THE N YSSA GATE CITT JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. T H U R S D A Y . NO VEM BER 12. 1953 phea-ants. They returned home Monday. Mrs. Mary Met onncll and Mrs. Btrney Wikon left Tuesday for Marysville, Calif., to visit Mrs. W il­ son's brother, Jim Richey. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wilson and son, Lee of Baker were guests in Pilone 2233 Nyssa Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Wilson and Mr and Mrs. George Wilson. Tuesday Evening Bridge Lois W ilson Honored Mrs. Nora L. Jackson and Mrs. Mrs. Walter Rcth was hostess to Lois Wilson was honor«! a’ a Wilton Jackson were in Boise members of her Tuesday evening party on her 17th birthday given by bri.ige elub at her home Prizes were her mother, Mrs. Bud Wilson. K j Thursday. t’pl. J. B. Roberts was visiting at von by Mrs. Dwight Mason, Mrs. chicken supper was served to 23 Duane Alters, Mrs. George Cobem guests following school Thursday- the home of hLs parents, Mr. and evening Ljrr.nette Hickmai. wor. the Mrs. Ben Roberts of Nyssa while ar.- Mrs. Dvight Wyckoff. The group presented Mrs. Cobem prize for games played followmg home on a furlough last week. Cpl. Roberts, stationed M Camp Hanford, dinner. with a pink and blue gift. ■Wash., and a Korean veteran, also •5*—❖ vi.vited his brother and sister-in-law, Mrs. B uchner Has Luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Leon Roberts. | Mrs. Carlas Buchner entertained Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Thomason at luncheon Monday noon for Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Neely and Richard Wilson and Carolyn. Mrs. j daughter. Gloria spent Sunday in . of Rawlins, Wyotn., spent last week Payette at the home of Mr. and Mr>. In Nyssa with Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Hartley and Mrs. Walter Dave Stoihr. Murphy and friends. They returned ■ McPartland. Larry and Donald Shaw spent the to their home Saturday. -5-— + week end in Homedale visiting with Cam pbells A ttend Mr. and Mrs. Charles McAleen and their grandparents, the Rev. and Lowell of Bend were week end guests D inner P arty Mrs. E. J. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bvbee left in Nyssa at the Ray Russell home. attended a dinner party Saturday Friday ior Idaho Falk, Logan and They also hunted pheasants while evening at rhe home of Mr. and Salt Lake City on a vacation. While they were here. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Depew re- Mrs. Conan Mathews in Boise. The there, they will visit the LD6 Tem­ | turned Thursday to their home in dinner was in honor of Mrs. Arm- ples in each city. inta Hogan on her wedding anni- ] Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fischer spent Y.'tes Center. Kansas, after visiting two weeks in Nyssa with their son- Sunday in Wilder and Caldwell. versary. I>r. Brad Pease of Bend and Bill in-la v and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. •I-—♦> Knox of Portland were house guests Fred Bracken. G ran t Lewises E ntertain Mrs. Dorothy Bibbey, Mrs. Tom Mr. and Mrs. Grant Le .vis enter­ several days last week of Dr. and Mrs. K. E Kirby while they hunted Chandler, and Mrs. Richard Mason tained members of their Thursday evening bridge club with I)r. and Mrs. John OLen and Mr. and Mrs. Houston Wilson as guest players. Warren Parmer won high score and Mrs. Lewis won second high. G IV E N W IT H E AC H E L E C T R IC R A N G E * —❖ Do You H ave PROBLEMS § n r i a i ! i \ c t i hit ic s W h ich Life In su ran ce C a n A n sw e r? Then see . . . Carole Wilson, Editor E verett* D. (Mike) M ich aelson WM S T A N D Your BUTWU9N EQUITABLE YOU A g en t ANO LO S S! DUl 3355 BOB THOMPSON AGENCY I'm a farmer . . . but I’m a businessman, too. That’» why I bank at First Na­ tional, where they keep business hours. First National gives me 60 extra bank­ ing hours a month, so I can bank leisure­ ly . . . more conveniently. So, no matter what your business, open your account at First National, the bank that’s open 10 to 5, Monday through Saturday. NYSSA F I ¡1ST N A T I O N A L B A N K , PO RTLAND ■uau riMiM Diront tautA/sct cotrot*ru» j U-à m n f How to get better results with kerosene appliances N ow Paying Mrs. N. L. W iLon attended a Christian Woman.- Council meeting in Ontario Thursday aftern on. Mr. »nd Mrs. J. ( . Smith spent lest week in Portland where they visited their son-in-law and daugh­ ter, Mr and M- Kenneth Farner Mr. Smith also attencU i an u r n n League of Cities convention. Mrs. Rosooe Findley, Lynn and Randy and Mi Net: •>> In -am and Mrs. Pete Blake, all of Vale visited Monday with M- c m .:, .. . USE JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADS Highest Prices ( lovers - Alfalfas - Grasses Bring Type Sample To Parma Office CERTIFIED < LEASERS By Crop Improvement Ass'n. Cleaning $1.50 cwt. W ATTS S eed Co. Phone 2-3M1. Parma V Don’t Miss Our LOCAL NEWS T ! A BUSINESSMAN TOO!” Or -pen: Thursday In N i m o s s sg fll FREE T U R K E Y D inner Guests ¡nnii#~7> PU R C H A S E D U N T IL N O V. 26 Dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Russell were Mr. and Mrs. Charles MrMeen and i Lowell of Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Lau­ rence Pace of Parma and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pfeiler of Ontario. -I-—•!