© o O {£} © i © <¡> • o Ö 0 $ TH E N Y S S A GATE C IT Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A . OREGON. TH U R SD AY'. N O V E M B E R 26, 1953 dom cf wor hip. according to Mrs. ed a pinochle party at the home of Mr. and Mrs Jake Groot of Ny-sa Laurence. The local members donated to this Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy H 'f f and family cause. were Sunday dinner guests at the The next meeting will be held home of Mr. and Mrs. M C. Seuell. Dinner Guests December 3 at the home of Mrs. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Sher­ M Sit. and Mr.s William Braden Donald Graham. man Keck one day last week was Mr. Livestock producers pre-ent at the _a. and family, Leroy Braden and Mrs. Keck's brother, Ray Keck. annual meeting of the Malheur Lulu Tyhurst of Weiser were dinner Thanksgiving Dinner Mrs. Oscar Samuels and Velda at­ County Live.-toek association in Vale guests Friday evening of Mr and tended a basketball game at N.N.C. last weekend voted four to one G iven By A u x iliary Mrs. Pat Braden. Sgt Braden and in Nampa Friday night. Terrel re­ Members of the Eagles Auxiliary turned home with them to spend the against direct price supp. rts for his family have been stationed in beef cattle, according to Tom Me Japan for the past four years and and their hu-bands met at the F. week-end. Elroy, president of the association, are en route to an Air Base in Virg­ O. E. hall Tuesday . Nov. 17 fer a pot Miss Janeal Fitzsimmons of Fruit, elected at the meeting. luck Thanksgiving dinner. inia. land was an overnight guest of Miss Appearing on the ballot was also The regular business meeting was + —•:• Deanna Evans Wednesday 1 a choice for increased government held following the dinner. Mrs. Mar­ Legion A u x ilia ry Horace Wood joined the air force ion Tracy was installed as inside last Thursday He will leave Nov 30 purchase of beef to -hip to needy i countries. No matter how they voted Donates To Causes guard. The next meeting will be to go to Lackland Air Force Base in on the direct price support question, Members of the American Legion held Tuesday, Dec. 1 and will be Texas where he will take his train­ they were nearly unanimously agreed auxiliary met Thursday evening at formal initation. ing. that increased buying directly from The auxiliary sponsored a card the Veterans Hall. The group voted Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Seuell and the producers for the purpose of to send $2 to the TB Health associ­ party last Saturday evening with family were Sunday aftern :on guests relief stricken areas would help in ation. Plans were made to fix three prize winners as follows: pinochle.: at the home of Mr. and Mr.,. M. C. preventing the further decline of the Thanksgiving baskets for needy fam­ Mrs. John O.rirom, high and Mrs. Seuell. I cattle market. Along this .same line, Bernard Frost, second: bridge, Mrs. ilies. Mr. and Mrs. George Groot were a resolution was adopted by the a s ­ Bert Lienkaemper, high and Mrs. Mrs. Rolland Laurence gave a dinner gue-ts of Mr. and Mr.-. George sembly urging that no foreign meat report on the American Legion aux­ Herb Fisher, second and canasta, Smit last Sunday. be shipped into this country at less Mrs. Dale Garrison high and Mrs. iliary district conference held in Mrs. George Pulsipher. Geraldine - than parity price. This stand was Wilbur Holcomb, second. Vale. November 14. All state officers and Corynne, and Mrs. Paul Thom­ The next card party will be held son left Monday for Seattle to at­ 1 taken because along with an cver- were present. She told the members i supply of beef in this country, in- of plans being made for Mrs. Eva Saturday, Dec. 12. tend the wedding of Miss Mary Jo : creased imports would be in com- Burdett. National president of the Jenkins, daughter c f Mrs. George d auxiliary, to help sponsor, with ail. Men Prepare And Pulsipher. She was married Nov. 24. -upply, Also, the fact that the cost Legion posts and auxiliary units,1 Serve Elk Dinner She has been attending college near of producing beef ha, stayed about ^ little wooden churches, to be built Seattle. on a level, or increased if anything, Houston Wilson, Dr. John Olsen, along the East-West frontier in Ger­ Jean Evans stayed overnight with and thnt prices for live cattle have Edward Boydell and Warren Farmer many. The Churches, of Catholic, Sherry Dale of Fruitland Thursday ! dropped nearly one-half in the past Jewish and Protestant denomination, planned, prepared and served a bar­ Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Chesney and eighteen months does not put live­ will prove to the Communist people becued elk dinner Sunday evening Francis visited their cousin, Mr. and stock in a position to compete with that American people have the free- at the Farmer