»* ■*© fl» fS> o @ © THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 5. 1953 Buena Vista Mrs. Alva Goodell Dial 2804 Mr and Mrs. Maynaad Thompson ci Rawlins, Wyo., visited last week at the Leslie Topliff home. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Coats spent the week end at the George Cleaver home. Mr. Coats and Mr Cleaver are cousins and had not seen each ocher for 40 years. The C ats were enroute home to Port- FREE TURKEYS are coming Nov. 12 to 25th PAGE SEVE» lanJ after visiting at Cheyenne, Wyoming. Mr and Mrs. Jchn B--ven cf Vale vere Wednesday evening dinner iuests at the LaVern Cleaver home Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stephen and family spent Sunday evening visit- ning guests at the Ward Lundy, Jr. I k me. Ward Lundy, Sr. and Rcbert Run­ corn were in Portland la-t week on business. Mr. and Mrs Bill Brocks of Haz- elton. Idaho viuted Sunday at the ner attended a sale and Mrs. Tan­ ner visited her cousm, Car.-etta Smith. Mr. and Mrs Ray Oir of Hernia- ton visited several days the pa*t week with his sister. Mr*. Letter Cleaver and family. Winter, Mr and Mi >. Jchn Cleaver. Mr and Mrs LaVern Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram and Mr. and Mr. Alva Goodell. Four tables f pinochle were played with Mrs. O E Cheldelin and Loyd Adam., v.uniiig high. Mrs. Alva Goodell Wilder. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Hill at­ tended a wedding anniversary party for Mr. and Mrs. Junior Sundell. The group was in Ontario for din­ ner Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs. Harry Belles had Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Chadderdon and Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams as dinner guests. Mr-. Loyd Adams accompanied Mrs. Jim Jamieson and Lorraine to Boise Wednesday. Sandra Day and Barbara Tanner attended a Hallowe'en party at Jan- ell Fife’s home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John McCallister of Owyhee Comers were Friday eve- homes. Mr. and Mn Ed Curtain of Port­ land visited Wednesday at the Ward Lundy. Jr. home. Mrs. Claude Day and children of \drsan spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Howard Day. Mr. and Mrs. S. B Hoffman left Saturday for Nebraska where they will visit their son. Hugh Hoffman and other relatives Guy Tanner, George Bessendorf- fer. Willis Bertram, Howard and Claude Day. Lloyd and Le.ter Clea­ ver and Mangus Ekanger were elk hunting the past week Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tanner were in Nampa Wednesday where Mr. Tarv- Sunday evening with Irvin Topliff at Adr.an. Mr and Mrs. George Cleaver and Mr and Mrs. Alva Ooodell were in Caldwell Thursday attending a sale Mr. and Mrs. Ray Griffltts and family called on Mr. and Mrs Jim Ritchie Sunday evening. Claire Simpson and Martin Tan­ ner attended a Halloween party at the LDS stake house Saturday eve­ ning. A potluck dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Clea­ ver Wednesday evenuig Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parr. Mr Loyd Adams, Mr. and Mrs. O. E Cheldelin. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and Mrs Alva Goodell and George Friday to spend the week-end Mr Cleaver, traveling. Jones came home with her daughter Mrs. Howard Day was an over­ and stayed until Saturday Mr night guest of Mrs. Jim Ritchie Walters returned to Boise Monday morning where she is taking treat­ Saturday. Mr.. James Stephen. Jr. and Mrs . ments at the hospital. Lloyd Cleaver helped with the Hal- I Mr. and Mrs. Don Franklin and Vowe’en party a: the ichcol Friday sons of Boise and Mr and Mr* J e Bennett and children also of Boi..e afternoon. had Sunday dinner in the Lynn K\ ___________ gar home. DRIVER EXAMINER FRIDAY Mr. and M j Mark Hartley wer: Friday is the day for the drivers «> Boise Saturday evening to see license examiners to visit Nyssa Mis. Hartley’s brother, Dave Sav­ again. They will be at the city h a ll, age ;>lav football for the K m B a m rad I p. n>. to give Falls team when they met the Boise vritten examinations and the Junior College team. driving tests. Mrs. Ed Bassett is caring for five Owyhee Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Dial 3209 of the Beryl Phifer children Luis week while Mi s. Phifer is in Liu» Ontario hospital with a new son. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Bigelow visited in the Janies Stephen, Sr. heme Sunday afternv*on Mr. and Mrs Kenneth McDonald and children drove to Walla W sfh Saturday morning where they met Mr Martha Klingback and Fred who had driven down from Seattle. The group spent the night and t«. turned to their respective h u e s Sunday. Mr- A C Patter-on arrived ¡Sat­ urday evening from Clinton. Utah. Lo visit at the home of her sob . Grant Patterson. B.»b Sumpter spent the week end here from Nampa where he worfc» with the railroad. Mr Dudley Kurtz and Fauna called on M: Mark Hartley and hildren Thursday aftarnooh Mrs. M Atagi had a birth» lay party for her son. Junior. Satur»iay afternoon and in Che evening tlie youngsters went out to ‘Trick or e. It’s All Free! Saturday, Nov. In appreciation to you people who make our business possible SPORTS EVENTS TURKEY SCRAMBLE For Older Boys and Girls 11:30 A.M. F R EE BARBECUE Served on Grade School Lawn 3 LARGE BEEVES Potatoes, Gravy, Bread, Onions, Coffee, Cider You Can't Buy Anything— BALLOON SCRAMBLE For Kiddies FREE PRIZES Demonstration by Ontario National Guard Uni* IT'S ALL FREE AIR SHOW BY GOWEN FIELD AIRBASE ISOth FIGHTER SQUADRON DURING BARBECUE H 2:00 P. M. -< d- 8:00 P. M. F R E E MATI NEE FOR KIDS BAND CONCERT At Nyssa Theatre—"Cow Country" Free Tickets For Show At Nyssa Stores No Purchase Necessary The 30-piece Nyssa M unicipal Band Will Play at the High School Gymnasium, Under Direction of Leon Burt : H irvry NOTICE OF FILING APPLICATION FOR A CHANGE IN POINT OF DIVERSION OF WATER Notice Is given hereby that Wil- hemlne Kie.sel Shearman and Wil- hemlne Kie.sel Shearman, Tustee. has filed an application for the ap­ proval of a change in point of di­ version of water from Snake River. Certificate of water right issued to Wilhemine Kie.sel Shearman and Wilhemlne Kiesel Shearman, Trus­ tee, and recorded at page 19752. Vol. 14. State Record of Water Right Certificate, confirms a right under j Permit No. 12923, to the use of j water of Snake River for the irriga- [ tion of, among other lands, 26.5 acres in NE1« SE 1, and 40 acres in SE'i SE't. Sec. 9. and 2 acres in Lot 1 [ (NW's S W \ > and 29.8 acres in Lot | 2 (SWV4 SW'4), Sec. 10, and 29.8 in NW'i NWS and 10 2 m SW\ NW1,. Sec. 15, T. 19 S., R. 47 E..W.M., with a date of prior­ ity of January 3, 1938 These lands ! are Irrigated by means of a pump- i ing plant, the point of diversion of said pumping plant being located 2260 ft. S. and 2070 ft. W. from NE corner of Sec. 16. and being within Lot 2 (SW'.NWU), said Sec. 16. T. 19 S„ R. 47 E , W. M. The applicats herein, owners of the lands above described, pro­ pose to change the point of diversion | downstream to a point to be located | 913.5 ft. S. from NW corner of Lot 2 • » .i» a'-'t r i ili ir la g Carolyn Patt©i»on — Judy Volt© Music of Former Snake River Stampede Rodeo Queens in Cowboy Numbers Charles Steffen's 7-pc. Orchestra 5fi Just Driving ly ? . . . . Thra tha Patty Smith PLEASURE Acrobatic—Tap Dance Numbers w ill all b* yours if you stop in. And Olher Ousfanding Talent o Dancing from 9—1 Berrell s Cafe Teresa Anderson o* Harvest Festival Co-sponsored by Nyssa CHAMBER of COMMERCE and BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION Manager Nyssa iQ,t)ial 9972 * i