THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON. PAGE SIX Owyhee Occurrences Court Cases. . . Mrs. Zeb Evins and family, all of Family Reunion Vale, and Mr and Mrs. Roy Evins and family of Jamieson. Held At Frost Home Barbara Thomson and Jean A family reunion was held at J a r b a n Montague Evans of Nu Acres were two of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bern­ Adrian—T h e R ev. Harold the students in the sixth grade ard Frost of Payette on Memor­ Kurtz was guest speaker at the morning worship at the Adrian A picnic and tour was enjoyed who went all year without miss­ ial Day. by the Do-More 4-H club mem­ ing a day. The Frosts, who are former Uniter Presbyterian church. The bers Saturday. The picnic was Dan Martin of Nu Acres re­ Nyssa residents, entertained Mr. topic for his sermon was “The held on the lawn of the leaders ceived a plaque for being the out­ and Mrs W F Findling of Nyssa Four Blessings’’. home. The county agent and home standing farmer of the year. The and relatives from Oregon, Idaho, The Rev. Kurtz and his wife, demonstration agent were pres­ plaque was given at an award California, Washington and Utah Polly, and three small daughters ent and there were about 26 mem­ assembly last Monday. will leave soon to do missionary bers present. Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen work in Ethiopia. They will be Mr. and Mrs. Bill Blaxesley and Sunday dinner guests at the Mr. and Mrs. Jim Preston of Twin spent last week end in Riley, away for five years. Harry Wood home was Mr. and Falls visited at the Harry Wood Oregon visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Kurtz is the son of Mr. Mrs. Harvey Tyree and Earlene. home over the Memorial week­ Virgil McGee. and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz of Newell Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wood and Shir­ end. Mrs. Fred Cox and son. Jack Heights ley, Mr. and Mrs Bill Blakesley, Paul Haragan who is working of Pocatello visited over the week Mr. and Mrs. Jim Preston. Hor­ near Nampa visited at the Joseph end at the home of Mr. and Mrs To Klamath Falls ace Wood, Tony Golossi and Shir­ J. Montague home Tuesday. Bruce Pett. Mr. and Mrs. William Schire- ley Preston. At the eighth grade graduation Rollie Smith of Dalhart, Texas man, spent the week end in Kla­ Dwane Orcutt and Gary Thom­ held Friday morning at the Fruit- arrived in Nyssa Saturday and is j son went on a picnic with their land high school auditorium s e v -! visiting at the home of his cousin, I math Falls where they attended the graduation of their son, Rich­ Sunday school class Sunday af­ eral Nu Acres students were grad­ J. C. Smith. ard Schireman from the Oregon ternoon. The group ate their uated. They were Kyle Sager, lunch at the Walter Schmid home, Karl Evans, Robert Shaw\ John W. B Murphy of Boise, Corval Technical Institute. He received then drove on to the lake above Mitchell, Delbert Wilson, Tommp Reid of Pasco, Wash, and the R e v .1 his diploma in Screen Printing technology. Black Canyon dam for boat rid­ Neilsen and Paul Stokes. and Mrs. Glen Rinard and family Mrs. Robert Shaw and Mrs ing and to Roystone Warm of Citrus Heights, Calif. Springs for a swim. There were Paul Thomson were mothers from Velda Samuels left Thursday 12 boys in the group and their this community who took their on a trip with her sister and teachers, Mrs. Alma Champion, cars as transportation to Weiser brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mrs. Merle Thomson, Joe Schmid Wednesday for the annual 6th Duren of Yakima, Wash. They grade picnic. and Larry Schmelzel. plan to travel through California, Leo Montague is going to the Arizona and Colorado. Visiting at the Joseph Mon­ University of Idaho at Moscow ague home Thursday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Holton, Lin­ were