THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. DECEMBER 31. 1953 ÉAGE SEVtM T.. .:n n r. Hill and •ug Mr Alma Hendrick and family and Mrs. Eugene C. à ver xuQ e n i K -a- firm and Mr and M: CU*r Hart : neti. Re., e am. Unruly. Mr and Mr». and daughter o! B- -e Alt n Jenmr.g and family and Mr. Mr and Mrs. F G H Imes en and M: Gilbert H Ime- and daugh­ te rial red at dinner cn ters. v Mr and Mr Willis Conr.ant and family of Parma. Mr ana Mr« R. :- family. Mr and Mr Richard Coo- Two cents per word per insertion. Minimum charges. 30 cents for Journal office not later than noon Tuesday. Publication of any land and Mr and nant and faintly of Ontario and Mr. Mrs Ray H Ime Mr and M Glen and M r-. Gerald and faa»> first insertion, in advance. To assure insertion on the classified classified advertisement will not 1« guaranteed when submitted Holmes. Jr . and Mr and Mrs. Frank :ly of WeL-er were C art- 1 mar tim aer page for proper classification, all ads must be turned into the later than Tuesday evening. Dial 2233 Byers and farm... . -if Mr and Mr Glenn Brown. Mr and Mrs Gerald Robertson Chr.- 1 mas supper gue ts of Mr. and fam .ly of Portland visited over and Mi F G Holme- were Mr and the Christmas hol.days at the home Mrs Wayne Kre-^ly of K.-imatntfv of Mr R. bert • r. - parent. Mr and Fail.-, Mr and Mr Rolland H .lmww M r A H Keck 214 No. Main, Nyssa, Ore. and sons. Mr ar.d Mr- Ray H< line», Mr and Mr- Robert Holmes were Mr and Mrs Robert Holmes, Mr fo r SALE— 78 acres. 4 miles south WANTED—Used play pen for tn- FARMS $21.000. 29 down of Adrian In Big Bend. Ideal stock fant. Phone 3080 51-2tp 35 Acres row cron and stock ranch, guests for Christmas dinner at the and Mrs A M Goodson and lam lfy 60 acres under the old Owyhee Farms ranch on Snake river. For price and ----------- --------------------------------- - practically new 2 bedrocm. modern ( Jess Shuster home at Huntington. of Parma Mr and Mrs GilbesK Close to Nyssa Ail rowerop lar.c Mr and Mrs Re bert On err and me v rtta >7.500, tis.OdO. terms terms, see C. O. Brown. Adrian. Ore WANTED—Passengers to Klamath 110 ACRES ROW CROP l acre 4 mile north of N;- -t If y< ^ are ar. Oregon veteran w ' daughter and Mr and Mrs Orville H< Ime and family. Mr and Mr*. Best possible quality. High state 51-3tp. F‘dls. Leaving Sunday Dick Schire- Glen Holme Jr and Mr and Mrs can buy this ranch of cultivation $60.000. 1 3 down, P artially finished house. man. Dial 3014 J o h n »n and of Wei-er were Frank Byer; and family 51-ltc. FOR SALE—Cheap. 4 lots. 2 houses. 5000 acres level row crop land, lot $5.500 per year 14u acre- r- » cr>sp and took pr- - Christmas dinner guest- of Mr and Dick Hart, who is g. mg to Ore^c» of available water, pumping out of . tlve land. $28 000. low down pay­ M.n R. bert Adam Easy terms available Dial 3158. WANTED — Baled straw Phone INDEPENDENCE Tech at Klammath Fall spent thw ground from 20 to 40 feet - m- * ment, easy terms. 51-4tc. 1 3029 or 2729. Mr Hn. > $ h- lida> with his parent- Mr. and 400 acres. 