O THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1953 Tallman of Homedal? to Vale on Howard Hatch went to flam pa Sat­ business Wednesday morning and urday or. business. returned to the McDonald home and Mr. and Mrs. John McGuire of hao u inner Nampa and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Mrs. 1 irnneth McDonaM Mrs Werner JVutz called on Mrs. Kygar and Maxu.e were Sunday DUI 3209 Ben Hartley Sunday. dinner guests at the A1 Parker home Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Crocker spent Mr and Mrs Donald Hatt and Members of the O K. K will meet Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. children had Sunday dinner in Ad­ ■Wednesday, Nov. 18, at the heme oi Johnny Johnston. rian at the Howard Hatch heme. Mrs. Clukrley Culbertson w;th Mrs. Mr. and Mr... Gordon Toombs o f Mr and Mrs Kenneth McDonald Ronald Batt as co-hostess. Mitchell Butte called in the Donald took a load of calves to the feeder Mr. and Mrs. George Schwvizer Hatt home Sunday morning. returned Sunday from a 12-day trip Mr and Mrs Bob Morfitt of Owy­ sale in Ontario Friday and called at to Haver, Mont., where they visited hee Dam and Mr. and Mrs. "R ed" the Gene Combs home In the after­ with a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Barr Davis of Butte. Mont., called at the noon. Doolittle, and grandson, George Doo. Werner Peutz home Sunday evening little, who came home on leave from The Davis’s are spending a few days the U. S. Air Force before going to at the Dam with thv Morfitts. Mr and Mrs. Ernie Barker of O n­ Newfoundland where he has an 18- month assignment. The Schweizer.-- tario had dinner with Mr. and Mrs Mr«. Alva GoodrU returned by way o f Spokane and Darrell Williams Thursday. Mr anad Mrs Kenneth McDonald Kennewick where they visited with Dial 2804 Mr. and Mrs. Max Schweizer and and children went to Murphy Sun­ day to visit her parents, Mr. and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goodell and Mrs. Darrell Williams. Mrs. Keith Mrs. Ray Fletcher. They also stop­ Tallman of Homedale and Mr* H \ - ped in Homedale to see Mrs. Mary daughters of Caldwell were Sunday ard Evans o f Parma went to Payette Fletcher who is staying with Mr* dinner guests at the Edward Topliff last Monday and called on Mrs. Martha McDowell and receiving home. medical care from a doctor in | Jesse Hiatt and Mr and Mrs. Earl Stanley Penn in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Homedale. Hiatt of Myrtle Creek have been Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hatt and visiting the past week at the Mancil accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bishop home. Mrs. Martha Norland of Parma visited Sunday with James Stephen, Jr., who is under the doctor's care and will be confined for three weeks or more. GIVEN WITH EACH ELECTRIC RANGE Mr. and Mrs. Ward Lundy, Jr., and boys called at the John McCal­ PURCHASED UNTIL NOV. 26 ister home at. Owyhee Corners Fri­ day evening Mr. and Mrs. Chester Jamison of Nampa were Sunday evening dinner We Give S & H Green Stamps guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bert­ ram. Mr. and Mrs Willis Bertram at­ tended the Owyhee Riding club meeting at the Brower home in Nys- 217 Main Nyssa sa Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Griffits helped Claude Day cele­ brate his birthday with a party at his home near Adrian Saturday eve­ ning. Mr and Mrs. BiU Brooks of Hazel, ton. Ida., have been visitors the past -everal days at the Mancil Bishop home. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Diven c f Cn’.d veil visited Sunday at the W il­ son Winter home. Mr and Mrs. Guy Tanner were in Baker last week. Mr. Tanner went hunting while Mrs. Tanner visited her two aunts. Mr-,. Dudley Wright and Mrs. Maude Ray. Mrs Tanner’s mother, Mrs. Pearson of Emmett, staved with the Tanner children while they were eone. San Francisco $18.50 Mrs. Eugene Cleaver and children TACOMA $10.75 •v«-» d'oner guests Sunday at the Lloyd Cleaver h-m e In honor c f OMAHA $27.40 Linda Cleiv«*r’s birthday. MEMPHIS $37.20 Mr. a**d M r s . La wren™* Coats and Elmer of Portland spent from Thurs­ $77.20 D ALLAS day until Sunday at the George Sacramento $16.25 Cleaver home. Mr. and Mrs. Coats and son and Mr. and Mrs. George Plus tan DIAL 9912 Cleaver were Saturday evening din­ 511 MAIN l Jwyhee f Y 1 Buena Visla FREE TURKEY Frigidaire and Monarch PETERSON FURNITURE CO. TAKE A GREYHOUND FOR THAHKSGIVm... “-GREYHOUND PAGE THREE ner guests at the John Cleaver home. Mrs. La Vera Cleaver entertained at a fashion show at her home Thursday evening. Que-ts were Mrs. Thurman Hill. Mr.-. D. n Herron. Mrs. Don King, Mrs. Floyd Hale, Mrs Dwane Holcomb, Mrs. Betty Bowen. Mrs. John Bowen and Mr.-. G iant Refre.dunenls were served Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cleaver attended the Vale-Ontario football game at Vale Friday evening. with his grandparents. Mrs Gearld Mrs. Richard Triblehorn and son Zitteroob. Her son, Jerry Ray, a c­ were dinner guests at the heme of companied her. Mr. and Mr.