Mrs. Anna Hutchinson and | Wednesday to bring Carol home da and Jimmie attended the grad­ from College. Donna of Banks. uation exercises for the Greenleaf Lyman Renolds of Parma visit­ Academy Tuesday evening where Horace Wood and a friend, ed at the Joseph J. Montague Tony Golossi arrived home last Mrs. Holton’s brother, Rev. C. Saturday evening on a 72 hour home Sunday afternoon. Glen Rinard of Citrus Heights, Terrel Samuels has been em­ pass, they are stationed at Lowry Calif, delivered the commence­ Air Force Base at Denver, Colo. ployed by Leroy Seward of A p­ ment address. ple Valley for the summer. Installation of phones from the Dale Montague DN, Naval Den­ Fruitland exchange was com­ pleted a week ago Wednesday on tal Bldg. 560. N.A.T.T.C.. Jackson­ Fairview avenue. Phones were ville, Florida is being sent to the installed for W. O. Unwin, Omar Great Lakes Naval Training Sta­ Betts, Roy Howard, Quenton tion in Illinois for six months of Specs, Floyd Holton and Felix schooling Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Holton and Herold. and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomson family attended a no-host dinner visited in Caldwell Monday with Thursday evening at the home of Roto-Rooter Sewer Service Mrs. Thomson’s mother, Mrs. Al- j her father, C. H. Rinard of Star. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. vie Lanfear. Mrs. Joseph J. Montague and John Palmer and Norman of Nys­ BROWER PLUMBING SERVICE family attended Memorial ser­ sa, Mr. and Mrs. Granger Longs- vices in Vale Sunday. Afterwards tooth and family of Greenleaf, Dial 2322 Nyssa they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Renard and Bill Smith and family, Mr. and Susan of Emmett, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Rev. Harold Kurtz Is Guest Speaker Nu Acres News Justice Court June 1, Felix Amesquta, Nyssa, no motor vehicle» license, $3 and costs. June 5, Joseph H. Hat tori, Top- OKK will meet Wednesday and family of Spokane spent the penish. Wash, violation basic afternoon June 16, at the home week end at the Byrd Walters rule, driving 75 miles per hour in i ) t Mrs Werner Peutz. Mrs. Char­ home visiting his mother, Mrs. R. 55 mile zone, $25 and costs Emo­ ley Culbertson, Mrs. Cal Martin C. Jones and his sister, Mrs. Byrd ry J. Hobson, Nyssa, no brakes, and Mrs Kenneth McDonald will Walters who is in the hospital at costs only. Franklin B. Edwards, lie hostessess. Roll call will be to Nvssa. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Hite and Donnelly, Idaho, angling with give a safety hint. two lines, $25 and costs Thursday n i g h t 23 young children took Billy Chadwell of June 7, Todocio A Nunez, A r­ people from the Owyhee Com­ McCall to Emmett Sunday after rian, no operator’s license, $3 and he had spent a week visiting at munity church went to Vale costs. Herbert L. Igo, drunk in where they played a baseball the Hite home. public place, case under advise­ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDon- game with the Willow Creek ment. church team. Owyhee won the al<* attended a dinner meeting in June 8, Oliver B. Worley, Log­ came °1 to 9 | Ontari° at the Moore hotel Wed- an, no operator’s license, $3 and Attendance at Daily Vacation. nesday evemn* *or Democratic costs. Bible school at Owyhee Commun-1 » m m i temen and women and June 11, Kay K Ishida, Parma, , , . later attended a meeting at Boul- ity church has been high during „ . no clearance lights, $3 and costs. . . r. „ evard Grange hall to hear Rich- ■the past week. Rev. Kenneth , XT . “ . A1 .... (Given Time to Pay) i announces „ „ that „ on „ P Jlimple r riday ard , Neuberger and A1 Ullman June 4, Noverro Martinez, Nys­ J21 children attended. Friday ' sa, permitting an unlicensed min­ Mr. and Mrs Mark McGuire of night, June 11, at 8 p. m. a Wilder w e r e Sunday dinner or to operate