THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL- NYSSA. OREGON. T H U R SD A Y . JULY 8. 1954 PAGE SIX Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bateman. OVERSTAKES TO COLORADO Windell Adam-, and Mr. and Mrs. A one month's vacation trip Word was reecived in Nyssa this aldo Talbot spent Monday at t<»<.1; Mi . ! Dale 0 \e r - week of the birth of a daughter, Banks, Id a. where they had a take and bo\ > visit their par- * »lAA A B U Justice Court Debbria Jean, to Lt. and Mrs. picnic dinner and fished. I’honr Î-2769. Tarma ents in Colorado At Johnstown _ wjuij June 29. Ruben S Zebora. Nys- John Bartholoma, at Moody Air The Ernest Bunn family and Force base in Georgia. Miss Bar­ Mrs. Woodrow WiLson they were guest of Mrs. Over- sa, failure to drive on right side Mr and Mrs. Kent Bunn spent tholoma, born June 30 is the first stake’s parent-. Mr. and Mrs. J. . --------------------------------------------- of highway, $5.50 Monday picnicking at Lowman, grandaughter of Mrs. Dick Plue­ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilkerson s Schesser and at Fort Lupton Mr. and Mrs Ray Lando and June 30, Gale R Boylan, Har- Ida. ard. and family, Mr and Mrs. Perle they visited his parents, Mr. and family of Oakridge were over per, driving motor vehicle while Mr. and Mrs. Luray Trabert Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Edi- Mrs. D. E. Ovei take. night guests at the home of Mr license plate suspended. $3. and Donna and Bobbie of Twin ATTEND FUNERAL SERVICES and Mrs. Chink Gilbert and fam July J( Harvev H Car ten, M* Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cottle and Falls were weekend guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smiley re­ Jimmy Lebeaux of Ontario en daughter of Madras were Friday dY Sunday. ndian, overheight load, $5. boys spent Sunday and Monday joyed a picnic down by Snake overnight guests with Mrs Martha Mr. and Mrs. John Jarvis, Mr July 2, Florence A Story, Nys- at Boise visiting at the Reed Cot- j and Mrs. Desmond Jones. Sunday, turned this week from Dallas, the Jones and their son Farrell Ore. where they attended the river on the 4th of July. g Norland. Sunday, a family pic- and Mrs- Elbert Hatch of Home- j sa, no operator’s license, $9.25 tie home They were joined Mon­ and the Traberts went to Payette funeral of Mr. Smiley’s mother. Chester Johnson, former resi- me was held at Mrs Norland’s dale and Mr. and Mrs. Jame Given Time to Pay day by Mr. and Mrs. Frtll Blair Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Trabert re­ They left Nyssa last Sunday July 1, Jimmy R. Long. Drain, of Nyssa. dent of the valley, now of Brem- home. Several sons and daughters Stephens of Caldwell spent Mon- turned to their home Monday. morning and returned Tuesday erton, W ash, was an overnight and their families were there day picnicking near the Arrow- violation basic rule, driving 70 Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Seward evening. mph in 50 mile zone, $25. John guest at the George Bailey home i making 3ti present. I rock dam. visited in Seattle from Friday un­ and family picnicked at the Ap- 1 last Wednesday. He was on his Mr. and Mrs. Bill Willis and D. Sader, Nyssa, no tail light. til Monday at the home of their Mr. __P and I Mrs. Doyal _______ Rebman pie Valley school Monday and in Mrs. Jed Lewis returned last way back to Bremerton from his and baby of East ide, Ore., and family were Sunday dinner guests $3 50. son and family, Mr. and Mrs the evening attended the fire­ week from a month’s visit in Salt July 2, Joe Tapia, Nyssa, no vacation and stopped off to visit Mr. and Mrs. Gene Dyer and son j at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvon Mitchell and children. works display in Caldwell. Lake City. operator’s license, $3, Rafel G Peter with friends in the valley. _______ ____ jw L ! visiting _ _ _ with ^ McGinnis of Kelso, | Wash , are Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eldridge Mr and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson the Vincent Farrells. j Mr. and Mrs Clayton Booth and R°cha- Nyssa, no operators li- were among 35 guests at a fam- | and family spent a quiet Fourth Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent family of Summerville, Ore., were cense’^ 3 i :t'®rk’s 1 Lm' ily picnic Sunday at the home of j of July at horn« Mi and Mrs. F;c, i« 1 1 attended a family reunion Sundnj dinner gut ts at the home : Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith at On- I Lloyd Sample and family and at Julia Davis park in Boise. His j °f Mrs. Loura Smith and visited Police Court tario. June 29, Fredrico Garza, assault Mrs. Mary E. Bodmer were guests sister and husband and a brother the Alvon McGinnis home later Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barnes and and battery, $50 at a picnic in the back yard. Tele- . from Franklin, Neb., were there1. J tti the afternoon, June 30, Frank Finley, viola­ family and Mr. and Mrs. Harold J vision was enjoyed in the even- There was a group of 28 present Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sant and mg. | and included seven brothers and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pinkston tion basic rule, 50 mph in 25 mile Robbins picnicked at Caldwell