O THE NY33À GATE CITY JOU1WAL. HT SSA, OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY t. 1I3T PAGE TWELVE Senate Passes Revenue Measure To . Benefit Cities % _ ■ , , . • , Commencement W eek Activities Set Miss Karen Ellis District Winner In Essay Contest Legion Auxiliary Plans Poppy Day Proposed City Budget Scrutinized stand, ‘twas not so long ago he headed for Ironside bright and early and upon arriving there discovered he had forgotten his boots. He fished the day out in his bedroom slippers! Somewhere i n their many moves we missed the appearance of another son, Gary, now a soph­ omore student at Nyssa high and a promising basketball player. Cherie, a graduating senior works spare hours clerking at Wilson Bros. Dept, store and Kenny keeps busy at the Shell station. Men About Nyssa (Continued from Page 1) where their daughter, Cherie put (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) As Memorial Day approaches in her appearance; to Emmett | the League of Oregon Cities which one year before again heading has been on the EOCE staff since i established salaries for cities from American Legion auxiliary mem­ to Nyssa where Bob worked on bers are detailing plans for the Karen Ellis, daughter of Mrs. 1,100 to 4,600 population and plac­ 1946 He received his BS and MA A measure which would triple ° . „ 1 ,t , „„a l , c annual Poppy Day in remem­ the underpass until it’s comple­ Nyssa’s income from liquor reve-! degrees a* V 0 . f Beth Ellis of Nyssa was named ing Nyssa in the median group. brance of the war dead and as a tion in the spring of ‘41. The next at th<‘ the State State universlty university oi district winner in the conserva­ Revenue, Expense Breakdown project took them all the way to nues was passed by the Oregon' PhD Phn at tion essay contest sponsored by In addition to the proposed bud­ tribute to the victims of war who Wyoming where our guest work­ senate this week and awaits ac­ Iowa, are still within the reach of hu­ the garden club, Mrs. Dean Wood, The high school band will ren­ get, the city manager gave the tion by the house. ed for Luther Fife on the Hart Vale, district chairman of the con­ council and budget board a break­ man aid. At present, cities are given 5 der the prelude and traditional Mountain project near Cody. Disabled veterans of the two test announced Tuesday. Marian down of tax fund sources: prop­ percent of revenue from liquor "Pomp and Circumstance. In- Then the inevitable, back to World Wars and Korean conflict sales within their limits, while vocation will be said by the j i t v - Taghon, Vale won the poster a- erty tax, 27.6 percent; water and home country that fall to spend have made little red poppies ward for the district. I sewer, 31.2; estimated cash bal­ the state receives 95 percent. An Father Rembert Ahles, Or M, Both winners received cash a- ance, 10.6; state liquor and gaso­ which will be worn in Nyssa on the winter in Emmett, then re­ amendment to this law would St. Hubert’s Catholic church, wards given by the Vale Garden line funds, 13.3; Bancroft bonds, Poppy Day, Saturday, May 25, turn to Nyssa where they have I provide that cities receive 15 per- Lowry Flake, salutatorian of Mrs. George Reitenbaugh. poppy since resided. After helping build' club as a memorial to the late 7.3, and fines and fees, 10. cent and the state 85 percent. the class of ’57 will give the salu- ' chairman of the auxiliary stated. Skinny Tensen’s home at Sum-' Mrs. Kathryn Claypool, a charter Another supplementary report "Passage of this amendment tatory address followed by a spe- Girl Scouts, members of the mit Prairie near Prairie City, (we member of their club and Mal­ | showed expense breakdown as: would mean that Nyssa, which1 eial musical selection, then the heur County superintendent of maintenance and operation, 35.5 American legion junior auxiliary just can’t keep Skinny out of this last year received $1,832.84 from