o THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11 1954 I J Kneiful home in Parma honoring berts. In the afternoon they called golden wedding anniversary of at the Roland Riggs home and saw their parents, Mr and Mrs. Clar­ their new baby. ence Counc-Lman of Roswell. Miss Alice Thompson .pent Fri­ Miss Helen Hatch Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hatch. day night in Boise at the home of Phone Parma 1-F21 Helen and Phillip and Mrs. Clara Mrs Fred Curtiss, leaving Saturday- Cassell spent Saturday evening at morning with a group to attend the Mr and Mrs. Harvey Bennett the Howard Hatch heme in Adrian. youth Synod being held at Burley, Elbert Hatch of Caldwell called Idaho entertained her parents, Mr and Mrs. R M. Roebuck and Mrs. Don Mrs. Clarence Councilman of Ros­ at the home o f his grandparents, well, last Wednesday evening at a Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hatch. Sunday Case and family of Wilder spent dinner in honor of their golden forenoon and to see his father,; Friday afternoon at the Chas Reno wedding anniversary. Those present Howard Hatch o f Adrian, who was home. Mr and Mrs. Bill Ferguson were were Mrs. Lucie Schafer of Parker, working on his father's water sy- Sunday dinner guests of Mr ana South Dakota, Mr. and Mrs George j stem. Mrs Myrtle Hatch and Helen and Mrs. Chas. Reno. Kuhler of Wakonda, S. D., Mr and Mrs. Ralph Dotson of Boise, Mr Mrs. Clara Cassell, their house Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jones and and Mrs. C. J. Kneiful and Mary guest, visited Saturday afternoon family enjoyed dinner Sunday vith with Mr and Mrs. Ralph Stark. Sue o f Parma and Mrs. Floyd Wood. her parents, Mr. and Mrs Guy- Mrs. Sarah Cartwright accompan­ Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett ied Mrs. Myrtle Hatch and Helen Strong in Parma. The occasion be­ and Dick and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd to Ontario and Payette last Thurs­ ing Mrs. Jones' birthday Wood, attended the open house day, where they attended the Fed­ A Founders Day program is plan­ party Saturday afternoon at the C. eral Farm Loan banquet. Mr. and ned for the regular PTA meeting g Mrs. Geo. Elfers and John Thomp­ this Thursday evening at the Bend school house. son also attended. Burt Wiley and the Heinrichs Mrs. Clara Cassell of Payette is spending a few days visiting at the brothers were down from Donnelly Harvey Hatch home and visiting last week selling seed potatoes. old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Raney ?f The members of the Jolly J a n e 1 Parma were Sunday dinner guests ! club announced that they had sold at the Herb Thomas heme. In the tickets enough on their quilt to afternoon the ladies went to Adrian turn in $10 to the Adrian March of Dimes Campaign and $100 to the polio ward in the Nyssa Memorial hospital. The drawing took place Friday evening at the game in Ad­ rian. Mrs. Clara Holly was the rwin- I ner. Mrs. Angie Chaney visited her daughter, Mrs. Don Kadel, in the Nampa hospital last Wednesday. Miss Shirley Chaney spent from Tuesday until Sunday with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Chaney at­ Started in January, Feb­ tended Mrs. Del Whiffin's funeral ruary, and early March... in Caldwell Monday. Mr. and Mrs. David Strong and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garrett of New Plymouth, were Sunday din­ ner guests at the Dewey Strong home. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Strong and family went to Durkee, Oreg.. a week ago Sunday and visited her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Eloise Boren. should make $20 to $40 Mr.’ and Mrs. Ray Cartwright, visited her mother, Mrs. Naomi extra profits per 100 Wright in Nampa Sunday, also at the home o f Mrs. F. J. Pitser, old pullet chicks . .. friends and school mates. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pelton of Clarkston, Wash., visited her sister, Mrs. Irma Hcpkins last Tuesday. Miss Faye Marie Hopkins has been transfered to Homedale frem the Payette Idaho Power office. She had the misfortune to wreck her car due to the fog and slippery road just west o f Homedale Monday morning. She was thrown out of her car which was badly damaged, but she escaped injury., Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Mattison and son, John Mattison and family of j because they will lay Homedale visited Sunday afternoon at the Boyce Vande Water home. more eggs in the fall and Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Patterson and early winter when egg son, Jim, o f Wilder visited Satur­ day evening with her parents, Mr. prices are highest. and Mrs. Zeb Wilson. Karen and Sharen Roberts at­ tended the Adrian Spinster home making 4-H club at the heme of Mrs. Kenneth McDonald in Owyhee last Tuesday. Their project was proper way of cleaning floors. Mrs. Boyce Vande Water accom p­ anied Mrs. Laura Vande Water and Kent to Nampa Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Elfers ac­ companied Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Vande Water and they were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Alta Graham in Parma. