THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. PAGE TWO THURSDAY. JUNE 3. 19S4 party for all Cubs and Gereeling Sr of Twin Falls, ar- Scouts, their parents and famil- rived at the M. L. Judd home. ies. to begin at 1 30 p. m. The Mr. and Mrs. Gereeling, Jr. re- ST. PAU L S EPISCOPAL Cubs and Scouts have been tak- turned to Twin Fall Sunday but CHURCH Mrs. George Mor 1er mg swimming lessons from Hank Mrs. Gereeling Sr. will remain Medern Pioneer Club The Rev. Carl H. Gross. Ph. D. Moore. , to visit. Dial CT13 Editor and Publisher DI ANE R ALTERS - - - - - - S U N D AY: Mr. and Mrs Will Gahley of Mr. and Mrs M. L. Kurtz and 11:30 a m , Sunday school and Duane R. Alters and Ge* L. Whorton. Owners Sandav a v é ra i votine DeoDle Parma and Ida Collins of Boise Bob, Mr and Mrs Dudley Kurtz Mr and Mrs. Guy Schafer of iam ily s e r v ^ from Newell guests at the and children attended Hermiston spent the ho.idays a ,y __ Tus-bor Memorial rrom rveweii Heights n e.gnu» ^atumded anenueu were Friday dinner services at the Tucker cemeterv SUBSCRIPTION RATES here with her father, Charles 9-11 a m. Kindergarten (church) the Bible reading contest held in M L Kurtz home. n u «„ „ r ia v M T v „ ~ ' Bullard and other relatives. In Malheur County. Oregon, -------- the United Presbvterian church Mr and Mrs M L. Kurtz re at . " J ^ in Nampa Anita Pratt and Stev- ceived word that Bill Kurtz and d .0^ e Mr. and Mrs Bob Rhodes and and Payette and Canyon MISSIONARY BAPTIST en Savre were among the contest- family were unable to visit them, * y , , , , tn. her brother, Tom Ewing went to CHURCH Counties. Idaho: ants There was a sack lunch in because of their children having classmates and war buddies of Buhl, Id a , for the holidays. Elder William. Turner. Pastor 1 y e a r ------------------- *3 '*> the evening followed by vesper whooping cough his After the services they at- Memorial Day dinner guests at 6 M o n ti»______________ » 0 0 10 a. m., Sunday school. services. Mrs Louise Pratt and Wednesday. June 2. there will J?1* « * a ^ dl.nn« aA the * the home of Mr and Mrs Otis 11a. m., morning worship. N ATI O N A t EDITORIAL EUe where to the UB.A. Robert Skinner furnished the be a Democratic meeting Albert , U[ ’?u olT^ir. . . J : a^ Bullard were Mr. and Mrs. Guy 8 p. m., evening worship 7«,^,*** * s'”*'”* q **"° cgar transportation Those attending C. Ullman, candidate for Con- * ... * ' 4/ 1 lA sT ocfA udN » • 7e*r ------- Wi0 Schafer of Hermiston. Mr and Wednesday, 8 p. m , prayer ser-, were* ^ nita K aren and gress and Richard Newberger. Middleton cemetery OH U H - Single Copies Mrs. Charles Bullard, Mr. and vice. (Strictly at Advance» James McKinley, Steven Sayre, candidate for United States sen- Mrs. Ralph Blanch entertained Mrs. Keith Orris and family, Mr. Joyce Bowers, Bob and Shirley ator, will be guest speakers They at a P*nk and show-er fo: and Mrs Lester Reece and fam­ FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Skinner, Pete and Kaye Ham- w ill be met in the morning at ^ rs Gary Blanch of Washington, ily. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Van- Publlahed every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County. Oregon. Fifth Street and Park Ave. mon. Louise Hutchins, B i l l y Ontario by the Nyssa Chamber ^ rs Gary Blanch is the former derpool and family, Mr. and Mrs. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa. Oregen for transmission John L. Briehl, Pastor Looney, Jimmy Packwood and of Commerce and will have lunch M«*ry Ann McFarland. She re- Clyde Long and Mr. and Mrs through the United States Mails. as second class matter, under Rev Moore accompanied t h e m Nyssa. a coffe hour at Vale and C€lved many lovely gifts, George Bcyack of Boise. After- _ _ the act of March 1. 