« U . o f 0 . L ib ra ry E u g e n e , O re g o n Nyssa— The Sugar City of the Great Northwest N y ssa G ate City Journal VOLUME XXXXIX Gas Search Nay Continue Near Nyssa, Is Report G THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1954 Pet Burro Shot In Adrian Pasture A pet burro, owned by Vern Parker at Adrian, was shot one day this week while it was graz­ ing in a pasture near the Snake river. The incident was reported to Sheriff John Elfering who said that it was not known whether the shooting was accidental or deliberate and that he doubted if any hunter had mistaken the ani- mal for a deer. Tax Collections Believed Better Than Year A go N yssa Merchants Offer Merchandise At Low Prices; Give A w ay 12 Turkeys Nyssa area residents have the opportunity fo save thousands of dollars Thursday. Friday and Saturday of this week by mak­ ing a list of all their needs from the ads in the Gate City Jour­ nal. then coming to Nyssa to make their purchases. The city's now famed Dollar Days event is once more on with a majority of Nyssa's retail stores offering merchandise at far lower than average prices. While many of them are follow­ ing the $1 theme by reducing some items from as much as twice that amount, others are joining in the special sales event by large reductions from the regular retail, price. Examples of the special prices can be found throughout this week's issue of the Journal. In addition to the special sales event, free turkeys will be given away Saturday after­ noon beginning at 2 o'clock. Local merchants have been giv­ ing tickets out since last Fri­ day and each ticket entitles the holder to an opportunity to receive one of three turkeys given at 2‘clock; three more at 3 o'clock: three at 4 o'clock and the last trio of gobblers at 5 o'clock. A committee composed of A. C. Sallee. Edward Boydell and Chet Bowns has made ar­ rangements for the free turkey event. The turkey give-away events will take place at various loca­ tions on Nyssa's Main street. Sallee said. FIRST SECTION NO. 4$ School District Voters Will Decide Two Bond Proposals For Expansion Program At Special Election Dec. 10 County tax payments on or be- fore Nov. 15 when 3 percent dis Future activities at a prospec- count was allowed have been as Legal voters of Nyssa school district 26C will be asked to tive oil-gas well being drilled good, if not slightly greater than vote Friday, Dec. 10, on two questions concerning a building three miles north of Nyssa are in past years. Sheriff John Elfer- program , it was announced by Supt. Richard V. Wilson fol­ uncertain. H. K Riddle told the ing, county tax collector, announ- lowing a school board m eeting Monday night. Journal Wednesday when asked ced Wednesday The two questions, as they will be presented to the voters, about numerous rumors of strik­ The sheriff said that thousands are: f ------------------------------------------------ - ing gas as well as the other ex­ of dollars came into the office treme rumors of plans to aban­ “ Shall shool district 26C issue during the last few days of grace Councilmen Hear and there are “ boxes and boxes" don all operations. bonds in the amount of $275.000 Cage Practice Riddle said that the rig had of letters, presumably containing for the construction, equipping drilled to a depth of slightly more N ew Proposal For checks, which have not yet been Starts W ednesday and furnishing an elementary than 5100 feet and that no oil opened school; and had been discovered. There were City Water Supply Last Friday was a record day For Bulldogs “ Shall school district 26C issue indications of gas, however, he in collections with $110,000 Basketball practice was sched­ A special city council meeting brought into the office in the reported, but the amount of gas bonds in the amount of $175.000 uled to get under way Wednes­ was held Tuesday night to hear courthouse and on Monday $96,000 has not yet been determined. for the construction, equipping The well was cemented from a report from a Mr. Silitich regar- j was paid over the counter. The and furnishing a shop, cafeteria day night with only one regular the bottom up to about 1900 feet ding a patented water well being sheriff said that his staff has not and music room addition to the player from last year’s team and four