i> A G L THE N YSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. WO " H E CITY JOl RNAL iti i v i : R. ALTERS Editor end Publisher KK UMI DI I N HOST ________ Advertising Manager Duane K Alter* and Geo. L. Whorton, Owner* • Eyes examined ! Mrs the Hat Id Dali hom Sunday ' ' Say ior the ^ Dorothy Robert, • Glasses fitted George Knowle it a TV ->arty Mr and Mr Woodr v Sewell en- L,aGrafnde game The score W3- 25- Ruth Moore gee- back to the eigh. Nyssa Dial 2322 Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jones were teruined Mr and Mrs. Ward Lundy, 33 “ J ia™ r „o i LaGrrlade- teenth century to write about the Caldwell Phone 9-2312 Sunday dinner guests of Mr. a M H L. Day. Mr and ® der wilham Turner, the new ancestors of the E ll.- Mrs. Oeorge Knowle, Mrs. Bob Shaw. Mr and Mr Ray P*stcL o f the Missionary Baptist in her Candlemas Bay Her new Mr. and Mr- Bill Lawrence visited Rookstool, Mr and Mr Jim Eldred church was a Sunday dinner guest novel is A Fair Wind Home. with Mr. and Mr- Norman Meadows and Mr. and Mr- Freeman Rook- of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hiatt Mr. and An evaluation of a contemporary Tuesday evening. stool at a surprise birthday party ' ,r> Bl1 La^ rence *'ere aIso Sunday hterary form Is made by Ray B. Karen Fife. Dan Perkin, and Lila Saturday night In honor of Mrs. d:dder gl' e' L ... ., West in The Short Story in America. •Holme- visited Vern I :: at Sewell1! mother, Mrs Frank W hip- ‘ The Story of the American Auto- the hospital in Boise Saturday. pie ' leaving Tuesday for Hanford, CiUif. _____ _ by .......... ................. ...... in- mobile Rudolph Anderson The Sage and Saddle Club will Mr. and Mrs. E. H Brandt left )m t,“ ere t0 eludes such intriguing chapters as hold a Christmas party Thursday Thursday for Santa Barbara. Calif. * alasas to spend the holidays. “ Conquest of Speed." "The Glory -------------------------------- Mr- Tom NJshitanl attended a of and -Band w agon .” pink and blue shower in Ontario at x h e Us named concents popular the home o f Mrs. June Saito in songs about the automobile. honor of Mrs. Tony Miyasako of A book for the home-maker is Adrian __ . _ . . . . ^ Kay Hardy’s Hew To Make Your Frank Fry visited at the Frank Qwn slipcovers. » h o m o i m / i o t* o n r l Ic o v is D o H Parr home w Sunday and o also visited The Faith o f Our Fathers, an the Baptist church. anthology o f Americana from 1730 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dail visited to 1860 edited by Irving Mark and at the Elmer Stradley home in Nys­ Eugene Schwaab. expresses "the sa Sunday. democratic aspiration- of the Ameri­ Mr and Mrs. Chris Briscell of can man’ presented through various visited over the weekend writings en civil rights, equality, and § Nampa with Mr and Mrs. Ralph Olsen. religious freedom Mr. and Mrs. Phil Harris of Em- John Durant and Otio Bettman 8 Passes Nyssa Theatre mett visited at the home of Mr. and present a p jctorial History o f & ¿ 5 MTJ T “ 11 rtuncorn sunoay. American Sport- including all the SATURDAY— Drawing 8 P. M ft Royal Carver of Ogden, Utaii and famlliar sports and such o:hers as « Vern Beesley of Ontario visited at cock fi?hting, enquet .billards, and W the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank lacrosse8 1— Doll— 24-in. high— S9.95 Value Skeen Thursday. ... „ _ , . . . What People Wore by Douglas y Monday — Drawing 8 P. M. . D“ an-e-_H _.c ..n?b Gorsline is a v. aal history cf dress as their Sunday dinner guests, Mr from ancient time- to 20th century g and Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb. Rodney Xmerica.''“ "*1' ..... ..................... ... S? ¿ 5 Holcomb and Betty Jean Strickland. 