home for their wives. Mrs. Clark Percy and family near meat produced in countries where Places were laid for eight. Homedale Sunday. labor and feed costs are so much —4* Mrs. M. C. Seuell attended a Farm cheaper. Lim ings Entertain Bureau meeting Tuesday night at Dr. A. G. Beagle of U. S. Bureau Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Liming enter- J New Plymouth. of Animal Industry, explained what tained at bridge Saturday for Mr. | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woods left was being done to combat new dis­ and Mrs. Houston Wilson, Dr. and j Tuesday for Twin Falls to visit rela­ eases important to the livestock in­ Mr-. John Olsen and Mr. and Mrs. tives during Tnanksgiving. dustry. W. A. Sawyer, Farris Hub­ A recognition potluck supper was bard, Scott Cooper, and Forest Sne- Harold Brendle. Prizes were won by held Saturday night at the Nu Acres va of Squaw Butte experiment sta­ Mr, Wilson and Mr- Olsen. Community hall. Paul Thomson was tion, and Neil Hoffman of the Mal­ ❖ —* master of ceremonies, speeches were heur station explained the latest Youth Enjoy Skate made by Gilbert Matsen, Payette findings of their various research Members of the second year inter- ! county extension agent, and Mrs. mediate class of the First Christian | Osborne of Ontario. Mrs. Paul projects. New officers elected besides Me t church went skating in Ontario Thomson told of some of the a- Wednesday evening. They were ac­ chievements of the Do-More 4-H Elroy of Vale, were, were Joe Fen­ companied by Mr. and Mrs. Ray club this year. The outstanding girl wick of Jordan Valley, first vice- president; Denny Jones of Juntura, j Strickland. and boy in the Do-More 4-H club second vice-president, and George •:— * work this year was Carol Montague Bain, county extension agent, secret­ Fam ily Dinner and Bob Thomson. For entertain­ ary-treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boydell enter­ ment Joanne Martin, Deanna Evans tained at dinner Sunday. Places were and Velda Samuels presented a skit. afternoon at Mrs. Cecil Hachtel’s laid for Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith Tommy Neilson played a trombone home in New Plymouth. and family of Oakland, Mr. and Mrs. solo and Kenneth Keck read a Miss Jacolyn Orcutt, daughter of Edward Boydell, Mrs. Ethel Mary poem. There were between 85 and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Orcutt of Nu Beckham and family and Harold 95 4-Hers, parents, and friends at­ Acres, was married to Fred Fisher of Apple Valley Thursday evening. tending the supper. Rhodes. Donna Nedbalek stayed overnight The wedding took place at the home of the bride’s parents. with Marilyn Evans Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Daudt and Miss Carol Montague who Is at­ family visited at the home of Mr. tending the University of Idaho at and Mrs. A. P. Chesney Saturday Moscow will be home Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving with her par­ afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Smit attend­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Montague Farmerettes Club ed the Community Concert in On­ and family. The Fruitland speech class pre­ The Farmerettes club met at the tario last Thursday. Mrs. M C. Seuell and Mrs. Lloyd sented a one-act play at the festival Community hall Wednesday after­ noon with 12 members present. Dur­ Seuell attended a party at Mrs. Bill in Nampa last Tuesday night. They received first on their play and will ing the business meeting, plans were Grasmick's Wednesday night. Mr. Hutchinson’s sister, Mrs. Earl now attend the state festival at made and committees were appoint­ ed for the annual Christmas supper Montgomery, of Kennewick, Wash., Gooding, Dec. 4. Only those schools to be held Dec. 21. Following the is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hutch­ receiving first, can attend the state, ’^liose from Nu Acres who were in business meeting Mrs. M. C. Sewell inson and family. Mrs. M. C. Seuell attended the the play were Corynne Fry, Gerald­ told of a clever table decoration. Recipes were given by Mrs. Cecil' ladies Farm Bureau meeting Friday ine Fry and Dannie Martin. Evans and Mrs. Merle Thomson. Mrs. Paul Thomson demonstrated a meth­ od cf textile painting and a new method of making pastry. The hos­ tesses, Mrs. J. T. Martin and Mrs. Eggert O ft served delicious refresh­ ments at the close of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. George Smit attend- County Livestock Men Vote Against Direct Supports ^lU'iai Suites PAGE S E V E » ¡Court Cases . . . $8 fine, $5 suspended, and costs. Herbert L Fisher, violation basic rule, $25 fine. 10 days and costs; Justice Court fine and sentence based n previous Nov. 18. Wilbert L. Walz, truck conviction Sept 9 for track peeding