A Merry Christmas To All From the Journal Nyssa Gate City Journal VOLUME XXXXVIII THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 24. 1953 Community Welfare Group Formed By Cross-Section of Organizations To Centralize Aid to Needy Families Nyssa M an Located North 38 Parallel Pvt. James McMillen. 21, son ci Mr and Mrs. John Krul. 915 Idah street, Nyssa. will spend Christma north of the 3Sth parallel in Korea according to the Army news center On security duty writh the 45th Tnf:irurv division, he will have the opportunity to attend special re­ ligious services and share the tra­ ditional holiday feasts. McMillen. whose wife. Donna, live- on route 2, entered the Army last February. In the Far East four months, he is a sound specialist in the 279th regiment. Malheur County Contributes To Annual TB Drive Christmas Boxes Prepared By JC M a y The N e w Year Bring Happiness In Abundance NO. 50 Nyssa Business Firms Make Plans for Arrival of Firsl Baby Here In 1954 With Multitude of Valuable Gifts Final plans were made Tuesday evening by Jaycees to prepare two Christmas boxes for needy families To date this year 1.767 residents in Nyssa. Jaycees are asked by of Malheur county have contributed president, Augie Giraud to leave Formation of a co-ordinating wel_ ♦ to the work o f the Malheur county their toys at the office o f Dr Edgel "Mister 1954” or “ Miss 1954", as fare committee made up of repre­ Tuberculosis association by buying Wood, 2 N. Main. the case may be, will be honored sentatives of religious, fraternal and Christmas seals and bonds, William Jaycees expressed thanks to Jay- again this year by Nyssa merchants, service organizations in the com­ Blackaby of Ontario, secretary and cee-ettes and Dayle Moss, commit- m the Malheur Memorial hospital and munity was completed Saturday treasurer for the association, an­ tee chairman, for the effort put Nyssa physicians who have gone all- night at a special meeting at the nounced. According to Blackaby.only forth to make the Christmas party out to shower gifts oi* the first baby Local real estate dealers have is- city hall. The organization was The city of Nyssa is asking for born after 1954 arrives. one third of the persons to whom the held Dec. 12, a success. The evening formed for the purpose o f aiding sued a warning to be on guard a- seals were sent have been heard was spent singing carols, dancing and new bids for its airport site located The first baby will be showered families li^ng in a destitute manner gainst non-licensed persons who on the Idaho side of the Snake river. with gifts by local merchants who from. Contributions are still arriving a buffett supper was served. and to prevent overlapping of aid contace them relative to the sale of Just east of Nyssa, City Manager will avard him or her with baby at association headquarters, how­ by various organizations. At the their property, Robert Applegate announced. ever, and it is hoped that the neces­ needs to give the winner a start in same time it is planned to reach all Mel Beck stated that A1 J. Crose, The property, containing 59 1 life, and the parents haven’t been sary amount to carry on the as.-ocia- those in actual need and to give Oregon real estate commissioner. acres, including a quad hangar forgotten, either, since several a- tion's full program for the coming assistance in finding employment had reported that representatives of building, an office and shop building wards are obviously for adults. The year will be realized. The campaign out-of-state concerns call on pros­ for family heads. and a residence, was offered for sale will continue through Dee. 31. Four Malheur county men were in November, but the highest bid hospital will allow $50 credit on ser­ Wayne Garner, representing the pects to list businesses for sale. In " I would like to point out to people Discussion of construction of a who have delayed in contributing inducted into the armed forces dur­ received was in the amount of $6 000 vice there and doctors at both the Junior Chamber of Commerce, was many cases the prospects have pre­ Maulding Clinic and Sarazin clinic viously received some literature a-k- new kitchen at the recently pur­ for their Christmas Seals” stated ing December, two of them volun­ and was rejected by the council. named chairman of the group, as­ will allow $50 credit for their ser­ sisted by Mrs. Charley V. Grider, ing them if they wished to sell and chased Grange-Riding club hall, Blackaby, "that when you pay for teers and one was transferred for Bids will be received up to and vice». secretary; Don M. Graham, treas­ have filled out cards and mailed formerly the Oregon Trail school, these Seals you are buying specific delivery to Los Angeles, Mrs. Ruth including Jan. 12. The city council announced expects to receive at least $10.0001 Prizes will be on display this week urer, and Mrs. Clifford