3 homes, grade A barn 50-5tp. Row crop, hay and pasture. $65,000, pump.r^ 200 inches, producing g xd Kl.inunath Falls «pern Chr: tma Mrs. Klass Hart crops m the area, price run.- frv. rr. for SALE—Sell or trade equity in WANTED—.Any kind of hauling, ex 29^ down. ' Lila Holm«-- *a a z test Christmaw 1 have one of the be t home in $25 to $40 per acre, S down, w.:; '53 Studebaker for pickup. Biltwell cept livestock. Phone 2190. Joseph IDEAL ROW CROP LAND Nyssa for sale, full basement, corner j community. even!: « a; the Gram Patterson split into 40 acres or 80 a : re or tiaveno bed. $25; 9x12 rug nnd pad. White. 49-tfc location. Betty Byers of Nampa spent the home 160 acres with 134 cultivated About you can take it all. $35 two oil heaters, $15, $25: Bendix _ " 125 acres cf choice bottom land » A gr ip met at the Oregon T rail 2 bedrocm modern home, p ra c -! Just listed 160 acres in Sunset I automatic washer, $100 Roy Hoff. WANTED—Custom grain grinding Lots of water for row crop irriga­ t. .d; . ne v $5.450 Mr ar.d Mr ’.V {’ Ht: :r. •. %ere, hall M :. lay an i beg . . * on Uaw Valley, all of it lays perfect Paul Baker. Dial Nyssa, 3288 f/2 North 6th. Phone 7709 51-ltp. tion $65.000, 29c« down. Christmas dinner hosts. Covers were new k.tcher. 37-tic 1 FOR KENT 1645 acres, 500 head cattle r«:. CATTLE RANCH were Mr and Mr and Mr R- Hand Holmes werw 100 head forest permit, 180 head FOR SALE—One good family milk New 2-bedroom home, part base­ laid for 37 gue-ts Mrs. Thane Lankford and family of h-wt- at dinner Sunday evening! cow, Jersey. Phone 2895. 51-2tp. WANTED Custom grain grinding 1 200 head permit. 3 sections leased Taylor grazing. 1.600 acres deeded, ment. __ _________________________ Call Jacob Schoussler, 065-J1, On-! land, 117 acres irrigated land. sub irrigated, several out building: Mar sing. Mr and Mrs Bla.r Kend­ were M R ita Riddle and Bt o e ro K T t VITl*H Cheap water. Two sets of improve­ Will consider taking paper in as FOR SALE—ABC -washing machine ! fart0- 29-tfc ricks and family of Ontario, Mr and V'erl Patterson ments. Immediate possession part payment. We have a group of rental units mile N. of _ $17 50. W alt's place. $65.000, 29% down 51-ltc I WANTEE>—To trade 3 h. p. Century 80 acres row crop and stock ranch for sale, steady tenants, bringing in ! Nyssa. ____________ ' i motor far 1/3 or 4 h. p. variable PAID UP WATER RIGHT in Sunset Valley, 4 room h-;-me. good income. Weaner pigs. Harry speed motor. Inquire Gate City! 70 acres cultivated, mostly row FOR SALE Journal 12-tf. Rataezyk, Route 2, Sunset Valley. crop land Balance fenced pasture land, part irrigated, *28.000 50-2tp Listings wanted on stock and row crep ranches. WANTED IRRIGATED PASTURE INSURANCE LOANS | FOR SALE—1 10-in. power saw, with and 44 acres of good tame pasture. Dead Animals DUI 2033 Ore. 214 No. Main. Nys 1 horse G i . moter, 1 6-tn. planer, 1 Good home and other buildings davano and chair, 111 No. 3rd, dial Removed Free. $10.500 State Industrial Accident Com­ 3286 50-3tp Payette 670. MILK CHECKS HERE mis.