Uncial Notes JAYCEE-ETTF.S TO MEET A special Jaycee-etU* committee meeting will be held Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Lyle Miner where plans will be made for a Christmas party. Final plans will be presented to members at the regular meeting planned for Friday at the home of Mrs. Gerald Curry, 207 South Fourth. 4»— + Mrs. Beus Honored Mrs. Ersal Beus was honored guest at an informal evening Sunday in honor of her birthday anniversary. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fife, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Burningham and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Jeffries. HE K Y SS A GATE C IT Y JO U R N A L. N Y SSA . OREGON T H UR SD A Y. DECEM BER 3. 1953 J V : Frank Mrs. Fred Berry, Mr ••rt. n. Mr and Mrs. Harrison Ru.'.-<11 and Mr. and Mr.>. Johnny Woodcock. TJìe Russells won high. the Bar- b, ur> low and the Berrys. t raveling. club at her home with Mrs ewman as guest player. Robert Wilson and Mrs. John Olsen won high scores. Paces and Russells Entertain at Dinner Dinner Guest Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pace and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Russell enter­ tained with a dinner party recently at the Pace home. Places were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrison. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Shorty Brandt. Mr and Mrs. Tom Burningham and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Renstrom. B. B. Burroughs was a dinner guc-t Sunday evening at the Bud Wilson home. Thanksgiving Notes Birthdays Honored M and Mr John Stringer and : nuly were dinner guest' Thursday f Mr and Mr . Vaughan Stringer. Mrs. El wood Flinders, Gail and Gerald spent Thanksgiving in Utah i ih m . n il dei later and bro- iln:-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Hugo Ol­ sen. Mrs. Lorin Saunders of Provo returned with them. l>r. and Mrs. K. E. Kerby enter­ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yasuda tained at dinner Thursday for Dr. —Photo by Barano Kerby s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aus- ! themums and wore matching flower tin Kerby of Boise and Mr. and Mrs. j Clyde Snider and Ned. coronets. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Poster and ! Linda Joyce Kido and Patty Ann Kido were flower girls. They wore Tom and Bob Keveren were dinner , guests of the Kinsey Keverens on Miss Hisako Kido, daughter of Mr. white taffeta dresses. Thanksgiving. and Mrs. Y. Kido of Nyssa and Paul Heize Yasuda, brother of the Mr. and Mrs. Pete Flelssner and Yasuda. son of Mr and Mrs. H. Y a ­ groom, was best man and ushers family and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rain- were Dick Kurokawa. Ted Takehara. | <*y and family of WeLser were suda cf Payette were married in an Junior Yasuda and Bob K:do. Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and afternoon ceremony Saturday, Nov. The bride's mother, Mrs. Y. Kido, 21 at the First Baptist church in wore a wine afternoon dress with Mrs. Fred Bracken. Thanksgiving gue ts at the La­ Ontario. The Rev. H. J. Gernhardt gray accessories. Mrs. Yasuda wore ment Fife home were Mr. and Mrs. of LaGrande officiated. a gray knit suit with black acces­ Russ Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Chrysanthemums and candlelight sories. The wedding was attended Andrus of Salt Lake City; Mr. and formed the back ground for the Th it-of- Mrs. J. W. Worden and boys of Mos­ ceremony. Miss Yae Inouye was t-own were Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. cow, Ida., Mr. and Mrs. Reece Niel­ soloist, accompanied by Mrs. Mar- Thomas, Miss Nini Oyama, Mr. and sen and Cinthy of Hyrum. Utah, Mar vin Ogilvie. Mrs. Ogilvie also Mrs. Phillip Krieger. Portland; Mrs. Mrs. Walter Fife of Providence, played the wedding marches. George N. Peterson. Du Pont. Wash., Utah, Mrs. Wanieta Andraudy of The bride, given in marriage by J. Kato, Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Honolulu, Hawaii, and Mr and Mrs. her father, wore a Chantilly lace Inaba, Quincy, Wash.. Mr. and Mrs. Don Fife and Caren, Katherine and j With Your Home-Owned and satin gown embroidered with B Matsumura, Mr and Mrs. Mom Jerry Cromet of B. lS6. seed pearls. Her illusion veil was Matsumura. Jim Umemoto, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tobler enter- : held in place by a Juliet cap of seed Mrs. I. Umemoto. Mr. and Mrs. M. ;ained at dinner Thursday for Mr. I pearls and she earned a bouquet Umemoto and Mr and Mrs. Mas Mrs. and Mrs. Hugh Tobler, Mr. | of stephanotis and yellow roses cen­ Jio, Wapato, Wash, and Mr. and and Mrs. Evan Tobler and the Rev. Mrs. George Matsumura of Moses and Mrs. Vernon Taylor. tered with a white orchid. John E. Oslrom, Owner Mrs. John Kondo, sister of the Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chandler and The dinner reception following the Diane and Mrs. Dorothy Bibbey bride, was maid of honor and Miss ceremony was held at the Lion’s Mini Oyama of Portland and Mrs. were dinner guests Thursday of Mr. FOR TH A T DEN OR B A S E M E N T ROOM Hiro Kido were bridesmaids. They Den of the East Side Cafe with Joe and Mrs. Richard Mason. wore similar red velveteen ballerina Saito officiating as toastmaster and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Reece enter­ While Stock Lasts! dresses and carried white chyrsan- Mrs. Kaz Yamaguchi in charge of tained at a turkey dinner for Johnny the guest book. Clark of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. 