Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, April 14, 1955, Image 1

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    LT. of 0. Library
Eugene, Oregon
Shop In the City
N yssa Gate City Journa l
Where You Can
Park Free
Carson Addresses R euse to Speak at
C of C-Nu Acres Public Water Meeb
Water Into Canals
Annual Banquet
N ew O w yhee LDS Chapel Ready for Use
A public w ater m eeting will be
held at the O regon Trail hall,
T he an n u al jo in t b an q u et of the T hursday, A pr. 21 a t 8:30, F ran k
N yssa C h am ber of Com m erce and Sherw ood, m aster of the Oregon
N u A cres grange was held T u es­ T rail grange stated this week.
d ay evening at the Nu Acres P au l House, m anager of the N orth
G ran g e hall. W illiam C arson, B oard of C ontrol w ill give a fi­
p re sid e n t of the N yssa-N am pa nancial report for w a te r users and
B e e t G row ers’ association gave review the p resen t irrigation w a t­
th e principal address in reg ard to e r conditions in this area. A pot-
th e m ajor problem s confronting luck dinner, sponsored by the
th e su g ar industry.
grange, will follow the m eeting
C arson stated. “Today beet Sherw ood said. All interested
su g ar is being produced in 22 people are urged to attend.
states and to my know ledge no
This m eeting has stem m ed from
acreage of equal size in the w orld action taken by th e Oregon T rail
h as ever attain ed so great a yield G range early in M arch follow ing
of beets o r sugar per acre as right a re p o rt by Elza Niccum and
here' in o u r own area " The U S. C larence
Niccum, rep resen tin g
produces only about 28 percent of the C halk B utte G range, stating
su g ar consum ed due to restric- th a t w a te r users are not notified
ions to conform to quotas enact- about board m eetings w hich are
d in 1947.
i open to the public, th at financial
E fforts are being m ade to pass : reports are not m ade public and
su g ar legislation increasing quo- general m eetings are not held. A
tas of th e dom estic industry and com m ittee com posed of Loyd
to m ake it effective t h i s ' year. Adams, O E. C heldelin and Rus-
C arson pointed out th at at the sell G ressley was appointed at
p re sen t tim e about 14 percent of the M arch 3 G range m eeting to
th e sugar used in Idaho is cane m eet w ith the N orth Board of
and in O regon about 45 p ercent | C ontrol regarding financial re-
is cane. This percentage should | ports for w a te r users,
at least be low ered and its u s e ! W ater was released from the
elim in ated en tirely as soon as O w yhee dam reservoir into the
riv e r Tuesday m orning for irri­
possible, he com m ented.
Ham C hadderdon served as gation use by the O w yhee Ditch
. The dedication of the O w yhee
to astm aster for the banquet, in ­ com pany and into the N orth canal
W ard C hapel w ill be conducted
vocation w as given b y Judge Don W ednesday m orning. House re-
at 2:00 p. m. S unday w ith Pres,
G raham w ith the w elcom e by C. ported. The pum ping plants at
j J. R euben C lark, Jr., second coun-
N Neeley and response by Gene D unaw ay w ill begin operations
j selor in the first presidency of
S tunz, p resident of the Nyssa F riday to sta rt w a te r into the O n­
the L.D.S. chu rch from Salt Lake
C ham ber of Com merce. Also i n - j tario, N yssa and O w yhee ditch
City, as p residing official.
eluded in the program w ere a system s, House said.
C onstruction supervisor was J.
vocal solo by Irene Jayo accom ­
Several topics of interest w ere
A rth u r Sw enson of Twin Falls
p an ied by Mrs. Dw ight W yckoff
taken up by the Nyssa city coun­
and a skit presented by m em bers |
cil at th eir re g u lar m eeting T ues­ and the total cost of the building
of th e Nu Acres grange arran g ed J
day evening at the city hall, ac­ was $175.672.75. G round b re a k ­
by Mrs. Ruby K ersey. R. V. W il­
cording to City M anager Robert ing cerem onies for the new chapel
son served as chairm an of the >
w ere held Sept. 1, 1953 on four
M. A pplegate.
C h am ber of Com m erce com m it- j
acres of land donated to the
A m eeting of the M alheur i Discussion was begun on the church by Mr. and Mrs. W ayne L.
