THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 24. 1953 PAGE TEN LEGAL ADVERTISING LEGAL ADVERTISING LEGAL ADVERTISING LEGAL ADVERTISING LLt.AL ADVERTISING LEGAL ADVERTISING LEGAL ADVERTISING Range 47, EWM . which point is accrued interest. the date of the first publication is Donna Mae Hutton, Deputy Tax Fred L. Weldin, Courthouse Ex­ Expense. *4 00. the intersection of the westerly All of said bonds shall bear interest December 10. 1953. and the dale of Home Lumber Si Coal Company, Clerk. $119 20 pense. *4 75 COU N TY COURT boundary of the Oregon Short at a rate of not to exceed five per the last publication is December 31 Juli& Tropf Deputy Tax Clerk, Boi.-,e Payette Lumber Company, Courthouse Fixtures, *76 06 Line Railroad right-of-way with oent per annum, payable-annually. 1953; an^ Malheur Home Telephone Com­ $187 90 Courthouse Expense. *82 44; Old PROCEEDINGS the North line of said SE 1* of both principal and interest payable ’ „„„ . . , Ruby D. Clemens Deputy Tax pany, Telephone Expense, *192 69 at the office of the City Treasurer You are ^ereby further notified said section, township, and Regular Polks' Home, *1 28, *83 72. Court Journal i:««u>ty Idaho Power Company, Court Clerk, $123 60 Wren P. Hendricks, Bangs In ­ of the City of Nyssa. Oregon. All that y °u and each o f you or any range; running thence west Benancia M. Gehley, Deputy Tax Ttno. Wednesday. The 4th Day of demnity Claim, *8.00. house Expense. *72.45. bids must be unconditional and be persons or parties interested may at along the North line of said SEL O and B Furniture and Appliance Clerk, $154 00 a distance of 444 feet to a point; accompanied by a certified check in any time, prior to the expiration of Ray E Whitsell, Bangs Indemnity JUovember, 1953. running thence in a southwest­ Paul E. Watkins Deputy County the sum of Two Thousand Five ten days after the 31st day of Courthouse Expense, *1 85. Order raising salaries of Malheur Claim, *8 00 erly direction parallel to and 444 Hundred and 00 100 ($2,500 00) Dol- December, 1953, appear and contest Clerk, $112 75. Conley Chemical and Supply Co GENERAL ROAD County employees to: feet distant from the westerly lars to become the property of the the validity of this proceedings or M. B. Blamires, Bookkeeper, $285 - Courthouse Expense. *3.82. Joe Reed, Labor, *151.79. Con Fonda, *300 00 per month, boundary cf the Oregon Short City of Nyssa if the successful bidder any of ^ acts or tm * J 37. Vale Supply Company, Courthouse Busy Corner, Supplies, *291.47. jean Bond. $350 00 per month. Line Railroad right-of-way to a f^ Is to comply with the contract of thls D> Frances V. Fonda, Clerk Steno., Fixtures. $2 80; Courthouse Expense this proceeding or recited and e- Vogt Transfer and Storage, Mov­ Genevieve Kennedy. *200.00 per point on the south line of the sale awarding said bonds to the $176 80. *14196. * 14476. numerated in said petition, and if ing Equipment, *73.10. S B 'i of Sec. 20, Township 19 bidder. month. _ .. Becker, Clerk Steno., Phyllis William B Toomb, Bangs Indem­ Lee’s Texaco Service, Supplies, South, Range 47. EWM. which Peggy Edwards, *175 00 per month. The approving legal opinion of you fail so to appear, the court will $146 92. nity Claim, *24.00 said point lies 444 feet west from Winfree, McCulloch, Shuler Si proceed to its judicial examination The following claims against Mal­ $4.60. Ralph F. Bigelow, Deputy Assessor, the intersection of the westerly Lysle J. Patterson, Bangs Indem­ Sayre, attorneys at law, of Portland, of the proceeding herein and enter City of Vale, Water Dept., Water heur County were ordered paid as boundary line of the Oregon Oregon will be furnished the success­ its judgment and decree as to the $265 80. nity Claims, *32 00. Bill, Malheur County Shops, $3 50. follows: Short Line Railroad right-of- ful bidder. Milford S. Ingebrltsen, Deputy As­ Lloyd E Poulsen, Banks Indem­ regularity and legality of such pro­ Basche-Sage Hardware Co., Sup GENERAL COUNTY way with the southerly boundary The City Council of the City of ceedings and o f each and all of nity Claim, *8.00. sessor, $288 10. Blair Barnes. Circuit Court Juror, plies, *294 23. line of said Sec. 20; thence con­ Nyssa reserves the right to reject Don O. Fonda, Advance, $100.00 Donald G. Fonda, Deputy Asses­ Western Bearings, Inc., Bearings, said proceedings as covered by said tinuing in a southwesterly di- any and all bids. $25.96. , „ GENERAL ROAD sor, $154 70. ! petition and declare said amen­ Chas. Culbertson, Circuit Court *21.67. reution parallel to and 44a feet ROBERT M. APPLEGATE Hansen's Shop, Supplies. *2 82. Geneva Graham, Clerk, Assessor’s Kowallis and Richards, Inc., Bolts distant from the westerly bound­ (Seal) City Recorder datory repayment contract to be a Juror, *6.20. Vale Auto Body Shop, Repairs and Office, $184 95. legal, valid and binding obligation ary line of the Oregon Short First publication Dec. 10. 1953. Edgar O. Dilley, Circuit Court and Hex Nuts, *19 93 Marie C Bicandi, Clerk, Assessor's of the District; and Service. *44 00. Carl Sperling, Meals for Road Line Railroad right-of-way to a Last publication Dec. 24, 1953. Juror, *3 16. point on the North line of the Vale Supply Company Company, Office. $146 12. This notice is given by me under Ethel M. Hucker, Circuit Court Crew, *69.00. 3 'it o f the N E 'i of Sec. 29. NOTICE Supplies, *10.34. Anne R. Leggitt, Clerk. School seal o f the above entitled Court Albert Buckingham, Petty Cash Juror. *6.68. Township 19 South, Range 47, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF pursuant to and by authority of the Valley Auto Supply, Supplies, Sup’t. Office. $165 70. L. H. Jacobson, Circuit Court Account, Oct., 1953, $35.22. EWM , which said point lies 444 THE STATE OF OREGON FOR order o f Honorable M. A. Biggs, Leland L. Triplett. Court Reporter, $59.12. Mrs. Betty Jean Lewis and Evans Juror. *4 12. feet west from the intersection THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR D. N. Nordling Parts Company. $22860. Judge of the Circuit Court, State of Clarence H. Lee, Circuit Court Motor Company, Car Damage, $78 44 of the westerly boundary line of In the matter of the Confirmation Supplies, $243.72. L. A. Mauluing, Health Officer. Oregon, for the County of Malheur, Owyhee Truck & Implement Com­ Juror, *5 40. the Oregon Short Line Railroad of the Proceedings in Relation to the made and entered on the 1st day of Eastern Oregon Equipment Co., $97.50. Sadie Metcalf, Circuit Court Joror, pany, Parts, $135 05. right-of-way with the North line Amendatory Repayment Contract of December, 1953. Edna Farris, County Health Nurse. Salt Lake Hardware Company, Parts and Repairs, *407.12. of the S '* of the NEL of Section *3 32 the Owyhee Irrigation District with (Seal) H. S. SACKETT. Weiser Iron Works, Inc., Services, $307 95. 29, Township 19 South, Range Mildred R. Mowrer, Circuit Court Belt Lacing, *26.75. County Clerk, the United States of America and Edith Knott. Clerk. Health Office. 47, EWM. thence due East a dis­ $5 40. Westfall Wheel Si Frame Com­ Juror, *5.72. tance o f "444 feet: thence in a with the other Irrigation Districts Date o f first publication Dec. 10, $165 70. Kessler Chevrolet. Tube *2 36. Florence Pettet, Circuit Court pany, Repair, *2.50. Northeasterly direction along of the Owyhee Federal Reclamation Raymond Ruff. County Sanitar­ Idaho Power Company, Electric Quinn River Mercantile Company, Juror. *5.24. Date of last publication Dec. 31, and following the westerly ■ Project. ian. $272.16. Energy, $40.60. Staples, *1 80. Eva Pressley, Circuit Court Juror, 1953. boundary line of the Oregon To the Owyhee Irrigation District Holloway Motor Company, Trans­ Wanda Hedin, Clerk. Health O f­ Intermountain Equipment Co., *3.16. Shost Line Railroad right-of- and to all freeholders, legal voters fice, $6755. mission, *12 50. Ray G. Roark, Circuit Court Juror, Parts, *1504. way to the point of beginning. NOTICE TO CREDITORS and assessment payers within said, Standard Oil Company of Califor­ Delmer L. Edmonds, Janitor, Idaho Power Company. Electric­ *5 72. ALSO beginning at the NE cor­ In the County Court of the State of I District: nia, Gasoline, Oil, Diesel Fuel. *127.. Health Office, $39.00. ity, August, *20 10. Ethel Stacey, Circuit Court Juror, ner of the N W '.N E ', of Sec. Oregon for Malheur County Notice is hereby given that on the 1 Thomas Jones, Justice of the Nicholson Equipment Company, 74. 