lettermcn around which a where a large amount of water considered for Nyssa. Introduced yet had an opportunity to catch present high school building?" ball club can be built. Coach was flowing Wednesday morning by Earl Reynolds, hired by the up with postings so that the a The superintendent said the Harry McGinley stated that he with some traces of gas. Riddle J city as representative of a con- mount of taxes so far collected Pair Arrested For Local Guard Unit decision to present the election would make no predictions about said that as long as the water is ' sultmg engineering firm, Silitich can be estimated. Theft of Coal to the voters in two separate , . this year’s prospects, but said he entering the shaft, tests cannot t°ld councilmen that his system Wins High Rating questions was made at the regular doubted lf the team could live Jose Garaey and Genaro C. be made on the gas and that it known as the Raney well would November school board meeting up to the 53-54 record. Rodriguez were arrested Monday j might or might not be present in be sunk below the surface of the Former Principal The first question concerning the afternoon by city police for al­ At Inspection Regular player from last year earth and spread out in various commercial quantities, Receives Promotion building of more elementary is Rodney Holcomb supported by legedly stealing coal from a com- j Malheur County’s National The prospects are not at all en­ directions to obtain different Dennis W Patch, formerly mereiai coal car on a railroad sid- Guard unit, Co. H, 186th Infantry ,room‘s 1S considered by the school Kenny Toomb, Bill Lovejoy, John couraging at the present site. Rid­ flows of water. principal of Nyssa high school, ing at Nyssa. The pair were re- received a rating of superior at board and members the citi- Siminar and Melvin Ballantyne. dle said, but there are several Cost of such a well is expensive, . , .... 1 , . ...... . , Zt?nS building _________ in in t o H c o r K i i l t a n t i n h v m o m lw r « ; n f t h o TTninrt b u ild in g C O n im i t t C C ___ 8 S __ «U 1 The SRV schedule calls for the other angles to be explored. councilmen were told and an esti- has been appointed consultant in | ported by members of the Union j the annual e eia inspection, absolute necessity, while the pro- No plans are yet being made | mate of $100,000 total cost was transportation, federal assistance 1 Pacific signal crew and it was dis­ held at the armory in Ontario posed addltlon of a shop. oafe. first game Dec. 7 with Adrian on either to move the rig to another j given, but the company guaran- and Indian education in the state covered that they had taken 560 . 1 n ’ ’ 1. w„ s t arno 'bi.-, week tena and music room is not con- the Nyssa floor followed by a location on property under lease tees the amount of water avail- department of education, it has pounds of coal destined for Home- by Capt. L. B. Brown, command- Sldered an absolute necessity. Dec. 11 game with John Day in e tn ann°unced. Patch served as dale. ing officer of the unit. » but * would , , add , ■ ^ él 4 to the ef , John Day. A total of 19 games or to move out of this region al­ able with no charges made for ^T greatly have been scheduled and 10 of Garaey and Redriguez were together, he said. less than the guaranteed amount Nvssa PnnciPal for four >ears The inspection was made b . y . _________ fectiveness of __ the education*] them are home games. Three No action was taken bv , he unt'l 1951 when he was appointed scheduled to appear in the Nyssa the regular army inspector gen- program of this community, Wil- dates have been left open and council ! to the department of education justice court Wednesday after­ eral s corps and is an inspection son commented. The value of the possibly will be filled with extra noon for a hearing. Vale Area Woman Efforts to locate a source of staff. comparing training and facilities latter proposal is evidenced by or exhibition games. supply southeast of the city were j of national guard units with those j the success of such programs in Electrocuted In abandoned several weeks ago af­ of the regular army. \ other Oregon schools, it was ex- ter test holes were drilled by an I The local guard company is J plained. Kingman Grange the only unit in Eastern