tee w hich helped arran g e for the
banquet. O thers on the com m ittee C ounty D evelopm ent C om m ittee ! new city budget to be draw n up B ern tt. Tho-e presen t to tu rn the
w ere Bob W ilson, E lm er Cruson was held F riday noon in Nyssa in and w hich will go into effect Ju ly first shovelsful of d irt w’ere
the dining room of C arl’s Doll 1- A rrangem ents are being m ade Jam es A. P eterson. Lee Stoker,
and Lloyd M ackrill.
to offer for sale the city w ater
Bill W ahlert, pro p rieto r of the | T he chief purpose of the m eet- j bonds w hich w ere recently voted Leland M ontgom ery, Pres. A rvel
D essert Seed Co. in Nyssa g a v e ! ing was to discuss plans for the ! to construct a new w ater system j Child and A rth u r Swenson.
a talk on a , new food, , Bulgor,
The m em bers of the building
. . . a , developm ent of the proposed new for the city of Nyssa.
n u tritio u s w h eat product w h ic h , S outh sidp highw ray. This high- j Tom Jo n es introduced discus com m ittee w ere L eonard Howes,
w as served w ith the b an q u et. way w oujd extend from O ntario sion on the possibility of creating ch airm an ; R ichard Maw, D elbert
F ish er F louring Mills of S eattle through Nyssa. A drian, H om edale. I a planning com m ission for the G arner. K enneth Sm ith, and
d onated the sam ples to help in- Marsl
and join Highw ay 30 at city. This com m ission which George Folkm an. The corner
tro d u ce it to the public. T h is 1H am m ett, Idaho.
w ould be com prised of re p resen ­ stone was laid on M arch 1, 1954
group was the second to be served
and the first m eetings w ere held
A delegation of Idaho m en from j tatives of every im portant civic in the building Aug.
th e new product, the first being
organization. C ham ber of C om ­
th e O regon leg islatu re tw o weeks
C onducting official in the d e d i­
the m eeting to ask th at the com ­
c a tio n program will be Bishop
m ittee press for federal aid on j w om en’s organizations, city co u n ­ Jam es A. P eterson. An organ p re­
the highw ay. Thom as G. Jones, i
lude will be given by Nora Howes
chairm an of the com m ittee said churches w ould be set up to plan and the choir and congregation
th at the Idaho group asked p a r­ for the fu tu re w elfare of the city. 1 will sing "For The S tren g th of
ticu larly for help in fu r th e rin g ! This plan has been adopted by i the Hills.” Invocation will be
the B runo-C astleford stretch w ith m any o ther cities and has proven [ given by L eonard Howes, c h a ir­
a bridge across Salm on Falls highly successful, it w as pointed m an of th e finance com m ittee.
creek at B alanced Rock.
The choir, u n d er th e direction
Those m en from Idaho who at- L M ayor P aul House will appoint i of R uth Sessions, will sing "Bless
C arilee K esler, Irene Jayo. John
L ien k aem p er and Je rry K rause tended the m eeting w ere S enator ity of having a p lanning com m is­ This H ouse.” T alks will then be
Nyssa high school speech students Blackstock, A llen Gowey, Jam es sion for Nyssa.
given bv Leland N. M ontgom ery,
and Soren Cox, speech advisor Hayes, M ark M arsing, Spud M ur­
Hugh Tobler presented to the j second counselor of the w ard
left Nyssa this m orning for the
bishopric and first counselor Lee
Also discussed at the m eeting council the need for street d e - !
Oregon S tate college cam pus at
velopm ent in the area south of H. S toker. A vocal solo, "Come
C orvallis for th e O regon S tate
Unto Me,” will be sung by H ow ­
state legislators by the various King avenue betw een King and
speech m eeting.
ard P u tn am accom panied by Mrs.
M alheur county organizations.
All four N yssa’s delegates com ­ The d in n er w ill be held som etim e plans w ere m ade to arran g e a P utnam .
pleted successfully and w ere before the end of the present ses­ joint m eeting of the Nyssa De-1 O w yhee w ard Bishop Jam es A
qualified in the d istrict m eeting sion.
velopm ent association which owns j P eterson and Nyssa stak e p re si­
d en t A rvel L. Child w ill speak,
held in L aG rande e a rlier this
Th n ext m eeting of the com m it­ property in th at area and the city
a fte r w hich the choir will sing
m onth.
tee has been ten tativ ely sched­ council to discuss this issue.
