* THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOUJWAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. APRIL 1. 1951 Open House Honors The Rev. and Mrs. Crenshaw burial jVctUiiiies of Mr. an d Mrs. R alph H aw orth of Meridian is honor of Mr. Adrian News Eachus. a u n t K ate's (Mrs Mary Ih ? Rev and Mrs. C lair C re n ­ G a rd n er) b irth d ay She was 90 shaw w ere honor guests at open years old. house given S unday at the home Koae W illis Mr. and Mrs Floyd McKague, Mr and Mrs. G ran t R in eh art Mr and Mrs C larence McKague. by the R ineharts, Mrs Dick Ten- and Peggy and Mr and Mrs How­ Mr. and Mrs. E m m ett B rice of sen and Mrs. H ilda Tensen ard M oore and son of Hom edale Phone 2233 U v. C renshaw , now of Bend visited Mr. and Mrs. Gene Davis Succor Creek called at th e home was the form er pastor of th e Nys- and Mr and Mrs Law rence Hawk of Mr. and Mrs. J e rry Mackey and fam ily F rid ay evening. sa St. P a u l’s Episcopal church. of B ru n eau S un d ay afternoon Mr and Mrs. J e r ry M ackey a t ­ Tea, Coffee and cookies w ere Methodist Group Has Hollingsworths Entertain Mr. and Mrs. C arl Hill of A d­ tended the silver w edding a n n i­ served to th e 20 guests w ho at- Dinner and Social rian w ere d in n er guests of Mr versary open house of Mr. and M r and Mrs. Earl Hollings- tended an ■* Mrs H arry Sipes Sunday at Mrs Don Crosby at th eir hom e in A p p ro xim ately 35 m em bers of w orth en tertain ed th eir Mr. and th e O w yhee hotel in Boise, the C aldw ell Sunday. The M aPa group of th e M etho­ Mrs B ridge club M onday ev e n ­ Tuesday Bridge Club occasion of tw o birthdays. Mr dist chu rch enjoyed a pot luck ing. Mr and Mrs R obert Olp. Gib P rize w inners w ere Mr. and Mrs. C lifford Mink was hostess H ill’s and Mr. Sipe's. d in n er and social evening in the and H erm an. Mr and Mrs. How- Mrs. G us Lim ing and Mr. and to h er B ridge club T uesday ev e n ­ Miss R aelene Jorgenson arrived C onnaughy w ere callers at the church basem ent. Hosts and h o st­ ing. hom e T h u rsd ay from R Y U. col­ home of Mr and Mrs. Jo h n Ja rv is esses for the evening w ere Dr. Mrs. H arold B rendle. M rs D w ight W vckoff won high lege, Provo, to spend the w eek ­ Thursday. and Mrs. L. A. M aulding, Mr and Mrs. R obert W ilson an d Mr. and eirin B irth a d a v j uinner D in n e r score an(i Prize- rs B Roth ert Ross- sec‘ end w ith h er parents, Mr and ond Mrs M Walt and Mrs Mr and Mrs Bill A shcraft w ere Mrs. D ew ard Jorgensen Mrs W alt Roth. Sunday evening d in n er guests at Mrs. F rances B ates and M arga- R obert W ilson, traveling, Follow ing din n er, Ned S nider L av ern e Jorg en so n helped Har- the hom e of Mr. and Mrs Bob <•—*2* showed slides of his re cen t trip re t e n te rta in e d S unday at d in n er ' Id G oodfrev move onto Joe H am ilton and fam ily in Home- for Mrs. L. A. H oalst of G rand- Sunday Dinner to th e East. K linchuch place. Mr. Godfrey was dale. / view, Idaho, on h er b irth d ay an- * —4» orking for Bob Macy of O w y­ M iss M ary W eir, Mrs. A nna niversary. P laces w ere laid for S unday d in n e r guests of Mr. w hee H eights. Pinochle Club Sparks, W ayne and C lifford L oon­ Mrs M argaret C ribble, Mr. and and Mrs w w Foster w ere Mrs Mr. and Mrs. C laude Eachus ey atten d ed the senior plav in Mrs R alph H aw orth of Nampa. J w Rigney, Miss Doris Rigney Members Meet of La G rande and Miss Jen n y and E lm er Eskew were S undae Em m