29, Twp. 19 S.R. 47, EWM, thence *4.60. In the Matter o f the Estate of 1st day of December, 1953, Maurice 1 Peace. $177.11. Malheur Home Telephone Com­ West along the North Section Belts, $11.88. Rachel Stansbery, Circuit Court L. Judd, S. E. Flanagan and E van! JAMES R. ILE TT, deceased. line of said Sec. 29 a distance of Donald M Graham, Justice of the Phillips Petroleum Company, Gas­ pany, Service for October, 1953. Juror, *27.72. Notice is hereby given that the Ross, as directors c f the Owyhee undersigned, by an order of the 123 7 feet to the TRUE PLACE Peace, S120 90. *2735. Roscoe Starr, Circuit Court Juror, oline, *1.491.00. OF BEGINNING: thence South Irrigation District, filed in the Cir- j County Court of the State of Oregon, Caldwell Auto Supply, Hydrovac, Mary F. Graham, Justice of the Armco Drainage S i Metal Pro­ *6 04. 5 degrees 51’ West a distance of cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Malheur County, duly made and Peace, $120.90. $16.75. ducts, Inc., Culverts. $388 33. Geo. B Ward, Circuit Court Juror, j 1317.79 feet to a point; thence for the County of Malheur, their entered on the 14th day o f Decem­ Homer A. Knott. Texaco Service. Malheur Motors, Inc . Parts, *5 33 E. E. Jones, Justice of the Peace, *5.40. East 36 feet; thence North 5 petition praying for a judicial ex­ ber 1953, was appointed administra- *60.01. Propane. *2 00. Ontario Auto Parts, Supplies, Shirleigh D. Tucker, Grand Jury degrees 51’ East a distance of amination and judgement as to the tor of the estate o f JAMES R. Vale Welding and Machine Shop. Bernardo Alcorta, Justice of the Witness, $3 08; Witness, $12.08, $20 - $239 68. 1317.79 feet to the North line of legality and regularity of the pro-1 ILETT, deceased, and that he has Peace, $24.37 Services. $10 84 Bullock Auto Parts, Supplies, said Sec. 29; thence West 36 16. ceedings of the petitioners and the duly qualified as such administrator. Shuler Machine Company, Sup­ feet to the point of beginning. Elmer Tiffany, Janitor, Court­ Bud Rogers, Circuit Court Witness, $487 50. Owyhee Irrigation District in the All persons having claims against ALSO an ur.fivided one-half in­ house, $224 47. Olsen Manufacturing Company. plies, *8.50. *181«' authorization and execution of the such estate are hereby notified to terest in that certain strip of J St W Motors. Parts, $2.36. U. S. National Bank, Federal Clifford D. Pugsley, Circuit Court Steel, *7.89. amendatory repayment contract of present the same, duly verified as land 40 feet in width used as a Oakley Wholesale, Inc., Parts, Withholding, $863 60. Herriman Motor Company, Parts required by law, to him at Nyssa, Witness, $13.28. the District with the United States right-of-way and more parti­ Oregon, or to him at the office of *24 46 State Tax Commission, State J. J. Sarazin, Circuit Court W it­ *14 48. of America and with the other ir r i- : Max S. Taggart, Attorney at Law, cularly described in Transfer BoLe Payette Lumber Company, Withholding, $85.72. Goodman Oil Company, Gasoline ness, $10.40. Certificate of Title No. 478, dated I gation districts of the Owyhee 71 SW 3rd Ave., Ontario, Oregon, Lath. $5 00. Public Employes Retirement S y - ' February 26. 