Adrian Presbyterian Church Notes News NATIONAL EDITOBIA. c ^ I I A sTbcfÄ T l"o N r \ U / _ jE n m n n E m n i SUBSCRIPTION RATES Single Copies 1® Ln Malneur County, Oregon, and Payette and Canyon Counties, Idaho: 1 Year $3.00 6 Months ~ $2 00 Elsewhere tn the U S A , Per Year ----- $4-$0 6 Months —-------- .$100 (Strictly in Advance) Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postofiice at Nyssa, Oregon for transnnsaion through the United States Mails, as a second class matter, un­ der the act of March 3, 1879. We Can Count Many Blessings Come floods, higher taxes and increased cost of living, the lower Snake river valley looks good to one who has visited numerous "boom" areas where money flows like water, but where actual water is scarce and taxes and living costs are also on the upgrade. Outstanding for personal comfort as well as for stable economy is the climate here, notwithstanding the Mal­ heur rivers recent spree that cost something like $2 m il­ lion in property damage or the "unusual 21 below tem­ perature last January'. Here farmers enjoy a long grow­ ing season and have an abundance of irrigation water to grow their crops on naturally arid land. A wide diversity of crops grown, plus the God-given blessings of the types of crops, such as early potatoes that can be marketed before those of other areas, has stabilized the farm economy to a greater extent than most other parts of the nation. This rural area is made up largely of rugged individ­ ualists who can and do pull themselves up by their boot­ straps, who take part in general affairs that affect their own and their neighbors' welfare and who can see be­ yond tomorrow in their planning for the future. To say that hospitality is lacking in other areas would be untrue, but there's something about the rural atmos­ phere of good old American friendliness that should make anyone grateful for the privilege of living in the lower Snake river vallev Owyhee Community Church News Thoughts for the week: The secret of happiness is not to do what one likes to do but to try to like what one has to do. A good share of two weeks was •pent sanding floors, painting, roofing, hanging drape? and gen­ eral cleaning at the church. A delegation of about 30 at­ tended the American Sunday •chool union conference held at the Ontario Baptist church. A va­ riety of classes were held as well as a general assembly with pot- fuck dinner at noon. Three new members accepted into the church Feb 24 were Mr and Mr? Luther Perkins and L ei­ la Farmer Many attended services and pot- luck dinner held after church Feb 24 in honor of Rev Ken­ neth Himple and family. A fare­ well gift o f money and an electric fry pan was given the family. Rev. Himple w ill be taking over the missionary field in the Seat­ tle area for the American Sunday school union. Marvin McLean, ASSU m.s- sionary from Nampa held servic­ es March 3. Mrs McLean sang a special number Prayer meeting and Bible study was held Feb. 27 at the Harold Dail home with 20 in attendance Rev. James Smithwick. a grad­ uate o f Multnomah School of the Bible, will deliver the message for both morning and evening sen."ces March 10. He is a candi­ date for the pastorship of the church. Everyone .welcome CREDIT ! ii Gortjfùi&nce Your charge accounts are due in full on receipt of statement and payable within ten days; your installment accounts are due on the dates specified. Pay A ll Bills Promptly R E T A I L CREDI T ASSOCIATION, Inc. Of Nyssa Guard Your Credit as a Sacred Trust National Retail Credit Association Founded in 1912 — who shall orals us. .." 7 " . v\ Pm oat • M A R C H 8 . )•'}» • FRIDAY — MARCH 8. 1957 Time: 2:00 pan. Place: Adrian Presbyterian Church. Christian Church Notes Morning sermon The Rob«.* Evening sermon: The Taber­ nacle. CYF. Chi Rho and JYF meet at the church. 7:00 p m. World Day of Prayer will be held Friday, Mar 8, at the Ad­ rian Presbyterian church A soc­ ial will be held from 1:30-2:15. The program will follow. A church fellowship dinner will be given for all new members of the church, Friday, Mar. 8, 7:00 p m. The high schol class spent Sun­ day afternoon swimming at G iv­ ens Hot Springs After the swim­ ming they enjoyed a chili supper at the home of their leader. Mrs Leroy Pulliam The Loyality class met at the church Thursday evening Feb 28. Devotions were given by Mrs. H Tressenuriter During the bus­ iness meeting it was decided to help the high school class finish their class room The appoint­ ment of a visitat.on committee was also discussed. The evening was concluded by the singing of songs and playing games led by Mr and Mrs. Harold S.«son. Re­ freshments were served by host­ esses. Mrs. Emerson Bmgaman, Dorothy Bibbey and Mrs. Tom Dry dale. CW F group No. 2 met at the home of Mrs. Tom Drydale Feb. jobs which would make those taken off the payroll subject to many of the ailments for which research money is directed. Enough of this stuff. I ’m going to eliminate th.s piece of copy paper from this typewriter Keep well, W-llie. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH NEWS Pastor John L. Briehl Living Victoriously— In Christ W’ ednesday, March 6, w ill mark the beginning of Mid-Week Len­ ten services at Faith Lutheran church. These services w ill begin at 7:30 p m. and w ill continue each week until Easter. * The theme for this series of Lenten services will be "Livin g Victoriously— In Christ.” Follow­ ing the road to Calvary the Bible- based sermons will present the following topics: "In Christ We Overcome A n xi­ ety,” "In Christ W’ e Overcome Conflicts,” “ In Christ We Over­ come Hatred,” "In Christ We O v­ ercome Evil," “ In Christ We O v­ ercome Frustration,” “ In Christ We Overcome Selfishness,” "In Christ We Overcome Misunder­ standing,” "In Christ We Over­ come Death.” Each message is a sincere in­ vitation to put full faith in Jesus Chnst, the conqueror of sin and death. May this serve as a warm invitation to you to come to these services. Beginning next Sunday, March 10 at 11:00 a m. a series of Sun­ day morning sermons will be pre­ sented with the general theme, ’T h e Choices We Make!” The 28. Mrs. Drydale gave devotions and Mrs. Dan Pennie was in charge o f the program. Clothing was mended for the flood victims. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Group No. 1 met Mar. 1, at the home of Mrs Paul House. Mrs. House gave devotions. Mrs Earl Hastings presented the pro­ gram on Southeast Asia. The groups worked on quilts for mis­ sions. Refreshments were served. Thursday, March 7 after school the Fidelae Amicae Girl society- will meet at the parsonage The World Day of Prayer serv­ ice will be at the church Friday afternoon. There will be a fellowship hour at 1:30. The worship program will begin at 2:15. The women of the Adrian church are n-questi-d to bring cookies for the social and fellowship hour. A ll ladies in the community are invited. Sunday school teachers' meet­ ing Monday night at the home of Mrs. John Auker. Plans are to be made for the church daily va­ cation Bible school. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foster were Mr. Fos­ ter's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Paul Childers of Ol­ ympia, Wash., who were enroute to Phoenix, Ariz., on a vacation trip. Mrs. Goldie Reiienbaugh of Greeley, Colo., arrived in Nyssa Tuesday to spend a few days with her daughter and grandchildren, Mrs. Darlene Stroh and family. different choices presented each Sunday w ill be as follows: ‘T h e Normal Choice,” "The Strangest Choice," ‘T h e Wise Choice,” “ The Impossible Choice,’’ ! ’T h e Attractive Choice,” “The J Choice That Pays.” Wednesday— 7:30 p.m. Midweek Lenten Services. We invite you to attend and i worship with us. 1, " I don’t believe in Lent," said Sam. "Those days are like any other days.” " I t ’s true,” said Bob, “ tu t don’ t you feel that a special time should be set aside to think about the Lord’s suffering?” "W e should be thankful to Jesus every day,” said Sam. ” 1 agree,” said Bob. "W ill your men at the plant work July 4th?" “ O f course not,” said Sam. "N o w look,” said Bob, "w e should be good Americans every day of the year. But still you’re setting aside July 4th to remember our independence. It’s good to set aside a day to celebrate what it true all year, isn’t it?” "Perhaps July 4th and Christ­ mas and Labor Day,” said Sam “ But those are single days.” "T h e principle is the same," said Bob. "W e need to think about what Jesus suffered when He died for us. That's L e n t." " I see your point," Sam agreed Don't you agree, too? Worship with us during the Lenten days, in honor of the Christ who died for all. Faith Lutheran Church Nyssa, Oregon Let the Bible Speak Î' Your willingness to pay promptly is the basis on which the retailer and other credit granters extend credit to you. SAY! I've got a real idea for the "Men About Nyssa” column. I'll have Skinny Tensen write A L L HE KNOWS about John Cancel- mo and THEN have John write all he kro»-s about Skinny! Naturally it would b# our last edition. Before I forget I've finally de­ cided that Pica the pup isn’t! Speaking of dogs, what is the crowd of canines doing around Doc Sarazin’s house’ Alas, poor Microbe. I knew her well . . . Hear that Rusty is back in town and all of the boys at the Ace Pastime are playing it mighty close to the vest When I was a kid I had quite a stamp collection. But it's nothing to the one my w.fe is working on. I concentrated on U. S. Comme- moratives, but she's my little SRV, S and H and Gold Srnke fiend. Having been the family shop­ per for the past two months. I'm greeted at the door with not “ how did your day go. dear.” but "which stamps did you get to­ night!” (’Course that’s overdone a little but the idea is th ere) The last edition of Life and the Sunday edition of the Oregonian explored the craze thoroughly. Both agreed that men were much less interested in the stamps than women, both went into the pros and cons of the matter