Oregon Ontario firm and only a small I Freak Accident Present attendance figures at this year to receive the honor, school and number of births in Elects Officers Mrs. John A. McNulty, Ontario amount of water could be located ! which is the highest possible rat­ Malheur county the last five route 2, was accidentally electro- c Noel Tuppeny was elected During its 36 years of existance has been any beneficial federal ing, and it is the second unit in years, indicate that the present cuted Monday afternoon and her oGJliOT OlaSS >A f ill master of the Kingman Grange the state to receive a superior Nyssa grade schools will not be the American Legion has never or state legislation that was not husband was injured when their . r\ o No. 863 at the last regular meet­ truck came in contact with an Present Drama boon deviated from its program of written or had not been endorsed rating during the past two years. adequate to house the number of Twenty-six youths from the youngsters who will attend in the ing Monday at the Adrian grade The senior class of the Nyssa' service for cojnmunity, state and by the Legion. The Oregon de- electric wire that had come loose Nyssa community are members fall of 1956, the superintendent sehool. Other officers elected from a power pole southwest of I high school will present its an-1 na,'on and it will continue in partment has played an import were: of the guard unit and make up Ironside. | nual play Friday, Dec. 3, in the I960, in 1970 and many years b e -! ant part in the national picture the 75 mm recoilless rifle platoon said. Luit Stam, overseer; Jo Thom­ According to information re-j gymnasium. The play will bej-vond that. Department Com-| and it was Oregon that wrote the | n{ w' u , p h i t^RnvMirni - l * With this problem confronting as, lecturer; W. E. Piercy, stew­ ceived here, McNulty was hauling 1 “The Curious Savage.” Theme of mander Carl Moser told 75 Le- amendment to the constitution ]eader ' ai >s platoon it, the school board has solicited ard; Art Sparks, assistant stew­ a truck load of cattle from his the play is mental illness and | gionaires and auxiliary members admitting veterans of world war the advice and counsel of a large ard; Bernice Toombs, chaplin; ranch near Ironside to Ontario. I the locale is a private home for Monday night at a district ban two to the organization representative group of citizens Herb Thomas, treasurer; Mable The dangling wire touched the the mentally ill. quet and meeting in Nyssa. The The speaker praised the Leg­ Improvement of the area in arriving at a plan Piercy, secretary; K. I Peterson, cab and McNulty got out to in- Taking part in the production state commander gave an en- ion’s child of action. welfare program gatekeeper; Minnie Stam, Ceres; vestigate. The electric charge are Kris Rinehart, Ronald Buch- thusiastic account of the Legion’s ] which was started in 1925 and Car Schedules The bond vote called for Dec Myrle Tuppeny, Pomona; Erma knocked him down and Mrs. Mc­ ner, Kay Ballant.vne, Larry Bau- j activities and asserted that the j for which $117 mil? on has been I 10 ta- the result of the combined Sparks, Flora; Thelma Hammon, Nulty attempted to get out to help man, Barbara Baker, Stan Thomp- men and women of the orgamza- expended The Legion pledged \ Z i c i f T r i ^ J x / C i c r r thinking of the board of educa­ lady assistant steward; Dale Ash­ him and was electrocuted when son, Gary Jones, Lyna Lankford. tlon are speaking for things that back in the -2ns never to ask fo r 1 tion and that group of citizens craft, Luit Stam and K. I. Peter­ she touched the ground. Irene Jayo, Janet Medlock and are right. j anything for able-bodied men un The agricultural improvement - called in for consultation. son, executive committee. McNulty walked nearly three Wayne Adams. Moser stated that there never; til every disabled veteran and | car of the Union Pacific will visit miles to report the accident and ------------------- every child of disabled and de-1 Nyssa on Monday, Dec. 6, it was get assistance. ceased veterans were cared for. I announced here. The car will More Automobile Dealers Display Funeral services are scheduled Stage Set For Lions Club Carnival Moser said. bring a college curricula on weeds for Thursday at 2 p. m. at the The