Mink, Mrs. them to concerns in out-of-state was the principal business trans­ service for the prevention and con­ L. Ingebritsen, clerk in the Gate City Journal window Josephine Rigney, Bob Thompson, points. The representative will ob­ acted last Thursday evening a: the trol of TB in this county. No one, Inducted were John Tameno of for the property, in which the city w.th name tags on all gifts to be Jamieson and Fred Calzacorta, Robert Applegate and Ken Ren- tain a listing which calls for an ad­ Oregon Trail Grange meeting. Mas­ rich or poor, young or old. can be has approximately $15,000 invested, awarded. James H. Zatiza and James P. Stap. Applegate said. vance retainer fee with the premise ter Alva Goodell presided. strom as committee members. sure that TB will not touch them This year's contest, the second an­ It has been estimated that at least j f nationwide advertising. Garrit Stam was appointed the We cannot keep one home in thi- les, all of Jordan Valley. Calzacorta nual for Nyssa. is being sponsored and Zatica volunteered for service The Oregon real estate commis­ Grange representative and attended 25 families, most of them with small county safe until TB is wiped out by the merchants’ committee of the and Staples was inducted in Los sioner advised property owners to children are lacking the bare es­ a group meeting to discuss welfare of the entire country." Chamber of Commerce with Robert Angeles. sentials such as food, clothing, shel. demand to see a representative li­ problems and organize a coordina­ Mrs. Sophie Aldrich, publicity Wilson as chairman. The January induction call is for cense to do business in Oregon, or ter and fuel. The new organization ting committee Saturday evening in chairman for the association, would The only rules set forth by the two men. There was no call for pre­ expects to thoroughly investigate all to notify his local, licensed real Nyssa. like to thank all who are contribut­ committee are that the yoftngster induction physical examinations f.ir estate broker, Beck said. such cases and work with the Mal­ It was announced that the Oregon ing to the drive this year. must be born at the Malheur Me­ the county board during December heur County Public Welfare com­ 1 Trail hall association will hold card) morial hospital of normal and not and no January call has yet been mission which has indicated endor­ parties on the second and fourth induced birth, the attending phy­ received. sement of the Nyssa program. i Tuesdays in January, February and Louie Vendrell, who suffered a sician’s certificate will determine the During the holidays the selective j Community welfare funds are re­ ] March. time of birth and parents can live service office in Ontario will be broken neck while playing football ported to be extremely low this win­ Plans for the annual Idaho Can­ at Vale Oct. 9 and has been almost at any address. closed from 1 p. m. Wednesday, Dec ter and in some instances there are ning Co. banquet scheduled for Jan. j In 1953 the first baby was not Some 30 milk producers of Mal­ ntU 9 a. m. Monday, Dec. The completely paralyzed and confined restrictions on the amount of funds I 14 at the hall were discussed. born until Jan. 9. and was a 6- to a Boise hospital since that time, that can be provided, especially for Frank Parr, lecturer, gave a re- ■ heur county and their wives and office will be open the week follow­ came home to Nyssa Tuesday and pound, 14-ounce son, Dellas Glen guests met last Friday night at East ing Christmas until 1 p. m. Thurs­ those who have not established their part on the Benson farm plan with \ Side Cafe, Ontario, for an evening day. Dec. 31, when it will be closed will be a patient at the Malheur Fredricksen, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen residence here for the required li.e r e were nine winners named much discussion following. O. E .; Fredricksen of route 2, Nyssa. The until 9 a. m. Monday, Jan. 4. when Memorial hospital. period of time. Tuesday night in the Nyssa civic Cheldelin gave a report on Grange of fun> wlth Louls Wettstein P»sW - young man was the Fredricksen’« High school students prepared a | Four primary purposes of the or- ! c]ub sponsored Christmas lighting insuranee and Mr. and Mrs. Gar- i ln= ovel the chicken dinner and regular office hours will be resumed royal reception for the injured lad. firn child. program. ganization were explained at Sat-1 contest in which the Chamber of rit Stam served refreshments. complete with the high school band, I Last year’s contest was the first Guests of the producers included urday evening’s meeting: To see J commerce cooperated by furnish- when he made his first stop at the | one to be sponsored by Nyssa busi­ Mr. and Mrs. Don Engstrom, Nyssa that all families in the community the funds for prizes, high school. He was brought from I ness