1879 10 a. m., Sunday school. group. dinner at 6 30 p. m. in the Moore The Charmly Yours 4-H sew - noon visitors at the Bullard home 11 a. m , divine worship. The Modern Pioneer club met Hotel dining room. A t 8:30 p. m. mg group. 3rd year with Mrs. were Mr and Mrs Dale Lakey Tuesdav Basil Hutchinson there will be a meeting open to Raleigh McKinley as their leader and Barbara of Boise, Mr. and M O N D AY -------- ,, at the — ----- children of Myrtle Creek and Mr Mrs Theo Matherly of Ontario 8 P- m > Christian education borne. Mrs Carl Hill received the the public at the Boulevard took part in the 4-H spring fair held in Ontario Friday. The girl- and Mrs Scott Hiatt and children Heights. Mr and Mrs Ronald _ prize for the most unusal hat. The Grange In the afternoon the group called Schoen and family of Nyssa, Mr WEDNESDAY next meeting will be held June Sunday dinner guests at the exhibited their sewing and at the John McAlister home at and Mrs Harold Dail and family, 8 P- m • Christian education 2g at the Vernon Butler home Marion Haney home were Mr. modeled their clothing. Girls tak- Mrs. Alva GeedeU — r Comers. •------ • »._ and — i Mrs. • «— John Zittercob ----- 1 . — -» class Mrs Hutchinson served refresh- and Mrs Bob Haney and child- mgpart were Kay Borge, L o u i* Owyhee Mr. and c*ass- Dial 2804 ments. _____ ____ Cleverly ______ f ___ ren. t Gale and ____ Miss Hutchinson, Sandra W ood, Nancy John Nesbitt, Phillip and Les- Janet Lakey and Ray Wilder of ASSEMBLY OF GOD Little Billy Maylin s p e n t Pearl Ann Gilheart of Homedale. Hill and Karen Deffer. lie Kurtz of Richland, Wash and Boise. Rev. Haskell Friend, Pastor Mrs Jim Ritchie, Mrs. Guy Tan­ Nancy Nesbitt of Payette spent Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tolliver Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Burning - Mr and Mrs George Hust and Thursday at the Durlin Hammon South 2nd and Reece Ave. ner and Mrs Lester Cleaver help­ Sunday evening at the Alva Good- family spent Sunday with his and sons have moved from Ad- ham and daughter, Sheral of home. Billy just returned from 10 a. m , Sunday school. ed with the picnic at the Nyssa ell home. rian. Mr. Tolliver has been E ng-1 Clearfield, Utah were week end parents on Manns Creek. the Shriners hospital in Salt 11a. m., morning worship. school Wednesday. Lake City, where he received lish teacher in the Adrian high guests at the A. M. Hammon 8 p. m , evangelistic service. Mr and Mrs Willis Bertram Jean Moeller attended a slum- Tues., 8 p m , prayer service, treatment for bums. In the after- school for the past two years, home. Mrs. Burningham is their Mr and Mrs Guy Tanner visit­ and Lucille were in Boise Sunday ber party at the home of Carolyn Fri., 8 p. m , young people ser- noon they enjoyed swimming at Next fall he will teach at the oldest daughter. Sunday, Shera! ed with Mrs. Alta Pekkala and where they attended the ball Jones Friday night, Sniveley’s hot springs. Beaverton high school near Port- attended church with her cousins, Mrs Ann Pratt in Ontario W ed­ game They visited with Mr. and Mr ancj Clarence Heath vice. nesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz re- land- Kaye and Pete Hammon in Ad- Mrs Chester Jamieson at Nampa an(j family of Nyssa and Mr. and L. D.S. 1st WARD turned home from Portland, Nels Larson, Elaine Haney, rian. They also visited at the Donna Jean Cheldelin and Mrs. in the evening. Mrs. Cecil Houston and family Charles Mann. Bishop while there they visited Mr and