valedictory address by Dennis schools for a number of years. column!» Bob went to work at the1 I percent; debt service, 20.9; per­ and other youthful volunteers sugar factory for the ’42 campaign. liquor revenue would receive Forbess, top honor student in the will distribute the poppies on the All entries from the county three times that amount, or $5,- class. Richard V. Wilson, super­ were judged by full-time con­ so n a l service, 34.3; capital outlay, I streets that day. The next six years were d evot-' 498.52, based on last year’s fig- intendent of schools, will intro- servation men. Miss Ellis’ essay 5.9, and equalization reserve, 3.4. I ed to work on ranches in this1 How the overall Nyssa proper­ ures,” said Sen. Anthony Yturri, duce the guest speaker. area. Then the Toombs consoli- was outstanding for its sincerity, Ontario republican, who support- Lawrence Schwarz, senior class research and thoughtful study, ty tax dollar is spent was divided Nyssa Hospital Plans I dated their efforts in a family into three parts: schools, 60.11 I construction project — building ed the measure. advisor, will bestow scholarship a spokesman stated. percent; city, 20.83, and county, Open House Events He pointed out that the liquor awards. After presentation of the their attractive home at the cor­ Sponsoring the conservation es­ 16.06, (Continued from Page 1) ner of 5th and Emison the fall of revenue is used by cities for en- class of ’57 by Jack Jenkins, high say and poster contest in this The proposed budget and report students to avail themselves of 1943. The next year, Bob joined forcement of liquor laws. school principal, diplomas will be immediate area has been an an­ Earlier in the session, Yturri; |ianded out by John Schenk, nual project of the ANK Garden contains numerous facts such as the opportunity to view the hos­ the local construction company of supported a measure to take the: chairman of the school board of club for the past four or five improvements planned for the pital not only to see its facilities Holcomb and Main with whom he state out of the property tax, directors. Concluding the pro- years, Mrs. M. L. Judd, club chair­ coming year, including grading and functioning but to see the is still employed. field. Under present law, if other Kram w iR be benediction by Bi­ man of the project reported. An and graveling of 90 blocks of un­ interesting work of nurses, doc­ Today’s Man about Nyssa has state revenues are not adequate, ^hop Lloyd W. Lewis, LDS second average of over 300 entries has paved streets, improvement of 50 tors and technicians which may been active in the Eagle’s lodge to meet expenditures, the state ward, and recessional by the been received each year and $20 blocks of alleys, patching of all interest them in choosing and since 1939, serving as president winter damage to paved streets studying for a professional career. twice, in 1951 and again in 1955. could automatically collect a band. in prizes awarded annually by and general maintenance. The auxiliary’s general chair­ In June he will assume the office property tax The bill, passed by The seniors wll) be honored at the club. Plans have been made and funds man in charge of arrangements of three-year trustee. He served the senate would make it impos- a reception sponsored by the Nys­ Essays are submitted by junior sible for the state to levy a prop­ sa PTA immediately following high school students and the pos­ proposed for replacement of 7,193 for hospital day is Mrs. Clifford as scoutmaster for three years feet of water mains in various Fox with Mrs. Jake Fischer, chair­ erty tax without a vote of the commencement exercises. ter contest is conducted among parts of town. An appropriation man of the refreshment commit­ and at present is a committeeman people. in troop 454. He also attends the senior high youth. has been allowed for city-wide tee and Mrs. Grant Rinehart, Methodist