ett F riday evening and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs H enry Cook and Mr. and Mrs. C arl S e b u m e n ­ ev en in g visitors of Mr. and Mrs. M ary H enderson cam e hom e w ith Eachus of Eugene. te rta in e d last S atu rd ay night at Mr. and Mrs. Du B arko and fam ­ T erry M cG oldrick of M eridian. them. ily of New P lym outh th e ir hom e for m em bers of th eir Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hill of Rollar Skating Party Mrs Anna S p ark s and Mrs. R Mr. and Mrs. P inochle club. Mr. J u m n C reek w ere dinner guests F ifty m em bers of the 44th Quo- of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Nelson D M cKinley en tertain ed Mrs. M and Mrs. Jim M alloy w ere guest Thursday Afternoon Bridge L. K urtz's S unday school class at . . . . ru m of E lders of the Nyssa LDS players. the church S undav afternoon. M em bers of th e T hursday after- 2nd w ard held th e ir second ro llar S unday Prizes w ere won by Jim Malloy noon bridge club w ere guests of skating p arty recently. In charge Miss Delores Eachus arrived The A m erican Legion had a and Mrs W alter Fox Mrs. A. C. Sallee. Mrs. A. II. Bov- of th e arran g e m e n ts w ere T ren hom e S atu rd ay from the U niver­ draw ing for a fishing pole S a tu r­ dell and Mrs. J. L H errim an w ere j ones< president, Roy W ight and sity of O regon at Eugene to --pend day evening and Mrs. C layton Mrs. Lewis Hostess guest players D arw in Jen sen , councelors and h er sp rin g vacation with her p a r­ M artin won it. ents. Mr. and Mrs. C laude Eachus. Mrs. G ra n t Lew is w as hostess Mrs. G eorge M itchell and Mrs. M elvin Feik, secretary. The A drian A m erican Legion to h er M onday aftern o o n bridge C am pbell B aer w ere prize w in ­ Mrs E dgar Nelson arrived here held th eir an nual b irth d ay d in n er! club last week. G uest players ners. from Tucson, Ariz., to stay w ith at the Legion hall M onday even-1 w ere Mrs. E dw ard B oydell and h er p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. Jim mg. S everal films w ere show n Mrs. B ert Ross. M ilton w hile E dgar, her husband afte r th e dinner. Mrs. Fisher Entertains P rizes w ere won by Mrs. H ous­ Mrs. Bill W illis called at the is overseas. Mrs. H erb F ish er en tertain ed ton W ilson and Mrs. Lew is. home of her sister, Mrs. Ted T eske Mr and Mrs. M erle L inder and W ednesday evening for m em bers d a u g h te r of New' Plym outh w ere in Nyssa F riday afternoon. Sally P rice, P hone 3693 of h er bridge club and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. R obert E astm an S un d ay ev en in g visitors of Mr. Fifth Birthday Party S horty B randt, guest player. Mrs. and d au g h ter called at th e hom e and Mrs. R ichard Linder. L ienkaem per and Mrs M arc M ason celebrated his fifth B ert of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Brown Sun ((Too late for last w eek) Mrs. C ordingly of Columbia. S dav b irth d ay w ith a p arty W ednesday B ran d t w ere prize w inners. Mrs. E lm er Eskew and sdh, (' is visiting h er daughter. Mrs. afternoon at th e hom e of his p a r­ Mrs. C. G. B rown retu rn ed Mrs. F ish er used the Spring ents, Dr. and Mrs. D w ight Mason m otif in decorations, tallies and K enneth and Mrs. S tella Bollen- D ew ard Jo rg en so n and family. hom e F rid ay from Boise w h e r e baugh left on a trip W ednesday. Mrs. R aym ond Hansen and A dditional guests w ere La Von- .