state commander reviewed anc^ weed control N ew Model Cars; Excellent Response Vale Christian church with the his organization’s fight for the The visit in Nyssa is part of the : At Old G ym This Saturday Night Rev. Eldon Belton officiating. I nation to keep itself armed, its tour of western Idaho and eastern | Two more automobile dealers is the addition of an eight-cylin­ The annual Lions club carni­ fight against communism and its Oregon during November and De­ are showing their 1955 model cars der motor. Mrs. McNulty is survived by her val is set for Saturday night of fight for more patriotism. The new 1955 Buick will be husband, one daughter, one son, cember. The program has been this week and receiving greatei this week beginning at 8 o’clock two brothers, a sister and* two Briehl Gives Talk Prior to Moser’s speech, Mrs coordinated with the work of sev­ and more abundant response thar displayed in Nyssa Friday and grandchildren. in the old school gymnasium, ac- Marie Wilcox, department pres- eral firms, including Amalga­ they have in recent years, accord Saturday at the Roberts-Nyssa At Toastmasters showrooms. Manager Boyd Wil­ cording to Ron Campbell, general 1(ient of the auxiliary, spoke on mated Sugar company and Idaho ing to reports. John Briehl gave the only chairman of this years event the value of the women’s organ- Power company. son that free coffee and dough­ NATIONAL GUARD DANCE Waggoner Motor Co. had it: nuts will be served and favors The annual Thanksgiving dance scheduled address at the Friday Door prizes which include an ex- j nation and expressed her group’s Professors of the course will be new Chrysler and 1955 Plymouth; staged by the Malheur county breakfast meeting of the Nyssa pensive Argus C4 camera with appreciation to the Legion for the Eugene Whitman and Howard on display Wednesday with th* will be given for the children. In Toastmaster club. His topic was addition, cash and service prizes flash and case and a fry pan with j recognition received, National Guard unit is scheduled Roylance, Boise, agronomy spec­ public making regular calls mos will be awarded. . . , for Wednesday evening of next “ I Am Concerned About the a total value of approximately! Other s ate dignatar.es present ialists of the University of Idaho of the day to inspect the ears week at the armory in Ontario, Young Men of This Community." $125 will be given during * the included Wilson said that Buick is pre­ Jack Larrson, state vice extension division, and Clarence The Plymouth has been comple Toastmaster of the morning Leon Haney announced. The gen­ a , ■ , “ , , commander; Joe McDonald, ad- I. Seely, Moscow, also an agro­ ly changed both in body desigr senting a complete new line of Advance ticket sales are be.ng and g eral public is invited and tickets was Joe Carter; Wayne Chesnut nomy specialist of the University and in almost all phases of it? cars, featuring all-new styling and __ r, Donald * .a M M. Graham __ of Idaho. can be obtained from Hanejf at was topiemaster; Walter Bock made by members of the Lions i... mechanics, the biggest of which more powerful V -8 engines. lition officer. club this week and they must be was general evaluator. The showrooms will be open Herriman Motor Co. district adjutant, served as toast­ until 9 p. m. each day. Briehl, in his sfddress, blamed purchased proir to opening of master for the evening and in­ no group nor any individual but the doors at 8 p m All tickets troduced the guests. Delegations I Nyssa Motors, Inc., which had NO FIRES its new Chevrolet showing the Ralph Lawrence, Nyssa fire asked the question as to the cause purchased before carnival time were present from Adrian, On­ latter part of October, and Herri­ chief, said that there had been no for the non-support of the Jay- will be exchanged for script for tario and Vale. Nora Graham is man Motor Co., which displayed fire calls for the department dur­ cees and other civic-minded use as money at any of the district president of the auxili­ booths, games and concession the 1955 Fords last Friday, re­ groups of young men. ing the past week. ary. stands. i The Nyssa Chamber of Com- : and tagged by members of the ported excellent response to their This annual event is intended j merce promotion to gain recogni- Nyssa Chamber and were placed new models. for all ages and “ there will be Heavy Rainfall Herriman said that the number tion for this community at the at each plate, along with small fun for all,” Campbell stated. of persons appearing at his show­ ! National Reclamation association J place cards bearing pertinent I Any profit will be used by the During Past W eek meeting in Portland last week | data about this community, at a rooms and the enthusiastic re­ local Lions club for further bene­ sponse exceeded any year since “This is good weather—for|was “ terrific,” Harold Henigson I banquet Nov. 9. fit of the community of Nyssa. 