Joan Barton, Claudia and Fran- Carl Burningham home in Nyssa. Cheldelin of Portland visited with Mrs. Wayne Simpson, Mrs. Wil- enjoyed television at the Ted 9:15 a. m.. priesthood meeting. Mrs. Merle Kurtz and family, and ciene Peterson danced at the The closing social of the O w y- Mr. and Mrs O. E. Cheldelin lis Bertram and Loyd Adams put Bowers home Monday evening, 10:30 a. m , Sunday school Rev. Harold Kurtz, Mrs. Kurtz LDS dance festival held at Boise hee ward Relief Society will be Thursday and Friday Saturday up directive signs on Grande Ave. Mr. and Mrs Parley Feik and 7:30 p m.. sacrament meeting. and daughters. They were invited last Friday evening. held in the new LDS ward chapel the group left for Salem where Tuesday, which finishes the pro- June went to LaGrande Memor­ Tuesday, 2 p m . relief society. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Lowder Thursday June 3 at 8 p. m. All Donna Jean is being graduated ject of the Chatter Box club /ednesday, 4 p m . primary; 7:30 to several homes for dinner with ial Day. Rev. Kurtz and family. Sunday and children and Mr. and Mrs. women and their partners are in­ from Willamette University. Mr and Mrs Kenneth Hazard Mr and Mrs Herman Houston M I. A evening the 5 United Presbyter- Carl Lowder of Rupert, were vited to attend. It will be potluck Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stephen were Tuesday dinner guests at and family of Ontario. Mr and lan churches in Portland had Friday night guests at the A. M. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ashley and and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Joe the Willis Bertram home They Mrs. Cecil Houston and family THE CHURCH OF THE union services at the First church Hammon home. Mrs. Doyle Low- son of Pocatello are visiting at Stephen and family visited with are former Nyssa residents and and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hous- NAZARENE where Harold Kurtz is pastor. der ls a daughter of the Ham- the Dewey Garner home. Mrs Martha Norland of Parma. Ray- he is now in the service and has ton and Peggy were dinner guests Robert Jackson, Pastor After services a reception was toons. Doyle Lowder was on his Ashley is the former Elaine Gar- mond Norland, who was recently been stationed in Texas He ex- Sunday at the home of Mr. and 10 a m., Sunday school held in the church parlor honor- way to Moscow, Ida , to receive ner. Keith returned home Mon- injured in an automobile accident, pects to leave soon for Japan. Mrs Elen Houston, 11 p m., morning worship 7 p m N y p s and Junior meet- ing Rev. Kurtz and family. Thev his master's degree from the Uni- day but Elaine w ill visit for a is improved and home from the Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver Mr. and Mrs. Les Burbank and are leaving to do missionarv versity of Idaho. He is principal week. hospital. entertained at dinner Sunday for family spent the weekend at n« s work in Ethiopia. of the Rupert grade school. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Garner Mr and Mrs Leslie Topliff were Mr and Mrs Eugene Cleaver and Montpellier, Id a , with relatives 7:45 P m • evangelistic service. Michael and Eugene Partt. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Merrit spent last week end visiting rela- Sunday dinner guests at the John children, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Shirley Schilling, Deloris Cleaver Murphy h me. Cleav. r and boys, boys. Mr and Mrs Dahnke 'and Everett Heldt left OWYHEE COMMUNITY CHURCH Richard and Suzanne Martinez. Gereeling. Jr. and Mrs. Merrit tives in Ogden Alan and Michael Hirai are at- Reute 2, Nyssa Mr and Mrs. Alva Goodell j f ste r .C'“ ver , and J ^ m ily and I last Friday for Clover Creek. Ida tending daily Bible school at St. Rev. Kenneth Himple, Pastor spent Saturday night at the MJ * nd Mrs LIoyd Cleaver and i t0 attend the Walther League Hubert's Catholic church in Nys­ PICK UP Y O U R _____ Phone 2737 Henry Estrick home. The group . , conference. They returned Mon- j sa. „ j ■ ... Mrs Alva Goodell visited with day. 10 a. m , Sunday school. attended a ball game in Boise .... ~ ..................... Harold Kurtz and family of Mrs. Fred Schilling is helping 11 a m , Morning worship service. Sunday afternoon and visited Mrs. Ethel Goodell in Ontario Portland are expected at the M Saturday. with daily vacation bible school I 7 p m . Young Peoples meeting. Mrs. Jennie Goodell at Caldwell L. •». Kurtz home Mr and Mrs. George Cleaver j at the Lutheran church in O n -! 8 p. m., Evening worship. , _ this . week. Harold enroute home. attended the Owyhee Riding club tario this week. at ANDERSON'S CORNER GROCERY Wed., 8 p m , Bible study and ^ 11 ASPeak ^ nd,?y' June u ' the Adrian Presbyterian church M r and Mr*. Edward Topliff meeting Friday evening at Ore- Mr and Mrs Deward Benedict prayer meeUng Parma - Nyssa Junction entertained at Sunday dinner for gon „ nn Trail Trai1 hn1, ip»vpr was | and f family . ^ . i ..... .... ........... at 11 a. m. hall. Mrs. r Cleaver were dinner Pra>er guests at W W. Deffenbaugh, Gilbert Def- one of the hostesses. The monthly pack meeting of | the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold ADRIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH Arden's M eadow Gold—Grade A fenbaugh and Everette Eachus. the Cub Scouts was held Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. LaVern C leaver! Winkler Sunday. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Mr and Mrs. H L. Dav of Ad- May 25. in the church basement. and Save Per Gallon „ , . ____ _ , and family were Sunday dinner Mrs. Arnold Winkler was hos- Henry E. Moore, Pastor It was decided that Sunday. June nan were d nner Suest.-» gUests at the Don Herren home tess for a party for Arnold Jr's 10 a. m., Bible school. We Give S & H Green Stamps 6, at the Caldwell park, there at in Nvssa - - > 4th birthday Saturday afternoon 11 a. m , morning worship. and Mrs. t'iu d » Da* and family, Mr and Mrs Guy x annor went Those present were Freddie and will be a potluck dinner and II a. m iw'vor church. CaM ^ 1? . !’ L a i'trnr nri' »«oW thp' t0 Emmett afu r Mrs Pearson Denny Schilling, Johnnv Briehl. Mr . Eugene S^phcn took the who vlslUl(j at the Tanner home Buddy Procter, Dickie Meisinger CATHOLIC CHURCH Cup and Saucer A H exhibit» to fr((m Wednesday until Saturday, and Johnny Welkie. Birthday Park Avenue and Third Street Rembert Ahles, O. F. M. j .'. »/t h ''-inn' s ' and ^lrs' 'Fom Mitchell and cake and ice cream were served day Game Ritchie and Sandra farnuy and Mr and Mrs Victor by bv Mrs. Mrs. Winkler. Winkler Mass Sunday at 8 and 10 a. m Day won first prizes for their Mitchell and family of Seattle Mr. and Mrs. Russel Procter and daily at 8 a m. bread. called at the Lester Cleaver home and family spent the weekend at Saturday. 