•efreshm ents. she has been taking trea tm e n ts at They w ill visit Mr. and Mrs. d a u g h te r of P o rtlan d , are visiting a hospital. She is g etting along na Mason, S heryl and Ja y G od­ K eith Eachus and d a u g h te r at this w eek w ith h er sister, Mrs fine. dard, D iane and S tev en A lters, I.akeview , Mr. and Mrs. Max D ew ard Jo rg en so n and family. B radley M axfield and G ary Ross. Attend Meeting Mr. and Mrs. H enry Dav a tte n d ­ G am ble of K lam ath F alls and R alene Jo rg en so n was a S atur ed a reunion of the Day and B irth d ay cake decorations and In Caldwell Mrs. B ollenbaugh’s d a u g h te r at day n ight d in n e r guest of Jan ein e favors follow ed the cowboy m otif. Stephens, J r , Sunday. Mrs. C arl S eburn. Mrs. David C rescent C ity, Calif. L eslie of O w yhee Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Raym ond Holly Beers, Mrs. Jim G ahan, Mrs. Jim Mr. and Mrs. C. S. P rice visited D ew ard. R aelene and Eldon and fam ily w ere T uesday evening Dinner Guests M alloy and Mrs. O rville H ickm an ! Mr. and Mrs. S. J. P rice of P arm a w ere in Boise S atu rd ay visiting d in n er guests at th e hom e of Mr M r and Mrs. Douglas Allen and Mrs Don L ytle in Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. E vans of New atten d ed the V club m eeting Frl- T hursday afternoon, Jim Nelson is spending his W hile th ere D ew ard w ent to a M eadow s w ere S unday d in n er day afternoon at the hom e of Mrs. R ichard Holly and Jo h n Jarv is guests and sp en t the d ay w ith G len S u ite r in C aldw ell. spring vacation at the hom e of his doctor. spent S unday evening and M on­ Mr. and Mrs. Ja c k C hurch. T he T he afternoon was spent infor- parents. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Nel- Eldon Jo rg en so n attended Scout day in P o rtlan d on business Evans are Mrs. C h u rch ’s p aren ts. m ally. son. He goes to Pacific College, m eetin g W ednesday night at th e Mr. and Mrs. R onald Mills of S eattle. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. P rice L ister L ea v itt hom e in Homedale N am pa w ere S atu rd ay evening Mrs. Leo C am pbell had as Sun and S unday guests of Mr. and 1 w ere su p p er guests of Mr and Mrs. C laude Eachus T uesday d ay d in n e r guests her m other. C. R. Mills. night in honor of Mrs. P rice’s Mrs. C. W H ovle and her sister Mr. and Mrs. K I P eterson and Mrs. W illiam Y oung and children 1 Mr. and Mrs. H arold R obins w ere birthday. Mr. and Mrs. M arvin E lm ore of of P ay ette. T hursday evening guests at the T h ere w ere 13 present for the Nyssa and Mr. T a rr of A drian The sophom ores had a dance w ere d in n er guests of Mr. and 11th b irth d av d in n er for Micky j called the S pinsters Hop at the Sw anson a t th e hom e of Mr and A drian grade school F riday ev e­ Mrs. Joe Nelson Sunday. Mrs. Della Sorenson and d a u g h ­ Mrs. D ave Beebe F ridav night. TIME­ ning. te r M ary of Boise w ere S un d ay Leo C am pbell has hired Etcyl hom e of Mr. and Mrs. H enry Day. LINE d in n er guests of Mr. and Mrs. P a rv ill of R osw ell for the su m ­ Dick W y att and D ale F reel are R ichard L inder. M ary P.F.C. Wac, m er. hauling seed potatoes from Mc- Mrs. is hom e on leave and w ill leave , , C , ordingly, Mrs Hansen , „ Call, Ida., to W atson’s sheds in h ere A pril 3 for New Y ork en- and d a u g h te r an d Mr. and Mrs. Nyssa and P arm a ro u te to G erm any. D ew ard Jo rg en so n and fam ily