✓ AGE FOUR THE NYSSA GATE CITY JO’ RNAL. NYSSA, O PIG O N . TH RSDAY. DECEMBER 31. 1353 family were Chr. ;ma--d.nner gue,ts ..... and I> .in» ai.u Gary of Vale at the home of Mr, Cleaver's sister, i : \n __ ; Mr- L>lt Miner and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Adam, and Larry family. Cnristma; d nner guest; at the C Mrs. Alva Goodell cf M Mr and Mrs. Richard Mason Christm*; Day dinner g je A R. c e h :ne were Mr and Mr Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stephen and entertained at dinner Christmas Day and Mrs. Art Baker Dial 2804 • family, Sir and Mrs. Eugene Step­ Mr and Mr.;. K I K .teren and ; r Mr ir.d Mr- Le Roy Barton and hen and boys and Mr and Mrs. Ar­ Brent of Vale and Mrs. Dorothy Bob were dinner guests Friday cf i f Roitenbaugh and Mr. and Mr;. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stephen thur Norland and family attended a Lyle Reece and family. Bibbey Mr and Mr- Tom Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Snider. Phone 2233 Mr and Mr, John Wehlitx of and Axel spent several days the family gathering at the home of A no host Christmas dinner was and Dr. C M. Tyler. Pendleton. H A Wieneke of Port­ past week at Madras. Hermiston and Mrs. Martha Norland in Apple Val­ Mr and Mrs Eugene Grasty were given Friday at the Bert Lienkaem- ley Christmas night. per home. Guests were the Lien- land and N. L. K.nole of Weiser Portland. Ward were given the Ma>ur:ty de­ dinner guests Friday at the heme of Mr and Mrs. Frank Wilson and kaempers and Johnny Mr ana Mr; spent Christmas with the Ward Mr Orasty s parents. Mr and Mr- gree Mrs. Ricks, formerly Jean family of Boise visited at the Eugene 1 Wesley J Browne and Jerry. Rev. W.eneke family. Walker was presented with a lace Ira Mathews In NeT Plymouth Er. Cleaver home Friday. Mr and Mrs J W. Barney of J A. Coulter and Mrs. Lcrena Baker tablecloth as a wedding gift from route, they visited in Payette with .Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilson and son, Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Cleaver and Hillsboro lei: Saturday afternoon of Buise. Mr. and Mr- Sc^tt Coulter Mr Grajty s parents. Mr and Mrs the bethel of Bremerton, Washington spent family spent Saturday evening at afier spending Christmas with their J A Grasty and with Mrs Grasty’s and Bobby of LaGrande and Edwin Retiring honored queen Keitha Bethel No. 53. Order of Job's the Robert Bowen home in yssa last week in Nyssa visiting friends daughter and son-in-lw. Dr. and Coulter of Spokane. grandmother. Mr; Annie Hill i n . Daughters held a meeting Tuesday Strasbaugh installed the following Mr and Mrs. Jim Ritchie and and relatives. Mrs Anna West and Olive Beu- Mrs. George Cebern and family. NeT Plymouth. Mr. and Mrs. George N. Dear call­ evening Xor the purp e of installa­ to serve for the next term Lois W il­ Mr. and Mrs Curtis Foster and Mrs. S B Hoffman were in Vale were dinner guests Christmas at the Mr and Mrs R V Wilson spent son. honored queen; Mary Jean ed Sunday on Mr and Mrs. Cliff tion and majority degree Charles of North Hollywood. Calif., Wednesday. E H Be us home. Kristin the holidays with their parents, in i Howard Smith was a Friday even- Francis and Tern Foster were Christ- Mrs. Del Ricks and Miss Bonnie House, senior princess; Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker and Pamperine at Vale, Mrs. Pamperine Rinehart, junior princess; Mary Ann Imbler and near LaGrande. ing dinner guest of Mr and M r, tnas dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. family of La Grande visited with is a granddaughter of Mrs. Bear. Mr and Mr.- Howard Lovejoy and Roy Barne, Focht. guide; Baroara Baker, mar- Lester and Lloyd Cleaver and family. \ The Pamperines were married in the ’ W. W F< ter »hall: Janyce Adams, chaplain family and Phylhs Cheidelin le f t : Mr,. Murl Duncan and Barbara Elizabeth Goodell visited at the Baptist church at Priest River, Ida , Guest.