Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, December 10, 1953, Image 1

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    Do Your
Christmas Shopping
Nyssa Gate City Journal
4-H ers Receive
Awards Thursday
Ai Grange Meeting
NO. 48
Business Men
To Sponsor 1954
'Stork Derby"
Siage Set Foi
Minstrel Show
Friday, Saturday
Again this year, that i- beginning
A large group of 4-H club mem­
The lights are »bout to be dimmed,
with Jan. 1. 1954. merchant, anc
bers, their leaders and parents
musicians are waiting for the
.usiness firms will conduct a “Stork
gathered at the Oregon Trail hall
ir. p of the baton and a couple of
Derby.” comm, nly kn vn as tin
as guests of the Grange last Thurs­
Jozen throats have been cleared in
New T M f tb
day evening when pins and achieve­
eadiness for the first performance
ment certificates were presented to
the Nys>a
f the two-day minstrel show that
Business Men .- a
ia: ion and in
4-H'ers and leaders. A 7 o’clock
■tart» Friday night.
co-operation with Malhei ir Memorial
potluck dinner was served to the
Scheduled to start promptly at
lo.-pltal. the first child r iven norma!
group, prior to the presentation of
o'clock at the Nyssa high school
awards and the regular Grange
r midnight
gym under the sponsorship of the
number of
PTA, the variety-packed, local talent
valuable prizes includin K cash and
County Agent E. M. Hauser of On.
shew promises to provide entertain­
tario made awards to the following:
ment to suit every family in the
As it did last January, ; • hospital
Betty Van Zelf, first year; Frank
community and every member of
vill make an allowance of $50 toward
Parr, second year; Peter Vander
the family. Refreshments will also
the maternity expens ?s o f t h e f i r s t
Oord, Delores Van Zelf and Dean
be served.
1954 child.
Sisson, third year: Helen Winter and
Harold Hentgson, chairman of ar­
Bob Wilson was ap p oin te “d c h a i r -
Stanley Sisson, fourth year; Sheryl UNIQUE IN THE LIVES of local to right. Lew Herriman (foreman),
rangements, said Wednesday that
Sisson, fifth year; Nellie Vander play-goers was the experience last Mrs, Dick Yost, Jim Itigney, Mr. and man of the 1954 Sto k D o r b y a t a
practice sessions have been devoted­
Oord, sixth year, and tic k Winter, Friday of serving in the true-to-life Mrs. Lorin Saunders, Mrs. W. A. meeting of the Bu itu .•»s M r n ’s a s s o -
attended by the participants and
seventh year.
capacity as jurors for a murder-trial Bybee; back row, left to right, the
that during the past few days,
Mrs. Harold Sisson, Mrs. Orville of drama presented by the senior Rev. Vernon L. Taylor, Louie Atte- chairman. Following a me■ ctin g o f
Director Ralph Castator has beer
Hickman and Lynette Hickman re- c^ss of the Nyssa high school. hery, Jack Duncan June Coleman. Wilson's committee h i s w e e k d e -
a Vie to develop a show that reallj
ceived leader certificates of achieve­ Shown in the above photograph lis­ Mrs. Irl Nolan and Henry Storm.— tails of the contest w ill b e a n n o u n -
eed in full next week.
ment and that Mrs. Sisson received tening attentively are, first row left Photo by Yost.
Mr. and Mrs Glen Fred lo r ic k s e n ,
Of course, many members of thi
a community certificate of service
Rte. 2. Nyssa, were . 1 1 n n r r ■ - of
ca-t are in the professional class
for five years. Mrs. Hickman receiv­
! 1953 version of the < fl t C s t , w it h t h e
when it comes to public perform­
ed a community service certificate
birth of a six-pound. 14-01m c e b o v .
ances and entertainment and the
and Lynette Hickman received a
The child and its parent' received
remainder are the superior amateurs
one-year leadership pin.
of the community. That part of the
a total of 35 cash and merchandise
A program was presented by 4-H
Christmas Seal sale booth- have prizes.
description regards the singing of
members consisting of a summary of
been se: up in cities through'.cut the
The 1954 winner is expected to re­
the blackfaced minstrels who have
this year's work by Catherine Cole­
ceive an even greater number cf
been coached by the highly ex­
man; guitar numbers, “ Kentucky
prizes, according to Wilson.
perienced Castator.