- :cn vs Raymond E Noyes 12 - of Malheur County, Week of Good laying sandy loam. 4 room 23 53 Recovery on account *167 90 Idaho Animal Products Co. FOR SALE—Pat Geese. Mrs. Prank Dec. 20 to Dec. 27. house, good dairy bam. A fine I Graham, Phone 2319. 49-3tc. | Real Estate Transfers Recorded ____ value for $10.500, $4125« down. Louie C Schaffer et a! to Bee- FOR SALE—450 bu. of ear corn. WANTED— Highest puces paid for TOp © r ALITA' 40 Dial 2322 Nyssa n I slaughter horses. Clyde Sm ith,, . , ,, , Mac Motor Co —Lots 6 to 10. me. $2 00 hundred. Phone 2549. 50-tfc phone 306, Ontario Across from I Level l“« f and Lots 17 to 19. inc.. Block 23mtfc oi *Puds- « c Modern 2 bed­ Fresh and Springer Cows and Heif­ Ontario Sales yard. room home, dairy bam. *25.000. Ontario 10 31 53 ers. Terms — No Carrying Charge Robert A Card to Aurther J Broc­ worth it. B L. McNeff—Phone 8-2097—Merid­ Mrs. Frank Byers k e ts . J r — N'-iNW'-.NE1« Sec. 36- ian. Idaho. 44-tfc. EXTRA NICE ACREAGE 31-41. 11 7 53 $ valuable considera­ Phone 2325 5 level acres under old ditch Mod­ tion. FOR RENT FOR SALE—6 room house, under ern 2 bedroom home. *9.000. won­ Honoring the birthday of their [ construction, ready to move first of j Two bedroom house, good location. Robert A. Card to Fred A Fulk- in. Dean, Mr. and Mrs Rolland ! January. Buy like rent and have a \ Completely modern one bedroom derful buy. ner _ S 4 NW-.NE-. Sec 36-31-41 fj^ Holmes entertained at dinner T ie- !¡ home, instead of Just rent recepits. apartment. IDEAL SMALL DAIRY FARM 11 7 53 * valuable consideration See J. C. Krul, 915 Idaho Street. i 3 room apartment, partly furnished. day evening. Guests were Mr am Nice modern home, good dairy John Brown to May Patterson 50-tfc. | electricity and water furnished. $25 barn, 34 good acres. Success can Brown—undivided S interest in Mr- F. G. Holmes and Dahl Olsen | per month. e be yours here *11.500, terms to W iSE 4 S E '.S W '. and N'E .SW . FOR SALE1—Low price introductory BERNARD EASTMAN suit. Sec 31-18-44 12 18 53 $1 offer. 1 acre gold mine 100 tree ap­ Real Estate Phone 2643 Insurance were laid for 24 guests including Mr ple orchard. 4 to 5 ft. top quality May Patterson Brown to John and Mrs Loyd Adams, Mr and Mr 49-tfc. trees. Regular rate, each, price $2.50. B r:w n—undivided '-z intere-t in You save $120, only $130. Call J. C. RENT — Furnished, one-bed-, _______________________________ SE-.N W -. Sec 31-18-44 12 18 53 Krul or phone 3044, Nyssa, Stark house, newly redecorated, in H ari, representative. rpnrp.pntjjt.ive 915 Idaho Street. All Nyssa phon'e 2876. Mrs, WUlis Bert- Hcu"e* ' ' e~' “ Addre~ adverU5ln® $ 1 . United States to Frank T u rn er- Must have good hand­ other nurseries. Free iformation. ram. 48-tfc. postcards. writing. LINDO. Watertown. Mass all Sec. 14-19-42 4 24 53 Make your present for your life time Admiral—Bendix— Philco — Zenith Oregon & Western Colonization 51-4tp and your family. FOR RENT—Furnished apts, 1 and 50-2tc. 2 bedrooms. Mrs. Bennett. Dial 6669 -------------------- Cc to Marion Kendall et ux—Lot Stromberg-Carlson Sales and Service 20. Block 5. Highway Subdivision. or 2781. 