Co. Unemployed Welfare Money Increases 250% Farm Loan Group Sets Annual Meet Next Wednesday Nyssa Area Prosperity Predicted By C of C Annual Banquet Speaker Social Security Speaker Heard Improves at Boise •