Waltz” and Down in Jungle Town”
All students of Ny -a schools anc
by Frank Parr; a number by a all schools north to Annex have had is in the post office and is operating
The jokes are something else again
IN' Ills FIRST 1;<53 appearance in above with Santa are Vieki Lee - the kind that all members of the
quartet consisting of Helen Winter, their audiometer tests by an audio- under the direction of Mrs. Owen
Nyssa., Santa t laus had a busy day Schoen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. family can hear and laugh about
Delores Van Zelf, Barbara Hickman metrist from the maternal and child
last Saturday as he consulted with Ron Schoen, and Danny Gallegos, with Castator serving as interlocutor
and Lynette Hickman; a skit, “In health section of the Oregon State booth are Rebekah lodge members.
an estimateti 1,200 boys and girls son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gailcgos.— and punch lines that promise to
Booth sales are operated for the
the Best of Families” by Lynette Board of Health, It was announced
about their ( hr' tmas needs. Shown Journal Staff Photo.
convenience of those who have not
Hickman and Dick Winter; a skit, last week.
cut-do any radio or TV performance.
“ Making a 4-H Salad” by Stanley
According to the Malheur County received seals through the mail cr
In addition to the varied activities
and Dean Sisson. Frank Parr, Tom- Public Health department, rpproxi- who wish to buy additional ones for
of the minstrels, half-hour of
my Jayo and Betty VanZelf; two mately 2500 tests were gvien in all
peclalty numbers have been ar­
clarinet numbers by Barbara Hick- the schools. Four percent, or about ages. Mrs. Gann urges that everyone
and will include numbers
man, Helen Winter and Sharrel 100 had hearing difficulties serious •end in donations for the Christmas
An estimated 1,200 boys and girls
by June Hartley, Bernice Fisher,
Sisson; an impersonation by Barbara enough to be referred for follow-up Seals at the earliest possible date.
kept a date with Santa Claus last
Christmas vacation for Nyssa j
Fatty Flanagan, Patty Michaebon,
Hickman, and violin selections by
At Nyssa, 850 were given tests with
Saturday afternoon, and had the op- students will get underway Thurs-
Nola Watson, Anna Mae Fife and
Pat Nichols, Nellie Vander Oord and 44 of them showing hearing defects. I
portunity of personally telling him day, Dec. 24, and extend through
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nalley. Tony
Garnet Richie,
! There were three in the high school. |
of their nqeds for Christmas.
Jan. 1, Supt. Henry Hartley an-
The Nyssa school district has 1,710 Richter will entertain with his ac-
At the Grange meeting, which 14 in junior high and 27 in the ele-
Santa’s visit was made possible nounced. Giving specific dates f o r ! chddren and youths between the ccrdian and a newly engaged per-
followed the 4-H program, it was mentary grades,
by the Chamber of
Commerce, the extent of the vacation period is a(?e_. ot 4 and 19 according to census f< rnier is Earl Winn of Adrian, who
Oregon Trail—Three of the FFA
announced that the Grange had pur-
In 1952 all )f the children in Ad-
of the sometimes confusing, so it can be figures released this week. That will play his violin. Henigson again
chased a $5 T. B. bond and that the rian district and south to McDer- boys selected to judge at the state Nyssa merchants and
the Junior more clerl.v defined by stating that number j 71 greater than the total reminded the public that a "super
Idaho Power would put on a demon- mitt had the auditometer tests and
Chamber of Commerce, members of classes will end Wednesday after- f , f
u.(.mintpd for
vrir oeo colossal” surprise number will have
stration Jan. 21.
those referred in 1952 had their are from this community. On the which bagged 3,000 sacks of candy noon. Dec 23. with the next day .-s, 2 * g
S c e 1948 ¿hen the to remin a mystery until the aud­
Installation c f officers will be held mitthearing rechecked recently in
and helped Santa Claus distribute the first day of the holiday. Classes count was 2,014. The 1951 school ience is in the auditorium to see for
at the Oregon Slope hall Dec. 11 and hearing
in tyne, Gene Maw and Stanley Byers. part of them Saturday.
will be resumed on Monday, Jan. 4. I census was 1628 and in 1950 it was themselves just what is in store for
all officers are urged to attend and were referred for further follow-up. Ballantyne was awarded fourth
An even greater number of boys
! 1,706. This year’s figures are for the them,
take sandwiches for refreshments. There has been a total of 126 chil­ place in judging.
and girls are expected to greet Santa
effective date of Oct. 25.