Mrs Ode A shcraft had a very Mr. and Mrs. Joe K linchuch w ere S u n d ay d in n e r guests of Mr. serious accident F ridav. she fell and fam ily m oved to N am pa F ri­ dow n th e cellar steps w ith a gla ue day. Mr. and Mrs. C larence M cKague ar- and P eggy and Mr. and Mrs. F loyd M cK ague visited rs. Floyd M cK ague visited C la re n ­ enee s ce’s and F loyd’s sister, Mrs. G eorge M artin and h u sb an d of L ew iston a t the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Don M artin Mrs. Don M artin of O w yhee H eights. H eights. ue M r and Mrs. Joe Z im m erm an rs. and d au g h ter of C aldw ell visited and Peggy and Mr. and h er sister, Mrs. Floyd M cK ague H ow ard Moore and son v and husband F rid ay night. S u n d ay afternoon in Bri nd Miss A vanda P eterso n arriv ed hom e S un d ay from O regon S ta te college, C orvallis to spend h er spring vacation w ith h er paren ts, ginia H atch left S atu rd ay P ocatello to play in th e i Mr. and Mrs. Floyd P eterson. Mr. and Mrs. Russel M cK ague bow ling tournam ent. ue and d au g h ters sp en t th e w eekend at th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd M cKague. $ 1 . 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. C laude Eachus and Mrs. Floyd McKague. nd and d au g h ter, Delores, Mr. and Mrs. H arry Ju rg e n s ad d au g h ter. ol'- D onell, and Mr. and Mrs. K arl F ish er w ere S unday d in n e r guests nmg. Carole Wilson, Editor Ridgeview News PAGE NINE bowl in h er hand and cu t herself and received severe bruses. Mrs. H arry M urphy an d Mrs. A ustin G ilb ert sp en t W ednesday Mr. and Mrs. P hil W ilson and up at Succor C reek rock h u n tin g Jan , Mr. and Mrs E arl B artron, Mr and Mrs. F rancis D efier and G lenn M arcum, Donald B ullard, fam ily left T hursday m orning for David Savage, and Dick H iatt re ­ L exington. Neb., for a visit w ith tu rn ed S unday to K lam ath Falls relatives. afte r spending the sp ring v ac a­ Billy Looney received th e Life tion in Nyss The fellows are s tu ­ A w ard for Scouting Monday ev e­ den ts of Oregon T echnical Insti- tutl ning at th e court of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Tom C handler Two baseball practice gam es w ere played at the A drian field ! and ch ildren w ere visitors in this week, T uesday was w ith No- Vale S unday and again M on. ay tus, A drian won, T hursday w ith at the Leroy B arton hom e Parm a we also won. Mr. and Mrs. Uel A lsup w ere vening guests o f M r and K I. P etterso n attend**! the Fridav < county school board m eeting in Mrs. H ow ard Myrick. Mrs. D w ight Mason and Mrs. Vale M onday and Tuesday. Mrs Loura Sm ith was a dinner B ert Moss w ere am ong guest-, guest at the hom e of Mr and Mrs at the hom e of Mrs. L. M. Koger at O ntario W ednesday evening for W alter P in k sto n Sundav. a show er honoring Mrs. F red Mrs. C R Mills tended th e W illow -C reek Grange. M ursko of O ntario. The program was p u t on by the K ingm an Kolony Grange. and Mrs. Don H att and fam ily Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson w ere S un d ay d in n er guests at the were S undav d in n er guests at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. H ow ard home of Mr. and Mrs H enry Hatch. Moore. Mrs Dick K reigh an d children Mrs. P earl Brown left to stay called on Mrs V ernon P a rk e r S a t­ w ith h er sister in W eiser w hile urd ay afternoon. her dau g h ter, Mrs Francis D effer Bonnie S tein er