45-tic. 1 FARM LOANS FOR SALE—Model M or H Inter­ 121 Main Dial 3211 Long term, low interest loans 2nd Add 12 14 53 $450 118 Main Dial 2fl2\ national potato cultivator, Chattin FOR RBNT — New Clarke 8-incto Prompt courteous service. Harry Osaki to Jam e A PLmer ditcher. Throe section cultipacker, , . _ . . . .... _ „ , floor sanders and 6 -lich edger. LISTINGS WANTED et ux—Lots 6. 7, and N : of L>t 8 John Deere two-row beet lifterm ov -, stunz Lumber Co 16-tf. Buyers waiting for row crop land Block 273. Ontario. 12 16 53 $10 able cattle feed bunker. Sid Flana­ in Nyssa. Ontario, and Parma i j C Deed'. gan, Rt. 2, Nyssa. 48-tfc. areas Also $15.000 to $13 000 dairy John E Wimsatt e: ux to James farms. FOR SALE—Amateur photo devel­ A Palmer et ux—Lots 6. 7 and N1^ Homes opment equipment. Phone 2620 of Lot 8. Block 273, Ontario. 12 17 - 46-tfc. UNBEATABLE VALUE 2 bedroom modem home E x tra1 53 $10 Take your choice and save a lot lot. Paved street location, $6 000 United States to Fred Trenkel—1.- HOMES FOR SALE Philco—Emerson—Sparton RCA—General Electric of money: 215 63 acre- in Township 16. Ranges Do it yourself and save. Remodel j 1953 Pontiac Save $600 00 HOME FOR CHIDREN 39 and 40 10 29 53 one of these low cost homes to s u it1 Nearly new 2 bedroam home—safe Dial 6633 1953 Chevrolet Save $400.00 202 Main Dial 2133 9 Good Ave. United States to Fred Trenkel— your needs. See our list, priced from j “all on one floor" plan. Back yard S'->NW . ar.dW jSW , Sec. 5-16-40 $1500 to $4000. fenced Productive garden spot. 10 28 53. NYSSA INSURANCE Agency 16 N. 3rd Phone M15W 1 1 « ,K00 Warmspnngs Irrigation District Ralph G. Lawrence, Agent WELL WORTH THE MONEY Nyssa, Oregon Nearly new 3 bedroom home Floor ■ to Trenkel Farming & Livestock Co. —O il acre in Sec 22-18 46. 7 7/53 Dial 2544 105 Main furnace, utility room. $7,000 $1. Q C Deed CLOSE-IN Location FOR SALE—Eating potatoes. Cheap. Fred Trenkel et ux to Trenkel Minneapolis “Z“ Tractor — Good 1-bedroom home with finished : Kayno Salto. Dial 2642 . 47-tfc. ba.sement. Easy walking di«tance ; Farming & Livestock Co.—1.375 63 shape, excellent rubber. Priced to Hallicrafter from business district. $7.000 00, t acres in Township 16, Ranges 39 , Hoffman 20-in. by 40-in. GAS GRILL sell. terms arranged. and 40 12 17 53 $1. 1949 J. D. "A" Tractor—Recondition­ "Eaay Via Ion" “Guaranteed 1 Full Year TO LOAN FREE Busin p - w Opportunities William J Schultz to M arietta | ed, guaranteed. to Local Civic and Fraternal 420 Main Dial 2224 So 1st at Good Schultz — SE *SEL* Sec. 31-16-40 LA I CASE—Dual wheels, new YOUR OWN BUSINESS Organisation» rubber, reconditioned, new p ain t.; Established bakery business Take 12 21 53 $1. IDEAL GAS Si APPLIANCE over equipment, supplies, «nd pro- 45-tfc. For that heavy work. Selma Fairman to M aneta Schul­ - ______________________ - ■ ----- ■ — No. 114 J. D. Combination Mill fits tz—Lot 5, Block 5. Harper 12 22 53 FOR SALE—Norge oil heater. $40. with dust collector mounted on trail- vw-rnkj p r v x m REAL ESTATE $10 Call 9912. 