people. distributor; Dr. B. E. Ross, Nys^a with children have the basic neces- After judges toured the town to Boise in an ambulance, donated by j veterinarian; M. L. Koger, Ontario sities and that school children have vjeiv the colorful decorations and the Lienkaemper chapel, by Prin- j veterinarian; V. Nicholson, milk that which is necessary to attend lighting, it was decided to divide en- Ronald Jensen, midshipman at cipal R. V. Wilson, John Lienkaem-1 tester, and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Yost. school. To investigate the conditions tries in to several divisions to give Annapolis Naval Academy, arrived per and Junius Tanner. Following The evening was spent entirely in Ernesto Martinez was confined in of a particular family, find the fUj recognition for the efforts ex­ home Sunday to visit his parents, his welcome home, he was admitted causes of their destitute condition, tended and the outstanding results, the county jail Tuesday in lieu of the enjoyment of musical entertain­ Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jensen, and to the Malheur Memorial hospital payment of a $50 fine and court ment, with no speeches. help them in every way to help the judging committee reported. was a guest Monday at the Nyssa and will receive physiotherapy under Entertainers included Billy Wash­ Lions club. costs in addition to a 30-day jail themselves and in the meantime In the children’s section, Dick the supervision of Pete Fleissner. Christmas mail through the Nyssa give them the essential aid to re­ Thomas won first prize for his dis­ sentence after he appeared before burn, his father, Roland Washburn, Jensen gave a general description On Wednesday, Vendrell was an and Don Woods in a string trio; Justice o f the Peace Don M. Grah­ store them to their feet. To super- play at the home of his parents, of life as a midshipman at Anapolis honored guest at the high school for postoffice has been steady this year, am. Martinez, who recently cane Woods, D. Halliday, Howard Putnam (Continued on page 12) with humorous accounts of the rigid the annual Christmas party assembly but with fewer extremely heavy Mr. and Mrs. Ormond Thomas at here from Coyote, N. M., was ar­ and Rulon Huntington in male quar­ discipline and hazing, which are and was the recipient of gifts from days, Postmaster Lloyd Lewis report­ 413 North Fourth. His outdoor deco­ rested by city police Friday and tet numbers; Mrs. Halliday. Mrs. part of the training, and the edu­ ed. Monday of this week was re­ rations consisted of choir boys and the students. charged with the theft of a truck Myma Christiansen and Mrs. Lurrein ported to be the busiest this year cational courses. Classes there are lighted candles. Second prize went Wayne Chesnut, co-chairman of tire from Henry Hughs the previous Lee in vocal trio numbers; Mrs. Wet­ similar to those in college, he said, the Vendrell fund with Tony Rich­ with approximately 12,000 cancel­ to Thelma Ann Niccum who had tstein and Mrs. Putnam playing Tuesday. lations for outgoing mail, while there but less time is used to complete entered a uniqiu.y lighted Christ­ * 4 The same tire had been stolen piano duets; Mrs. Putnam and Mrs. various courses. As an example, ter, reported that the fund has re*- \* re two or three days with 13,000 mas tree at her home at 603 Locust. ceived- $4,8i3.89 with $25 from the from Hughs several days ago and Wettstein as a vocal duet, and tap. three courses of mathematics have can<< nations a year ago. However For the most outstanding Christ- Vale Ladles Basque club being the was returned to the owner following Spanish Ballet and acrobatic num­ been completed since last September the entire Christmas season mai A new, automatic job printing mas tree, first prize went to the most recent contribution. From this the arrest of Steve Willis, Jr., and bers by a group of boys and girls and each is equivalent to one year might equal or surpass that of last total, $50265 has been paid to St press was installed at the Gate C ity 1 Walter Roth home at 428 Noith Joseph W. Rogers, who were charged presented by Mrs. Clifford Saunder; of college. year when all records are complete Journal last Saturday to better serve Fourth where an evergreen had Luke- hospital in Boise for service; of Vale. with receiving stolen property. Upon graduation, Jensen will be from the time of his confinement to Lewis »aid, although outgoing mai the newspaper’s job printing cus- been silvered and draped with rcc The group included Kay Kessler Martinez was on parole from e commissioned an ensign with a B. Dec. 5. a doctor’s services amounted was not as heavy per day at th? be­ tomers and produce better quality lights. The Glea Billings home at conviction in the Malheur count; Diana Metcalf, Joanne Rose, Leslie S. degree in science. He will return ginning of the season. work. The increased volume of job! I 