THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, N Y S S A . OREGON NEIGHBORING TOWN TOPICS New Plymouth Federal Civil Service authorized in announcement this week to the effect that an examination for sub- sttute clerk at * 65 an hour, to fill vacancies in the New Plymouth post- office will be held soon. ------------ Parma A collision of automobiles at the intersection o f the county road and the highway about 4 and one-half miles west of Wilder Tuesday m orn. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 24. 1353 Holiday lr c c irin is her sister, Mr» Rex Waldron. She ■‘I'O vi'ited in Smithfield, Utah with \fr. Gylleii-kog'- parent Mr a ,.i Mr- James Gyllen-kog. Her yr«>;her, Seth Coburn returned to Nyssa with her to visit for several days. Airs. S. F. By bee was in Boise Friday. Her daughter, Colleen, re- :urned home with her to spend the vtek end. Air. and Mrs. Ersal Ileus, Charles Mann, Grant Jones and Paul Wynn pent the first part of last week in Idaho Falls. Clarence Clapp spent last week in Meridian at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. Elton Clapp while he attended a deisel motor school in Boise. Toni Foster who is attending Col­ lege at Willamette, arrived Satur- lng resulted in serious lacerations and other injurle.' to a.l tho-e in- volved. Those in the car include ; Dencil Riaaey, 24, of Parma LeRoy McBride, 17, Parma, Pollu Ann j Pierce, 16 Rippey was cited to ap- pear in the court of Judge Fuzpat- rick. Holiday vacation for the student in Parma schools will start Wednes­ day, Dec. 23 for 11 day-. School rill reconvene again on Monday, Jan. 4 Vale Definite plans for oil prospecting in the Vale area were announced here this week by Roderick A. Sta­ nley, Houston, Texas oil man and geologist. The start of drilling ope­ rations will await the end of freez­ ing weather next spring. Local of the test well here has not as yet been decided upon. The rig will ar­ rive here very shortly and is capable of drilling to a depth of 5500 feet but when overhauled and new mot­ ors are put in, it will be able to go to 6500 feet. Judgments have been issued and execution will be taken in the near future on all remaining delinquent personal property taxes, Sheriff John C. Elfering reported this week PAGE S E V c f Holiday-gay Puffed Rice Baubles are a new, make-it-yoursclf tree ornament, reminiscent of the old-fashioned Christmas spirit. They're as colorful and bright as any store-bought bauble and such an easy way to personalize your Christmas tree. Call on the children to help you make the Baubles. Just four simple ingredients are all you need, besides crisp puffed rice; the result, a delicious puffed cereal confection that’s ideal for nibblin’ while you sit around the fire. The gay tree trims can be fastened to gift packages or used as place cards or favors for a holiday party. For your Christmas dinner use this same idea as a centerpiece. Choose a tiny tree or a branch from a larger one and surround it with gaily decorated Puffed Rice Baubles. Ontario Puffed Rice Baubles Joe Lane, 13 year old son of Mr. Makes 2 dozen and Mrs. Loyd Lane, o f route 1, On­ 6 cups puffed rice la pound fresh marsh* tario was seriously injured last Sun. la cup butter or margarine mallows day afternoon by a .22 bullet. The 14 cup peanut butter 4 dozen pecan halves youth was pounding the bullet with Heat puffed rice in shallow pan in moderate oven (350°F.) 10 minutes. Your good • will and a hammer when it exploded and the Pour puffed rice into large greased bowl. Melt butter, peanut butter and marshmallows in top of double boiler over boiling water; stir until cap lodged in his eye. friendship have bean in­ A proposal that would bring more smooth. Pour marshmallow mixture over puffed rice, mixing until all valuable to us, and we than 30.000 additional acres under kernels are evenly coated. With greased hands, shape candy into balls. When candy is set, frost outside of halls with confectioners’ sugar take this time to ejtend irrigation in Malheur county will be frosting. After frosting sets slightly, roll halls in colored sugar. Thread made at a hearing of the Upper a large needle with Christmas ribbon; tie bow in the end; string a our thanks. Columbia Basin Commission to be j pecan half, then a frosted ball, then another pecan half. Cut ribbon, held In Ontario at the Moore hotel,' leaving several inches for a loop. Hang ornaments on tree. GATE CITY Jan. 19. One of the projects