THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 10. 1954 Nyssa Women s Bowling League W ins Loses L eedys G rill 53 19 B erretts S ervice 51 21 3 & E Cafe 43‘2 2 8 4 B rackens Dept. 43 29 S tunz L um ber ...... . 384 334 B row nies Cafe 38 34 M ansers, I n c . _______ 3 1 4 4 0 4 M-R & B urningham 26 46 H ospital 25 47 E verbodys, Inc. ...... 144 5 7 4 H igh Team Series B & E Cafe 1823 B erretts S ervice 1790 H igh Team G am e B erretts S ervice 641 B & E Cafe 640 H igh In d ividual Series B etty W alters (hdcp) 495 M axine B row n (scratch) 486 H igh Individual Gam e Viola Teske (hdcp) 211 Viola Teske (scratch) 200 T here w ill be a m eeting of the N yssa W om en's League a t B row nies Cafe F rid ay evening at 8 p. m. A w ards and pay off for th e season w ill be given and of­ ficers elected for the com ing sea son. GIRL SCOUTS MEET G irl Scouts Troop No. 7 m et at th e hom e of Mrs. C. M. Pounds. The girls sp en t the afternoon w orking on th e ir badges. They voted to m eet every o th er w eek d u rin g th e sum m er vacation. M rs. B ruce Johnson and son, R onald, w ho has been atten d in g school in O gden re tu rn e d M onday to Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. B urningham of S alt L ake C ity and Mr. and M rs C arl B urningham and fam ily sp en t F rid ay a t S tark ey fishing and picnicking. G ary Dale F ields caught a nine pound blue cat fish in the S nake R iver M onday. Fields rep o rts th a t he used w orm s for bait and a p ­ p ro x im ately 15 m inutes tim e was req u ired to land the catch. ju s t Civic Club Plans Installation At Next Meeting Mrs. Curry President Of Nyssa Jaycee-^ttes Mrs. G erald C urry was elected president of the Nyssa Jaycee- ettes at th eir m eeting Monday evening. Mrs. G eorge O xnam , outgoing president, has been nam ed to the board of directors. O ther officers for th e com ing year are Mrs Elm er Jacques, vice president; Mrs. Edgel Wood, sec­ retary; Mrs. Jim Nicholson, tre a ­ surer; Mrs. Dale Bingman, re p o rt­ er and Mrs. H arry Miner, h isto r­ ian. Mrs. Bill B lodgett and Mrs John C hurch will serve th e re ­ m aining y ear of th eir tw o year director term s. A board of directors m eeting has been scheduled for Ju n e 21 at the hom e of Mrs. C urry for all new officers and out-going o ffic­ ers. Nyssa Civic club m em bers and guests are rem inded th a t the next m eeting is scheduled for W ednes­ day. J u n e 16 at 2 p m at the Episcopal parish hall. An in stal­ lation cerem ony w ill be conduct­ ed for the new ly elected officers and a special program will be presented. Officers to be installed w ill be Mrs. Don G raham , president; Mrs. Earl H ollingsw orth, vice p resi­ dent; Mrs. G ene G rasty, secre­ tary and Mrs. Lyle M iner, trea s­ urer. Mrs. G ene Fisher, who was originally elected as vice presi­ dent resigned the position due to the fact th at she is m oving from the com m unity in th e n ear fu ­ ture. The nom inating com m ittee nom inated and approved the n am ­ ing of Mrs. H ollingsw orth to suc­ Mrs. John U pdegraff and Mrs. ceed her for the office. Elm er Cruson spent W ednesday The program them e, “J u n e In in Boise. O ur T ow n” w ill be carried out w ith special em phasis upon brides th ro u g h th e years w ith a style rev u e of b rid al gowns and special m usical num bers. Deco­ rations w ill fe atu re a church w ed ­ ding scene com plete w ith flow ­ ers, candelabra and flow er girls. All w om en are u rg e d to attend. LOCAL NEWS G arry DeRock. son son of Mrs. Ross B row n left Tuesday for Davis, Calif., to spend his vaca­ tion w ith his fa th e r and family, Mr. and Mrs. M orris De Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Max C hristensen of S alt Lake C ity visited last W ednesday w ith Mr. C hristen ­ sen ’s sister and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. C arl B urm ngham . Mrs. M ary Jackson of Weiser and Mrs. Jo e C ham berlain and Jo a n n and M ary spent the week end in P ra irie City and Halfway Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Campbell re tu rn e d S unday from P rovid­ ence, A m erican Fork and Layton, U tah w h ere they had spent two w eeks v isitin g friends and re la ­ tives. Cpl. J. B. R oberts was home o v er th e w’eek end from Camp H aniord, Wise., vtsiting w ith Mr an d Mrs. Ben R oberts and Mr and Mrs. Leon Roberts Mrs. Boyd S h affer of Boise is visiting this w eek end w ith Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n n y Goddard. Around Arcadia t i n . G ra rg e M arier DUI 2733 Mr. and Mrs. Otis B ullard spent from T hursday until S unday at th eir sum m er hom e at McCall and enjoyed th e opening of the Idaho tro u t season. They visited at the F ran k Teschida home on O ntario H eights on th e ir way hom e S u n ­ day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Reim uz and tw o sons of N am pa spent Sunday n ight w ith Mrs Reimuz parents. Mr and Mrs. Jo h n Lucero. Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Colem an visited Mr. and Mrs. Mas Kido n ear H om edale S unday after noon. F red Schilling and H enry Eins- p h ar fished at the O w yhee dam one day last w eek and reported a big catch of large crappies. Mr. and Mrs. Harold M arcum of New P ly m o u th visited S atu rd ay PAGE THREE evening w ith Mr. and Mrs. E rn ­ est Stephensen. Mr. and Mrs. Sig M urakam i and family, who have resided on the Ada B utler farm th e past six years, moved last w eek to the H epw orth farm th ey purchased near the O ntario airp o rt. O ne of M urakam i's h ired m en moved into th e B utler house. The Melvin Spitz, Ben McCon­ nell, Cecil Houston and Norm a Hipp children sta rte d to Bible school at the M ethodist church in Nyssa M onday. Mr. and Mrs. G eorge M oeller visited Mrs. Paul M oeller and son in th e O ntario hospital S unday evening. Mr. and Mrs. F red Schilling visited F riday evening a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob | Toombs. Mrs. Toom bs had just retu rn ed from th e Nyssa hospital w here she had m ajor surgery. Jea n M oeller sp en t th e week-1 end at McCall w ith th e W arren F arm er family. Mr. and Mrs. F red S chilling and SON BORN TO FORMER NYSSAN Word was received in N yssa this week of a son, K eith, b o rn Ju n e 3 to Mr and Mrs. Ron W h it­ aker, of P ortland Mr. W h itak e r is a form er Nyssa resident. fam ily visited at th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs. A rnold W inkler S u n d ay evening. Mr. and Mrs. J a k e G root re­ turned last week from a trip to C alifornia and up th e coast to P ortland. Mr. and Mrs. G eorge M oller a n d Bob M cKinney and d a u g h te r v is­ ited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil B oekw eg and Mr and Mrs. E ggert O ft in Apple Valley S unday afternoon. Mrs. D orothy B ibbey and Mrs. R ichard Mason an d D ennis and La V onna Mason left Nyssa S a t­ urday evening for R aw lins, Wyo., to visit friends and relatives. Mrs. Hazel G eorge and tw o children and D ave B row n of B rum ley, M issouri arriv ed in Nyssa for a visit a M h e Ross and C laud Brow n hom es. Mrs. George is a sister of Ross, C laud and D rew B row n and Mr. B row n is | th eir father. Mr. and Mrs. O rm and Thom as and Dick spent last w eek end in Tw in F alls visiting at the hom e of M r and Mrs. Jo h n Thom as. P atsey and R ichard Sw eaney of C aldw ell visited last w eek in Nyssa w ith Mr. an d Mrs. Tom Johnson. 60 Days Till Grain Time U.S. Good 3E READY — STORE IT ON THE FARM Rib Steak IN A B U TLER Mutton Steak or Chops Lb. 3 3 c GRAIN BIN Get more for your m oney— 3 lb. tin Shurfine Easily creeled—N othing dow n u ntil SHORTENING August 1st. CC F inance for farm use or G overnm ent Storage Only 1000 Bu. Size Now Just • • • Large, Grade A NEW LOW PRICES ON MILK EGGS o 4 4 * dozen Qt. 21c Tastewell 83 < CHEESE 2 lbs. . 6 9 * —-<ü— We Also Carry . . . BUTLER GRAIN AUGERS- 16* S340.00 For G rain — Baled or chopped H ay 32ft. Coachella Valley BUTLER GRAIN ELEVATOR $145.00 Grapefruit We Also Feature . . . Lb. 11 Large, Green DUAL PURPOSE — LUMBER - BUILT - GRAIN STORAGE BUILDINGS 42c 22c 30c 27c 19c 69c ,^ e =£2- S77.15 BUTLER ELEVATORS | Milk Cloverlawn and All Jersey Vi gal. Milk All Jersey. Premium Qt. Whipping Cream Vi ! pt. Pt. Half and Half Buttermilk Qt. Butter, Sunshine lb. Cucumbers Lb. Borden's Meadow Gold Vi gal. Cottage Cheese ICE CREAM Pt. 10 • • Use One of these 46-oz. Del Monte Buildings for Grain Now — Pigs 75 < • Tomato Juice Chickens — Shop or Garage Later 3 for . . . We've Got Plans . 89* For All Types No Money Down — Easy Monthly or Family Size Heinz c T '. Oven-Baked Annual Payments BEANS STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY YOUR HOME OWNED LUMBER YARD Dealers for Butler Grain STORAGE & HANDLING EQUIPMENT 2 for • • • • • • 4 5 < Dial 2231 204 Good Ave. WILSON'S Super Market "Always The Best For Less" Free Parking Free Delivery o