10 a. m.. Catechism Mr and Mrs. Mancil Bishop en­ Sunday. the Arnold Winkler home. They classes. tertained at dinner Sunday for A large number of children at - ( were returning from the east. ---------- Mr and Mrs Earl Maize and boys COMMUNTTY METHODIST tended Bible school which be- where they had been visiting and about your friends and neighbors and about of Mountain Home. Mr and Mrs gan at the Owyhee Monday. CHURCH were on their way to Portland to Earl Hiatt and Jesse Hiatt of Myr Vernon L. Taylor. Minister Mr* Ben Hartley and Sharon make their home. the activities of thriving rural communities. tie Creek, Mrs Jack Knowles and visited Thursday at the Jim R it­ 9 a. m. First worship service. Visitors at the George Moeller 9:45 Sunday School lor all ages. chie home while Garnet Ritchie home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. 11 a m. Second worship service. was an overnight guest at the The Arcadia Sunshine club met 7 p. m. Evening fellowship for all Hartley home Friday evening May 28 at the home of Mrs. Brig Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tanner at­ Olsen. Fourteen members and *8es- tended the funeral for Mr. Gar­ four visitors were present. Mrs. FIRST rett at Payette Friday. Otis Bullard drew the door prize. I NS URANCE Church of Christ Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Cleaver and Mrs. Grover Cooper and Mrs from merchants who invite you to do business f o r f o m i l i« » ( c h t ld r t f f I Christian) Mr and Mrs. Lester Cleaver at­ Klaas Laan from the Owyhee 1 m onth up o n d p a ro n tt tended a dance at the Elks club club gave a demonstration in cre- H. H Powell, Minister with them. Details of merchandise and goods 18 thru 5 9 ) — o U o for in Ontario Saturday, after which alive embroidery. The next meet- Res. 414 Ennis Phone 3384 in d iv id u a l* . 18 thru 59. for fuJ/ detaiJt. call or w r it# . , . the group gathered at the Jim ing will be with Mrs. George Bible school, 10 a. m. offered for sale with lower than average prices Savage home for refreshments. Coleman, June 1. Worship and Communion, 11 a m Mrs. Ward Lundy. Sr., and Eggert Oft and boys, Mr and Mrs offered every week. Mid-week services, 8 p. m. Eastman Insurance Carol Ann left for Portland Sat­ Bob McKinney and daughter. Mr C.Y.Y., Sunday Eve. 7 o’clock. Complete Insurance Service urday where Carol Ann will un­ and Mrs Carl Pettet and daugh­ Evening Services, 8 p. m. 315 Main St. Phone 2643 dergo surgery' on her foot. ter of John Day, Mr. and Mrs Nyssa. Ore. Mr and Mrs. Willis Bertram Bill Gardener and Mr. and Mrs. Adrian, Oregon fished on Malheur river Friday. Paul Moeller and familv. 10 a m., church school. 11 a m., morning worship. THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Around Arcadia CHURCH NOTES Newell Heights Buena Vista M IL K 12c NEWS . . . . MESSAGES . . . . LEGALS.... LAMP CLEARANCE! Your Choice of Over 200 LAMPS $1.00 Down WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS Peterson Furniture Co. 217 Main Open Saturday 'Til 8:00 P. M. Brethren Christian Center Mission East 2nd and Ehrgood 10 a m., Sunday school. 11 a m. morning worship. 7.30 p m., evangelistic service. CHURCH OF CHRIST Parma, Idaho McConnel Ave. O. E. Robinson. Minister 10 a m., Bible study. 11 a. m . morning worship. 8 p m . Sunday evening service. Wednesday. 8 o. m., B.ble study L. D. S. 2nd WARD D Hubert ( hrisiensen. Bishop 9 15 a. m. priesthood meeting. 10'30 a m . Sunday school Try the Journal Classified Ads, they get results. Ask Us About . . . • • • d • • • "Championship Deal' \ n • e • on 8 i i • NEW FORD CAR or TRUCK Herriman Motor Co. about County, School and other public bodies for your tax information. An official publication for Malheur County and the City of Nyssa. CLASSIFIEDS . . . . A large classified section with hundreds of items offered for sale, homes and farms for ren t... an active market for you to buy or sell. Receive THE GATE CITY JOURNAL Every Thursday Just $3.00 A Year In Malheur, Payette and Canyon Counties $3.50 Elsewhere Phone 2233, Nyssa