but no specific conclusions were reach­ ed, probably because the articles were written by men. t They tiptoed over the question as to who really paid for them. Just took a farm ad over the phone and it’s obvious I’ve just got to go out and spend a day on a dairy’ Advertisers rattle o ff the darndest combination of initials, all of which indicate mighty im­ portant things such as was pa there or not, are they immune to this ’an that etc. They keep talk­ ing about springers but never mention “ fallers." There's been a lot of yak yak on the relative merits of TV and newspaper advertising. My only thought is that you can't drag a TV set into the powder room which is the place I head for when the commercials come on. On the other hand, a news­ paper has M A N Y uses! Just came up with a revolting dea. It seems that every few weeks there’s a new campaign on to collect funds for ailments that cover every possible disease from neurotic conditions to hangnails Movie stars plead for funds, o ffi­ cials extoll the merits of same and are flooded with ap­ peals or solicitors bang on doors I’ ve no quarrel with the fact that research is vital to progress and the elimination or curtail­ ment of killing diseases. The work accomplished has been ter­ rific in many f.elds of med.cme as we all know. Would it not be possible to lump all these individual drives into a nation-wide medical research week’ It could eliminate a ter­ rific amount of duplication of e f­ fort. Trouble is. ii would probably eliminate • terrific amount of "Be ye doers of tha word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own self.” James 122. Thursday. Mar 7, 8 p. m — Woman’s Society of Christian Service meeting at the church. Mrs Malcolm Hammond, confer­ ence secretary of missionary per­ sonnel will be guest speaker. Her topic w ill be: "Whom Shall I Send.” AH women of the church, high school and older girls are in­ vited. Friday, Mar 8, 1:30 p. m.— Fellowship 2:15 p. m. service World Day of Prayer will be held at the Adrian Presbyterian Church, under the auspices of United Church Women’s organi­ zation. Baby sitting will be pro­ vided. The service being used around the world was written by one who has lived behind the Iron Curtain. Bring your copy with you and join in this service. 8 p m.— Ma Pa February meeting will be held at the Gene Grasty home. Pot luck supper and even­ ing of fun. Installation of officers for the next six months will be­ held. Sunday, March 10— 9 45 a. m Church school for all ages. 11 a. m., Worship service— Day of dedication sermon will be "Be Y e Doers of the Word." There will be communion service with special offering for mission pro­ jects. 7 p. m.— M YF and MIF meet­ ings at the church. 8 p. m.— Special evangelistic service. First in a series of six Lenten spiritually enriching mes­ sages on "Questions Jesus Ask­ ed.” Wednesday, March 13. 8 p m. — Bible study. Place will be an­ nounced in bulletin. Do we have to go to church every Sunday? Thai answer must be no! Because the Lord Jesus or God does not make us do anything. Mark 16 16 says: If you be­ lieve and are baptized you shall be saved He doesn’t say that you have to believe and be bapt.zed. but he does say that if you don’t you w ill be damn­ ed. No. the Lord didn't hare to be crucified and die for us but if He hadn't the scripture* wouldn't hare been fulfilled (Matt. 2£:53 S4) or our sins wouldn't hare been forgiren I (I Cor. 15:3-4). God is a jealous God Ex 20: 5. Ex 34 14; Deut. 4 24, 5 9. 6 15; Jc«hua 24 19; Nahum 1:2. Do you hare a child or par enl whom you are eery fond of? Let us take Uus loved one whom you are very fond of and say he could meet you every Lord's day and your brothers and sisters would be there to rejoice with you How often would you be there’ In Matt. 10:37 Jesus says if you lore parent or child more than Me you are not worthy of Me. Do we have to go to church every Sunday? We don’t have to do anything but we ought to be glad and anxious to go every Sunday. Not only every Sunday but •very time the brethren come together, for the Lord said where there be two or three gathered together in my name there I will be in the midst of them. Matt. 11:20. In Hebrews 10:25 Paul tells us not to forsake the assembl­ ing of ourselves together. The apoallee came together on the first day of the to break bread. A d s 20:7. A modern, fully automatic electric range is an trols you don't have to keep peeking in the oven. amazing time and work-saver. N ew electric r a n g e s Just set the controls and forget it ’til mealtime. are faster than ever — clean, efficient burners A s for economy, modern electric rooking costs respond immediately, stay at the temperature you art, automatically. With built-in meat thernio- tnep-rs and automatic time and temperature con­ only a few pennies a day. See the many makes and models of beautiful, fully automatic electric ranges at your appliance dealer's! IDAHO V POWER & * c t\ u u ù j Do«t So MUCH-Costs So LITTLE! V © © © © ® ©