"How Lovely Are Thy D w ellings.”
Miss K esler and Miss Jay o will uled for A pril 22 in Nyssa. The
An address and dedicatory
com pose th e d ebate team ; Miss O regon T rail association and the SARAZIN ATTENDS
p ray er will be given by Pres. J.
Jay o w ill also be eligible to en ter A m erican A utom obile association CONVENTION
persu sasiv e speaking and im ­ w ill be contacted and re p resen ­
Dr. J. J. S arazin left S unday R euben C lark, Jr. The choir and
pro m p tu speaking; L ienkaem per tatives asked to attend. At the m orning for Chicago and will a t­ congregation will then sing “We
and K rause will bothe e n ter the A pril 22 m eeting, the business of tend a m edical convention there. T hank T hee O God F or A P ro ­
panel discussion.
selecting a nam e for the new He plans to be back in Nyssa p h et.” R ichard F. Maw, first
bishop of the Ow yhee w ard will
w ithin tw o weeks.
Don Nolan, who qualified to e n ­ highw ay will be tak en up.
then give th e benediction. The
te r th e state m eeting was unable
organ postlude will be played by
to leave w ith the group due to
Mrs. Howes.
Nyssa is the only O regon SRV |
school to e n ter students in the 1
City Council Has
Discussion Wed.
On Varied Topics
New Highway Is
Discussed Fri.
4 NHS Students
Enter State Meet
For Top Speakers
Honor Students Named At A.H.S
Plans for Constructing Nyssa School
Additions Near Completion; Building
Tentatively Set to Begin in October
P relim in ary plans for co n stru c­
tion of a new elem en tary school
building and th e addition of a
shop, cafeteria and music room to
the high school are nearing com-
C o u n t V Y o i m r r « : t # a r Q ’ P o tio n , acco rd in g to school board
Salk Immunization
To Be Given 1,028
Budget Meeting
Set May 5 and 6
Ore.; Trail Grange
Eves Legislation,
Honors Members
Road District No. 2
Votes 10-Mill Levy
In Tues. Election
Ore. Health Officers
Meet in Vale Tuesday
Legislature Past Third Month's
Session; Over 1138 Bills Introduced
torian honors, is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. John F ah re n b ru ch of
A drian He served on the staff of
the “A ntelope,” school pap er and
was ed ito r of the school y ear book
in his senior year. His interests
tend tow ard lite rary activities. He
is credited w ith a grade point
average of 1.53.
C om m encem ent exercises for
the 29 g rad u atin g seniors have
been set for May 26 at 8 p m. in
the A drian high school audito r-
lum, S ay re announced. Com m en-
cem ent speaker w ill be S am uel E
Tysqn, class advisor.
| B accalaureate w ill be held May
22 and class n ig h t on May 23. |
chairman H D Zobell and shcool
To Officiate
Nyssans Attend
Annual Dairy
Booster Banquet
N yssa Chamber to
Fete Officers of
Dairy Commission
A t the noon m eeting of the
Nyssa C ham ber of Com m erce
W ednesday, a p laque w as p re ­
seated to F ran k M orris in a p p re ­
ciation of his six years service as
C hief of the Nyssa V olunteer F ire
D epartm ent.
T he p resen tation was m ade
jo in tly by M ayor P au l House in
b eh alf of th e C ity of Nyssa and
by J a k e F ish er rep resen tin g the
ru ra l fire protection district.
M orris’s six y e a r service as chief
ended last sum m er w hen he d e ­
Ju n io r M cGinnis
4 —+
clined to ru n again for the office.
T h e m em bers of the cham ber
A drian — Ju n io r M cGinnis and
discussed th e outing w hich they A lan F a h re n b ru ch have been
are holding today for six m em ­
and salu
bers of th e S tate of O regon D airy L nam ed v . aledictorian
. . . . .
. . ta- .