44-tfc er. Sacrifice. Xh-Cai r W i i y INSURANCE Harry M Featherston et ux to Olsen 28-ft semi-trailer. Good 18 North 3rd Dial 6615 LeRoy F Stuart et ux—Lots 4. 5 FOR SALE — Two electric sewing -------- _ and 6 Block 4. Nelsons Add. to Vale. machines, well known brands, less shape, 5th wheel. For hauling baled than two years old, excellent con­ hay this is the rig. 12 10 53 $10 dition, less than % original price. JBA John Deere Disk Harrow—Just i John Rouse et al to Gordon R. ■ — - - — ----- ----------- Dickson et ux—lands in Townships Firestone Store. 41-tfc. received, good shape, ready to go IHC 1020 Disk—This Is in excel- j SEWING MAC HINTS— 15 and 16. Ranges 37, 38 and 39 lent shape A real deal for a large Repaired, cleaned, oiled and adjusted 11 1 52 $10. FREE tractor. Priced to sell. at your home. 4« years experience. Elwyn M Chastain et ux to L. P , Prompt P ick«» *f D eal Animala See our used machinery lot for AU make* Free estimate. Used ma- Chastain et ux—part of Lot 4, Block SARAZIN CLINIC many other items »11 priced for chines. $12-5« cp Singer and other DR. GEO. E. COBERM Phon« Payette 22« Dr. J. J. Sarazin 6. Harper 12 17 53 $10. Phone 2«6. On- quick sale I make* Eaoy T 1 EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. Dr. K. E. K*rby 42-Stc. Marriage License» Issued tarlo. Nyssa DU18RM Glen Raymond M arshall and Pau­ Dr. K. A. Danford 1 -------- ---------------------------- Ph y «Irta a» and Semen» FOR SAIJt Nyma. Oregon Dial 2151 , MISCELLANEOUS — Beotrolux line Alice Winebarger. both of Hun­ *________ _ I cleaner». 8ales and service. Ed IV. tington, Ore. 12 21 53 New modern, brick duplex Fix- DR. J. A. McFALL Lome Adelbert Hovda, of Clear | Anderson. route 3. Weteer, Idaho. cel lent location near schools L. A. MAULDING. M. D. | phone 0287-J4 44-tf Lake. Wise, and Dorothy Anna We have several good Income pro­ Physician and Sarge— DR. JOHN EASLY perties. single ‘ dwelling«, duplex's Dial 2218 Davis, of Ontario, Ore. 12 21 53. Phone 21, Ontario, Oregon and business properties Hours 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 NOTICE Buy gas from me and get Complaint« Filed in Circuit Court KEYS MADE BERNARD EASTMAN Daily Except Saturday and your OIL FUKK W alt's 66 Place. Real Estate Inanranee 1 mile north of Nyssa. Sunday. Saturday 10 to 13 While You W tii 51-ltc 19 8. Second Dial 2 d « Classified Advertising Rates For Sale BEST BUYS Wanted To Buy Or Sell See Mel j MEL BECK—REALTOR i SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED NEWS OF RECORD Roto-Rooter Sewer Service BROWER PLUMBING SERVICE r . f . c-lo 11 ff V i tor Krtecac CrvsDb Along The ^ Oregon Trail For Rent Television Dealers FURNITURE CO. WILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE Used Car Bargains TOO MANY CARS! FORD EDER NYSSA Will Be Powered HARDWARE CO. FURNITURE CO. KEN POND 2 New Engines 130 H.P. Overhead EZ CARR NYSSA Valve V8 APPLIANCES MOTORS PETERSON Women Wanted 1954 with Used Machinery and 115 H.P. I-Block Mileage Maker 6 See Them Miscellaneous Wednesday, Ian. 6 Optometrists at Miscellaneous FARM LOANS Investigate our budget plan for Auto and Fire Insurance Bernard Eastman Agency. 