Gerald Cox Is a new addition to
It was announced that a series of dren referred to the health depart­
on his second visit here this Satur­
There *7* I3u nve-year-olds in the minstrel cast not listed in the
card parties will be held at the ment for follow-up.
day afternoon. His appearance will
district now as compared with 142 original announcment. Music will be
The county health department has
Oregon Trail hall on the second and
be made at the same time and place,
a year ago. However, last year’s 142 provider by Bill Fisher. Harry Miner
fourth Tuesdays of January, Febru­ asked the parents of all these chil­
2 p. m. at the Christmas tree, 4th
five-year-old count that was used end a pianist whose name was not
dren to make appointments to con­
ary and March.
and Main streets.
for the first grade enrollment went available.
was completed
for fer with the public health nurse at
At the same hour a limited num­
somewhere and 164 enrolled; The show will have a two-night
Grange officers.
ber of children will be guests of the
Three children without shoes and the first week of sck 'ol I k U fall. The tand, both Friday and Saturday,
ted that the weeks of Dec. 13 and
merchants at "7he annual movie tjle fourth wearing what h*d ¿nee recent census sh©wed-If#-rffn-yfkr- j beginning at 8 c clock. Those ex-
20 and into January will be required
Several changes have taken place matinee at the Nyssa Theatre, begin-
shoe’s ¡ ^ a r e d "a‘t"the‘" c h r b b olds in the district and there are peeling to attend are asked to pur-
to reach all the parents.
in the personnel of the Nyssa post- ning at 2:30 p. m.
, mas (,ree ¡n front of Nyssa Motors 164 still enrolled in the first grade. 1 chase tickets in advance to enjhU
Malheur county farmers and
office, it was announced this week
Arrangements were made for I last Saturday to receive the treats none of them having reached their those in charge to make arrange-
ranchers are reminded that Dec. 10
by Postmaster Lloyd Lewis.
! Santa Claus’ unprecedented two j Sania Claus was giving to all child­ seventh vear.
ments for seating. Tickets may be
is the deadline for signing up for
Roy Hoff, who hs served as money visits at one Christmas season by ren! Their other clothing was more
The school census is used among purchased from almost any busine-o
conservation practices to be carried
order clerk and clerk in charge in . Bob Thompson and his committee.
suited for July veather and the bare other things for long-range clax. house, from PTA members or ai
out during 1954, the county ASC
the absence of the postmaster, for
midriffs of three boys showed be­ room planning.
Henigson’s office at 106 Main street
office announced. Dec. 10 is also
the past three years, has resigned
tween T-Sshirts and lattercd brit-
the closing date of the initial signup
from the postal service and expects
i ches.
to enter private business in the
As soon as the youngsters had re­
Members of Bov Scout troop 419
Dec. 31 is the final date for re­
Moses Lake area sometime after the
ceived their candy they were e s ­
met Monday evening for a regular
porting completed practices carried
first of the year. Vern Moncur, who
corted to Bracken’s Store by the
meeting at the Lutheran church.
out during the 1953 program year.
By Dick Yost
has been a substitute clerk, has as­
Rev. John Briehl who outfitted them
They presented a gift to Roy Hoff,
Who killed Bjorn Faulkner?
sumed the duties previously handled
with shoes and sox. Fred Bracken
former scout master, for his services
That is a question that may never by Hoff.
cut the bill In half and the remain-
to the boys for the past five years.
be answered—and one that will pro­
Daniel Pennie is now serving in
er was paid by the Lutheran
Dennis Forbess made the presenta­
voke as much heated discussion as the post office instead of as a city
Grades four, five and six of the minister.
a bonehead play on the part of a carrier, devoting full time to that Nyssa schoojs will hold their annual
The mother, who accompanied
Preliminary plans to organize a
baseball player does in the “ hot job, and is now substitute clerk. C. Christmas' program will be held at
her children to the Christmas tree, county-wide parents council for ex­
Arvel Child, vice president of the stove” league.