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Vande Water, Book your chicks now drove to Payette Saturday night for early delivery. and brought their daughter, Lor­ re ta home for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts, Shar­ en and Karen and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roberts spent Thursday- evening with the Happ Riggs fam ­ ily in Parma. Mrs. Goldie Roberts and the girls visited her parents, the Miller Hen- Dial 2201 N yssa, Ore. derlider’s in Nampa Saturday. Sun­ day they visited the new Huffer baby at the home o f its grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilber R o- Big Bend and visited with Mrs Glen Brown Mr» Herb Th?ma«. Mrs Grace Ba wtinheimer, Mrs Jack laney of Parma and their *i;ter. Mr- Nan­ nie Yardly of Weiser, visited their sister. Mrs. Chas. Wyman in Bci-e last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Alice and Jimmy were Sunday din­ ner guests at the Robert Ober.dcrff home. Mr and Mrs Tom Hilderman and family of Homedale w-ere overnight guests of her parents, Mr and Mr- Chas. Reno. Mr. and M.- j . Kenneth Reno and family and Mrs. Floyd Higgins and Lilly o f Parma and Mr. and Mrs Dale Teter and family spent Thurs­ day evening visiting at the Chas. Reno home. Mrs Goldie Roberts sp nt Tues­ day and Wednesday in Ontario at the Eastern Oregon 4-H leader- conference. There were a hundred leaders present The Amalgamated sugar company of Nyssa entertained with a banquet at noon In the afternoon they took them all through the factory. Miss Lorretta Vande Water ac­ companied by Miss Faye Marie PAGE THREE Hopkins sang for the Price and the Presbyterian church basement business meeting games were played Groves wedding Sunday evening in in Roswell. with Betty Faries, Cora Rookstol, the Adrian Presbyterian church. Mrs. Mildred Bishop made a busi­ Della Holmes ,*rd Frances Focht Miss Joyce Jeiinek is home visit­ ness trip to Nyssa Monday morning winning prizes Lunch was served ing her parents. Mr and Mrs. Vern Mr and Mrs Case Muntjewtrff by the hostess assisted by Cora R ok- Bullen and family for a few days received a telephone call from their stool. The next club meeting will leaving soon for Camp Stoneman. son, Garritt at Joseph Sunday stat­ be Feb. 17 with Cora Rooks'-xj| Calif, where she soon will leave for; ing the weather was nice and he hostess. Valentines and handker­ over seas duty. had visited his doctor at Walla chiefs will be exchanged RoO call Mrs. Grace Brown accompanied Walla and he was coming along will be answered by Pollyanna sug­ Mrs Angie Chaney to Emmett last nicely and would not have to go gestions. Tuesday where she visited her *'»- back until May. William and Hollis De Grofft o f ter. Mrs. Bill Brownfield. Mrs Mrs Mary Thompson substituted Wallowa, G reg, visited at the F. Brown visited her cousin, Leslie in the Roswell school three days last G. Holmes home Friday. Gibson. week. Mr and Mrs. Frank Byers made Mr and Mrs Herb Thomas visited a business trip to Caldwell and their daughter, Mrs Riley Dille in I Nampa Saturday. Betty returned Weiser last Monday. With them for the week end Mrs. Herb Thomas attended the Mr. and Mrs Robert Holmes were H E C. club Tuesday at the home dinner guests Sunday evening at of Mrs Wesley Piercy in Kingman i the Roy Holmes home. Kolony. Ralph Chenault suffered a heart Mrs. Kraik Byers Mr. and Mrs. Ed Newton and Burt attack Sunday He is in the Malheur visited wHh Mr and Mrs. Case Memorial hospital. Phone 2325 Muntjewerff Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Shuster o f Mrs. Herb Thomas entertained The Merry Matrons club met at Huntington, visited at the Robert the Ladies afternoon Pinochle club the home of Lillian Lundy Wedne-- Holmes home Monday. at her home Thursday. day afternoon. Feb 3 with 14 mem­ Mrs. Mary Brumbach and Mrs bers and two guests, Lucille Run- MENTION THE Mildred Bishop attended Royal oern and Frances Focht, present I GATE CITY JOURNAL Neighbor home coming Monday \ Roll call was answered by "My I night, celebrating with a dinner in Favorite Magazine.” Following the WHEN BUYING Along The Oregon Trail Sale Dates—Feb. 11. 12. 13, Inclusive Cinnamon drops and all the yum-yum party favor­ ites . . . We have them all — Everything to make your Valentine's Day an occasion to remember . . . You'll win plenty of hearts with these inexpensive treats. H O L ID A Y VALUES Shredded W heat Nabisco 2 for 35< Tuna Fish Bumble Bee, Large 3 ior PANCAKE FLOUR 21/2 lbs Aunt Ie— . , GRAPELADE i0o, weich-.“ “ °r W * FROZEN FOODS , .Yd TOBLER'S FEED & FUEL, Inc. 10-oz. Frozen B R I R ^ n p i l Strawberries M E A T 29c Package OUAiny MEATS 4 Lb. Package 85< Lard IS YOU R BEST FOOD B U Y ! Yes, for nourishment, savings and downright enjoyment, MEAT still heads the list in your food buying. Lean Lunch M eat Assorted For ih* beet of • a price CARROTS Custom Butchering and Curing . Large Bunches 2 for _______________ 19c » FISCHER'S LOCKER SERVICE Open 'Til 6 P. M.. Monday Through Saturday Vi mile west on Alberta Ave. Dial 3093. locker plant Dial 3103 slaughterhouse and cutting room. LETTUCE Lb............ 10c ^ S flU i CARNATION INSTANT WHEAT tuai o n t * 10 ï APPLES Red Delicious Lb......................... 29< 45c Dial 2231 PRODUCE REMEMBER come to Beef Roast 12c 204 G ood A ve. WILSON’S Super M arket "Always The Best For Less" Free Parking 0 Free Delivery