- Bob Mei-in’ er Tue-- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shaw and Larry Mr and Mrs. Otis Bullard and day evening The occasion be in a Mr I spent Tueidav in Ontario. Mr J .h n Zitteroob were business Meiair.ger’.s birthday anniver-ary Mr*. C. V Neely Is rnaprra.in - at visitors hut Wednesday ui Boise Mr J. E Warner attended the her home following surgery in the Mr and Mrs. Richard Triblehorn Community club at Willow Creek Holy Rosary Hospital in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Robbins and and son of Greely, Ook>., are visiting last Friday. Mrs. Triblehorn's brother, Fred John Zittercob. George and Jean family o f Mountain Home. Ark, Schilling, and family and her sis­ Moeller attended the Ontario-Vale visred several days last week with ters. Mrs. D evoid Benedict and fam ­ football game in Vale Friday even­ their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs Harold Robbins. They ily. Mrs. Arnold Winkler and family ing. were en route to Pre-ser, Wa h.. and Mrs. Bob Meisinger and family Most everyone from Arcadia at­ Where they will make their home David Murakami is spending his tended the Harvest Festival in N> isa Mr. and Mrs. Fay Collins and fam. week at the Clyde Bowers home and Saturday and Saturday night ily spent Sunday with Mrs Collin's Janis Murakami is at the George Mrs Ray Sparks of Rupert .-.pen1 father, Mrs. Roy McGrath and Moeller home while their parents, | Thursday night with Mrs Clyde daughters in Star. Mr and Mrs S.g Murakami are gone Bowers. Mrs. George Mve 1er Keith Bybee, Jr., is spending the to the coast. Mr and Mrs. Elmer Stradley visit­ »»■ell with his gr tndparenrt.'-, Mr and Dial 2733 Mr and Mrs. Fred Schilling and ed Mrs. William Stradley in Big Mrs. D. O. Bybee. Bend Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George McKee spent Mr and Mrs. J E. Warner at­ family. Mr and Mrs. D*ward Bene­ dict and family. Mr and Mrs Arnold the week end in Boise with Mr. and tended the wedding of Beverly Vice Winkler and family and Mr and USE JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADS. Mrs. John Dugal. and Don Shearer of Willow Creek at the Lutheran church in Nyssa Sun­ day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard left last Thursday for a game reserve near Lakeview, Ore., where they will visit with Mr. and Mrs Clyde Long, who are employed there. Donald Bullard wlio is attending Oregon Tech, met them there over the weekend and they enjoyed goose hunting. Fred and Sarah Kita and their nephew returned last week from Ru­ pert. Ida., where they have been working in the potatoes. Johnny Tucker, who has been em. ployed in the forest reserve near John Day all summer has returned to his home here The Arcadia Sunshine club met Nov. 6 with Mrs. Elmer Stradley with 13 members and one visitor. Mrs. Harold Dail, present. Mrs. Hust drew the door prize. The club voted to have an apron sale Dec. 1. After the business meeting the mem. bers shelled popcorn for the hostess. The next meeting will be Nov. 20, with Mrs. Ted Bowers. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schilling at­ tended a dinner Monday evening at Brownie’s Cafe in Nyssa with several other couples to celebrate the wed- d 'r g anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William Straub of Ontario. After dinner they went through the sugar factory, then returned to the Schil­ ling home where they .-pent the eve­ ning playing cards. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bowers. Don and Bob. and David Murakami visit­ ed at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Houston Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glasgow of Prairie City visited Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stradley. Bud Rossou left Sunday for Illi­ nois to get his household furniture. Mr. and Mrs. Rossou are moving into the ten m n t house on the George Hust farm. Mrs. Ros-ou and Mr-. Host are sisters. Mrs. Ira Ure. Jr., went to Boise Monday to get her son. Bobbie who has spent the past two weeks there LOCAL NEWS Around Arcadia Why more than a m illion owners this year have chosen the Worth M or They have discovered first hand what the surveys sh o w .. . Ford, with all its fine-car features, is worth more when you buy it, and worth more when you sell it I o can’ t be wrong! Ford is the one fine car in the low-price field. It gives you the "G o,” the style, the comfort, and "build” of cars that sell for far more. And, It’s only natural that Ford keeps its value better, in resale, than any other car on the Ameri­ can Road. Check the features below for some of the "Worth More” reasons for the swing to Ford. ver A MILLION ow ners IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE! GENERAL AMERICA PREFERRED STREET PRO PERTY OWNERS HAVE NEVER SAVED LESS THAN 15% ON FIRE INMRANCE COSTS. Ask notv if your property qualifies! lew eit-p rired V-8 in A m er­ ic a ! And It a onty V - 6 in thè low -prlce (le ld . Fo rd 'i h lg h - c o m p r e n io n V-8 p o w .r p lan i d e liv e ri iti " G o " on rag giar goti M eit Meder* S i i o f a ll It Ford i h lg h-co m p reu ^ o n, low .friction M ;l*ag e M aker, W ith O v e rd riv e , If b e a t a ll other e o n entered In 1953 M o b ilg at Economy Run. Smeetker Ride, with front end ro a d .hock reduced up k» 8 0 % , It another Ford big-car feature . . . and you get It without g a i eating e it r a weight. Fiee-Car le ild m eoni uting •teel o f the tam e q uality afkd Ihickn eu o i In the co itlle it c a n . And Ford It the moit com p letely Intu- la ted ca r In Itt R eid . Ferdemetic Drive It the only "au to m atic" In Iti field fo o ffe r the " G o " o f an au to ­ m atic in term ed iate g e a r plut the MBOOthnen o f a torq ue con verter. Fieett Few er i teer leg — thot'i Ford M a tte r-G u id e . H d o e i up «0 7 3 % o f the ite e rln g work y e t re ta in ! the normal ite e rln g " f e e l" on the itra lg h ta w o y l. Join the swing to - Dial 2288 Dial 6697 ...tak e a Test Drive todayl • HERRINAN MOTOR CO. If you’re interested in RENSTROM AGENCY 314 Main, Nyssa used cars, be sure to see our selection!