1949. ducks” was the expression heaFd repoited. Henigson. secretary of Henigson said that some of the Four members of Nyssa Lions Mike Eastman, Dick Lawrence I All dealers agreed that the in Nyssa frequently during th e! tbe North Board of Control, and onions actually were mistaken showings coming this time of year club Boy Scout troop 419 became and Dick Thomas who were a last week. Manager and Mrs. Paul House for grapefruit until they were eagle scouts, 12 were promoted wared their star scout badges Intelligent Dog and close together has been bene­ Thp weather has been finite went to the convention Nov. 6 (.losely inspected and delegates ficial for prospective sales and in one rank in scouting and 45 re­ New first class scouts are Stan- rp _ t > n The weather has been quite and were joined by Wllton Jack- from Kern county, Calif., where ceived merit badges for various ley Jamieson, Lloyd Cartwright 1 O De VjrlVeil AWay damp the past week with a per- arousing public interest in the phases of specialized study at a and Bobby Pond, while five boys, cipitable moisture on four days. son who went to Portland Sun- Bakersfield is located, admitted 1955 automobiles. they had grown none as big as court of honor held Monday Royce Roberts, Walter CannoTi, Free In N yssa Last Saturday the drain clogged day with a truckload of onions. Jumbo onions were wrapped j thOM from Malheur county. The night at the Nyssa high school Mike Wilson, Skip Nakashima at the underpass and cars splash- j Do you want a dog? Free? largest onion in the lot was pre­ Magazine G ives and Harland Sager advanced gymnasium. ed through water to their fenders. Well, you can have one— but sented to Secretary of Interior Dennis Forbess, Vernon Pond, from tenderfeet to second class you have to take her before Some cars did not make it and P L r t r * n K o r Douglas McKay. had to be pulled or pushed ^ n a m D e r 1 l U K e S N yssa Publicity Tom Sallee and Bob Storm were scouts. Sunday night. The attention received was the four youths reaching the In addition' to honors for the The dog is a female, eight- th r o u g h . Ready For Annual almost amusing, Henigson said. The . „ December issue . . of . Rail- . highest rank in scouting. Just be­ new ranks attained, 45 merit months old, half shepard, half One driver, stalled, had his win- M in relating numerous incidents [ road Magazine, a national publi- hind this quartet are Dan Wilson, badges were presented to boys of Labrador, intelligent, good na- dow open and was peering out O f f i r o r F l ^ r t i n n such as the hotel caterers asking 1 a,lon f°r both professional and the troop. when another car, gunned by its L iic u u u n tured, and she minds well. for onions, Texans expressing1 amateur railroaders, included Jerry Thorne of Ontario and Gene Stunz was nominated as L. W. Fischer wants to give driver, passed through. A sheet Twirp W eek At Stuart Norton of Nampa, scout her away— but he says he has of the dirty water cascaded into a candidate for president of the amazement that “ anything could i Nyssa s Lnion Pacific station in ea*ure section of the Decem- executives, had charge of the to do it before Sunday night. the stalled car through the open Nyssa Chamber of Commerce this be grown as big as that” and ef- 1 a , to “swipe” the few unat­ ber issue. Nyssa Hi School program and Dusty Rhodes gave So, if you want the dog, call window, drenching the driver, week by a special nominating forts Ken Lorensen of Nyssa called a talk on all phases of scouting, 2040 or go to Fischer's home on and soaking the interior of the committee headed by Jake Fis­ tended onions. Marshall Dana, attention to the special