19 South 2nd l*hone 2843 37-tfc. IM . gravel the mud lug ( ARTIFICIAL BREEDING FIRESTONE STORE Veterinarians START YOUR BETTER HERD TODAY CHICKEN for NYSSA VETERINARY CLINIC Sunday Dinner! Dr. B. E. Roaa Dr. D R. M ason Large and Sm all Animals 407 Main St. Dial 2010 Artificai Insemination to Sires “ « g * p ro v e d V th e top 2 *% of each breed Swiss. Milkir.g short horn Also 2 beef 'breeds *7 50 per oow Nc charge for j return service. Ray Bowr.s New Plymouth. 4041 Owned by L w a l D airym en— offer» m an y ad v an tag e»: | Mrrïj, p ui Best Bull* Available ■ ■ Serve IDAHO PROVED SIRE SERVICE ir-tfc. the BEST A nywhere. Lost and Found 2. Identify Vour ( alve» by Tatt,io- Ing free. 3. Accurate Breeding fte«ord. LOST—Oerman Pointer pup See 4. F ellaM llly We Have Been Eldon G i v ­ Barker, or ph .e FOR SALE—Good used 100 gallon Ltfe ing Service for 7 Year*. electric water heater |7li 50 lde*l -, lin ee 'trained Technician» I« Use the Journal Classified Ads Oas At Appliance 25-lfc g IV« the Be*l Her vice. they get results A YYr f ondu« t a Hale Leach Year for knur Htirplu« Heifer*. TYPEWRITERS All I hl« for $7 per Hervlce. ^ FOR TRADE 4-fOfWn le-u « Irani For Inform ation a*k your n e ig h b o fl u « M ^ ^ -R e n ^ d -R e p a h * d chicken hoa-e and aie 'it 2 in e « ot or c a ll fin ta rlo I0‘* W N y«m 20.0 ^ EletcheU» Typewriter Exchange land tf> trade f-,r «ar tru 'k pi< k *P V* 1 * 1 H;»wy 20 We»t P O. Box 45« or tractor. W«a,ld trade « l« «r f«.r Boise Ph 2 6 ««- Idahc equity in hr. u «• n • >* Phone 2671 i m u i i L i u n BREEDERS , 45-tf BOB TIIOMPNON AGFNf V Dial 2355 For Sale or Trade MALHEUR ,,',KV Physicians HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Hollingsworths', Inc. FOR UAL* Nice 2 bed room house, garage and commercial size chicken house, nlxuit 2 acres on paved road $H.r>00 2 bedroom, V4 ba.ement Excellent location. $6500 Terms 160 acres, fall delivery. $2fl,(MK) 4 houses on two acres, hlway frontage. $17.000, term ' Blacksmith .hop with equlienent and house on 1/4 acre fronting high way In good farming center 1*00 $1000 down Acreage 2 bedroom Iwune, l»»rn and chicken hou e $3 VK) PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY .“:. D 0 IT WkF h« Roth«rad with th* m « « f Job of drawing poultry? W» Ara LET S*m U« About Other Produce GEM PRODUCE CO. #th and Good Dial 2315 NEW PLYMOUTH VETERINARY CLINIC Dr. Marvin M. Prentice Dr. ( Union VS C olenbaugh Large and Sm all Animals Veterinary and Pet Supplies Sm all Animal Beard Facilities Open Every Day Clinic Hours: 9-12; 1:20-6 Phone 2341 After Hours: Phone 2341 Chiropractor Doctor EDGEL W WOOD Chiropractic Physictaa Evraing» By Appointment Of fir** at 2 Arcadia Bled. NyttA Dial 3939 Doctor C. R. VAN PATTEN Chiropractic Physician Physiotherapist Offices at 265 North Oregon Ontario Phone 473 Dentists DR. C. M. TYLER WILSON BUILDING Dial 2771. Nyssa Off'ct Hours From 9 to 5 Except Saturdays, 9 to 12 J. R. CUNDALL DentM Dial 2638 Saraxin Clinic NYSSA OREGON DR. JOHN W. OLSEN Dental Clinic 7th ajjn Bow D tJm t i>#