P ro d u cts com m ission. G lenn H. i torian o i th e A drian union high
Lay. executive secretary of the | school senior g rad u atin g class,
cdBimisMon and five o th er m em ­ A thol Sayre, principal of A drian
bers w ill be tak en to the O w yhee schools announced Monday.
M cGinnis, son of Mr. and Mrs.
rc serv o ir w here a m eal and boat
Jam es M cGinnis of A drian a t ­
rid es w ill be provided for them .
T he lunch at the reservoir will tained a grade point average of
b e arran g e d by Jed Lewis, ch a ir­ 1.04. He took an active p a rt in
m an of the com m ittee in charge play productions d u rin g both his
of e n te rta in m e n t and a rra n g e ­ ju n io r and senior years and was
m en ts for the outing. Boats will out for sports, including football,
be provided by the Isaac Walton baseball and basketball through-
L eague w ith president. Dr. J. E. out all four years of hi»*. school.
L ong in charge.
F ah ren b ru ch , w in n er of salu ta-
NO. 14
Mrs. Edna Farris, M alheur su p erin ten d en t R. V. Wilson L ast
C ounty public health n u rse told , Dec. 10, voters in school D istrict
th e Jo u rn al W ednesday th at i 26 C approved tw o bonds issues
plans are all set up for Salk authorizing this construction, one
Polio im m unizations for all first in the am ount of $275,000 for the
stu d en ts elem entary classroom s and th a
throughout th e county who have o th er for $175,000 for the high
tu rn ed in p aren tal consent slips. school addition.
The vaccine w as officially licen­
W orking draw ings and sp ecifi­
sed for public use by th e N ational cations for th e e n tire project are
In stitu te of H ealth T uesday fol­ expected to be com pleted by the
lowing an intensive ev alu atio n m iddle of A ugust at w hich tim e
study conducted at the U niversity contractors will be able to o b tain ,
of Michigan.
specifications and figure bids,,
As soon as official release is re ­ Wilson
C onstruction
ceived from th e Oregon state should be u n derw ay by October.
board of h ealth, clinic d ates for T en tativ e plans are to have th e
im m unizations will be scheduled. buildings ready for th e 1956
Mrs. F erris stated. Clinics w ill be school term .
established at Nyssa, Vale, O n­
The school d istrict architect,
tario and Arock.
P aren ts consent slips w ere re ­ G raham B. Sm ith m et w ith th e
ceived for 1,028 first and second school board M onday and r e ­
grade pupils out of a total of 1,- viewed proposed floor plans,
227 youngsters enrolled in these heating system s, roofing m a te r­
grades in th e county, or ap p ro x i­ ials and the m any o ther details
th at e n ter into planning a b u ild ­
m ately 85 percent.
In all probability, a series of ing prep arato ry to the draw ing of
th ree shots w ill be given, Mrs. specifications.
The plan for th e new ele m e n t­
F erris stated. T h e second w ill be
given one w eek afte r the first and ary school includes eight general
the third four w eeks follow ing the classrooms, a m ulti-purpose room,
general office, sick room and
In Nyssa. p aren tal perm ission teach er’s room. The building w ill
slips w ere signed for 265 ch ild ren : b< i little d ifferen t a rc h ite c tu r­
ally than th e present Nyssa
out of a total of 302 eligible.
| school buildings in th at the class-
1 room section will be constructed
m such a m an n er as to allow the
1 ad m ittance of d ay lig h t into the
hallw ay and into the classrooms
from the top.
The shop, cafeteria and m usic
T hursday, May 5 has been set room are planned q u ite sim ilarly
as the date for the annual budget to th e original plans th a t w ere
m eeting for M alheur county, Alva considered w hen the present ju n ­
Goodell, m em ber of the county- ior high was constructed six
court announced this week. B ud­ years ago, W ilson stated. E x ­
P resident J. Reuben Clark
get p lanning w ill probably con- ceptions are th a t the 'cafeteria
| sum e m ost of F riday, May 6, also. will include a sm all stag e and
Goodell stated. O ther m em bers of will be constructed so th a t the
the county court are C ounty accoustics w ill be th e best p oss­
Ju d g e G. Y C hester and L. E. ible for th at type of room. Also
1 Hnm m ack, Vale.
it will be planned to accom odate
Also serving w ith the county tw o serving lines ra th e r th an one
i co u it on the budget com m ittee in o rd er to feed an approxim ated
A n um ber of in terestin g topics j are G ran t R inehart. Nyssa, O. G. 600 youngsters in a period of
w ere discussed and atten d an ce a- Conner, O ntario and C lint Stacey, about one hour.