11 North Fourth won the award to $560 through Dec. 20 and a neck Clark. Kathy and Danny Eubanks, circuit court at the time of his ar­ Incoming parcel post is belteved to the academy Jan. 2. brace co-i $75, for a total of $1,137.65 printing during the past two years for the most original decoration rest here, Graham said. Shirley Blake and Yvonne Daven­ to be heavier this year and city car­ so far expended. made the addition necessary, even which was a picture of an old-fash­ port. riers have experienced some delay There is a balance of $3,676.24 in after the printing staff was in­ ioned shoe mounted on a red back­ Concluding feature was the sing­ Elks Gleemen At in handling the bulk of the mail. ground covering the front door and Johnsons To Check the fund and arrangments already creased. ing of “The Holy City” and “ The Last Sunday parcel post deliveries lighted with a yard spotlight. have been made to purchase a wheel Geared to operate at high speed Flea’ by Howard Putnam, accom­ Hospital Sunday were made for more than six hours From entries with the Santa Claus Boys Town Needs chair with all attachments necessary the press will turn out printed forms panied by his wife, who also accom­ The annual Malheur Memorial to relieve the congestion in the post- theme, the Grant Rinehart heme at for his particular case. Hospitaliza­ in about one-fifth the time re­ Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Johnson and panied the other singing groups. hospital Christmas party was held office. quired by hand feeding or by means 207 North Fourth won first-place daughter left Wednesday morning Sunday with all employees exchang­ tion here will amount to $9 a day. Tom Jones, Union Pacific agent, recognition. A huge night-before- Chesnut said, and the fund will not of an older model automatic press for Washougal, Wash., to vist Mrs. ing gifts and the patients being en­ said that mail train schedules have Christmas stocking and Santa Claus Johnson’s mother, Mrs. Hamrick. On installed a year ago. tertained by the Ontario Elks Glee- last long in view of the possibility been temporarily changed for the were depicted on the front of the In addition to the automatic sys­ their return trip, Mr. Johnson will The newly organized Gleemen of extended confinement. D. L. A. holiday period only. Train 17, which Maulding will have personal charge tem, the press is equipped with house with the word ‘‘Noel-’ spelled visit in Boys Town at White Salmon, are made up of members from Vale, arrives here in the evening, has of Vendrell. precision adjustments to make near- out with colored lights. The front Was-h., to find out their needs and Ontario, Payette and Weiser. been running in two sections with perfect register for multiple-color door of the A. C. Sallee home at 316 facilities to store produce. When he Predictions that the valley will Chesnut appealed to the general Christmas day will be "business first class mail carried on a late North Fourth had been decorated to work and an ink distribution system public for more cash contributions returns, members of the Eagles will have a White Christmas are modi­ represent a hugh Christmas pack­ make up a truckload of produce and fied with further predictions that a as usual” at the hospital, but with for the fund and emphasized that train last week. Effective Saturday, for all types of paper and ink. the first section, scheduled to arrive special favors and dinners for all The new addition is part of the age, complete with snow and other take back to the boys. In June, white blanket might be caused from all money is being expended for his at 5:10, carried first class mail and patients. Two trees have been deco­ Journal’s expansion program that seasonal lighting effects to win the sporting equipment was sent. treatment. A special Alaskan pict­ frost rather than snow. The tem­ parcel post arrived between 7 and 8 rated and are located in one ward began early in 1952 when a budget judges’ favor for the all-out spirit ure will be shown the student body perature dropped to a new season’s and the hospital hallway. p. m. _ was provided for “miscellaneous but of Christmas. In the religious theme at the school Jan. 18 and 19 for the low Tuesday night when the ther­ expensive” additions to the printing group, the Eddie Powell at 316 Park N a V y flflail HOITl© Oil fund. Several other money rasing mometer registred 20 degrees. « p plant. A year ago a larger news avenue was first-place winner. The • projects are still in the planning Nyssa Births . . . Readings for the past showed an Granddaughter Is press than had been previously used nativity scene was carried out with LGOVG x TOm r QC1I1C One boy and two girl- were among stage, he said. average of 41 degrees maximum, the Dale P. Patterson, hospitalman, | same as the week before, but aver- Fruitland Mascot was installed, along with a folding