pro­ posed Is about 9,000 acres that lies CLEANERS between the railroad tracks and the Snake river between Ontario and 15 No. 2nd Nyssa Nyssa. This would be a pumping other proposals may be brought up | at the meeting of the Malheur Coun­ Editor's Note: The following is important element in the educative ty Development association in Nyssa the text of a radio address given process is, consequently, achieving j on January 8 in Brownie’s Cafe at j recently by Supt. II. Hartley over greater importance in our national K.SRV in observance of National life. More young people must be i noon. induced to enter the teaching pro­ Education week. As superintendent o f the Nyssa fession or our national well being schools, my most important task is will Receive a greater blow than from securing and maintaining an ade­ many o f the things we worry about quate staff of teachers. The teacher today. Justice Court With another and larger baby Dec. 17, Don O. Fleming, hunting is the key to the quality of any migratory waterfowl with unplug­ school system. The finest o f build­ boom just now beginning to enter ings, the most adequate equipment 1 the schools, we have reached a point ged shotgun, $23 and costs. Lloyd and the most abundant of supplies where we must decide whether we Van De Bogart, truck speeding, $10 become insignificant when compared are going to continue to offer the fine, $7 suspended, and costs. with the teacher. Good teachers quality of education we have been Dec. 18, Norman E. Cutler, no stop make a good school system. Mediocre offering and it could very well be light, $3 and costs. Louie Phillips, no teachers make a mediocre system better, or whether we will be content and poor teachers make a poor sys­ with an inferior grade. brakes, $3 and costs. In order to induce people to do Dec. 22, Edward D. Silver, failure tem. Unfortunately, the supply of certain things, there must be in­ to stop at through highway, $3 and teachers is not keeping up with the ducements. It has been my exper- I costs. demand for their services. Birth ; ience that while the matter o f salary Police Court rates are increasing and the supply is very important, it is not neces­ Dec. 19, Clarence M. McLemore. of teachers now in training were sarily the most Important factor, in I pubic intoxication and disorderly born when ffie birth rate was at its inducing people to do certain things. conduct, $35. lowest ebb. In other words, o u r , People will often do more for pres­ Dec. 20, Tosiro Matsumura, public child population is increasing more ¡ tige than for money although I I intoxication, released on $25 bail. rapidly than teachers are being pre- j don’t want to belittle that angle of pared to teach them. the situation If the teacher is con ­ Other factors o f course enter into sidered to be useful and respected Mrs. Vernon I.indenmuth and son, Associated Larry o f Mountain Home were din- the picture. Twenty years ago, out­ component o f the community, young I ner guests Sunday at the Floyd side o f a few stenographic jobs, people will look with favor on the 302 Main almost the only paying position open opportunities offered by the profes­ ( Brown home. Nyssa to a nice girl was the teaching pro­ sion. If the salary is somewhat com ­ fession. Since that time and par­ mensurate with the amount o f train­ ticularly since World War II, that ing involved, and the importance of picture has changed. Many more the services rendered, the problem job opportunities are open to women. will be doubly solved. Many o f these pay comparable or We, in this particular area of Ore­ better wages, particularly in the gon, have been fortunate for the past initial stages, and do not require several years. We have not been three to five years of college train­ able to secure Oregon trained ing as preparation for the job. Con­ teachers because salaries elsewhere sequently. out of a limited supply in the State are higher than here. of young women interested in a j We have been able to steal Idaho career, there is great competition teachers rather easily, until this for their services. past year when the Idaho people Another factor affecting the pro­ plugged the leak to some extent by blem in more ways than one, is that raising salaries and strengthening youngsters are marrying earlier, j the retirement program. Other states Many girls who would have gone to further east are doing the same Normal School and taught a few thing so we are beginning