- at the home cf Mrs. Ray­ Carolyn Brandt, treasurer: Mary Saturday to visit a week in Idaho entertained at dinner Christmas day mond Larson were her daughter and Leslie Topliff home two days last December 15. Ann Alford, recorder; Margaret FalL with Mr; Lovejoy’s parents. for Mr and Mrs. Fred Chresst i f «on-in-la v. Mr and Mrs George week and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Good­ Dee and Andrew Child, sons of Bates, musician; Cleta Wernick. sen­ Mr and Mrs. Dan Stoddard. ell took her to her home in Emmett Mr. and Mrs. Edison Child spent Glenn, Ferry. Mr and Mrs Richard Bauer of Richland. Wash. ior custodian; Mardell Thompson, several days this week in Utah visit­ The Rev. and Mrs. Robert Jackson Humphrey of H Mr and Mrs. J D Hughes, Mr Saturday. Mr u d junior custodian; Donna Butler, lib­ and b vs spent Christmas with Mr Mrs. Jess Huffman ar.d family cf and Mrs Lem Wilson. Sr and Mr Mr. and Mrs. James O. Stephen ing with their grandparents. Mr. and rarian: Annette Stradley, Sally and Mrs. Roy Olmstcad in Nampa Roswell. Ray Mull and Lorraine and Mr- Bill Wilson were Christmas and Kathy left for their home in Mrs. J. E. Gieger and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, Delores Duu«. Margare: guests of the Bud Wilsons. A no host Christma; dinner was Fischer. California after spending several A. J. Child. B itler and Nancy Jo House, mas- held at the home of Mr. ar.d Mrs. Willis Fry of Richland, Wash., Mr and Mrs. Jce Hartle and fam­ days visiting at the home of Mr, Overnight guests Christmas Eve a: singers: Janet Alfcrd. inner guard: Wilton Jact-on Guests were Mr. ■ the Elwood Flinders heme were Mr ily were Christmas dinner guests of Stephen's parents. Mr. and Mrs called at the Sherwood home Satur­ Judy Savage, outer guard; Marjorie and Mrs. Bill Pearson and Eileen and Mr,. Lorin Saunders and Mr Mr and Mrs. Tony Justus in Harper. Howard Day. day afternoon. Health, Peace and Tyler, page and Catherine Coleman. and Mrs. Nora L Jackson. Other gue,ts were Mr and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Anderson Mr. and Mr, Henry Day and Mr and Mrs. Marvin Wilson and Jana- Prosperity to all Oretchen Rinehart, Marilyn Oder, Willis Williamson and family. Mr and Mrs Marvin Wilson and lee. and Mrs. Claude Day and family of and sons of Payette visited at the of the friendly and Joy Gay Roth, choir members Jana.ee and Mr. and Mr- Jun Shaw Visitors during the holidays at the Adrian spent Sunday afternoon at j Geo. Wilson home Sunday. Mr. and Mr, J E. Geiger of Og­ The new honored queen intro­ and Donnie and Larry were Christ­ den spent the holiday with their Harry McGinley home were Mr. and the Howard Day home. folks of Nyssa, duced her parent.-., Mr and Mrs ma; dinner guests of the Rev and son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Burt Johnson and family of Mr and Mrs. Pete Merrick and Apple Valley and Bud Wilson and her grandmother.1 Mr- E J Wilson in Homedaie. O.-kosh, Neb, Miss Aobie Endicott son of Nyssa spent Sunday evening Mrs. Edison Child. Mr- J. D Hughes. vicinity. Mr and Mrs. Curtis Foster and Pfc. Glenn Schiremar. son of Mr of New Plymouth and Gene Endicott at the LaVern Cleaver home. Past honored queens to be escorted Charles c f North Hollywood, Calif., and Mrs. Bill Schireman spent of Redmond. Ore Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephen. Mr and Mrs. Charles Newbill had Gladys and Willie accompanied Mr. and introduced were Donna Jean arr.ved Chri-tma- Eve to visit Mr. Christmas at the home of his par­ Cheldelin, Bonnie Ward. Donna Lee Foster’s parents, Mr and Mrs. W. ent* He is stationed at Ft. Ord. as their dinner guests. Mr and Mrs. and Mrs. Jot Kiworthy and family Wilaoa, Mr- Rosa Grover. Pa: House W. Foster and with Mrs. Foster's California, with the United States Harold Kurtz and son. Gary. Don of Notus to Nebraska last week. Newbill and Mrs. Nellie Newbill. Doris Rigner and Phyllis Cheldelin parents. Mr and Mrs A A. Bratton. Army. Axel Stephen, small son of Mr Mr. and Mrs Dwight Wyckcff and and Mrs. Eugene Stephen, broke his all of Bethel 33 and Miss Loi. Bun- Mr and Mr, Jacob Fischer were The Father Rembert Ahles was a gum of Bethel No. 12 of Wendell. dinner guest- Christmas day of Mrs. Christmas dinner guest of Mr and family, Mr and Mrs. Houston W il­ arm when he slipped on the ice Ida son ar.d Lorraine. Mr. and Mrs. Saturday. Fi-cher's parents. Mr and Mr E ar.d Mrs. Dale Dewey. Past guardians and associate L Maxwell in Wilder Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram and Mr and Mrs. Richard Mason and Phillip Wil-on and Janice. R Richey guardians who were present were Mr. and Mr- Leon Hahne c f Poca­ Mr and Mrs. Tom Chandler and and Mrs. L Roess were Christmas Lucille left Wednesdy for Moses Mr and Mrs J W Rigney, Mr and tello arrived Saturday to spend the Mrs. Dorothy 3:bbey spent Christ­ dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bar­ Lake and Portland. They will visit Mr- Paul House and Dr and Mr.