speeding, $10 and costs. Melvin Hit- and balance of unpaid $14 50 fine tle. violation basic rule. #35 and costs. Nov. 13, Clint W Simpson, no Nov. 20. Keith D. Bybee, truck motor vehicle licence, $3 and costs. speeding, $3 and costs. Horatio W 1 Nov. 14. Albert Oliverez. truck Griffiths, no step light. $3 and costs speeding. $10 and costs. A .mi H BUM, viola?u n basic rule, Nov. 16. Claude W Eachus, ob­ entered plea not guilty, time for structed vision, court costs only. W il­ hearing to be set. Nov. 23, Lillian D Blunck. no ope­ bur W. Foster, no clearance lights. $5 suspended fine and costs. rator's license, $3 and costs. Nov. 17. Jack Simpson, no motor Nov. 4. Manuel Gozales. no opera­ tor's license. $3 and costs. George H vehicle license, $3 fine suspended Curtis, passing with insufficient! and costs. clearance, $3 and costs. Police Court Nov. 5. William Hipp, no operator's Nov. 18. Herbert H. Fisher, stop license. $5 50 and casts, third warn­ sign violation, $5 ing Fernando U. Gallegos, violation Nov. 21 Ernesto Martinez, public basic rule, $25 and co.-ts. Nov. 7. John Pahrenbrach, no stop intoxication, $25 Nov. 4, Gorje R Ramirez, public light, $3 and costs. Nov. 8, Lawrence J. Brown, viola­ intoxication. $ !3 Nov. 5. Albert C. Nichola. viola­ tion basic rule, $35, $25, suspended, tion basic rule. $10. Ray T. Matsu- and costs. Nov. 9. Don Lucro, no operator’s bara, failing to yield right of way, $ 10 . license. $5 50 and costs, Nov. 6. Ygnsto Aranda, defrauding Nov. 10. Lawrence L. Patterson, falling to display motor vehichle hotel keeper, transferred to justice court. license, $5 suspended, and costs. Nov. 8, Gary G. Webster, violation Nov. 12. Goldie C Cassel, void for­ eign license plate. $3 suspended and baric rule, $15. Nov. 11. Fidel Rodriquez, defraud­ costs. Leonard A. Phillips, no tail ing hotel keeper, transferred to just­ light on trailer, $3 and costs. Devere C. Nelson, truck speeding. ice court. Eagles Case Pending On Check Writing A complaint was issued last week charging Dorothy Hughes with writ­ ing checks with insufficient fund» as the result of a $13.51 payment made to Pounds Grocery. After a p - pearing before Justice of the Peace Don M Graham. Mrs. Hughes wp* released on $90 bail wtule the court gives further study to various ac­ counts. The Justice of the peace .riateA that 189 checks had been written on a $1300 account in 30 days and that 19 checks are still out with no fund* to cover them. SAVE $$$$$$$$ And use CENTS when you baj at the trading post. 56 Main, by the Cnderpass. Fancy work, vio­ lin, radio, tremola. suitcase*, trunk, shoes, winter clothing of all kinds, pellet gun, (with gas chamber), motor hike, Mel'llad. chain saw, and many other ar­ ticles too numerous to mention. Store hours: 9 to 6. N Y S S A T R A D IN G PO ST Come In And See Our Complete Display ANNUAL of Christmas Presents for Every PHEASANT FEED NOW ON DISPLAY FOR EVERY CHRISTMAS SHOPPER Saturday November 28 8 P.M. Nu Acres News Member of the Family. WEEK-END SPECIAL Everglazed Polished Prints Special Promotion Sizes 3 to 6 $ 1.00 F orm erly to Sell for $1.79 WILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE Nyssa, Ore. Dial 2721 Eagles Members and Their Wives f e w i<*o 0 .V fo r giving • • • ’54 CHRYSLER WINS “GREATEST STOCK-CAR TEST IN THE WORLD!” Time to have Those Christmas Gifts on Lay-away ROBES for the Children's Christmas in a variety of Colors—Styles Materials Boys' sizes to 8yrs. Girls' sizes to 14 yrs. We Carry a Complete Line of Holgate and Playschool Educational Above you see Chrysler smashing the all-time 24-hour endur­ ance record at Indianapolis to win the Stevens Trophy! An incredible performance! 2,157 miles in 24 hours ’round the clock over the toughest hard-top track in the World! Here ia thrilling proof o f the stamina, durability, and safety o f the new T>4 Chrysler. Its 23M i-p. FirePower V-6 engine and P ow erflite fully-automatic transmission far out-performed all other cars in the history o f this event! And set the amazing new record without any replacement of engine parts! Now COME 1RIVE THE CAR THAT DID IT! The power of leadership is yours in a beautiful THE STORK SHOP "C h ild i'«n 's Specialty Shop" 14 No. 3rd » Dial 3020 mind you, this was no special car! Selected from regular pro­ duction models by A A A officials, this iethe beautiful Chrysler now on display! This is the same record-breaking performer we invite you to come drive! And what an experience for you! You’ll feel the one and only 235-h.p. performance! Performance that says you drive tfte leader. You’ll see new beauty inside and ->ut that tells the world you drive the leader! Come drive the ’54 Chrysler yourself for the most exciting and memorable experience o f your motoring lifetime! ’54 CHRYSLER WAGGONER MOTOR Co. - 116 Good Ave. o