a motor vehicle demonstration program will be . . .. A, n t . license, $3 and costs. r , j to . show . __ guests at the held the „ parents what “ Al Parker , , , home. T „ , ,, June 5, Paul D. Ellis, Nyssa, iw u u „ . , Mr. and Mrs. Lee Householder their children have learned dur- Mr and Mrs. G Glenn no motor vehicle license, $3 and ing the past two weeks. in Adrian Sunday I costs. Thursday evening the Ow>hee Mr and ^jrs j ack Elliot and Police Court church baseball team will go t° Mr and Mrs. Carl Piercy fished The following 11 arrests were Roswell where they will play the a{ ¡}ead Man's Gulch Sunday. for public intoxication. Each was Roswell Baptist church team. A.l and Mrs. Roy Eads of fined $25 in Police Judge J. C. young people are invited and w dder Were Sunday guests at the Smith’s court. transportation will be furnished. T jj g rewer home. June 1, Joe Rives, Arthur W. Miss Marie Himple who has Mr. and Mrs Grant Patterson Herrera, Alfredo A. Herrera. Been attending Multnomah called on Mr and Mrs. Jesse Ditty June 4, Robert Buena, Irving School of the Bible at Portland is in New Plymouth Monday, Slaughter. staying at the home of her broth- Mrs. George Schreiber and June 5, Samuel M. Carrion, cr, Rev. Himple and helping with Brad of Boise arrived Tuesday to Bible school at the Owyhee spend a week with her mother, Marcelno M. Sanchez, Francisco church this week. Rev. Himple Mrs. R. C. Jones at the Byrd Caverro (floated). June 6, Juan L. Sefuentos, and his sister will go to the Park Walters home. Community a n d teach Bible Mr and Mrs. Ed Bassett and Martinez M. Nunez. school for the next two weeks. Russell were supper guests at the j June 7, Armando S. Hinojosa. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gressley Lynn Kygar home Thursday spent Sunday afternoon at th e! evening. Mr. and Mrs Leo Potter and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gressley Judy and John of Moscow arrived J. B. Ogburn home in Ontario. Wanda Peutz was an over attended the silver wedding anni­ Tuesday for a visit at the home of right guest at the Kenneth Me versary party of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Potter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen, Jr. on Wednesday John Potter. Donald home Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Franklin of evening. Arriving in Nyssa Wednesday Parma called on Mr. and Mrs. | Mrs. Claude Smith is visiting evening for a visit at the Claud Gerald Slippy and sons Saturday | in Quincy, Wash., with her son, Brown home were Mr. and Mrs. evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ricea and Howard Calkins and children of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Culbert- daughters, Madras. Mrs. Calkins and Mrs. son had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Boyer of St Brown are sisters. Earl Kvgar and family. Petersburg, F la, left Sunday Ralph Shelton has opened a after visiting here for a week I radio and appliance shop at the with his sister, Mr. and Mrs Owyhee Junction. John Cleaver. The Boyers are on Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz at- a two months tour of the north ' tended a square dance in Parma west and will visit in Klamath Saturday evening at the new Falls and California before re- Parma Seed Warehouse. There turning home, were 35 squares of dancers and Mrs. Lloyd Tobler and Mrs several spectators. Russell Cochrun of Nyssa called | Mr. and Mrs. William Peutz ar- on Mrs. Russell Gressley Wednes rived home from McCall Thurs- dav afternoon. Mrs. Dick Brown and sons, day to stay until the weather gets warmer, as it was cold and Mrs. Don Franklin and sons and Maxine Kvgar all of Boise spent snowing in McCall last week. Mrs. Donald Hatt and Mrs. Sunday with their parents, Mr. Howard Hatch were in Boise on and Mrs. Lynn Kygar. Mrs. business Thursday. i Brown took