silhouttes and appropriate lighting. The entire $1,813 89 was raised in recent arrivals at Malheur Memorial There were two winners in the USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant age minimum readings was 27.5 as machine that speeded up publica­ Lee Ann Bellon, two year old Malheur county through hundred« hospital. The girls were born to Mr. business district entries; first-place Patterson of route 1, Nyssa, has compared with the previous week's daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bel­ of different money raising projects, and Mrs. Darwin Jensen, Dec. 18 and tion of the newspaper each week. None of the automatic and »peed- honors going to the Bernard East- completed a seven-month tour of 34. lon of Fruitland, former Nyssa resi- cash donations from organization.- Dr. and Mrs. George Cebem, Dec. 17. up equipment has replaced m an -1 man Real Estate where two win- duty in the Far East aboard the Downpouring rain last Friday ! dents and granddaughter of Mr. and and individuals and by drives in A son was born Dec. 18 to Mr. and power, but has increased the num- j dows were decorated. One showed Frontier which arrived at Long Mrs. William Miller. brought guesses that “ it rained six Mrs. Joe Bellon has been elected various parts of the county. ber of employees and the payroll, the nativity scene in minature, com- Beach, Calif. Sunday. He arrived inches,” but the Bureau of Recla­ mascot o f the Fruitland high school. Doctors report that Vendrell will Job printing orders, including cata- plete with lighting effects for stars ¡n Boise by Plane this week and is mation reported that only .01 of an I)r. John Olsen spent the week end Miss Bellon has a minature yell be able to have all the company logs and booklets, are being received and blue lights, and the other was vacationing at his home, Inch fell. There were traces of pre­ dress and has a permanent place in that can visit him at the hospital in Portland where he visited his par­ from other areas to provide in - 1 a traditional minature Santa Claus The destroyer tender received cipitation on Saturday, followed by the line-up of yell leaders. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olsen. (Continued on page 12) creased business returns for Nyssa (Continued on page 12) commendtory messages from all clearing skies that night and com­ Mr. and Mrs. Bellon were In Fruit­ ----------------------- —---------------------- “ Naval commands in the Far East on pletely cloudless skies Monday, Tues­ land Friday evening where they saw her departure f6r outstanding ser­ day and Wednesday. the Fruitland-Middleton game. vice and support rendered during Official readings for the week are: the tour in the Western Pacific. Max. Min. I Wednesday, Dec. 16 34 28 Masons Plan Trip The Gate City Journal's 12 ryral subscription list. However, the story Thursday, Dec. 1 7 ___ 32 27 To V ale Sunday Although this is an age of worries, f actual age. MGthodist Youth correspondents and their families brings in activitites in the small Friday, Dec. 18 ___ _____ 35 29 ulcers and premature baldness, there His memory is extremely keen for, Members of the Masonic Lodge No. are being invited to be guests of 'town as well as the neighboring Saturday, Dec. 19 ______ 48 30 are yet a few who are so busy with in spite o f the lapse of time, he can Present Program 147 are asked to meet at the hall the newspaper and the Nyssa farming communities. Naturally, Sunday, Dec. 20........ ......51 32 life that they just haven't time to recall the soldiers returning from Youth of the Methodist church Monday, Dec. 21 46 30 Sunday evening at 7 oclock prior to Theater New Year's day when “ It some of the “situations” in which grow old. Such a man is Joseph E. the Civil War. presented the Vesper service Sun- Tuesday. Dec. 22 43 2* going to Vale for special ceremonies Happens Every Thursday” will be the publisher and his public find Grandfather Bair is rightly so- (jay evening at the church, Bair of Columbia Avenue, Nyssa who themselves are dramatized to color Wednesday, Dec. 23 „ ..... 20 in commemoration of St. John's day, shown at the local theater. celebrated his 91st birthday Satur­ called for he has 14 children, seven | “Jesus, The Last Name On The The hilarious movie comedy Is the story, but the humor and senti­ Worthy Master Rober Holmes an­ day, Dec. 19. Grandfather Bair, as he of whom he has survived, 38 grand- List” , was presented under the di­ nounced. The lodges o f Vale, Ontario an adaptation o f a book by the same ment is there for any theater goer and 74 great-grand rection of Mrs. James Stephen, Mrs. Goose Hunters Get is called, was born Dec. 19, 1862 in children, and Nyssa will participate in the name, written by Mrs. Jane S. Me to enjoy. C liff Fox and Dorothy Erwin. “ Beth- Eaton, Preble county, Ohio. He was children. Ilvaine, wife of a weekly