PAGE TEN fH L N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y JO U R N A L . N Y S S A . O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y . JA N U A R Y 7. 1954 Big Eead M i» Helen Hatch Phone Parma l - l it Tuesday, Jan. 12, the Big Be extension unit will held their f. work shop meeting with Mr ner Hopkins on inner spring cu ion repair and take measurcou of the chairs to oe reco vered a: Take the family our to dinner! They'll enjoy a change in atmos­ phere, and get a real thrill in choosing from our Menu. Just Driving By? . . . . Then the PLEASURE will all be yours if you stop in. Berreiis Cafe Teresa Anderson Manager Nyssa Dial 9972 m er­ M r a n * vt~* r\ « J v . iu ^ .5 , « V ..f 1 g e a r .l M r a n d Mr* ÎA3VÎT wem \ n of h u b ro i S t r i n g o f Nt* 8 * i« V r A nd I k ' S L e lie B e re n > 4 it re- leorge a ser. IV«e\ Streng and Years dinner guests I: and Mrs. David Plymouth and her ly Mr and Mrs Darkee. Oreg , re- à h>3Ji S à . Mr and Mr- Prank Miller have a r e » grandda ugh ;er The baby has been named Ma- Kay Timmerman, The t *o older sisters. Janie and Jean are staying with their grand- parents. What might oí been a serious ac- cident oecured : t the top of the Fran Miller hill Sunday when two ladie from Seattle driving to Home- dale and Erne-: Mausling met and b :h cars were badly damaged but no one was seriously hurt. Mr and Mrs Harvey Hatch. Helen and Phillip spent Thursday evening at the Howard Hatch heme in Ad­ rian. John Packwood, Jimmy Thomp­ son, Jimmy Char.ey and Jimmy Packwood joined the Adrian Scout troop Saturday -and went to Given's Hot Springs where they enjoyed a swim. Dwayne Baxter and Letter Auker returned to San Diego, C a lif. Friday aflei spending 14 days furlough with their parents, the Wm. Baxter and John Auker familie-. Mrs. Edna Rhodes of Caldwell spent the holidays at th" home of meet Jan. ” a: the home of Mr- her daughur. Mr a..d Mr J. hn th e1 Wesley Piercy home in Ktr.g- per spent their Christma Don Lytle in-tead of with Mr». Les with their grandpa:ent-. P ...k v .-.a and boy- and they all man KaLny Wedne-day evening Jamison as was reported before. ,p ti. New Yea 's day at the h me Mr. tnd Mrs. H r b Th mi> wert Mrs. Elmer Prosser. ■f a:i. t..i. daughter, Mr. and Mr- ir. Ontario Saturday ai.d had u nner Cart »right Mr and Mr.-, Mi-- Frances Fo. :er of North HoL C W Musgrove, in Marking. with old friends. Mr and Mr-. Roy were New Year J. t*r gue t 4 at the ly vood. Calif, »pent Wednesday a f. Arthur Cartwngh . me tn Ny - i .ernoon with Mr- George Moeller. Harry Packwood entertained Dar­ Wyman of Oregon Slope. Mr and Mrs Lawrence Low of ryl Sewell, Cliff; rd Metcalf and Je r ­ Mr. and Mrs. John Auk r. Kathryn M Mi • were ry Eden- at a mrthday party Satur­ and Lester, were supper guests a' the New Year dinner guests a: .he Moses Lake, Wash., came down last day afternoon. Boyce Vande Water, home, Monday- George Schem er home in Newell week on business for a few days at Mr and Mr- Harvey Hatch. Helen evening. Heights. Sunday evening Mr. and Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Smith and and Phillip and their daughter, Mr. Mr and Mrs. Dyre R o b ert en:er- Mr- Mat Schiemer and family of and Mrs Tom Ferguson of Apple tained New Year's eve with a TV Ontario »and Mr. and Mrs. George family of Nyssa and Mr. and Mr.- Valley enjoyed New Year's dinner and card party. Those attending Schiemer of Ne well Heights spent Frank Jayo visited Mr. and Mrs and watched TV at the home of were: Mr and Mrs Noel Tuppeny. Sunday evening with the George Bob McKinney Sunday. Don Bowers and Martin Taylor •he r daughter. Pauline Jam es and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett. Mr. Elfers. Junior McGinnis in Adrian, New and Mrs. John Thompson and Mr Mrs Ernest Sewell entertained went to Burns one day last week Year's day. and Mrs. Babe Hamilton of Newell with a birthday party for her little I goose hunting. Martin is spending Miss Barbara Obendorff of Ros­ Heights. daughter, Lois, who was celebrating I a 30_day furlough from the Navy well spent several days last week at Miss Imogene Edens and t wo girl her fourth birthday. Those attending with his father. Lee Taylor. the John Thompson home during friends of Boise. Miss Polly Nurniyre were Ross, Eleanor and Wayne Eng­ JMr. and Mrs. Carl Pettet and Christmas vacation. and Miss Dorothy Baker, .