1948 issued bv the Elbert C. Hatch, Circuit Court *5 12. Federal Reclamation Project for the j within six months o f the date of P. C Weber, Labor, $53.44. stem, Social Security, *203.76. Cornwell Tool Company, Tools, Witness, $9.36. Registrar of Titles, Malheur repayment of the District’s obli- \ this notice. Robert C. Gross, Labor by P. C. County. State Industrial Accident Com., Irwin Troxell, Circuit Court W it­ *15.45. I gation to the United States of I Dated December 17, 1953. THEREFORE IN THE NAME OF Cliff's Glass S i Body Shop, Glass, Weber, *3.95. Workmen’s Compensation, $21.72. ness, $9 44. CHARLES L. IL E T T j America for the construction of thej THE STATE OF OREGON you, and NYSSA ROAD D ISTR IC T NO. 2 GENERAL ROAD P. J. Gallagher, Circuit Court $33 64. Administrator o f the Estate of Owyhee Federal Reclamation Pro- each of you, are hereby cited, direct­ Jack Smith, Labor, $99.82. Western Equipment Company, Nyssa Road District No. 2, Ex­ Witness, $9 44. Uett, deceased. ed and required to be and appear ject, and as to the validity of the ^al^es penses, *10,214 44 Joe Reed, Labor, $151.79. Max S. Taggart, Attorney for Ad­ Mary Glenn, Circuit Court W it­ Oalion Parts, *120.75. at said time and place then and special election authorizing said con­ ministrator, 71 SW 3rd Ave, On­ William Riggle, Labor, $26.18. VALE-JORDAN P. C. Weber, Labor, $53.44. ness. $2.16 there to show cause, if any you have, tract and as to the validity of said G RA ZIN G D IS TR IC T NO. 3 MALHEUR COUNTY FA IR Archie Engelhardt, Labor, $221.41. or if any exist, why an order o f sale contract and for an order approving tario, Oregon. Keith Wallace, Grand Jury W it­ First publication Dec. 17, 1953. Standard Oil Company of Calif., Harry R. Sandquist, Secretary, Ex­ Luther O. Fredricks, Labor, $265.- should not be made, as in the petit­ and confirming the same and that ness, $2536 Last publication Jan. 14, 1954. Machine Oil,, $4 46. 21 . Oordon C. Rude, Circuit Court pense. $3,500 00. ion prayed for, and said petition said petition is now pending in said Idaho Power Company, Lights, should not be granted and said order Circuit Court; that on the first day Roy L. Griffith, Labor, $225.18. Witness, $1.00. SPECIAL RELIEF and license should not be Issue. Donald Hatch, Labor, $222.37. Use of December, 1953, upon the motion James William Turner, Circuit James J. Coughlin, M. D. , Con­ *1560. WITNESS, The Honorable G. Y. j of the petitioners, the Court made Richfield Service and Grocery, G. O. Holley, Labor, 184 58. Court Witness, $6.96. sultation, Mary Cheek, $10.00. Chester Judge of said Court with I and entered its order fixing the 12th Orville Lakey, Labor, $246 86. _ A. P. Qoodell, Commissioner’s Gate City Journal Jess R. Baker, Optometrist, Lenses Groceries, $8 30. SPECIAL RELIEF Oordon Pemberton, Labor, $276.96. the seal of said Court affixed this: day of January, 1954, at the hour Fees, $33 78. for Rosalie Pierce, *10.00; Lenses A: 1st day of December 1953. Owyhee Drug Company, Medicine Carson Pierce, Labor, $337.44. The Cue, Jury Expense, $4 60. Classified Ads. Frame for Ray Pierce, $15.00, $25.00. H. S. Sackett, Clerk | of 10:00 o’clock A. M. as the time Olen Shelton, Labor, $108.32. Pheasant Grill, Meals for Jurors, Holy Rosary Hospital, Charles for Delores Murillo, $10.18. By P. Watkins, Deputy : when, and the Circuit Court Room James Shelton, Labor. $38.01. *29 05. DOG LICENSE Delgado, *19.80; John Kimball, First publication December 3, 1953. l of the Malheur County Courthouse OENERAL ROAD Last publication December 31, 1953. ; at Vale, Oregon, as the place where Charles W. Swan, District Attor­ *3060; Doyle C. Fulton, $21.60; N. P. French, Chickens killed by Lowell Shelton. Labor, $250.58. i said petition and the proceedings ney Expense, $144.21. dogs, $150.00. Walter Malcom. $55 00, $127 80. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Earl Shiery, Labor, $172.76. will be heard; that pursuant to said Joseph Beeman, M. D Autopsy, Bills allowed November 17, 1953. LAW LIB R A R Y In the County Court of the State of order hearing of said petition and Lennie Smith. Labor. $191.73. *75 00. The American Law Book Com­ OENERAL COUNTY Oregon for the County of Malheur the proceedings thereunder will be Carl Sperling, Labor, $316.62. M. A. Biggs, Office Expense, $60 00 pany, Law Library Books, $12.50. Paul E Watkins, Advance, $125.00. In the Matter of the Estate of j heard on the 12th day of January, Oeorge Ross, Labor, $165.58. Dunham Printing Company, Ex­ West Publishing Company, Law Clinton Anawalt, Circuit Court Wilbur A. McNall, also known as j 1954, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. Jess Tuning, Labor, $243.34. pense, Clerk’s Office. $57 00 Library Books, $6 00. W. A. McNall, Deceased. Juror, $84.44. M. at the Circuit Court Room of the does G E N E R A L Theodore N. Tuning. Labor,$351.06 William E. Leggltt, Office Ex­ NYSSA ROAD D ISTR IC T NO 2 Horace A. Beal Circuit Court Notice is hereby given that the un­ Malheur County Courthouse, Vale, Earl Thompson, Labor, $251.55. pense. School Sup't., $13 34; Travel Stunz Lumber Company, Lumber. Juror, $53.16. dersigned, Thelma Elizabeth Parr, : Oregon; that in said order the court A M E R I C A sa v e 1 5 % or» Oustav Tiedmann, Labor. $245 98. Executrix of the Estate of Wilbur A. Expense, $53 76, $67.10. $19 90. John Paul Bunch Circuit Court directed that notice be served on the Tire insurance costs for Ray C. Weldin, Labor, $268.12. McNall, also known as W. A. McNall, Aldrpd Electric Shop, Health Dept VALE--JORDAN Juror, $58.44. Owyhee Irrigation District, all free­ Eston E. Wilson, Labor, $139.87. deceased, has filed her Final Ac­ Expense, $2.00. th ou sa nd s of ow n ers of G RAZING D ISTR IC T NO. 3 Ross E. Butler Circuit Court count as such Executrix in the Coun­ holders, legal voters and assessment Ted Wilson, Labor, $268.76. Idaho Typewriter Exchange, Ernest R. Caskey, Presuppression Juror, $20 48. payers within said District by publi­ better properties? ty Court of Malheur County, Oregon, Clifford Hvke, Labor, $257.32. Health Dept. Expense. $1523. $5831 GENERAL COUNTY cation thereof once each week for and that said Court has appointed A s k us. Leonard Patterson. Labor, $251.71. JRaymond Ruff, Health Dept. Ex­ City of Vale, Water Dept., Water Gladys L. Cable, Circuit Court January 21, 1954 at 11:00 o’clock three (3) successive weeks, being U. S. National Bank of Portland, pense, $130 80. Bill. $10 50 Juror. $30.88. A M. o f said day for the hearing of four (4) publications in The Nyssa Edna Farris, Health Dept. Ex­ Antone Stopar. Labor, $41.92. John L. Caldwell, Jr., Circuit Federal Withholding Tax, $433 50. objections to said Final Account and Gate City Journal, printed and pub­ RENSTROM pense, $27761. State Tax Commission, State the settlement thereof. Ives Oeorge, Labor, $84 09. Court Juror, $28.16. lished at Nyssa, Oregon, and that Richard Humphrey, Rent, Health Avery F Merritt. Labor, $27620 Ralph V. Clasen, Circuit Court Withholding Tax, $66 35. NOW THEREFORE, All persons jurisdiction of the Court in said pro­ AGENCY Office. $100 00 Public Employes Retirement Sy­ interested in the Estate of said W il­ Austin Barton, Labor, $211,57. Juror, $15.64. ceedings shall be complete upon the Powell's Office Supply, Clerks O f­ bur A. McNall. also known as W. A. expiration of ten ( 10) days after the ! Ernest Devereaux, Labor, $10 00. Dial 6697 Fred Cowan, Circuit Court Juror, stem, Social Security, $190.06. State Industrial Accident Com., McNall, deceased, are hereby noti­ fice Exp, $5 20; Assessor’s Office The Malheur Enterprise, Election $37 00. full publication of this notice; thatj fied and required to appear at the Exp . *3 09, *13 29. Notices, $9 86 John Faw, Circuit Court Juror, Workmen’s Compensation. $258 09. County Court Room in the Court! ficholes Printing Shop, Assessor’s County Judge The Ontario Argus-Observer, $22.40. House at Vale, Malheur County, Ore­ O ffice Supplies, *60 00 Notice of Board Meeting. $15 30. Duncan Fraser, Circuit