to find years when times were harder, are ourselves in a squeeze. now marrying out of high school My advice to you, who may be and are raising families for others listening, is this. Show a little ap­ preciation to your teachers. We are to teach. More of our boys are attending in a sellers market as far as teachers college than ever before in the hist­ are concerned. They can get a Job Merry Chrittma* and Happy New Year ory of the country, but the com - ¡ any place and your superintendent petition for their services is even will have a tough time replacing greater than for young women. them. B OW YHEE DRUG C O . Graduates in the engineering and I f you know of young people who technical fields are in such demand might possibly be interested in a 212 Main Nyssa that fewer men are entering train­ profession where unemployment is ing for the teaching profession. almost unknown and where the pe­ A further problem in recruiting cuniary rewards are becoming great­ teachers is that for many years, the er each year, urge them to investi­ salaries paid for teaching were the gate the opportunities offered in lowest in the professional group, in teaching. Your children stand to fact ranked right down with com ­ gain or lose to the extent that we mon labor Many young people and succeed or fail in attracting com ­ their parents do not realize that petent people into the teaching there has been some improvement ranks. in this factor during recent years and that, as a consequence, teachers enjoy somewhat more prestige in j their communities than was former­ ly tHe case. We Americans are apt to Judge a man by his price tag j rather than his worth as an in­ dividual or to society. In any event, salaries have not been sufficiently, high to attract enough voung people into the profession to fill the need. Many of you may be thinking, why bring all this up Nyssa i s ' getting along all right. We have a good facultv and have had for years, j I am happy to ‘ ay this is true We do have an outstanding group of teachers and we hop* to keep them with us as long as possible However, a few leave us from time to time for one reason or another and as our population increases it becomes nece- ary to increa-e our faculty. It is this replacement problem and future needs that U causing head­ aches among school administrators and school board members at this | time. Most people will agree that this | country or any country is what ltL is largely been vs* r>f 4t school 1 Milo North of system. As our economy and society beerme more complex, the lmport- Office 2493 atwe o f the schooling our young Glen and Norma Adams pe pie receive tnke cn greater im­ portance The teacher as the most 202 Brower Ave. Nyssa Teacher Is Key to Quality of School System, Superintendent Reports day to pend the holiday with his parent- Mr. and Mr- W. W. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Thaniel It.«trier and Debra of LaOrande visited last week in Nyssa with Mr and Mrs. Con Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Botner and with Mr. and Mrs. Roger Tuck* er. Air. and Airs. II. E. Chamberlain o f Ogden arrived Saturday to vUit with Mr and Mrs. S. P. Bybee. The Chamberlains are parents o f Mrs. By bee. T Y P E W R I T E R S All Makes Bought—Sold—Rented—Repaired Fletcher’s Typewriter Exchange Bln t) 30 W P.O. Box 450 - Boi Ph 26961- Idaho ROBERT LEE WYNN, a junior at Diego State college was reeently award mi a three year scholarship He will enter Stanford school of Law in September. 1954. Wynn is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Wynn of Nyssa. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their sympathy towards our son and for their financial sup- j port. We wish you all a Merry Christmas. I Mr. and Mrs. Louie Vanderell and family. | Coming Events | Thurs.. Jan. 7—American Legion auxiliary at the home of Mrs. Don­ ald Lytle at 8 p. m. Mon., Jan. 4— Eastern Star meet­ ing. LOCAL NEWS Mrs. J. K. G.vllenskog returned recently after being in Malad. Idaho to attend the wedding reception of Farmers Supply Cooperative Nysea — Ontario Court Cases . . . an d Y u le tid e C ie ís in g » CHILD BROS. Phillips 66 Petroleum Distributors 615 Arcadia Blvd. Nyssa ATTENTION STOCKMEN Sale Wednesday, Dec. 30 UNION LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. Nyssa on 3rd St. Res. 3326 With kindest remembrance* and tincere good withe* for Chm tm as and the New Year. Hopldn's Wholesale Meats Nyssa * -