Lloyd Warner is a newcomer to the 8 p. m. this Thursday in the high had no coat and was outfitted later ceptional children were made recent­
Nyssa-Nampa Sugar Beet Growers
One thing is certain, however, and force and is employed as an indefi­ school gymnasium.
association, attended the annual that is as far as Nyssa play goers
by the Rev. Briehl.
ly at a meeting attended by residents
Entitled “The First Christmas”,
meeting of the Sugar Beet Growers are concerned Karen Andre did not nite substitute city carrier.
of all three communities at the
While changes in personnel were the program will be presented in ion of the Junior Chamber of Com­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kra-
Federation in Salt Lake City Tues­ commit the murder of Faulkner.
singing, choral reading and panto­
A bid of $10.000 for the Nyssa
day and Wednesday.
On two consecutive nights jury taking place, there were also changes mime numbers in six scenes, includ­ merce and of Don Graham, and it vetz in Ontario. The council is part
Discussions of sugar beet problems panels selected by lot from the audi­ In the city delivery of mail to pat­
was reported this week that plans of the Oregon and National Socie- Municipal airport, with $4,000 to be
were held and a program for the ences viewing the high school senior rons on North First street, the post­
for Crippled Children and credited for hangars to be removed
appears to Mary, no room in the inn. are underway to pool the resources ties
coming year was outlined. Organiza­ class play, “ Night o f January 16th” , master said.
of numerous civic, chartable and fra­ Adults, also known as the Easter by the city, was rejected Tuesday
Because of heavier mails carried!^, shepherds watched their flocks, ternal organizations in Nyssa to take Seal Society. At the Ontario meet­ night at a regular meeting of the
tion of almost all sugar beet grow­ returned the verdict: “not guilty” .
the business
hndne^x route
rmito mrriep
ing districts in the United States,
Jury members for the Thursday j by r the
carrier, it
it hoc
has f^lrig Herod and the Wise Men and care of several needy families with ing a film, “Stairsteps to Happiness” city council. The bid was submitted
except California, was completed.
was shown to the group and plans by B. B Burroughs of Ontario and
night performance, given for bene- | been necessary to change one sect- the Prince of Peace.
Choral selections by the combined circumstances similar to that of the were made to hold meetings once a was the only bid received during the
A fair price and labor hearing was fit of school children, were Virginia ion of the residential delivery—for
also held with testimony being given Tucker, Mrs. Fay Hall, Johnny all patrons on North First—from choruses of the fourth, fifth and
month in Ontario, Nyssa or Vale. three weeks period the air port has
by the local association representa­ Barnes, Dan Wilson, Kathy Carr,; Don Wilson’s route to Lynn Metts’ sixth grades, directed by Nelda
Officers will be named at a later been offered for sale.
A request to lease the airport by
meeting and the schedule of meet­
Barbara McPartland, Treva Friend, residential route.
Ogilvie, include 16 Christmas songs.
Pioneer Dusting Service of Ontario
ings will be announced.
Information was obtained which Medelyion Connelly. Charles Klin-
Upper grade teachers responsible
will be helpful for the local industry kenberg, Stanley Jameson, Richard
“ We hope to develop this into a for $50 a month was tabled for fur­
for the program are Virginia Voigt,
and will be given to growers at the Chavez and Darwin Gorrell.
county-wide organization similar to’ ther Investigation.
series of district meetings to be held
This panel had all the earmarks
Sun et Valley—A commotion at the
the parents
parents council
council group
group that
that Is Is Other action of the council in-
Ballou, Fred Smith, Mary Hatt, Eva the Ken Lorensen ranch Monday active in Boise,” a Nyssa participant eluded a request for bids for $45,000
next week.
o f becoming a “hung jury”, when
Bates and caused the family to investigate stated.
meetings have
been I the court was told that it was split
• . worth of general obligation bonds in
Leonard Hewett was unanimously J°sePhine Ripmey
scheduled as follows:
| six to six on the verdict. After some
the area around a storage cellar
An exceptional child, as described denominations of $500 and $1000 for
Dec. 15. 1:30 p. m., Parma-Notus,’ moments of anxiety on the part of elected president o f the Nyssa!
where it was found the door had by the Society for Crippled Children, street improvements. The council ap­
Notus Grange hall; Dec. 16. 2 p. m . the audience one of the jurymen Chamber of Commerce last week for D e l e g a t e s A t t e n d
is described as one with cerebral proved recommendations for the re­
been walked on and broken.
Vale-Jamieson, courthouse; Dec. 16, holding for conviction capitulated. 1954 and will succeed Jake Fischer
As Lorensen was making repairs palsy, that polio has left with its newal of beer licenses for the Nyssa
8 p. m., Luce, Boulevard Grange; allowing the Jury to move for ac- at installation ceremonies in Jan- E d u c a t i o n M e e t
on the door, he heard a muffled lasting mark, that rheumatic fever Tavern and the Smoke Shop and for
Dec. 17, 2 p. m., Nyssa-Oregon Trail, quittal.