4 x 8 KNOTTY PINE SHEET ROCK The bride attended the Nyssa high Kenneth Reece and family, Mr. and school, graduated from Eastern Ore­ Mrs. Lyle Reece and family and Mr. gon College of Education and is now and Mrs. C. M. Reitenbaugh. Only 12c a sq. ft. teaching in the Nyssa public schools. Mr. and Mrs. John O'Toole were LOOK The groom is a graduate of the dinner guests < f Mr. and Mrs. Glea Heart Mountain high school of , Billings. 2x4 — 2x6 — 2x8 Around at the NYSSA TR A D IN G Wyoming and is now engaged in The Charles Newbills entertained POST before you buy. Faacy work, farming in the Payette area. at dinner Thursday for Mrs. Charles The couple left immediately fol­ clothing of all kiu4K. radios, violins, Garrison, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gar­ Only $30.00 M lowing the reception for a two weeks’ rison, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kurtz suitcases, trunk, motorbike, chain trip to California. The new Mrs. saw and irony other things. Every Yasuda chose as her travel costume, and Gary. Mrs. Frank Newbill and S h eetin g_______$55.00 M Mr. and Mrs. Duane Holcomb and purchase a bargain. a plum red suit with winter white Connie Jo. accessories. Upon their return home, Store hoars 9 to 5 week days. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Horrman and Dial 2295 FREE D E L IV E R Y Dial 2295 thev will make their home in Dcck- family of Apple Valley and Mr. and : ers addition in Payette. Mrs. Ray Linville were Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max Dinner Guests Long. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Barker and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnson of Enterprise were Saturday evening Sue and Elwood Flinders were Tur­ • dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bud key Day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wilson. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Oxnam were * - * host and hostess to the following nt Guests in Vale Thanksgiving dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mason and G : n e Oxnam and family and Mr. Mrs. Dorothy Bibbey were dinner and Mrs. Bill Oxnam of Ontario. guests In Vale Sunday of Mr. and The group .-pent the evening viewing Mrs. LeRoy Barton. TV in Ontario at the Bill Oxnam home. Chandlers to Vale Ronnie Thcmp.on and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chandler and Mrs. Jim Nicholson spent Thanks­ Dianne were Sunday dinner guests giving in Jordan Valley at the home in Vale at the home of Mr. Chand­ of Mrs. Nicholson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pud Long. ler’s mother, Mrs. Alta Chandler. Mrs. Mamie Baker. Joanne and | * -* now with the Jean entertained Mr. and Mrs. How­ j Rebekahs Meet ard Myrick and family, Mr. and Mrs. Regular meeting of the Yellow "good old days,” test drivers at Standard ran Nephi Buck and Mr and Mrs. Lyle Rase Rebekah lodge No. 202 was held Miner and Larry at dinner Thurs­ popular cars of the 1920’s on 1925 gas, ’53 November 27 at the IOOF hall. Dur­ day. ing the business session, Mary Cox models of the same makes on today’s gas, and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Beck and fam­ was elected Noble Grand. Other o f­ ily spent Thanksgiving in »Caldwell ’53 models modified to use 1925 gas. All cars ficers elected were Irene Al.sup, vice with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Buxton and I grand; Beluah Gann, secretary and were driven over the same course, on the same family. Uene Morrison, treasurer. At the Mr. and Mrs. Ron Campbell were amount of fuel till they ran out of gas. The next meeting Mrs Cox will list her dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Camp, appointive officers. results may surprise you. Refreshments were served to nine­ Houseguests at the Roy Barnes teen members and one guest by host- home over the Thanksgiving week­ i esses Rose Toombs and Ruth Stra- end were Mr. and Mrs. Gib Frost ! baugh. and Ronnie and Gall. They returned Members of the Sunshine club will to their home in Junction City, Ore., meet Friday afternoon at the hall. Sunday. ❖ — * 5 * Mrs. Anna West and Miss Olive Tuesday Evening Bridge Beus of Provo, Utah, were dinner Members of the Tuesday evening guests Thursday at the Ersal Beus bridge club met at the home oi Mrs home. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Buchner en­ L. A. Maulding. Mrs. Walt Roth was a guest player High score prizes tertained at Thanksgiving dinner for were given to Mrs. Walter McPart- Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pasley and family and Virgil Bates of Caldwell. land and Mrs. Kinsey Keveren. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Child were din­ 4»— 4* ner guests Thursday of Mr aud Mrs Girl Scouts Meet Arvel Child. Five members of Girl Scout troop Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. No. 7 met "with their leaders at the and Mrs. Ray Russell were Mr. and school Monday night. The girls1 Mrs. Louts Pfeiler of Ontario and worked on, their pottery badges for Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hale and Mike the hour, with each one completing and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Wilson and an article which they will paint or Jan. varnish at their next meeting. Places were laid for 31 at a din­ Names were drawn for a Christmas ner given Thursday at the Lem W il­ party to be held in December. son home. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. 4*—+ Vern Wilson and James of Ontario, Kohls Entertain Mr and Mrs. Robert Morfltt of Owy* Mr. and Mrs. William Kohl enter­ hee dam, Mr. and Mrs. Barclay W il­ tained members of their potluck son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pinochle club from Vale Saturday Wilson and family and Mr. and Mrs. evening. Guest players Included Mr Harold Wilson and family, of Nys- and Mrs. Clarance Barbour, Mr. and sa; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and Rebekah members with birthdays in October, November and December were honored at a party given at the hall November 17. The evening was spent playing bunco. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Maulding Entertains hostesses who had birthdays in July. Mrs. L. A. Maulding entertained August and September. The tables members of her Tuesday afternoon were decorated with fall flowers. Hisako Kido Marries Paul Yasuda, Payette $ S-T-R-E-T-C-H Those PAG E F IV S family and Mr. aaid Mrs. R< bert Wils< . 1 i and Teresa of B.oi»e and Peti Schaffeld o f Vale Mr. and Mr-. Wilt•er C eti man -erved Thanksgivm g di;nner at their for Mr. and Mr Otto CToff- m i l and Mr and Mr Melvin Mar­ cum of Nyssa. .\lr. and Mrs. W. O. Newell and Mr. and M i'. Lee Oail and boy -pent the Thanksgiving holidays at Coos Bay with Orvia Newell and family. They returned home Sun- lay evening. Mr. and Mrs. James Savage en­ tertained at dinner Thursday 1 r the W. F. Savages, the Damon Sav­ ages. the John Savages, the Mark Hartleys. Pat Nicholson. Cathy Cole, man and Dave Savage. Places were laM for 26 . Dinner guests Thanksgiving at the Bud Wilson home were Mr. and Mrs. William Melton and family of Donnelly, Ida . Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Huihe. M ui Mary Justina of Fres» no, Calif. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Clay aod. children of Boi'ti spent T h a n k s ­ giving at the C. A. Wernick hor- -» A family reunion giving dinner was h* C. Lewis home Sat .r J laid for Mr. and V Tommy, Amy and ('• and Mrs. Mural L ■ J. B. Lewis. Mr. a: Brown and Ten miord Wilson. Mr and Mrs. E. A. Liming ar.d Mr. Liming's parents, Mr and Mrs. P. O. Liming spent Thanksgiving ia Cascade with Mr Liming’s sister, Mr and Mrs. J. L. Whitson. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Graham and two children of Quincy, Wa-h.. spent Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Don Graham. He is an engineer with the Bureau o f Reclamation. EAT M O R E ... $ Building Dollars N Y S S A L U M B E R CO. During the Holiday Season There is NOTHING to equal the flavor of our home-cured Hams. Keep one on hand at all times for that party or unexpected company. CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CURING FISCHER'S LOCKER SERVICE Open 'Til 6 P. M„ Monday Through Saturday Vi mile west on Alberta Ave. Dial 3093, locker plant Dial 3103 slaughterhouse and cutting room. rivers gasoline cost per mile down 20% To compare gasoline values bell Baer. Today’s gasoline gives you, under com­ parable driving conditions, 50% more miles per gallon than in 1925! What does it mean to you? Suppose you started on a trip from San Francisco to Lake Tahoe with 12 gal­ lons of gasoline— a route covering all kinds of driving. In the old car with 1925 gas, $300 io $500 Discount BUY NOW AND SA V E ! wo 1953 Ford Demonstrators VICTORIA— with Fordomatic Trans Heater, Radio, Lots of Accessories. Tahoe, 196 miles. Improved auto engines explain part of this— but bettor gasolines made them possible. You benefit steadily from the competition in research and op­ erating efficiency between Standard ami other oil companies. Competition steps up gasoline quality, helps hold prices down. 149 miles; but in the new car with today’s While b V " g costs have risen 54% in the last 28 years, today’s gasoline costs you only 22% more a gallon (except for taxes )... gasoline, y o u ’d go all the way to Lake gam.>line còst per mile has dropped one fifth! you’d travel about 131 miles; in the new car mutUfied for 1925 gasoline you d go Trucks STANDARD OIL C O M P A N Y OF CALI FORNI A plans ahead to serve you better o Do You Have PROBLEMS Which Life Insurance Can Answer? CUSTOM FORDOR— Radio, Heater Then see . . . Everette D. (Mike) Michaelsan WE STAND Your BETWEEN EQUITABLE Agent Dial 3355 THESE UNITS PRICED TO SELL YOU t X AND LOSS! BOB THOMPSON AGENCY You Get Your Best D eal At »Home