was an o v er­ is in N ebraska. night guest of M arylin P ark e r Mrs. Bob B rown and children of F rid ay evening. Boise are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs. Ted T eske and G Brown for a few weeks. girls called at the hom e of Mr. Mrs. Jo h n Ja rv is spent S unday and Mrs. A lvon M cG innis S u n ­ evening and M onday w ith her day afternoon. d aughter. Mrs. Jam es Stephens n ear C aldw ell. Mr. and Mrs. Don Boren and girls called at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. G avle M artin S undav OPTOMETRIST Mr. an d Mrs. Bill Toombs called at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. V er­ 220 M ain S treet P hone 6649 non P a rk e r S atu rd ay evening. Nyssa. Ore. Mr and Mrs. D aw ayne H atch and fam ily of S tar. Ida., and Mr LOCAL NEWS Dr. Geo. E. Cobern There's A Reason Why Our . . . BROWN S ICE CREAM Is The Richest and Smoothest You Can Buy! It's Actually 14% Butterfat! Hand-Packed Too . . . It's only QUART 75c GALLON S2.05 . . . We Also Have . . . Clover Gem—40c Qt. — 80c V% Gal. And For The Waist-Line Watchers . . . . SOFT ICE CREAM (Not An Added P ound In A G allon) AUTOMATIC W A SH ER ... $1.50 Per Gal. CARL'S DOLL HOUSE Phone 9912 511 Main se --------------- - APRII L SURPRISES! aS Thursday, Friday and Saturday. April 1st. 2nd &3rd MEN'S WORK HATS RAYON SUITING ^ 59* Cotton twill, satin and corded rayon hats. Colors mostly tan and brown. A buy for you. Regular price $1.98 Regular 79c crease-resistant rayon suiting. Slub thread­ suiting. Colors yellow, orchid, blue, tan, grey WOMEN'S CORD JACKETS SHEER NYLONS $ 1 .1 9 - MEAT $ 4.9 9 Guaranteed to outperform all others or your money back I • TIME-LINE CONTROL . . . Completely automatic from fill to finish. • DOUBLE 4-VANE AGITATOR . . . Gets clothes cleaner by actual test. • POSITIVE RINSE ACTION . . . Rinses clothes whiter, brighter. • TANGLE-FREE SUPER-SPIN . . . Super-gentle even for delicate lingerie. • SAFETY-SPIN* LID . . . Spinning action stops automatically when lid is opened . . . starts when lid is closed. t 279 A popular sport type pinwail cord jacket. Reg. priced at $7.95. Solors blue, green, rust, tan and purple. Sizes 10 to 16. A beautiful new material. Sheer Nylon Acetate with a dark thread design. 66% Ny­ lon 34% rayon. Washable material. Colors red, blue, grey and yellow. YARDAGE V i Price EMBOSSED COTTON 4 9 * Yd. Short lengths of better cot­ tons, rayons, nylons and wools. Don't miss these special money-saving bargains. Regular 69c plain and pat­ tern design materials. Guar­ anteed washable permanent finish. IS YOUR B E ST FOOD BUY! Yes, for nourishment, savings and downright enjoyment, MEAT still heads the list in your food buying. *With S a fe ty Spin $ 2 9 9 ' REMEMBER For the best of LOW DOWN PAYMENT —EASY TERMS! 1 1 Custom Butchering and Curing come to °TNTERM OUNTAI N 'urtutur* company FOR YOURJ IOME> 19 No. Second St. Nyssa, Oregon Dial 7792 EV ER Y B f )D Y ’S, lnc.# of Nyssa FISCHER'S LOCKER SERVICE S Open 'Til 6 P. M., Monday Through Saturday Vi mile w est on Alberta Ave. Dial 3093. locker plant Dial 3103 slaughterhouse and cutting room. yo u & 1 SAVE i Green Stamps With Every Purchase WHEN YOU SHOP IN 1 NYSSA o o *«*• «nu .nu. v. n. vonnson 1 *uo% in favor. ---- ------- j MimnuMTii Ron Campbell and Ray Larson. o . ac l a u a a .a .« * « in Korea. o a« »tri u m m j figiu o I hurt. su m up a n a no one w as i n ig h t g uests S unday of Mr. and Mrs Cliff Main.