church. ‘‘Judging by the tax program Senior Students Listed The winning essay and poster spraying deleted from the budget chairman of serving. Members of the senior class are announced for the next biennium, You seldom see Bob without have been entered in the state The Pink Ladies, volunteer one of his favorite pipes. In fact taxpayers are going to need every Carol Adams, Sherman Anderson, contest and these winners will be a year ago. The city manager said copies workers at the hospital will be he has a collection of about 24. bit of relief they can get,” said Eric Boenig, Ted Bowers, Glenda announced at the Federation of Yturri. So far this session, practi­ Brown, Clyde Burns, Clyde By­ Garden clubs convention at Coos of the report have been made on duty at their stations at the A man of many talents, he available to all councilmen and reception desk and gift cabinet. cuts a merry tune on the harmon­ cally the only tax legislation in­ bee, Keith Child, Shirley Cole­ Bay June 23, Mrs. Judd stated. budget board members and that Mrs. Harold Brendle, auxiliary ica, even on a miniature four-hole troduced would add taxes. We man, Robert Cooper, William the general public is welcome to president, stated that the auxili­ number. One of his newest “ hob­ must make every effort to get Cooper, Aaron Cuttlers, Sandra inspect any part or all of the re­ ary hopes to have its most recent bies" is a noisy little Kelly-green through some legislation which Day, Donald Dirksen, Jeanine W eather . . . gift to the hospital, a portable parakeet, “ Skipper” presented to Max. Min. Prec port. will help Oregonians instead of Drown, Duane Drydale, Dolores television set, installed by Hos­ him recently as a birthday pres­ Duus, Michael Eastman, Lowry May 2 ______ 68 43 hindering them." pital day. ______ 69 41 .33 ROCK COLLECTORS Flake, Dennis Forbess, Jack May 3 ent from Marion Tracy. Franklin, Dolores Gallegos, Ever­ May 4 62 45 .32 VISIT FROM MASS. For his main hobbies, hunting Adrian School Sets May 5 ______ 61 37 ett Hiatt, Barbara Hickman. .11 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kitson, H. A. Beach of Omaha, Nebr. and fishing, he has constructed a 42 ______ 73 .01 rock collectors from Easthampton, visited last week at the home of house on the back of a pick-up Dorothy Holcomb, Nancy House, May 6 _ Graduation for 29 May 7 44 ______ 78 Mass., who are on a year’s tour his niece and family, Mr. and equipped with all the comforts of Bob Jackson, Carolyn Jones, Sal­ (Continued from Page 1) May 8 _ 47 of the U. S. visited Wednesday Mrs. Rex Voeller and attended home. In fact, Bob is such an ar­ ly Kesler, Daniel Klinkenberg, to the strains of ‘‘Pomp and Cir­ Owyhee Reservoir Storage and Thursday in Nyssa and at­ Emmett funeral services for Mrs. dent fisherman that we under- cumstances" by Elgar played by Paul Knottingham, David Krause, Mav 8, 1957 ____ 715,000 tended the Gem club meeting Voeller’s mother, Mrs. Minnie Jean Lancaster, Jerry Lankford, the high school band. The pro­ May 8, 1956 670,440 Thursday night at Washoe hall. Beatty. E A G LE S— "L a F o e ” here M ay 18. gram will continue with invoca- Garld Leavitt, Donna Leininger, Douglas Lewis, Sue Mace, Elea tion by the Rev. Henry Moore. „ . . . . , William Looney will present the'*101' Medina, Margaret Morinaka, salutatorian’s address followed by Frankie Morris, Beth Muiray, a musical selection by Terry V ernon Pond. Borge*, Larry Culbertson and Wil- Dirk Rinehart, William Russell, Ellen Sager, Joe Sanders, Larry liam Looney. Miss Margaret Butler will pre- Schenk, Shirley Schilling, Nancy sent the valedictory and Glenn Skeen, Sherral Sisson, John Smit, Ward, class advisor 1’ intro­ June Stam, Gladys Stephen, Bar­ duce the commencement speaker. bara Tanner, Pete Thomas, Mar- Guest soloist is to b< Mis Tom delle Thompson, Cherie Toomb, | Marvin Udlinek, Nora Valdez, Nishitani. Athol Sayre will present the Louie Vendrell, Marylyn Whitak­ class members who will receive er and Brent Williams. their coveted diplomas from Lee Stoker, chairman of the Adrian High School board. 