• • o THE N YSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 7. 1954 PA G E EIGHT Í (• Mr and Mrs. Hardy Fine In Glenns in Buhl. Mr. and Mrs. Luit Stam were Ferry. of Malheur County, Week of Mr and Mrs. Herb Thomas visited guests New Years eve o l Mr and Dec. 27 to Jan. 3. at the Ruben Graham home Sunday Mrs. Pete Vande Ord In Nyssa. Real Estate Transfer* Recorded Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Haney and evening. Harry Robertson et ux to Ama­ Jerry were in Boise Wednesday. Mrs Ruth Campbell of Drewsey ranth Edward Montoya et ux—Lot visited Leo Winn Sunday. “ >• BtockJJ Grc* ns Add W NySSa' Mrs McDonald ol Parma has 6 30 52 *800i . . . *■ Gar^nd Christiansen et ux to spent the past week at the Garritt Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrison re­ WlUlam B * “ “ *?.*?1 * Timmerman home helping care for turned recently after spending a and 10, Block 81, Ontario. 12/19/53. the new baby girl. week visiting relatives in Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. Orton Winn spent $4.750. En route home, they visited Mr and George L. Kenison et ux to Walter the week end in John Day. Mrs. Weldon Ferguson, former Nys­ E Gillespie et ux—S ‘*S E ‘« Sec. 22- Susan and La Nae Hammon won sa residents, in Mil ton-Free water. 18-44 5 18 53 $10. prizes for writing the best letters to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Edwards Clarence Mitchell et ux to George Santa Claus. They received a large j of Parma and Mr and Mrs. Jerry L Kenison et u x - S W ^ S E ', Sec set of tinker toys. LaCelle of Caldwell were guests The LDS Gold and Green ball will 9_18' 4€ 5 11 53 $10. Sunday evening at the home of thhe Richard G. Wells et ux to Cole L be held at the Adrian high school Rev. and Mrs. Robert Jackson. Amos et ux—part of SH iSW ^SE1.. Thursday, January 14. the public Perry Coleman left Sunday for Sec. 3-18-47. 12 18 53 SI. is invited. Corvallis after ten days vacation M. Mary Buston et vir to Grace Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sipes and Anna Ryan—Lots 5 to 10. Inc . Block Mr. and Mrs. John Stone all of spent with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman and with other 171; Lots 6 to 10. inc.. Block 174, Homedale were Sunday dinner relatives. Ontario. 12/24/53. $1. e Wernick. who was of the Rev. and Mrs. Robert Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Mancll Bishop, Mr. Gardner. 12 24 53. Recovery on ac­ guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Forest Hard­ ow n ers of preferred enjoyed a candlelight banquet ser. installed associate conductress, Mrs. count. $333. man. * —* and Mrs. Scott Hiatt and boys and Malheur County vs Alan J. Lind- Nels Larson, Pete Hammon and r i s k s ? T h e a n s w e r Wernick was ill at the time of the Mrs. Wilson Entertains Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jones and fam- b With Buffet Supper **? visited at the George Knowles gren et als. 12 29 53. Tax Lien Fore­ Ray Smith, left with their Scout m a y m ean m on ey to closure. leader. Mr. Ashby, Tuesday morn­ "New Years” treats were served by Mr- Robert Wilson entertained ilcme Ne'w Years eve. Kiyo Nobuyama vs Tatsuo No- ing for an overnight skiing trip to you. A s k us. Mr and Mrs. Renstrom, Mrs. Ed­ members of her Tuesday evening Mae Hiatt called on Mrs. Hale in buyama. 12 30 53. Divorce. Ironsides. ward Boydell and William Schire- bridge club with a buffet supper at Ontario Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller were New man, hosts and hostesses. her home Guest players were Mrs.J an<* Mrs. Alonzo Knowle? RENSTROM Year dinner guests of her parents, Lloyd Lewis and Mrs. Houston Wil- j v*sHed Sunday at the J. B Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Luit Stam. son. i borne. Dinner Guests AGENCY Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kriegh and High score was won by Mrs. Cliff an<^ Mrs Winnie Unwin were Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McConnell were family returned home Sunday from Dial 6697 ; dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mink, second high by Mrs. Walt Sunday afternoon callers at the J. 20-40 Club spending the holidays with relatives B. Mitchell home. Roth and traveling. Mrs. Lewis. Mrs. Russell Gressley. Dial 2135 Leslie Hiatt returned Sunday to .;._ 110 Main Si. college at Oregon Institute of Tech­ Meeting Held Wednesday Evening Fifty friends and relatives gather­ nology at Klamath Falls. A special meeting of the American Bridge Club ed at the Oscar Haney home Christ­ Dorthea Bretz returned to school Mr- Dale Garrison entertained Legion auxiliary was held Wednes. in Boise Sunday. mas day for a family dinner. at two tables of bridge Wednesday- day at the home of Mrs. Albert Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hill were New Mr. and Mrs. Phil Wilson, Mr. . ,, _ . _ , . evening with Mrs. B B I.ienkaemper Heldt. The evening was «pent «tul- Years dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. d \I: K ^yd, Ha e.' an! *!i r ' and and Mrs Hay Ku.ssfll as Kim«; play­ fing 2,200 enve: pes for the March | a" Mrs. Louis Philer of Ontario were Hoyt Warurct near Caldwell. of Dimes. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Graham were [ New Years eve dinner guests at the ers. Refreshment were erved by Mrs dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har­ Ray Russell home. Mrs. Clyde Snider won high an«. Mr, and Mrs. Ward Lundy were old Byard of Boise on New Years. Mrs. Lienkaemper won second high ' Heldt. • 4 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rice and girls V —V I S'.in’Ji*; dinner guests at the Ward of Quincy, Wash., were New Year Karma Kesler Entertains I C. Lundy home The v C9asion was C. R. Kesler Honored dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Karma Ke-ler enteileined twenty- Ward Lundy’s birihday. | Mrs. C R Ke lei gave a surprise five of her friends at a holiday Mr. and Mrs, w * j,ne < 5 jmpSOn | Glenn. birthday party Saturday evening for New Year dinner guests at the party at the F. N Petterson home and family have returned from a her husband and other guests. The evening was spent playing game Friday evening The evening was week's vacation at Hooper and Og­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Pratt den, Utah where they spent the were Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Aitkens, and watching TV. Mrs. Brig Olsen spent danc.ng and viewing TV. Miss Ke-ler served refreshments Christmas holidays with relatives. Bonnie and Ben of Riggins, Lee and Mrs. Jay Bunn won prizes dur. at the close of the evening Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dail had as Curtis of Grangeville, Mr. and Mrs. ; lng the game.--. .;.__ their guests one day last week Mr Elwood Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Pete De Luncheon was served to guests. Pettersons Entertain and Mrs. Milas Canada of Jerome Boer, John and Danny and C. W. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Petterson Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dail visited De Boer all of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Dinner Guests entertained at dinner Sunday in Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Aitkens were also week-end guests Mr and Mrs. Leon Burt and honor of C. R. Ke.-ler on the oc­ Ray of New Plymouth and Mr. and of the Pratts. Rodney of Fruitland and M r and Mr. and Mrs. Forest Hardman casion of his birthday anniversary. Mrs. Elmer Stradley. Mrs. Ham Chadderton and Lional were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jackie and Gary Dail spent sever­ were dinner guests at the Steffens Jay Bunn and family, Mr. and Mrs. al days of vacation with Jimmy Fredway of Parma on New Years. home Monday evening. Mrs. Jake Borge left Dec. 26 for V. L. Ke.dcr and family ar.d the C. Farmer. Denver Colo., to visit her mother. R. Kesler family. Mary Joan Russell returned to Now Years Eve Party Mrs. J. H. Ball, who is quite ill. college at Eastern Oregon College Teen-awe members of the Nazar. USE JOURNAL CLASSIFIF.D ADS She returned to her home Wednes­ of Education at LaGrande. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cannon day. Amasa Hammon left Sunday moved to the De-eret Sheep Com­ morning for Ogden to attend the pany Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schweizer funeral of his brother, in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Hardman and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Glenn were spent New Years eve with Mr. and co-hosts at a pinochle and canasta party Saturday night. Three tables Mrs. Lee Saxton. Kaye Hammon was among the of pinochle and two tables of can- guests attended. Mr. and Mrs. Lee group of young people from a Sun. asta were in play. The following sc^ool class of the O i>hee ■ward guests attended. Mrs. Lee House­ who went to Nampa Monday even, holder, Mr. and Mr.-. George Ssh- ing to roller skate at the Roller- weizer, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Sch­ drome. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Haney and » 'N C I I» weizer, Mrs. Gertrude Jackson, Mr. ind Mr-. Charles Share, Mr. and family were Saturday evening din­ Mrs. Don Share, Mr. and Mrs. Law­ ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne rence Kreager and Larry, Mr. and Davenport of Nyssa. L o c a l H e a d q u a r t e r s for S a le s a n d S e r v ic e Mr. and Mrs. Fahrenbrach and Mi Charlie Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. Allen were in Boise Wednesday. Harley Smith. Mr. and Mr- Kenneth [ A co m plete sto ck o f p a rts ] Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rice and Lana Parker and Mr. and Mrs. Vic Mar- were overnight guests -of Mr. and ; shall. Complete Mr. and Mrs. Warren Farmer and Mrs. Hugh Glenn Tuesday. Mr. and CENI LINE OF family returned Wednesday from Mrs. Guy Glenn and Charlie were Salt Lake City where they visited callers that evening. FORAGE HANDLI NG Mrs. Anna Pratt and her bro. F a m o u s f o r F a st, Clean Chopping at the O. I Done home, Mrs. Far­ EQUI PMENT ther. Frank Steen, of Lebanon ar, mers parents. More Geld Forage Harvesters have been sold than those A birthday party was given at the rived at the home of her sons. Eu­ o f any other independent manufacturer. The Gchl gives Vic Marshall home New Years eve. gene and Lou Pratt for the holidays. you that highly important fast, clean chopping which In honor of Mr Marshall’s mother. Mrs. Pratt Is visiting for awhile, makes better feed . . . silage that packs better and keeps Mr-. Lee Strickland. The following but Mr. Steen has returned to his well. Many exclusive features. . . Gehl has proven its were guests. Mr. and Mrs. Lee home. Mr. and Mrs. Durlin Hammon and rugged long-life dependability and trouble- Hi useholder. Mrs. Gertrude Jack- free operation. Available with own motor son, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Glenn, Mr. family were Saturday evening din. ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray or power take-off from tractor. M Row crop Mr- Charlie Share, Mr. and Mrs Swanson in Wilder. Later they en. ottacfwrtort and pow#r Don Share, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Joyed TV. QUICK CHANGE-OVER fait« off. Saturday evening dinner guests of Schweizer, Mr and Mrs. George for 3-WAY HARVESTING Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hirai were Mr Schweizer and Mr. and Mrs. O. H and Mrs. M. Nakanish o f Lovelock, Schweizer. The Hay Pickup, for Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nishitani re­ Nev. windrowed hay or straw, Mrs. Julie Wilson and son ol Powotfwl tilt up blowpr turned Wednesday from Seattle the new Mower-Bar for and Mrs. can obo b« vtod •ti re :!•«>■ have been vi-itinc rela- * amPa *';th * ,r short and tall grass silage ernoon. tiV O S * Orton Winn Sunday afte «Tops sown broadcast. and Mr. and Mrs. M. L Judd were the Row Crop attachment Mr and Mr». Wcodrow Sewer., Sunday evening guests o f Mr. and for corn, cane, etc., go on visited at the Frank Preston home Mrs. Garrit Stam. as assembled units .. . eas in Nu Acres Sunday. Mr. an