her daughter, Patsy j Mrs. Mildred Elliot attended a home with her after a week’s Delta Kappa Gamma breakfast in visit here. Adrian at the home of Mrs. Lois Stephen and Fred Sayre of Ad - ! Williams. Miss Mary Weir was co- rian, Warren Foreman of Cald- hostess. Other members attending well and Patsy Brown of Boise, were Mrs. Helen Freigtag, Marj- spent Friday afternoon w i t h orie Pomeroy, Daisy Secoy and Butch and Kay McDonald. Cindy Mittelstead of Ontario guest, Miss Johnson all of On­ tario, Mrs. Ora Laurence of Vale, spent two weeks with her grand­ Mrs. Harriet Brumbach and Vict­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mittel­ oria Schweizer of Nyssa. stead while her parents are on a Thursday evening a large; trip, crowd attended the dance and Mrs. Bob Morfitt of Owyhee music festival at the LDS stake Dam and Mrs. Bill Wilson of Nvs- house. Cleone Maw is dance di­ sa left Saturday morning for Kla-1 rector. math to attend a wedding of their j Bob Morfitt left Monday morn­ neice. ing for Baker to visit his grand­ Mrs. Charley Culbertson. Mrs. mother who is seriously ill. Gerald Slippy, and Mrs. Earl Ky-1 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hale and gar and Sharon and Darrel and Mike called at the Mark Hartley Carlene Fenn were in Nampa home Wednesday evening. Monday on business. Sunday the Cub Scouts and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moore and Boy Scouts held a picnic in the children of Notus spent Sunday * basement of the Adrian Commun­ with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ity church and later went to E. E. Crocker. Jeanne Crocker Given's Hot Springs for a swim. went home with the Moores for a The picnic was to be held in few days Caldwell but due to the cold Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Scholl i WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS weather the plans were changed. and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of El- Miss Viva Lev was breakfast lenburg arrived Saturday at the and dinnner guest of Mrs. S. D Melvin Crocker home. Mrs. Bigelow on Sunday. Crocker is the Scholls daughter Mrs. Everett Ede and children and Mrs. Johnson is her sister, of Portland were guests at tin Mrs. Ellis Walters, Mrs. R. C. Ed Bassett home Thursday. Mrs Jones, Mrs. Orville McEwen and Ede was on the way to Denver Mrs. Claude Skinner called on to meet her husband who is a Mrs. Byrd Walters and Mrs Rosa Capt. in the army. Mrs. Ede and Kirtley in the Nyssa hospital Mrs. Bassett are cousins. Kenneth McDonald took a car- Mrs George Schweizer left load of boys to Adrian Monday Sunday morning with agroup of evening to practice baseball | garden club members to attend There will be practice twice a a convention in Ashland. week. Any boy under 15 years is I O ne Mile North of Nyssa — Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Jones' eligible to play. Mrs. Kenneth M cDonald P hone 0'.* j -1U THURSDAY. JUNE 10. 1954 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED For HI-WAY DINER 1 Mile North of Nyssa - Hi-way 20 SATURDAY, JUNE 12 . . . WORLD S REST FOOD . . . SHAKES & ICE CREAM STEAKS - CHOPS - DINNERS HOME-MADE PIES SHORT ORDERS Free Lunch to All. . . EAT YOUR FILL - PAY NO RILL! OPERATOR—GORDON WILLIAMS HI-WAY M ARKET SPECIALS THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY, JUNE 10-11-12 CHICKEN ior Sunday Dinner! ■ tmmm ■ Serve the BEST Why be bothered w ith the m essy jo b of dressing p o u ltry ? W e Are Equipped to . . LET U S ............... DO IT See Us About Other Produce GEM PRODUCE CO. 6th and Good Dial 2815 C losed on Sunday — O pen T il 10 P. M. Each Night 3 lbs. Picnic Hams u 49« Crisco 10 lbs. $ 1 -0 0 BeelFRo< 3St Lb. 29« Siigar Lb 29« P i Lire Lar d 4 lbs.$1 -0 0 Big Fran ks FREE - FREE MINCED HAM Head f 0C Lettuce Ruy One Pound - GET TWO Golden Bananas Lb. 3 lbs.