29 Graduating Seniors The 29 senior students who Mrs. Collis Moore, national re­ will receive their diplomas are Ruth Bishop, Margaret Butler. publican committeewomen from • Sunny Vale — 46 Oz. Eugene Bridgedale, Terry Borge, Oregon was guest speaker at a i 3 for A e / Wallace Butler, Dallas Chaney, luncheon meeting held Monday j Larry Culbertson, Jeanie Crocker at the Moore Hotel in Ontario. Mrs. Moore had just returned Fenn. Sharon Fox, Carlene Fenn, from a regional conference of the Old South—6 Oz. Harry Houtman, Carol Ann western states at Salt Lake City. Jones, W. C. Looney, Edna Lee She had served on the* goals com­ • Libby's — \ 12 Oz. Linville, Richard Lovitt, Janet mittee whose recommendations Marie Parker, Jimmy Pack wood, were to go directly to President Frank Pratt, Ira Price, Sally Jo Eisenhower. Several changes in mineral imports and the farm pro­ Reed. • Gary Smith, Wayne Smith, Jo gram were advised. Future activi­ Duncan Hines Anne Wood, Keith Farr, Darlene ties of the organization were dis­ Davis, Kenneth Barstad, Lorene cussed. Mrs. V. B. Staples of Ontario, Hopper, Nancy Cleverly Smith • Libby's — 303 Can chairman of the Malheur county and Gene Haney. Republican womens club presided EAGLES— "LaFoe" here May 18. at the meeting. & : P i n e a p p l e Ju lic e 8 7 * 47< S w e e ft P ic k le S FRIDAY and SATU RDAY— MAY 10-11 "HOTSHOT” With Huntz H all— Stanley Clements —Also— "BLACK 13” With Peter Reynolds — John Forrest SUNDAY and MONDAY — MAY 12-13 Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis in their last rib-tickling comedy as a team . . . A trio of stars! Matinee — Sunday 1:30 p. m. TUESDAY — MAY 14- SPANISH NIGHT "EX HOMBRE INQUIETO" —and— "LA DEVORADORA” WED., THURSDAY and FRIDAY — MAY 15-16-17 'TRIENDLY PERSUASION” — In Technicolor with— Gary Cooper — Dorothy McGuire Marjorie Main — Anthony Perkins Faith, comedy, action and romance are blended together to produce a stirring, yet amusing entertainment for the whole family. QUESTION: I've heard that smoke damage from stoves is included in Extended Coverage insurance. Over a period of time, the wall around the vent from our kitchen range has become streaked. Would that be covered? ANSWER: No, under the cov­ erage you mention, the damage must come from “ sudden, faul­ ty and unusual” operation of your cooking unit. *If you'll address your own insurance questions to this office, we'll try to give you the correct answers and there will be no charge or obliga­ tion of any kind. NYSSA Insurance A gen cy Phone 2544 105 Main *> P it t e i O ■■ ■ < • ;2 C ans49* • Borden's — - Quart j S a la d D r e s s ir .3 0 FROZEN FOODS Orange Jui ¡(06 Cans 8 5 * Peas 2 Pkgs. 29* U. S. GOVERNMENT-INSPECTED f Wyandotte 53< Dromedary r • C a k e M ix e s 2 Pkgs. 4 5 * "HOLLYWOOD OR BUST” —In VistaVision and Technicolor with— Dean Martin — Jerry Lewis Anita Ekberg — Pat Crowley a * Starting Time Sat.-Sun— 1:30 P.M. Evenings—7:30 P.M. 00 DIAL 3932 { F r u it C o c k ta i o Nyssa Theater «*****»**»*»»**»*»»»»• »• * By RALPH LAWRENCE We Give SRV STAMPS! Republicans Hold Dinner Meeting tMHWMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM* The answers to everyday insurance problems* C hocolate and White GUARANTEED M EATS Morrell's "Frontier” Sliced Bacom u> 49* 2 Lbs. 49* Lean, Pure Pork Sausage Large Assortment Lunch Meats 45* • White Satin—Brown & Powdered {Sugar 2 Pkgs. 2 5 * Boysenberry 'Tull-Flavor” P IE S .........................Each 5 9 £ (Filled with Large Juicy, Fresh-Frozen Berries) "R0SES-IN-SN0W" Mother's Day CAKES . Each 9 9 < Give MOTHER One of These Delicious Cakes . . . Attractively Decorated Heart Shape with Fluffy Icing and Topped with Red Rosesl Prices Effective . . . Thursday—Friday—Saturday J MA iïÛ v T RKET 6th * Main at the "Y~ Nyase