picture Don't look now— but twirps the value to boys participating j cher. Ted Morgan was named the president of the First National section of the magazine which route 2, Nyssa— but do it be­ cal" are loose again in Nyssa. and the benefit to society from fore Sunday night. The gunned car, with Idaho candidate for vice president and Bank of Portland, was presented showed, and briefly described, old plates, did not stop. And big girls are masquerad­ the training youths receive. Paul Penrod was nominated to with a sack of the onions by the and new railroad stations. The delegation. I , . . . . . . „ Rhodes, who has moved to And the weatherman predicts succeed himself as secretary of Nyssa ing as little girls . . . and the . . . . „-A . modernistic design of the Nyssa to Telephone Books Approximately 750 persons aL statjon hasized in the f r ­ more rain—and then winter will tbe organization. woman pays, financially, that Milton-Freewater, returned Max. Min Prec. j The nomination by a special | iended the Nov. 9 banquet and picture which was contrast- is. not one onion and no place cards tis the court of honor. He has been 62 39 Wed , Nov. 10 Sound crasy? Nay committee is virtually election 1 , u, H v „ u «1 by many old time buildings. Residents of Nyssa and vicinity 1Thurs . Nov. 11" 58 39 younthful. just hi-jinks at Nys- an active member of the Ore-Ida to office since other nominations I were ¡ f ? ®n tables many of which arc still in use received the new telephone di- J _ 58 Fri., Nov. 12 45 62 can be from the floor and none *u.®8ts left the room, Henigson sa high school as twirp week is -------- ;I ----------1 ------ - u' " rectories issued by the Malheur Sat , Nov. 13 47 32 .07 were made at the Wednesday noon said- here again. Twirp— translated personally promoted all | LEAVES ON TRIP ________________ Home Telephone company last Sun.. Nov. 14 53 31 __the woman is requested to Mrs. Frank Morgan will leave week. The new directory is a Mon . Nov. 15 54 42 .32 pay-means that the sweet Election of officers will be at Lic©nS© SllSp©nd6Cl Nyssa Friday to spent two months large sized quatro volume, 9 in- 59 39 Tue , Nov. 16 .11 young things pay the bills the first meeting in December xhe Oregon Liquor control on vacation. She w»il visit with ches by 11 inches, instead of the 40 Wed , Nov. 17 .05 when” the couples go a-courtin*. when three new directors will be commission ordered the retail her sister, Jeanette Calkins in small volume, 6 inches by 8 in- i On one day the high school done. elected. Nominated for director malt beverage license of the San Francisco and with Dr. and ches, issued arelier. At Mondy’s meeting of SEASONS GREETINGS miss will go to school entirely Mrs. Clayton Morgan in Sacra­ The new directory. Fall of 1954 Cpl. Gene Huffman, stationed in candidates were Bob Thompson, Smoke Shop at Nyssa su**pcnded without make-up of any kind— Lions club Bob Storm and Dan mento. Wilson were honored for each, issue, contains the listed num- the Hawaiian Islands, called from Robert Wilson. Ralph I..m for 15 days beginning Mondav of natural, that is, Uh way she got Mrs. Morgan will spend Christ­ *'as man ih‘ s a<,cording to a up. And the miss will wait upon having sold 13 brooms as part bers in eight cities of this region: there Tuesday evening to wish J° j nT from the commission’s Portland mas in Denver with her daughter of the total sale of 65 brooms in Nyssa, Ontario and Vale, Ore., his parents a “Merry Christmas , and Ma^. ri *’ the lord and master boy because Incumbent officers are Leonard office. The report Mated that the and son-^i-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. one week. The scouts had taken and Council, Fruitland, New and a Happy New Year.” this is twirp week. Hewett, president and Emil Stun*, licensee was charged with selling B. Ballah, and return home in an the project from the Lions j Plymouth, Payette and Weiser, His parents are Mr. and Mrs. It ends with a big Twirp vice president, [alcoholic beverages to a minor. January. ciub. Idaho. , , James Huffman of Nysap. Twirl Friday evening. State Commander Speaks At District American Legion Meeting Held Mon. Chamber Promotion With Onions Anc Place Cards at NRA Meet "Terrific" Eagle Scout Badges Presented Four Boys, 12 Others Advance One Rank