• F rig id aire a n d M onarch W e G ive S & H Green Stamps PETERSON FURNITURE CO. with any 1954 Philco Television Console! DANCE Buy during this 25-year leadership celebration and S a v e ! O ffer includes this Philco 4108 with true-to-life Deep Dimension 21-inch T V pictu re plus D irectional U H F-V H F Built-In Aerial! Wide range of other models. U Honored on N inth ; B irthday A nniversary MKs Mary K Olsen was honored I on her ninth birthday anniversary at a party given Saturday evening by her parents. Dr. an -eleven guc.ts. 217 Main Nyssa Saturday, Nov. 14 _ $4.00 m OREGON TRAIL HALL D inner Guests Mrs. George Mitchell entertained members of her Tuesday afternoon bridge club it her me. Mrs. Earl Hollingsworth and Mrs. Harry M i­ ner were guest players and Mrs. Henry Hartley won high. - .% _.♦. * • 4 Sponsored by B IG T R A D E IN S o Oregon Trail Grange — O wyhee Riding Club Music by Mae Cock's Orchestra Wilsons E ntertain G O o W eekly (Old Oregon Trail School) i Donnie and Diane Wilson were | dinner guests Friday evening of ' Della and Barbara Wll>, n. ■ / z/u A dm ission $1.20 O Wilson Bros. Dept. Store Nyssa Dial 2721 O o -¿J O o O Ui f Wl There’s no need to stand watch over baking in your kerosene range or stay near a kerosene heater or lamp when fir t lit if you always burn Pearl Oil, Standard’s famous kerosene. A Pearl Oil flame does not creep up. It is super-refined . . . impurities re­ moved, maintains even heat, allows smoke and soot- free o|K-ration. Pearl Oil burns evenly without “ ker- oseney" fumes, and is a favorite for incubators and brooders. For top results with kerosene appliances, let us supply you with Pearl Oil. o o o o o o O \ For more information about Standard Oil Company of California products, call your local Standard man i : 1 ■ WILLIAM E. SCHIREMAN Nyssa Dial 3131 ¡ » W f i ï ï T Â You're M: WIGWAM AND Turkey Red Flour I t ’ s yrmr money, of course—hut we’d like to see you make the most of it. That’s why we publish the price of the big for local people A sk for coil springs on all fou r wheels, and engi­ neered with all the other costly features of Buick S pe c ia l here— to make Point # 1 : you ca n b u y th is g r e a t p e r f o r m e r f o r ju st a f e w d o l la r s m o r e th a n t h e s o - c a l l e d " l o w - p rice th ree.” And, speaking o f extras — here you get, at n o ex tra co st, a long list o f standard equipment that most other cars at or near the price o f this Buick charge you for, as B u t Point # 2 —the sm a r t point—is this: W h en you put up those few extra dollars for the Buick pictured here, you’re in the driver’s seat of a lot mote automobile. extra power — more satisfying pow er—w allopin g Buick Fireball 8 power —highest ever found in a Buick S pe c ia l . milled in Southwestern Idaho road-steady traveler that’s cushioned by the M illion D o llar Ride. You boss Your favorite fam ily flour the driver's seat You get extra room—a lot more comfort­ able room — real, man-sized, 6-passcnger room — as much room as you get in cars Costing hundreds of dollars more. "extras” on the bill of sale. S o , as we said — it’s your money— and it’s your move. If you’re aiming for the driver’s seat of a hard-to-bcat b u y — f o r a l o t le s s th a n y o u t h i n k —c ome in and see us soon. MM. TON MRU start (or SUICK in tJ* IU IC (4 (tU SHOW on TV Twatdoy Rvoningi. Alto, ovary Sotardoy, tun. in THo TV football Gama ot tKa Waak — a "GM" Kay Fvant and 2-Door, 6-Passenger Sedan Model 48D (illustrated) • O p f o n o / .q v . p n . n r a r c v ii o r iv i i t o t . and to to l lo u .i rf an» oddih jnal ht< VI may toty ihghtly in odiom tng rp fn a v n .r.v t dva to itu p p .v g char gat. A ll p r .c v i •vb .v cr ro iharngn w rtiout vo . IT’S TRADE-IN TIME FOR A BETTER DEAL THE GREATEST IM B 0 You enjoy extra satisfaction — more solid W IG W A M AU P u rp ose Today’s local delivered price of the BUICK SPICIAL GREAT YEARS satisfaction—in the ride of this big, broad, Want the top allowance on your present ca r—and a great buy in the bargain? CoMe in and see us for the happy news—now. WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM * TURKEY RED H ard W h e a t Flour a t y o u r G rocer's Secon d St. a n d G ood A v e . Roberts-Nyssa, Inc. NYsaA. O regon TT OO O