j zone and no operator’s license, Mr. and Mrs. M O Arnold and i sisters. called on Mrs. Loura Smith Sun- failed to appear in court follow­ Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chamberlain Grandma Arnold of Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Conley W ilson' daY afternoon. ing citation. Clifford Peoples, al­ and children visited in Vancouver. Ore., visited at the Raymond Am- j and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don ! Mrs. Loura Smith was a Mon­ lowing unlicensed person to drive. Wash, from Thursday until Mon- j oid home over the weekend. day at the home of Mr. Chamber­ Brenda Ba lain’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. L Mr. and Mrt Chamberlain. fd her 3rd Mrs. Dick Forbess, Richard and day by having elude d Suzanne and C arolyn i A picnic was held on the lawn at the Jim McGinnis home over July 1, 2, 3, 4. respectively, Al- Ronald vacationed at McCall i from Friday until Monday even­ Seeley, Hdlio Kay, . on and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jed the Fourth weekend. vin E. Strunk, Samuel M. Carrion, ing while Mr. Forbess and Dennis R i^ 11’Kl-ihr' 'fWi-’rlv* Smith -m!l GooinK Sunday. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown of Santos G. Perez and Pete Robles, were at Scout camp at Warm | Sandra Robinmn Mr. and Mrs. Vear Haile and fam- Portland spent the Fourth week- public intoxication, $25 each. Lake. ily, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Cox of end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Herriman, Mr. _ and Mrs. Don Phillips and parma, Mr. and Mrs Jack John- f . _ _ | - — ------» — — ------ -------- i ^ rancis D iffer. wore Mr and Mr^ James Me- Dick and Ronnie Thompson of j son, Bruce^of Parma joined Mr. son and baby of Washington, and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Deffer and Ginnis, Junior. Mrs Dick Davis and Mrs. David Bay in a picnic I Mr. and Mrs. Les Rookstool and family spent last week fishing at and Stevie and Dianne and Cecile Adrian were guests for a picnic supper Monday at the home of at the Bay home Saturday even- children of Klamath Falls. The the North Forks. Smith. ing. Rookstools have been visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Austin Gilbert i Mr. and Mrs. K I. Peterson Mr. Herriman’s mother, Mrs. Mae Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rogers the Gooing home the past two were Sunday dinner guests at the were Monday evening dinner Herriman at Caldwell. They also and Claudette of Tacoma were weeks and left for home early home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Gil­ guests at the home of Rev. and enjoyed the fireworks display. Houseguesls of Dr. and Mrs. L. visitors at the Earl Boston home Monday morning. bert in Boise. Mrs. Henry Moore. Saturday evening. Other guests A Moulding from Friday until Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lancaster Mrs. Henry Moore, Hank and were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rogers gavc a party Friday evening in and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mull Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson and Monday were Dr. Maulding’s of Nampa and Mr and Mrs. Bert honor of their son, Wayne, who and boys and Mrs. Ray Lando and Donna were Thursday evening cousin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers of Roswell. , will leave soon for the Navy. They children enjoyed a picnic dinner dinner guests at the home of Mr E. V. Maulding, Joan, Janet. Judy Sunday, the Earl Boston family, j have started building their new at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aus­ and Mrs. C. B. Hill in Newell and Vernon of Boring, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGinley several of the Rogers and Vertrces home; part of the foundation has tin Gilbert Thursday evening. Heights. families and Mr. and Mrs. Jack been poured and sub-flooring on Miss Babe Hart of Vale and Mr. Rev. Henry Moore spent Wed­ and family were Sunday guests [ Reed and Robert enjoyed a fam­ what will be the living room has J and Mrs. Rich Holly and family nesday and Thursday fishing at of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Todd and ily picnic in the Caldwell park. been layed. Several friends and ■ were Sunday dinner guests at the Buelah lake with Georgie Shier- family at Parma. Mrs. Pete Bicort and small neighbors in the valley and fri- home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen er and Carl Lee Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fox spent ends from Emmett and Payette Pounds. The Presbyterian church board the weekend at Prairie City. were at the party and dancing John Jarvis and Rich Holly left met at the K I. Peterson home Mr. and Mrs. Ross Grover of was held on the new addition | this week for Ironside where they Thursday evening. Fossil, Ore., were weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. Orville Wilkerson are going to build a new grade Carol Ann Harper, daughter of in Nyssa. A / ) of Emmett announced the engage- I school. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harper, is Mr. and Mrs. Dick Plueard Mr. and Mrs. Victor Anderson of spending the rest of the week spent the Fourth of July w eek­ ment of their daughter, Jalaine to Wayne Lancaster Definite date Fontana, Calif , and Mr. and Mrs with her grandparents in Cald­ end fishing on the North Fork of the wedding has not been set. Ronald Mills of Nampa were well. of the Malheur. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Webb were | Colleen Bybee, Claudena Will- , Mr. and Mrs Frank Plagman guests at the home of Mr. and were picnic guests at the A. G. Mrs. C. R. Mills Thursday after­ dinner guests at the home of Mr. son and Darlene Sessler of Boise and Mrs. George Baker of Vale and Karma Kesler spent Sunday Shultz home Sunday. Several oth­ noon. 310 Main, Nyssa Phone 2322 Mr. and Mrs C. R. Mills called Friday evening. er guests were present, too num- at Starky, Ida. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Woodard I erous to mention by name. The I Shultz’s daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rice n Marsing Sunday after- and family spent Monday fishing and family spent Monday in C ald-1 w lth Push- on Idaho Creek near Unity. Blake Hayden and son of Velasco, noon. well at the park. [ B u f f o n C lu fc h l Mrs. Aris Gustafson and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGinnis and Tex , arrived Sunday evening for C o m p o i* w « ig M , c o m p o r« Danny and Donald of Forest Mr. and Mrs. Dick Davis and a visit. or m o n c o , c o m p e r o t K * > d l* w»th a n y 5 H f. Grove called at the home of Rev. iitt?vie picnn ked at the Caldwell Mr and Mrs Ben Lancaster and • v f b o o r d l V o w 'll wh y and Mrs. Henry Moore Saturday. park Sunday • h # M o r i J i l th« c ho ilO ©f -j. - j family were Monday evening din­ f il h o r m o n • « • r > w h o i« | . ^ Mr. and Mrs. Alvon McGinnis Dianne and Cecile Smith were ner guests at the Orville Wilker- f y t l Jo w # l # d f o » # r — . gave an anniversary supper in overnight guests at their grand­ S o l i o * d Ro llo » t o o r ln g a j son home in Emmett. V h ro v gh o u fl Robert Reed, son of Mr. and honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Willis mother’s, Mrs. Loura Smith Tues­ ' Ih* I S l h A n n i v t n o r y M t u u r y U n t i Mrs. Jack Reed cut his finger Tuesday evening. Those present day. when a fan tipped over in the Heed home. Two stitches were re­ quired to close the wound. Mr and Mrs. Ken Robinson are the parents of a son born July 4 in the Caldwell hospital. Name has not been decided upon as yet. Apple Valley Adrian News Court Cases . . . Nyssans SESCÖ MORE SOFT WATER PER DOLLAR J For Sale or Reniai Brower Plumbing Shop W«5flh* only^£/l If Your Car Rides Like This * DON B. MOSS FIRESTONE STORE MR. FARMER! Rodeo Specials! BUY FROM US AND SAVE- MONEY and TIME Childs' Canvas Oxlords Regular $2.98 arch type cushion insole reinforced sides. Sizes 51 to 3. Color — White only. ■> S 2 .2 9 Regular 10c Bag Candy Assorted kinds. 5 c Bag ATTEND THE RODEO FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BALING TWINE Brantford 375-lb. High Test $10.45 3“o Discount for Cash — 1 or 1000 Bales Corbel 325 lb. Test $9.85 3°o Discount for Cash Corbel Twine made in Belgium. Sisal from South Africa. The finest sisal grown—325 lb. test—230 feet per lb. Average local twine 225 feet. This gives you 200 additional feet per bale, or approximately 10 more bales of hay. This is a Real Saving— ALL TWINE GUARANTEED. Limit 2 BALING WIRE Men's While T-Shirls No. 6500 for Moline, International and Late New Holland, 100 lb. Bales $11.50 Regular 69c 49* Embossed Cotton Yardage Regular 69c 4 4 c Per Yd. Popsicles 2 for 5 * SATURDAY ONLY Limit 4 EVERYBODY’S, Inc. OF NYSSA 3°o Discount for Cash — You can buy on time with approyed credit. GRAIN BINS 1000 bu. $335.00 1250 bu. $385.00 1500 bu. $435.00 Erection charges for Steel does not include foundation or Ma­ terial. $50.00 $60.00 $70.00 20“'. Down — Balance 4 Yearly Payments If you need a storage Bin just call our lot PHONE 2240. Nyssa. B Cr M EQUIPMENT COMPANY Phone 2240 Nyssa. Ore. \ When It Should Ride AS SMOOTH AS THIS It's Time To See Roberts-Nyssa Garage Your car probably steers so sweetly on the road, it's hard to realize that thousands of travel-miles and millions of bumps may have put the front wheels out of alignment. Yet a little misalignment can scuff a lot of mileage off your front tires — and make control less sure. It's an easy matter for us, with our special equip­ ment, to give your whole front end assembly the check­ up it should have periodically. Let our experts make sure your car is tracking true. You Can Ta ke Our Word For It! Let's look at this used car situation frankly. You know that low prices are not the only answer. You know that any price is too high if the car itself fails to stand up. That's why it is important for you to pick the dealer who sells you a used car as carefully as the car itself. Most of our cars are one owner cars, with many thousands of happy miles ahead of them. Every one is carefully inspected by skilled mechanics. If we find anything that needs reconditioning, we do the job just as carefully as we would do it for a Buick owner. We aim to stay in business — and we know that the way to stay in business is to give the people who buy from us a square deal. Roberts-Nyssa, Inc. BUICK, WILLYS and GMC DEALER 2ad St. Sr Good Ave. Dial 2261