newspaper ceremony. Movie trade Journals report that He has been a member of the ejem Christmas", a short play was Bobcat At O w yh ee on his own at the age of 12, working the picture has had extremely The place o f meeting for local publisher. ______ He _ spent . his way west. much time Latter Day Saints Church since | presented under direction of Mrs. The trials and tribulations of the high box office returns In small Information about the success of Masons was orignially set for the in the Indian terrotories before ar- 1887 and filled a mission in 1914 and Kinsey Keveren, Mrs. Lional Chad- a goose hunting trip insofar as mi­ home of the Rev. Henry Moore. weekly publisher, played by John town*, exceeding that o f metro­ riving in Salt Lake City in 1885. In 1843 to the northern states and a derton, Mrs. Alfred Adams and Mrs gratory waterfowl was concerned Forsythe, and the editor’s wife, play­ politan areas where viewers have 1888 he married Eliza Ruston Moss | stake mission here. ed by Loretta Young, are given the had little or no contact with life in Frances Bates. The intermediate was lacking last Friday because of I htimorous slant, but the human in­ rural America. of Woods Cross, Utah. They traveled —— ------ ------------ group with Mrs. John Newman as­ a large bobcat brought back by three I C ar Dealer Has terest aspects o f life in a country sisted. north and homesteaded near Idaho L o c a l D e a l e r Nyssa hunters. A 24 and one fourth J The picture will be shown at the town and the open-heartedness of New Years eve midnight show and Others assisting were Mrs. Carlos pound cat was killed above Owyhee Successful Show Falls, later moving to Alpine, Utah f l i * - - - ! C t-n w where they raised their family. His A l i e n a onO W Between 800 and 90o persons visit­ I* ip le who make up the ¿mall town again New Years day, beginning at Buchner, pianist and Mrs. Lloyd dam while Clifford Main, Walter wife died in 1943 and the following J. L. Herriman. manager of Herri- Tobler and Mrs. Ben McConnell. Roth and Hugh Tobler were after ed the Nyssa Motors last Friday and and its rural communities, are not 1:30 p. m. and running continently vear two of his sons, Howard and man Motor Co., and his salesman Saturday when the first showing of forgotten. geese. through-out the afternoon and eve­ Movie critics have highly recom­ ning. Eugene, moved to Nyssa and Orand- Harry Bolles left Sunday for Salt They reported the animal had Just the 1954 Chevrolet was held, accord­ father Bair bought a farm here. In Lake City where they will inspect Firemen's Banquet caught and devoured a rabbitt before ing to Wayne Chesnut, manager. He mended the show as a family picture The Journal's correspondents will reported exceptionally good accept­ with a steady stream of chuckles receive their oomplimentory tickets 1950 he remarried, taking Susan 1954 Ford models that will be made Members of the Nyssa Volunteer it was shot. ance and much Interest in the new and laughs. The story revolves a- the forepart of next week for them­ Roundy Williams for his wife. public in January. Herriman stated Fire department and their wives round a New York couple who pur­ selves and members of their Immedi­ Far from being inactive, this that the exact date o4 the showing held their annual Christmas banquet James Webster of Sacramento, model car. pioneer helps run his 75 acre farm, is still indefinite and no Information Monday night at the city fire sta­ Calif., left Monday for Indiana after Chesnut estimated that the num­ chase a rundown weekly newspaper ate families. The tickets will be takes care of a flock of sheep and is is available about the new car. tion. Gene Stunz had charge o f ar­ visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. i ber o f people attending the showing in California and attempt *a cope honored at any showing o f the pict­ always busy He appears to be a man They returned to Nyssa Wednes- rangements and the turkey dinner Eéwin Oldham. Mr. Webster and •was as great or greater than that of with dilapidated machinery, a small ure, Rex Voeller, manager o f the amount of advertising and a small Ifjrssa Theater, stated. o t at least 20 years younger than his day. was prepared by Bill Wahlert. Mrs. OSI ham are brother and sister. ¡ last year. Land Agents Said Operating Here City Asks For N ew Airport Bids Four Inducted; Calls Slow Up Grange Reviews Addition Plans Nine Winners Gel Recognition In Lighting Contest Louis Vendrell Home; Report Made By Chesnut Milk Producers Meet For Banquet Annapolis Man Is Lions Speaker Truck Tire Stolen Twice In Month j Christmas Mail Steady, Fewer Extreme Rushes Jour nal Installs Automatic Press For lob Printing Frost May Bring "White Christmas' "Il Happens Every Thursday" Showing N ew Years; Journal Writers Guests Nyssa Pioneer Joseph E. Bair Is Still Busy After 91 Years of Active Living J