- week end with Mr and Mr> Earl mas Eve in Vale at the heme of ney Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Sage at Moses L A Maulding. Christma, dinner guests at the H. Lake, former Nyssa residents. Hollingsworth Mr and Mrs. LeRoy Barton To complete a very impressive eve­ How the community spent Christ­ Mr. and Mr- Ezra Carr returned i Dr and Mr,. John Long and Jack R Sherwood home were Mr. and ning. the mystery fathers party was home Monday after spending the were Christmas dinner guests cf Mrs. O E Cheldelin, Donna and mas: held and refreshments were served hthday- in B i.-e at the heme of Mrs. Bell Schwasar.ger a: WUlo v- Phyllis and their hcu-egue>t. Charles j Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cleaver enter­ « 7 Glitzier Mrs. James Huffman and tained at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. under the -upervision of Mrs. W il­ Mr. and Mr- Charles Carr. i creek. liam Alford. Mrs Arthur Smith of Baker called ; George Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Man- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barnes were Mr and Mrs. Tom Church and gus Ekanger, Mr. and Mrs. John family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Church in the afternoon. gue-ts Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. We would like to wish Mrs. J. C. Beam entertained ( Cleaver, Leonard and Ben Cleaver, Longs Guests and family and Be b Church and La Harold Robbins Mr and Mr Hud­ Dr and Mrs. John Long and Jack Rue Franklin spent Christmas eve Christma, for Mr-. L. C. Pounds,] and Garry Gordon. son Robb were afternoon callers. Mr and Mr- Roy Pounds, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver had were gue-t, Sunday of Dr O L at the J. L. Church home. our friends and patrons dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Daniels and his sister, Mrs. Harry Mr and Mr.,. Ernes: Keiselhar«: W.’liam Norman and children. Mr and Mr- Lynn Matheny spent Scott at Payette. Evelyn Cleaver Vanderveer at a buffet dinner and Harold Robbins Entertain ! were Christmas day dinner gue-t- a New Y ear filled with Monday dinner guest, o ' Mr. and at the home of Mr and Mrs LaVerr. Christmas in Ontario with Mr. and stayed for a longer visit. a Christma, gift exchange. Mrs Harold Robbins were Mr. and Larson in Meridian. M r, Roy Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Cleaver and Mrs. Ivin Comba,t and family of Mr and Mr, Kenneth Renstrom family ate dinner with Mrs. Cleaver's pleasure and prosper­ Mr and Mrs Earl Farr entertain­ Mrs. Powell Entertains Er-kine. Alberta, Canada and Mr ed at a holiday dinner Friday at spent Ch:_-:ma« in Boise with rela­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen Mr- Eddie Powell entertained at and Mr- Alfred Scott and Dennis their home. Place, were laid for Mr tives. of Vale. ity. W e shall enjoy ser­ New to the Line are the a Chri.,tma- party Wedne-day eve­ of Jerome an d Mr Joseph Maughan M Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell enter­ and Mrs. Henry Gannon of Madra- ning for members of the Wedne«- "h ,e_- i : useguescs over the tained at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. had as Mr. and Mr- Max Jones and Chr..- day evening bridge club VLaug ban's father, Henry Estrick and Vaughn of Meri­ Series T-700 and T-800 Tan­ M- ving you in the coming and Mr and Mrs. Kenny Chard and holiday •Prize, were won by Mrs. Aden Sunday Dinner Guests M a-gnin :f Smithfield. dian, Mr and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver, Joseph M M¿. Mr and Mr L. E. RoObins, Mr boys. Wilson, high. Mr.