Mr. Wilson announced th at p re ­
w ards w ere presented to six m em ­ Vale.
A fter the budget has been ten ­ lim inary floor plans are in the
bers at the reg u lar m eeting of the
Oregon T rail G range Thursday tativ ely d rafted , it will be legally su p erin ten d e n t’s office at the
evening w ith F rank Sherwood, publicized and a public hearing high school and any interested
will be set.
school patrons are welcom e to
m aster presiding.
Discussion was held on the ( The only m ajor increased ex look at them.
large acreage of onions and p o ta­ p en d itu re th at m ay come up for
toes reported to have been p lan t­ consideration in the budget would
ed and the sugar quota. The be ap p ro p riatio n s for a county
grange w ent on record as favoring courthouse, w h eth er to rem odel
an increase in total consum ption. the present building, erect a new
Alva Goodi 11 told of the passage one or o th er plans, Goodell said
of the road d istrict bill to include A special M alheur county co u rt­
Eligible voters in Nyssa Road
taxation of persona! p roperty in house com m ittee com posed of
addition to real property and a n ­ G ene Stunz, Nyssa, chairm an; A ssessm ent D istrict No. 2 w ent
nounced the road district election M organ Beck, O ntario, secretary ; to the polls T uesday to ap p ro v e
Ted M organ, Nyssa, Holmes Mc- renew al of a 10-mill special tax
held Tuesday.
Tom Jones told of the tax bill C leary, O ntario, Ed Dilley and levy on real p ro p erty for m a in ­
being referred to a sub com m it­ K J. Z im m erschied, Vale has held tenance of roads w ith in the d is ­
tee for study and Mrs. G errit a series of closed m eetings in this trict. The issue carried by a 3 to
Stam com m ented on salaries to regard w ith new s of th eir p ro ­ I m ajority. This special levy
m ilitary forces and the vote on posals to be released at a later which has to be voted annually,
is in addition to a 10-mill levy
legislators’ pay. Mrs. F ern R u n ­ date
which is au tom atic w ith existence
corn, H.E.C. chairm an told of the
of the road district.
open m eeting of w ater users to bo
A total of 41 persons cast b a l­
held a t the hall A pril 21 at 8:30 j
lots in the T uesday election w ith
w ith Paul House, m anager a n d 1
the board of directors of the
Dr. M aurice Vest, d irec to r of 32 in favor and 9 in opposition.
N orth Board of control present to the M aternal and child h ealth sec­ Sam H artley was re-elected as &
give reports. A nnouncem ent of tion of the O regon state board of m em ber of the board. G ran t R in e­
F eeder’s Day was m ade also.
health and W ayne Sm ith, hearin g hart, secretary of the road d istrict
Fern R uncorn announced th at consu ltan t from the state board of reported.
six m em bers w ere eligible for pins h ealth m et w ith Edna F arris, pub
Last year a total of 71 tu rn ed
aw arded for atten d an ce at 20 lie health n u rse and school ad m in ­ o u t to vote resu ltin g in 63 for the
grange m eetings d u rin g th e year. istrato rs from th ro u g h o u t the levy and 8 opposing it, an 8 to
R eceiving pins w ere Mr. and Mrs. county T uesday afternoon at the 1 m ajority in favor of the issue
Fern R uncorn. Mr. and Mrs. G er­ public health d ep a rtm en t office
rit Stam , Mrs. Alva Goodell, Sr. in Vale.
and F rank Sherw ood R efresh­
A discussion was held on the
A group of Nyssa m en and w o­ m ents w ere served by Mr. and Salk polio vaccine and on a h e a r­
m en w ere in O ntario W ednesday Mrs. Harold Sisson.
ing program for this fall,
evening w here they atten d ed the
an n u al D airy Booster b an q u et at
th e East Side Cafe. D u rin g the
The Nyssa P a re n t T eachers a s­
d in n er m eeting, plans w ere fo r­
sociation m eets this evening
m ulated for prom otion and ob
(T hursday) in the L ittle T h eater
servance of Ju n e Dairy m onth in '
at th e high school at 8 o'clock for
M alheur county.