2 Bride Dolls— 11-in. high— $2.98 Value A book useful to teachers is 500 W and Mrs. Clyde Schurr and Live the Grade by Sff T ; i » , - - L i v e i Ideas U C t t i I for UI U l f V J i n u r Teacher I M I -ic i TUESDAY— Drawing 8 P. M. Lhada Nampa Nancy McClure. Mr. Bpt ^ and Vivlan Pl>hei. § and Mrs. R M Cochrun. Mr. and The American City by Stuart h . Mrs. Dale Garrison and Mrs. Chas. Queen and David Carpenter tells o f M Wednesday Drawing Garrison. the mounting significance of the sy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mullins of layout of, and the planned and un-» iyf 8 P. M. ¿{a Ontario visited Sunday at the H planned change taking place in the y M Johnson home. city of today. . $2 Mr and Mrs Wayne Simpson were ORDER N O W ¿ 5 guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bert- Bl I SHERS $2 00 SOCI ATION N ew Novels Top List of County Library Books SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Richland News 5th A N N U A L CANCER I DANCE ! ' : 1-T U R K E Y Saturday, Dec. 19 NYSSA EAGLES HALL ¡1 I Music by Don Moss' Orchestra ADMISSION — $1.00, Incl. Tax A ^ Sponsored by Nyssa F.O.E. § Proceeds for Runyan Cancer I- und SLEEP TIGHT! SLEEP RIGHT! m ^5 I? The People Who Drive Cars »s ^ Know They Need ^ GOOD B R A K E S g The Law Requires . . . . « v That They Have our comfort in mind. They*« cut good and full . . to give you plenty of room to enjoy youi dreams in. And the ex- elusive elaatic EVxibeh” " is a, comfortable as your own skin. Nan Heusen Tuxedo-Styled I'ajama, are made of smooth, soft, durable broadcloth. And th ev co m e m the BCWCat I ol (1 and pau>*n*. So come in an! pick out a jcur. Ttie rest will c, 10 natura.lv. BRACKENS Kvssa Dial 3040 Owyhee Lowest Prices Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Dial 3209 Mr and Mrs. Carl Lienweber and daughter of Outlook, Wash., arrived Monday evening to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Warner Peutz and Wanda. The Lienwebers had been to Port Morgan, Colo., to visit his sister, 1 Mrs. Geo. Nien. and to Twin Falls i to visit a niece, Mrs. Leo Huber be- | fore coming here to see his niece, Mrs. Peutz. The Washington visitors ; left Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald went to Payette Wednesday to see 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald DeBord and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Duncan. Mr anl Mrs Roland Maw made a trip to Wendell. Ida., Tuesday to get a truck load o f fertilizer. Mr and Mrs. Ray Franklin of Parma and their houseguest, Mrs. Mamie Patterson o f Koosgta, Idaho were Friday evening guests at the Gerald Slippy home. Mr and Mrs. Ray Sumpter and family of Payette called at the "FV>rt” Sumpter home Friday night. An election was held Monday afternoon at the Owyhee Community church building at which time W er­ ner Peutz was re-elected to the board o f directors for the Owyhee cemetery district. Rev and Mrs Robert Krtner of Vale and their son. Bob who is on vacation from Westmont College in Santa Barbara. Calif, were dinner Oven Ready Turkeys - Ducks Geese - Chickens GIFT W R AP -TIE S ¿sift 9 ft CANDIES-NUTS BISQUICK Mealy, golden DERBY DENNISON'S CATSUP SUN V A L LE Y Tender, crisp MARGARINE TASTEW ELL TOMATO JUICE Take the family out to dinner! BUTCH'S LINK CLOVER GEM SAUSAGE ICE CREAM SILK PENNANT BAK E RITE TISSUE MINCEMEAT SHORTENING 79* They'll enjoy a change in atmos­ phere. and get a real thrill in 3 lb can choosing from our Menu. Y L O R S Just Driving By? . . . . Then the PLEASURE BEAT THE PRICE BY SAVING TWICE— will all b« yours if you stop in. LO W PRICES PLUS Berretl's Cafe Teresa Anderson M -.Ufc- : Nyssa Dial 9*72 market m 425 Arcadia Blvd