- Dick Stockham. Gary, Brian. Donald and Kirk, and dem Axle Trucks with -econd and Mrs. Homer Jackson and and Mr Norvelle Robbins and son Mrs Mary Jackson of Weiser spent Utah year. Mr and Mr* Tom Johnson spent Alva Goodell, Jr. | Mrs. Angie Cook, special Christma - and Mr., Dale O-bcrn were Sunday Christmas with her scn-in-law, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff had as dinner guest, of Mr and Mrs. J R daughter. Mr. and Mr- Joe Cham­ the holidays in Bate: with her par­ Ultra - Modern Overhead prize.,. their dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. ents. They returned Sunday. WincheU. berlain and family'. All of us al Brownie's will Mr. and Mr.,. James Huffman had John Murphy of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Pfc. and Mrs Robert Chandler of Valve Engines of 138 Horse­ I Christmas Party Given Irvin Topliff and daughters of Ad­ as their gue,ts on Christmas, Mr. Spokane -pent Christmas with Mr. Brackens Entertain For Nursery Students remain in the months Tom Chandler and Mr- and Mrs. Art Smith of Baker, Mr. rian. Elizabeth Goodell of Emmett Mr and Mr- Fred Bracken enter­ and Mr Children at Mother Goo-e Activity power. They are Factory and Mrs. Clarence Kemble of Pay­ and Mr and Mrs. Edward Topliff tained a: a dessert bridge party for Alta Chanoler in Vale. Land began their Christmas cele­ The Rev and Mrs. Vernon Taylor ette. Mr and Mrs. Torvold Olson, and family. member of their Mr and Mrs. ahead • • • • bration Wedne-day morning by sing­ Mrs. Tom Rust and deorge Whipple. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stephen Built, with all components bridge club Sunday evening. Mr and spent Christmas evening at the ing Christma -ongs and Carol- This Mr and Mrs. Jake Simmons, Abe and family, Mr and Mrs. Joe Step­ Mr- George Oxnam were guest home of Mr ar.d Mr- Raymond was followed by special numbers Simmons and Roger Simmons were hen and family and Mr and Mrs. Sager engineered for tandem op players. consisting of ,torie,. poems, songs Mr and Mrs. Laurence Shore, and Christmas dinner guests of the W il­ James Stephen. Sr. at dinner at the Mr and Mr- Cliff Mink and Mr and dance, by each of the 25 chil­ James Stephen, Sr. home. daughter. Durella of Yakima, spent liam Schireman,. and Mr Harold Brendle won high eration. dren. Mr. and Mrs Hugo Holme, spent Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Hoffman had Christmas at the home of Mr- scores. Following the program, games Shore.,' parents, Mr and Mrs. A Christmas in Payette at the home as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Glenn were played and Christma, cookies of their son and daughter-in-law. Hoffman and Glenda and Mr. and Chadwick and punch were erved A large Officers Elected Mrs. Jim Ritchie. Garnet and Ro- Pvt Jack Winchell left Monday j Mr and Mrs Neil Holmes. David Hartley was elected presi­ moveable Santa and a red boot, Miss Norah O'Brien of Ogden is bert. to return to Camp Stillman. C a lif. filled with candy were given to each dent of the Methodist Youth Fellow­ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day and after spending Christmas in Nyssa spending the holidays in Nyssa with child as favor by activity directors. ship at a meeting held recently at her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. Sandra attended family dinner at with his parents, Mr and Mrs. J R Mrs. Lloyd Lewis and Mrs. Soren the church. Hartley replaces Ruth and Mrs. C. A. Mally. the Claude Day home near Adrian. Winchell Herrman. former president of the Cox. Mr. and Mrs Hugh Tobler enter­ Mr. and Mrs. James Yost and Mr. and Mrs. Mancil Bishop and organization. family spent Christmas at the home tained at Christmas dinner for the children had dinner at the George Other officers are Ronnie Buch­ Dinner Guests of Mrs. Yost's parents. Mr and Evan Toblers and the Lloyd Toblers. Knowles home. Mr and Mrs. Kenny Chard and Mr and Mrs Roy Barnes and ner. vice president; Letha Sager, Mrs. John Calzacorta in Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver and Ned Snider, boys spent Christmas Eve at the Monti Smith of Nampa were dinner secretary-treasurer; Valley. Faith; Ellen Sager and Stan Thomp- Ewen Chard home Mr and Mr,. Carroll Tucker and Mr and Mrs. J. R. Winchell enter­ family of Wordan, Wash., and Mr per felli^vshlp. i*vsr