th eir rg eu lar m eeting and an n u al
By Rep. Emil A. S tunz
ed plan pass both th e house and election of officers, according to
Special guests on th e program
w ere m em bers of the sta te D airy | A fter th ree m onths of being in the senate it will be su b m itted to ; Mrs. Leslie B allantyne, president
P ro d u cts commission, headed bv J session, 1,138 bills have been in- th e voters in 1956 as a constitu
Jo h n Relk of Nampa, a fo rm ­
G ordon C olem an of Eugene. Ad- i troduced, 322 bills have passed tional am endm ent The m ake-up e r high school student, will be
ditional speakers were G lenn Lay, both houses and 46 bills w ere of the house w ould not be effect­ guest speaker on th e program
ed and it w ould co n tin u e to be w hich follows th e them e, “In te r­
ex ecu tiv e secretary of th e O regon passed this week
T h e proposed constitutional based on p o p ulation d istrib u tio n national F riendliness.” Mr. Relk
D airy P ro d u cts com m ission; C lint
T u rn er, O ntario, county chairm an, am endm ent to have one senator U nder the p resen t plan M ultno­ who graduated from th e U n iv ers­
and Oscar Hagg, state m ilk m a r­ elected from each county was in ­ m ah county has 7 senators and ity of Idaho has traveled ex ten s­
k etin g specialist from th e OSC troduced April 4 by Rep. W ayne in 1960 they w ould have 9, or one ively in foreign countries w ill
Giesy of Benton county and m y­ th ird of the sen ato rial re p re s e n ta ­ give a travelogue, em phasized
ex ten sio n service.
Am ong guests atten d in g w ere self. This was passed o u t of th e tion of th e state. A sen ato r in w ith color slides and hom e m ov­
m ilk and d airy w holesalers, p ro ­ house elections and re ap p o rtio n ­ M ultnom ah county rep résen tâtes ies. This view of foreign co u n ­
cessors, retailers, p roducers and m ent com m ittee on a 6 to 5 vote. an area 60 sq u are m iles w hile our tries through th e eyes of an
m em bers _ of in terested
civic The no votes all com ing from state senator, Elmo S m ith re p re ­ A m erican citizen prom ises to be
rep resen tativ es o f M ultnom ah sents an area 409 tim es as great. very interesting, Mr. and Mrs.
groups and business m en.
county. This next w eek a vote H ow ever, in o u r federal g o v ern ­ John Stam , ch airm en of th e p ro ­
will be taken in the house on a m ent, T exas has an area 220 tim es gram stated. Special m usic is a l­
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Jo h n so n have m inority and m ajority report. If g re a te r th a n R hode Island, and so being arran g ed .
opened th e J & J P lu m b in g Co., this wins approval in th e house, each of those tw o states are
Mr. Relk and his paren'ts, Mr.
at 214 East Main, after tak in g over and we think it will, as we have rep resen ted by tw o senators. New and Mrs. J a k e R elk m ade th eir
J. C. S m ith ’s plum bing business, the prom ised support of 34 of the York state has 92.7 tim es as m any hom e n ear Nyssa for m any years
follow ing Mr. S m iths’ retire m en t, 60 house m em bers, it will go on people as th e sta te of N evada and p rio r to m oving to a hom e near
The Johnsons, who w ere form erly to th e senate w here public h e a r­ they each h ave tw o state sen a t­ N am pa ap p ro x im ately five years
in business in Salem and N am pa ings m av be held. T he house com ­ ors. So m uch on reo p p o rtio n m en t ago
are fe atu rin g prom p an d court* m ittee held no public hearings fo r this week.
All PTA m em bers are urged to
A bill to re p eal a law w hich be p resen t for this im portant
eous service and will be open far because of th e lim ited tim e th at
business day and night.
C ontinued on P age 6)
w e have left. Should this propos-
m eeting, Mrs. B allan ty n e stated.
Dedication of Owyhee Ward Chapel
Of LDS Church to Be Held Sunday
Nyssa—The Sugar
City of the
Great Northwest
P.T.A. to Elect
Officers and Hear
lohn Relk Speak