-.pent New- lish, Kent Vande Water, Cleve Clu- daughter of John Day were dinner Mrs. Amy Rubendal of Coos Bay. Year's eve and New Year's day with cas, Douglas Howes and Carol and guests Wednesday evening at the who is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ethel her parents, Mr and Mr Henry Sharyl Brock of Harper, Mrs. Goldie George Moeller home. Plagar of Parma, accompanied sev­ Edens and family. Mrs. Harold Houston and Peggy Roberts and Mr- Bill Vande Water. | returned home Sunday from Spring, eral Dorcas ladies to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edens. Jimmy Mr. and Mrs. Otis S wigert and her Mrs. Myr.le Hatch for a meeting and Jerry spent Christmas with field. O re . where they spent the brother. Lewis Miller, were supper I holidays with relatives. and a birthday dinner Thursday their daughter. Mr and Mrs. Roger guests New Years at the home of Those coming Were Mrs. Anna Lan­ Van Landingham in Cambridge, Mr. and Mrs. Sig Muragami and their sister, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Mor­ family returned home Sunday night der, Mrs. Dorothy Huett, Mrs. Rose Idaho. gan. Douglas, Mrs. Lydia Jurries, Mrs. from the coast where they spent the Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright holidays with relatives. John Lantz. Mrs. Wohlcke, Mrs. Alice and Jimmy were New Year’s Stubblefield, Mrs. Joe King, Mrs. dinner guests of her parents, Mr. j spent Sunday at the home of her Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Foster and Frone Stradley. Mrs. Florence Rich- and Mrs. Frank Dickerson in Parma. sister. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lawler in son who spent the holidays here with Mrs. Foster’s parents, Mr. and ardson and Mrs. Donna Clark who I Mr. and Mrs. August Magani of Sunny Slope. Ross. Eleanor and Wayne English Mrs. A. A. Bratton, and other rela. is here visiting her mother from Roswell visited Sunday afternoon at attended a birthday party Thursday tives, returned to their home in Hawthorne, Calif. the Henry Edens home. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Chaney and | Mr. and Mrs. Rosie Bawtir.heimer afternoon in Adrian for Helen Mar­ family spent Thursday and Thurs- i and Billie were New Year’s dinner tin. Saturday evening Mrs. Gale day evening at the Bob Welsh home j guests at the Herb Thomas home. Martin entertained several at a birthday supper and party for her in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Babe Hamilton and husband, Gale Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kadel of Cald- j Donney of Newell Heights were Sun­ Donny Cartwright, young son of well spent Sunday at the home o f , day dinner guests at the Dyre Ro­ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cartwright, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace berts home. In the afternoon they was ill last week with pneumonia, Chaney and family. all went to Nampa and visited at but is much improved now. Mr. and Mrs. Joe King, Mrs. the Ovin Koho home. Frone Stradley, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mr. and Mrs. Happ Riggs and son. Cartwright and Mr. and Mrs. Dar- Raymond of Parma were New Year rill English, attended the Grandma dinner guests at the Dyre Roberts Cone funeral last Tuesday in C a ld -, home. Mrs. Gmrpe Moeler Mrs. Goldie Roberts attended the well. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas and funeral of Bill Blakeslee in Nampa Dial 2713 Mr and Mrs. Dyre Robeits attended last Wednesday. The Arcadia Sun hine club will a buffet supper and card party at Sharyl and Carol Brocker of Har- Y o u ’l l, f i n d t h a t e a c h new feature in the ’5-1 Ford is an extra dividend in driving enjoyment . . . estab­ lishes Ford, even more in ’51. as tin* “Worth More" ear. You get a special dividend in styling with Ford’s distinctive new appearance. You get sparkling new interiors, too, that are a dividend in themselves. Ami each of the new Fords gives yon special divi­ dends in ride and performance , . . with new Hall- Joint Front Suspension, the greatest advance in chassis design in 20 years . . . with your choice of Ford's new low-friction Y block V-8 or 1 block Six, the most modern engines in any car today! With 28 brilliant new models to choose from, youll find tire exact ear to suit your tastes and requirements. Come in . . . See and Test I )i ive the ’54 Ford. OVERHEAD Aroumi f -r?>dir V A I V IS D O U B L E -D IC K IN T A K E M A N I F O L D The new tl5*h.p. H* block ©QXI OVERHEAD V A I VES TU RBU LEN CE HI O H - J U R B U LIN CE C OM BUSTION CO M BUS TIO N CHAMBERS CHAM BERS 4 -P O R T IN T A K E M AN IFO LD SH O RT- STRO KE, S H O R T -S T R O R E , LOW -FR ICTION DESIO N LO W -FR IC TIO N D IS I O N D E E P -C A S T T BLO CK tudd It «Howl gni.tei up and down wheel trave l lor a smoother ride And it helps keep wheels in true alignment tor consistently easy handling Movement ol wheels is on ball lolats, whether in up and down motion or in steering motion right or left The g r e a t e s t e n g in e a d v a n c e s sin e * th e o r ig in a l F O R D V - 8 B oth n k s v 195-1 Fan! engines . . . tire Y-block V-8 anti the* I block Six . . . have overhead valves for most effi­ cient high-compression ojseration on today’s fuels. Valves are free-breathing to give you the most CO . . . free- turning to seat tightly and maintain high compression. Both engines have a deep-cast block with skirt that extends well lx*low the crankshaft for greater strength and rigidity . . . smoother, quieter performance and Metff G w * Power Staffisi Il doat u t fo 7 5 S ol tool »!••< Ina work foi you.» paik i n i a p ÌM u ira, lo««»» y«u with Ih ! noi mal Inai ol stw n n g oa tht stin ch i.« M V v Swrfl Sara Powar traiti Coww dovi up lo ono Ibifd ol III« woik ul d op p in i (ni roti' You u t le u I . I i i u M rara# itlttul. in Ih» »Ho »nd |