— ‘ Stunz was named vice, _ , . .
uary. Emil
__ , “ moo” from belcw and further in- has taken its toll, that has deafness renewal of a liquor by the drink
O Wyckoff, Nyssa vocat- vestagion revealed a yearling Here­ to be endured throughtout life or license for Eddie’s Club. A second
Nyssa high school Little Theater; 1 The jury for the Friday night per- presidetn to succeed Hewett and .
education teacher and region- ford among the stored vegetables that has other physical and mental request for recommendation of a
Dec. 17, 8 p. m., Kingman Kolony, formance consisted of five women Paul Penrod was elected secretary
Adrian grade school; Dec. 21, 8 p.m., and seven men. As called for exami. to succeed Tom Jones, who has ser- ¿ d ref.tor of <'ls' rict 6 of th®
defects that might set him apart liquor by the drink license for the
and fruits.
Oregon Slope, Community hall.
(Continued on page 12)
ved in that capacity for several Education association and Frank
(Continued on Page 12)
Ace Pastime was rejected.
1 Parr, instructor and delegate from
the Malheur county teachers assoc -
New members of the board of di iatlon, attended the OEA’s repre- the yearling ate some canned corn.!
rectors are Clifford Mink, Tom Jones sentative council meeting in Port- pickles and jelly which have not 1
brought on any apparent indigestion 1
and Robert Wilson, who were elected. land last Friday and Saturday.
and Fischer who automatically be
They reported that means for for the Hereford.
comes a member of the new board. securing more teachers and financ­
An appeal for clothing for Korean were wandering about the area with
Indiganatlon—If not
ing the rapid growth of Oregon’s
The head nurse was emphatic in
children under 12 years of age was little or no food and clothing. Most
j anger—reached the Malheur Mem­ stating that she and all members of
schools were principal concerns of
made last week by A2 C Ray Keck, of them had resorted to stealing,
orial hospital staff this week after the staff are adequately paid and
the 143 delegates present.
■who was home on furlough from which is natural when self-preserva-
two articles appeared In the Nov. 15 do not need or want tips from the
Among recommendations were for
Korea to visit his parents, Mr. and j tion drives them to find their needs
Dr. L. A. Mauldmg, Nyssa physic- ] and 22 American Weekly, a Hearst patients. ‘Insofar as th: service and
a state law reserving the public
Mrs. A. H. Keck of route 1, Nyssa. | or valuable articles that can be ex-
Harrison C. Bumgarner. 18. son of schools mineral rights on state lands ian and county health officer; Pete publication. Written by one Albert attention is concerned, the hundreds
The clothing is for children at the changed for food, he commented.
John A. Bumgarner, route 2, Nyssa, and that proceeds from forest lands Flelssner, Malheur Memorial hos­ Q. Matsel, the article attempted to of patients treated at the Malheur
Mosquito orphanage which was built
The ba.se, being located so near the is completing his Air Force basic be distributed to schools and roads pital physiotherapist, and Jake Instill the idea that American nurses Memorial hospital are the best
and is being maintained by personnel border over which disputes led to the airmen indoctrination course at on a 50-50 basis rather than the Fischer, member of the hospital are cranky, Incompetent, careless apostles we have,” Mrs. McCormick
board, returned Friday after at­ and—worst of all—demand tips for commented.
of the
__ 6147th Tac Con group where Korean conflict, is in the middle of Lackland Air Force base, San An- present 25-75 ratio.
tending a three-day Oregon state the degree of services performed.
Keck had been stationed, four miles what Is known as the “crossroads of | tonio, Tex.
The Hearst writer attempted to
planning committee meeting.
below the 38th parallel in Korea, for communism,” the airman said. While
Lackland is the world’s largest D D
It was a toss-up as to whose Irish spread the idea that Incompetence
Plans were outlined to promote wa.s the most ar0used— that of ls prevalent In the nursing profes­
the past 12 months. The orphanage the orphanage has no restrictions on Air Force base site of Air Force
1 0 • » ■ « x p e a iie
improved treatment in the care of Manager John O'Toole or Head sion, but his examples of neglect
is styled like native Korean homes
possible political beliefs, it has been basic training, headquarters of the r ’ U f.J e lr m -te M r r i l i n r t
polio victims and discussions were nu » p Esther McCormick Mrs. Mc- cited no specific Incidents and gave
The airman explained that the noted that communism is prevalent > human resource research center and N ^ n r i b i m u :» m u l l i n g
orphanage was built by men at the among the people, resulting In an home of the A T officer candidate
The Nyssa post office will be open held on preventive measures.