Court G. Y. CHESTER gon, at said time, to then and there Don Fonda, Mileage, Deputy As- MALHEUR COUNTY LIB R A R Y Juror, $53 16. show cause, if any there be, why said County Commissioner *e*sor, *115 44 Malheur County Library, Salaries J. Lewis Herriman, Circuit Court Final Account should not be settled, A P. OOODELL Mel Ingebrltsen, Mileage. Deputy and Expenses, $1.316 50. Juror, $21.40. allowed and approved and said Es­ Assessor, *74 88 County Comissioner County Court Journal Adjourned tate be distributed by the Decree of Casey Jones, Circuit Court Juror, Malheur County Road D ept. Ser­ Term. Thursday The 12tli Day Of $48 16 said Court. L. E. HAMMACK vices for Road Dept., Employees, November, 1953. Dated ana first published Decem­ R. W. Jones, Circuit Court Juror, *149.86 ber 17, 1953. Date of last publication CITATION Order transferring $75,243 08 from $33 16 January 14, 1954. Malheur County Road Iiopt Oa - General Road Fund to Nyssa Road | Vibert L. Kesler, Circuit IÜ Court ¡n the County Court of the State oi Thelma Elizabeth Parr, ollne by Watermaster. *10 33 WÆ District No. 2 Fund for Its share of { Juror, $48 16. >regon for Malheur County. Executrix o f the Estate of said Standard Oil Co. of California, taxes collected and Motor License O J. Kurtz, Circuit Court Juror ,he Matter of the Estate Wilbur A. McNall, also known as Oas, Watermaster. $25 76; Car Ex­ Hinds. $51.52. 1 I"RANK KULLANDER, deceased. W A. McNall, deceased. pense. Assessor, *69 43, (95.19. The following claims against Mai- { Claude Montague, Circuit Cour: TO: Selma J. Grover, Lydia Mad­ Th e Ontario Argus-Observer, O f­ hem County were ordered paid as! Juror, $43.16. sen, Lucy Erps, Marlon I. Rycraft NOTICE OF BOND SALE ficial Advertising, *51.22. follows: Paul T. Moore, Circuit Court tola Denton, Arthur Fritz, Harry NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ritz, Ramona Fritz, Loraine Schultz sealed bids will be received until the The O ate C itj 1 OENERAI, COUNTY Juror. $28 16. ind Robert Fritz, and all persons hour of 8:00 o'clock P. M. on Tues­ Advertising, *109 31 G. Y. Chester, Office Expense Thos. C. McElroy, Jr., Circuit Jitcrestcd In said estate. day. the 29th day of December, 1953. The Malheur Enterprise, Official $16 03 Court Juror, $21 92. WHEREAS, application having and Immediately thereafter publicly AdV< I L. E Hnmmack, Commissioner’s Catherine A. Pratt, Circuit Cour seen made in due form in the above opened by the City Council of the Sup't., O ffice Exp .,*166.73; Asses­ Fees, $33.64. Juror, $29 60. named Court, on the -1st day of City of Nyssa. Oregon, at the Council sor's O ffice Supplies. Health Dept.. Oordon C. Rude, District Att ir- Pauline Shunn, Circuit Court December 1953, by ----- Adolph H. Kul- ** nui- Chambers at City Hall in said City Supplies. *27 55 . *332 29. ney Expense. $15 21. Juror. $15.48. V t r ' (‘ dininistrator of said estate, for the purchase of City o f Nyssa J. J. Sarazin. Registrar, *33 00 Hansen’s Shop, Expense Old Folk Hugh L. Smith, Circuit Court .01 .m order and license directing, Street Improvement District No. 4 Margaret M. Payne, Registrar, Home. $170. iu noriaiii- and empowering him to General Obligation Bonds in the Juror. $48 16 *98 00 Stockman's Cafe, Meals for Jury, Munith B Sonner, Circuit Court sen tne real estate belonging to the sum of Forty-five Thousand and $11 30. urii'i1[decedent. 00 100 ($45 000.00) Dollars, said W. W. Jones, Registrar. $1 00. Juror. $56.52. Burroughs Corporation, Per Ser­ Lytle, K iIpat rick S i Schroder, Cir­ Hugh J. Tobler. Circuit Court •h* 1 "H E R E A 6 said Court fixed bonds being in denominations of me second day of January 1954. at $500 00 and $1.000.00 each, all bear- vice Agreement, $71 40. cuit Court Expense, $105 40. Juror, $29.60 '* ***• a* Die Court Room of ing date of December 1, 1953 and Home Lumber S i Coal Company, i Al's Standard Service, Travel Ex­ W. c. Wild 'X. Circuit Court Juror \ v V. m