tained at dinner Christmas for Mr and Mrs Afton Paris and son of * - r ’ -I— * and Mrs. Norvelle Robbbins and son Pocatello spent Christmas at the LaVonna Mason Honored home of Mr. and Mrs Dean Smith. and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Adams of LaVonna Mason, daughter of Mr Mrs. Tucker and Mrs Paris are Homedaie. Mr. and Mrs Wayne Robb and and Mrs. Richard Mason was hon­ daughters of the Smiths. ored at a birthday party recently on family and Mr and Mrs Bill Hamil­ Mr and Mrs Vernon G. Wilson the occasion of her 4th birthday. and son. Lee. of Baker. Mr. and Mrs ton and family were supper guests Ouests were Connie and Pamela Christmas Eve at the home of Mr. Don Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Hudson Robb After sup­ Wood. Jo Strickland. Cathy and Thomas Hesler were Christmas din­ Paula Strickland. Cathy Perdue. per, they opened their gifts. ner guests of Mr and Mrs George Sheryl Ooddard, Jana Bunn and Mr and Mrs Carlos Buchner were WiLson. Christmas dinner guests of Mrs. Linda Ballou. Mr and Mrs. N. L. Wilson spent Ralph White in Nampa. + — *5* Christmas eve in Payette with Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rookstool and Mrs. Jackson Entertains Wilson's parents. Mr and Mrs. T ^ Ö family attended a family dinner at Mrs Howard Lovejoy. Mrs. Carl E Giddings. the J. C Rookstool home near Par­ Gross, Mrs. Henry Hartley and Mrs Mr and Mrs. Aden Wilson and Charles Garrison were morning Ed Brown were Christ ms dinner ma Christmas Day. We appreciate your pa­ Mr and Mrs. C. R Kesler enter­ guests Tuesday of Mrs. Robert Jack- guests of the Nick Rudelicks. tained at a family Christmas son. tronage during the .past Dr and Mrs Edgel Wood were In dinner at their home. Covers were + —4 Nampa at the home of Mr and Mrs •» \ % laid for Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Petterson year and are looking for­ Tuesday Afternoon C L. Wood for Christmas dinner and family; Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bunn Bridge Party Mr and Mrs C liff Main and Kent ward to serving you and family and Mr and Mrs V. L. Members of the Tuesday after- and Karen spe^ Christmas with Kesler and family. I noon bridge club were entertained Mrs Main's parent^, Mr. and Mrs. throughout the year. Mr and Mrs. Joe Ackerman of at the home of Mrs. Earl Hotlines- W. A Mace at Eagle. Sixes 1 to 14 years. KeLso. Wash, spent Christmas at worth for a luncheon and Christmas Mr and Mrs Harry Miner enter­ the Jack Medlock home. gift exchange tained for guests at Christmas din­ Mr and Mrs Bill Hamilton enter­ Prizes were won by Mrs L. A ner Places were laid for Mrs. Freida 3rd Phone 664« tained at Christmas dinner at their Maulding and Mrs Warren Farmer Miner and Mr. and Mrs. George home for Mr. and Mrs W. T Hamil­ ton of Adrian. Mr and Mrs Rogney Sizes 1 to 7 years Funk and Eddie of Nampa and Mr and Mrs. Hudson Robb Larry Haurter of Vale visited Christmas night at the home of Mr and Mrs. C. R Kesler. Mr and Mrs. Eddie Powell were Then see . . . Christmas dinner guests Friday at the heme of Mr. and Mr* Milton Wiley in Boise. Lila Holmes. Verl Patterson and Gary Webster were supper guests W STAMP Christmas day of Mr. and Mrs. Roy R ;kstool and family. USTWStU Mr and Mrs. Soren Cox and fam­ ily and Mr and Mrs Lorin Saunders YOU of Nys.-a were among guests at a family gathering held in Vale AND LO SSI Christmas Day Thirty-eight mem­ Dial 3355 bers o f the family of Mr and Mr« R A Saunders were present Mr and Mrs. John Stutmegger of Dial 3020 14 N. 3rd 8h s,hone «pent Christmas w;th Mr 918 Emison • Phone 2230 and Mr« Lewis Riggs. burial CHRISTMAS Buena Vista Carole Wilson, Editor Job's Daughters Install Officers; Award Degrees LOCAL NEWS 'spwfcp '9 5 »# Brownie's Cafe Mrs. Lil Cowles sends you 1954 Ford TRUCKS ON DISPLAY Wed., Jan 6lh Y©u/ts 1954 HERRINAN MOTOR CO. H A P P Y NEW Y E A R . . . To serve you bet­ ter in 1954 is our New Year's reso­ lution. January Clearance ON ALL Girls' Coats, Dresses and Robes Boys' Suits Topcoats and Jackets 111 s. Playskool and Holgate Educational Toys Do You Have PROBLEMS Which Life Insurance Can Answer? 20% to 50% °,f Everette D. 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