Cormlck Indicated that the articles no nntUfs of nurses and patients in.
The Malheur Memorial hospital in thwtlearst publication might have volved. “That part of the unwar-
base with voluntary contributions atmosphere of unrest for the dtrilian school
all day Saturday, Dec. 12 and 19 to
and Is equipped to take care of about population and apprehension on the
baslc training
trainln_ is p
Bumgarner’s basic
r e -! ^ccommidate the IMblic in Christ­ was given recognlt.on for Its out­ gone unnoticed by her nursing staff ■ ranted indictment can easily be
60 children M o* o l the . t a M .r e part o l the men ttaUoned M the
e n t i i n c e t a t o T i mas mailing, according to Lloyd standing work in the care of polio had not the effects been noticed at disclaimed f» a small hospital like
patients during the epidemic in the Ny, sa hospital
tots whose parents were killed or a- base.
teachnical training and for assign Lewis, postmaster.
Nyssa's, but the inference that tips
mong the missing during the Korean
Keck emphasized that the doth- ment in specialized ¿o?k
As an added convenience, Lewis 1952.
During the past two weeks some are expected makes us alV boll,”
war Many of them are infants who ing is needed immediately since ex- r
_ _____________ _
said! the parcel post window would
patients have offered to tip members O ’Toole stated.
are being cared for by Korean women tremely cold weather has already set MnxiIFR niFSi
rertoin open until 8 p. m the nights RECEIVE PHONE CALL
of the local nursing staff. That has
The statement about tips from
under supervision of the Air Force in in Korea. The Nyssa airman left ‘
Mr. and Mrs. S. W Smiley re­ never been done before In the hist­ patients aroused the greatest stir
of Dec. 14 through the 18.
Innumerable factors . led to Tuesday for Elgin Air Force base,; Friends in Nyssa have received-
ceived a phone call Sunday from ory of the Malheur Memorial hospit­ because o f recent offers that have
he will be
fol- . word A
o V
t « In
of I« Father
Mrs. Fva Neely
of Salt Lake Cite * their son, Sgt. James H. Smiley, who al and It ls evident that the offers J>een made. In some metropolRan
the establishment of the orphanage, Fla.,
t.1 _
a - i_
m... J r
! bert Ahles' mother In 8 t. Cloud returned to her home Thursday after Just arrived In San Francisco after of cash tips came from patients who areas, the hospital boards and -ad­
Keck said, the foremost of which is lowing his overseas duty.
Persons having clothing are asked I Minn. The priest was called there visiting a week with her son-in-law serving two years In Japan with the had read the article and who had ministrators have policies that for­
the average OTa concern about the
*8° due to her Illness,
suffering that Ls prevalent In that to call Mrs. A. H. Keck, route 1, or two
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Vern United States army. He will be In never before been treated here, Mrs bid Accepting t'ns but at N-
' He will return home Sunday.
part of Korea. 800res of children phone 2814.
Nyssa soon.
, <*> XliConnlck said.
(Continued on page I?'
Hearing Tests
Reveal Several
With Defects
Christmas Seal
Booth Operating
Sania Mac’s With
1200 Children; To
Return Saturday | School
or Christmas
Local Boys Serve
On Judging Team
Barefoot Tots
Await Santa's
Treats Saturday
Changes Revealed
In Personnel Of
Local Post Office
Sr. Class Play
Declaied Tops
In Performance
Giade School
Sols Piogram
For Christmas
Sugar Beet Meet
Held In Salt Lake
Census Shows 5
Year High For
4-19 Age Group
County Council
For Handicapped
Children Formed
Council Rejects
Airport Sale Bid
Hewett Elected
Chamber Head
Hereford Crashes
Cellar For Meal
Airman Asks For Clothing Donations
For Air Force-Built Korean Orphanage
Memorial Hospital Nurses Are Angry
About National Writer's Statement
Bumgarner Taking
Air Force Training
Nyssa Men Attend
State Polio Meet